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邵志毅  杨波  吴振强  张明武 《通信学报》2014,35(Z2):106-111
在指定验证者的可搜索公钥加密(dPEKS)中,提出IND-KGA-SERVER安全模型,形式化描述针对服务器的安全。基于IND-KGA安全的dPEKS、数字证书授权中心CA、以及强不可伪造和不可否认的签名,在攻击者是服务器的情况下构造出抗KG(keyword guessing)攻击的dPEKS方案。方案是从IND-KGA安全到IND-KGA-SERVER安全的编译器。  相似文献   

随着云计算的飞速发展,如何利用云服务器进行数据的安全存储成为相关领域的研究热点问题.云存储可以在节省本地管理成本的同时,增强存储数据的可访问性和可用性,但也会面临数据隐私泄露的风险,从而威胁数据安全.而用户将文件加密后上传又会面临如何在云端对加密数据进行有效搜索的问题.应运而生的可搜索加密技术不仅能高效检索出访问者所需...  相似文献   




云存储环境下多用户可搜索加密方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可搜索加密技术用来检索存储在云端的加密数据,既能够保证数据的安全性,同时又能够使得加密数据不失可用性.多用户可搜索加密技术使得用户在对云服务器保密的情况下与其他用户进行数据分享.在现有的基于Elgamal代理加密的多用户可搜索加密方案的基础上,本文对原有方案中的数据加密方式做出了更改,使得经过用户加密的数据只会在必要的时候才会被重新加密,而且加密的计算量比原方案小.本文改变了令牌的产生方式,使得客户端计算令牌的计算量更小,在云服务器端进行搜索的开销更少.  相似文献   

区块链技术因其分布式、去中心化、不可篡改等特点在多个领域得到广泛应用.然而,这些特点同时带来了大量的数据冗余与计算冗余,不能很好地适应区块链在数据规模较大的实际业务场景下的应用.针对链上数据容量较小的问题,设计了一种基于区块链的数据链上链下混合存储架构,利用云存储实现大规模数据外包存储功能;采用对称加密技术、可搜索加密...  相似文献   

云存储技术的发展实现了资源共享,为用户节省了数据管理开销。可搜索加密技术,既保护用户隐私又支持密文检索,方便了用户查找云端密文数据。现有的公钥关键字可搜索加密方案虽然支持身份认证,但未实现否认的属性。为了更好地保护发送者的身份隐私,该文将否认认证与公钥关键字可搜索加密技术相结合,提出一种基于身份的具有否认认证的关键字可搜索加密方案(IDAPKSE)。在该方案中,发送者上传密文后,能够对自己上传密文这一通信行为进行否认,与此同时,接收者可以确认密文数据的来源,但是,即使与第三方合作,接收者也不能向第三方证明其所掌握的事实。在随机预言模型下,基于双线性Diffie-Hellman(BDH)和决策双线性Diffie-Hellman(DBDH)数学困难问题,证明了该文方案满足不可伪造性、密文和陷门的不可区分性。  相似文献   







随着云计算的发展,以密文检索为核心的安全和搜索性能问题成为研究的重点.在传统的加密方案中,大多只解决了抵御外部关键字猜测攻击问题,往往忽视了诚实且好奇的云服务器问题.为了提高密文安全性,该文提出快速搜索的抵御内部关键字攻击方案.首先,引入高效的加密倒排索引结构的公钥密文搜索方案,实现关键字的并行搜索任务.其次,在构建密文倒排索引时加入数据拥有者的私钥抵御恶意云服务器的关键字攻击.与传统的公钥可搜索加密相比,该方案在很大程度上增强了搜索系统的安全性和搜索效率.  相似文献   




云环境下关键词搜索加密算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林鹏  江颉  陈铁明 《通信学报》2015,36(Z1):259-265
现有方案将关键词搜索加密和属性基加密相结合,解决了云环境下访问控制问题,但是未充分考虑信道安全以及关键词猜测攻击等安全问题。针对上述问题,提出了一种指派搜索服务器的关键词搜索属性加密方案,实现了关键词搜索访问权限控制,且检索不需要安全信道,可抵抗离线/在线关键词猜测攻击。实验结果表明,方案性能方面可取得较好结果,可应用于云环境。  相似文献   

Designated server public key encryption with keyword search (dPEKS) removes the secure channel requirement in public key encryption with keyword search (PEKS). With the dPEKS mechanism, a user is able to delegate the search tasks on the ciphertexts sent to him/her to a designated storage server without leaking the corresponding plaintexts. However, the current dPEKS framework inherently suffers from the security vulnerability caused by the keyword guessing (KG) attack. How to build the dPEKS schemes withstanding the KG attacks is still an unsolved problem up to now. In this work, we introduce an enhanced dPEKS (edPEKS) framework to remedy the security vulnerability in the current dPEKS framework. The edPEKS framework provides resistance to the KG attack by either the outside attacker or the malicious designated server. We provide a semi‐generic edPEKS construction that exploits the existing dPEKS schemes. Our security proofs demonstrate that the derived edPEKS scheme achieves the keyword ciphertext indistinguishability, the keyword ciphertext unforgeability, and the keyword trapdoor indistinguishability if the underlying dPEKS scheme satisfies the keyword ciphertext indistinguishability and the hash Diffie‐Hellman problem is intractable. In addition, a concrete edPEKS scheme is presented to show the instantiation of the proposed semi‐generic construction.  相似文献   

