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Raf-1 is a key protein involved in the transmission of developmental and proliferative signals generated by receptor and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. Biochemical and genetic studies have demonstrated that Raf-1 functions downstream of activated tyrosine kinases and Ras and upstream of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and MAPK kinase (MKK or MEK) in many signaling pathways. A major objective of our laboratory has been to determine how Raf-1 becomes activated in response to signaling events. Using mammalian, baculovirus, and Xenopus systems, we have examined the roles that phosphorylation and protein-protein interactions play in regulating the biological and biochemical activity of Raf-1. Our studies have provided evidence that the activity of Raf-1 can be modulated by both Ras-dependent and Ras-independent pathways. Recently, we reported that Arg89 of Raf-1 is a residue required for the association of Raf-1 and Ras. Mutation of this residue disrupted interaction with Ras and prevented Ras-mediated, but not protein kinase C-or tyrosine kinase-mediated, enzymatic activation of Raf-1 in the baculovirus expression system. Further analysis of this mutant demonstrated that kinase-defective Raf-1 proteins interfere with the propagation of proliferative and developmental signals by binding to Ras and blocking Ras function. Our findings have also shown that phosphorylation events play a role in regulating Raf-1. We have identified sites of in vivo phosphorylation that positively and negatively alter the biological and enzymatic activity of Raf-1. In addition, we have found that some of these phosphorylation sites are involved in mediating the interaction of Raf-1 with potential activators (Fyn and Src) and with other cellular proteins (14-3-3). Results from our work suggest that Raf-1 is regulated at multiple levels by several distinct mechanisms.  相似文献   

Hop, an abundant and conserved protein of unresolved function, binds concomitantly with heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and Hsp90, participates with heat shock proteins at an intermediate stage of progesterone receptor assembly, and is required for efficient assembly of mature receptor complexes in vitro. A largely untested hypothesis is that Hop functions as an adaptor that targets Hsp90- to Hsp70-substrate complexes; if true, then loss of either Hsp70 binding or Hsp90 binding by Hop should equally disrupt its ability to promote assembly of mature receptor complexes. To generate Hop mutants that selectively disrupt heat shock protein interactions, highly conserved amino acids in the previously mapped Hsp70 and Hsp90 binding domains of Hop and in a conserved C-terminal domain were targeted for small substitutions and deletions. In co-precipitation assays, these mutants displayed selective loss of association with heat shock proteins. In assays using Hop-depleted rabbit reticulocyte lysate for the cell-free assembly of receptor complexes, none of the Hop mutants inhibited Hsp70 binding to receptor, but all mutants were defective in supporting Hsp90-receptor interactions. Thus, Hop has a novel role in the chaperone machinery as an adaptor that can integrate Hsp70 and Hsp90 interactions.  相似文献   

It is established that the multiprotein heat shock protein 90 (hsp90)-based chaperone system acts on the ligand binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) to form a GR.hsp90 heterocomplex and to convert the receptor ligand binding domain to the steroid-binding state. Treatment of cells with the hsp90 inhibitor geldanamycin inactivates steroid binding activity and increases the rate of GR turnover. We show here that a portion of neuronal nitric-oxide synthase (nNOS) exists as a molybdate-stabilized nNOS. hsp90 heterocomplex in the cytosolic fraction of human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with rat nNOS. Treatment of human embryonic kidney 293 cells with geldanamycin both decreases nNOS catalytic activity and increases the rate of nNOS turnover. Similarly, geldanamycin treatment of nNOS-expressing Sf9 cells partially inhibits nNOS activation by exogenous heme. Like the GR, purified heme-free apo-nNOS is activated by the DE52-retained fraction of rabbit reticulocyte lysate, which also assembles nNOS. hsp90 heterocomplexes. However, in contrast to the GR, heterocomplex assembly with hsp90 is not required for increased heme binding and nNOS activation in this cell-free system. We propose that, in vivo, where access by free heme is limited, the complete hsp90-based chaperone machinery is required for sustained opening of the heme binding cleft and nNOS activation, but in the heme-containing cell-free nNOS-activating system transient opening of the heme binding cleft without hsp90 is sufficient to facilitate heme binding.  相似文献   