基于区块链的结果可追溯的可搜索加密方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
翁昕耀  游林  蓝婷婷 《电信科学》2019,35(9):98-106
在可搜索加密方案中,无论是云端服务器还是用户,都可能存在欺骗行为。为了解决这种安全问题,给出公平性安全的定义,提出基于区块链的可搜索加密方案。通过第三方可信机构(trusted authority,TA)验证数据传输过程中数据的一致性,区块链记录完整验证结果以防止篡改,使所涉及的实体达成一致的安全共识,从而实现公平性安全。安全性与复杂性分析表明,该方案是可行的。当该方案与搜索结果可验证的可搜索加密方案相结合时,可优化成基于区块链的搜索结果可验证的可搜索加密方案,其安全性将得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   

针对一对多搜索模型下共享解密密钥缺乏细粒度访问控制且搜索结果缺乏正确性验证的问题,提出了一种基于区块链且支持验证的属性基搜索加密方案。通过对共享密钥采用密文策略属性加密机制,实现细粒度访问控制。结合以太坊区块链技术,解决半诚实且好奇的云服务器模型下返回搜索结果不正确的问题,在按需付费的云环境下,实现用户和云服务器之间服务-支付公平,使各方诚实地按照合约规则执行。另外,依据区块链的不可篡改性,保证云服务器得到服务费,用户得到正确的检索结果,而不需要额外验证,减少用户计算开销。安全性分析表明,所提方案满足自适应选择关键词语义安全,能很好地保护用户的隐私以及数据的安全。性能对比及实验结果表明,所提方案在安全索引产生、搜索令牌生成、检索效率以及交易数量方面有一定的优化,更加适用于智慧医疗等一对多搜索场景。  相似文献   

基于区块链的公钥可搜索加密方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对公钥加密方案的陷门安全问题,引入随机数构造陷门与索引,用于抵御来自服务器内部的关键字猜测攻击,避免因服务器好奇行为带来的数据泄露。对第三方的可信问题进行研究,将区块链技术与可搜索加密方案相结合,使用智能合约作为可信第三方进行检索工作,既可以防止服务器内部的关键字猜测攻击,又可以保证检索结果的正确性,从而限制服务器在下发数据时的恶意行为。通过安全性分析,验证了所提方案满足IND-KGA安全性。经过与其他方案进行实验对比,证明了所提方案在时间开销上具有一定的优势。  相似文献   

Cloud computing has great economical advantages and wide application, more and more data owners store their data in the cloud storage server (CSS) to avoid tedious local data management and insufficient storage resources. But the privacy of data owners faces enormous challenges. The most recent searchable encryption technology adopts the ciphertext‐policy attribute‐based encryption (CP‐ABE), which is one good method to deal with this security issue. However, the access attributes of the users are transmitted and assigned in plaintext form. In this paper, we propose a based on blinded CP‐ABE searchable encryption cloud storage service (BCP‐ABE‐SECSS) scheme, which can blind the access attributes of the users in order to prevent the collusion attacks of the CSS and the users. Data encryption and keyword index generation are performed by the data owners; meanwhile, we construct that CSS not only executes the access control policy of the data but also performs the pre‐decryption operation about the encrypted data to solve higher time cost of decryption calculation to the data users. Security proof results show that this scheme has access attribute security, data confidentiality, indistinguishable security against chosen keyword attack, and resisting the collusion attack between the data user and the CSS. Performance analysis and the experimental results show that this scheme can effectively reduce the computation time cost of the data owners and the data users.  相似文献   

针对基于身份的加密(IBE)体制中缺乏有效抗自适应泄漏方案的问题,运用熵抗泄漏的基本思想,定义了自适应泄漏攻击下IBE的安全性;利用基于身份的散列证明系统(IB-HPS)和提取器,提出了抗自适应泄漏的IBE方案;并对其进行实例化,构建了基于q-TABDHE假设的抗自适应泄漏的IBE方案。安全性分析表明,设计的IBE方案是选择明文攻击安全的,它不仅能够有效地抵抗自适应泄漏,而且能够容忍较大的密钥泄漏量。  相似文献   

Searchable encryption scheme‐based ciphertext‐policy attribute‐based encryption (CP‐ABE) is a effective scheme for providing multiuser to search over the encrypted data on cloud storage environment. However, most of the existing search schemes lack the privacy protection of the data owner and have higher computation time cost. In this paper, we propose a multiuser access control searchable privacy‐preserving scheme in cloud storage. First, the data owner only encrypts the data file and sets the access control list of multiuser and multiattribute for search data file. And the computing operation, which generates the attribute keys of the users' access control and the keyword index, is given trusted third party to perform for reducing the computation time of the data owner. Second, using CP‐ABE scheme, trusted third party embeds the users' access control attributes into their attribute keys. Only when those embedded attributes satisfy the access control list, the ciphertext can be decrypted accordingly. Finally, when the user searches data file, the keyword trap door is no longer generated by the user, and it is handed to the proxy server to finish. Also, the ciphertext is predecrypted by the proxy sever before the user performs decryption. In this way, the flaw of the client's limited computation resource can be solved. Security analysis results show that this scheme has the data privacy, the privacy of the search process, and the collusion‐resistance attack, and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can effectively reduce the computation time of the data owner and the users.  相似文献   

利用一个选择身份安全的基于身份加密方案(IBE)和2个目标抗碰撞散列函数,构造了一个可公开验证的公钥加密方案.在判定性BDHI假设的基础上,证明了新方案在标准模型下是适应性选择密文安全的.相比现有可公开验证的公钥加密方案,新方案的公私钥长度较短且与安全参数相互独立.  相似文献   

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