The Hsp90 chaperone is required for the activation of several families of eukaryotic protein kinases and nuclear hormone receptors, many of which are protooncogenic and play a prominent role in cancer. The geldanamycin antibiotic has antiproliferative and antitumor effects, as it binds to Hsp90, inhibits the Hsp90-mediated conformational maturation/refolding reaction, and results in the degradation of Hsp90 substrates. The structure of the geldanamycin-binding domain of Hsp90 (residues 9-232) reveals a pronounced pocket, 15 A deep, that is highly conserved across species. Geldanamycin binds inside this pocket, adopting a compact structure similar to that of a polypeptide chain in a turn conformation. This, and the pocket's similarity to substrate-binding sites, suggest that the pocket binds a portion of the polypeptide substrate and participates in the conformational maturation/refolding reaction.  相似文献   

Hsp90, a molecular chaperone required for the functioning of glucocorticosteroid receptor (GR), ensures, by direct interaction, the conformational competence of the steroid-binding pocket. In addition to having this positive function, Hsp90 maintains steroid receptors in an inactive form in the absence of hormone. However, neither the participation of Hsp90 once the pathway has been activated by the ligand nor the importance of increased Hsp90 levels in determining the amplitude of the response has ever been assessed directly. Here, by increasing the Hsp90/GR ratio in the nuclear compartment, we found an attenuation of the response to glucocorticosteroids that was not due to a nonspecific or toxic effect of the Hsp90 modified by nuclear targeting. Since this negative effect was more pronounced at high levels of hormone, when receptor and Hsp90 are maximally dissociated, the possibility of an interaction between Hsp90 and GR, already activated to a DNA-binding form, was directly investigated. Indeed GR, after in vivo activation by ligand, was still able to reassociate with Hsp90, suggesting that this interaction plays a role in vivo, possibly in receptor recycling. Moreover, the GR binding to its DNA response element was inhibited by an excess of Hsp90, pointing to a function of Hsp90 in the nuclear compartment. It is thus proposed that an increased Hsp90/GR ratio influences the responsiveness to ligand at a step that is after receptor activation. This increased ratio may be of pathophysiological relevance in the different circumstances that lead to an elevated level of nuclear Hsp90.  相似文献   

The calcitonin receptor expressed by the porcine LLC-PK1 renal tubule cells is a seven-transmembrane domain, G protein-coupled receptor activating adenylyl-cyclase and phospholipase C. Salmon calcitonin stimulated dose- and time-dependent release of the phospholipase D-dependent phosphatidylcholine product [3H] choline with an EC50 = 2.5 +/-0.3 x 10(-8) M, similar to that determined for phosphoinositide metabolism (EC50 = 4.5 +/-1.0 x 10(-8)M). The hormone failed to induce release of [3H]phosphocholine and [3H]glycerophosphocholine, ruling out activation of phosphatydilcholine-specific phospholipase C and phospholipase A. Calcitonin stimulated phosphatidic acid, a product of phospholipase D-dependent phosphatydilcholine hydrolysis. Activation of phospholipase D was confirmed by release of [3H]phosphatydilethanol, a specific and stable product in the presence of a primary alcohol. Activation of calcitonin receptor induced diacylglycerol formation, with a rapid peak followed by a prolonged increase, due to activation of phospholipase C and of phospholipase D. Consequently, the protein kinase-C alpha, but not the delta isoenzyme, was cytosol-to-membrane translocated by approximately 50% after 20 min exposure to calcitonin, whereas protein kinase-C zeta, which was approximately 40% membrane-linked in unstimulated cells, translocated by approximately 19%. The human calcitonin receptor expressed by BIN-67 ovary tumor cells, although displaying higher affinity for calcitonin, failed to activate phospholipase D and protein kinase-C in response to the hormone. This receptor lacks the G protein binding consensus site due to the presence of a 48-bp cassette encoding for a 16-amino acid insert in the predicted first intracellular loop. This modification is likely to prevent the calcitonin receptor from associating to phospholipase-coupled signaling.  相似文献   

Adherence of Helicobacter pylori to cultured gastric epithelial cells is associated with several cellular events, including the tyrosine phosphorylation of a 145-kDa host protein; the reorganization of the host cell actin and associated cellular proteins, like vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein, adjacent to the attached bacterial cell; and the subsequent release of the cytokine, interleukin 8 (IL-8). H. pylori isolated from patients with ulcer disease and gastric cancer contain a DNA insertion, the cag pathogenicity island (PAI), that is not present in bacteria isolated from individuals with asymptomatic infection. Mutations in a number of PAI genes abolish tyrosine phosphorylation and IL-8 synthesis but not the cytoskeletal rearrangements. Kinase inhibition studies suggest there are two distinct pathways operative in stimulating IL-8 release from host cells and one of these H. pylori pathways is independent of the tyrosine phosphorylation step.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Symptomatic malignant pleural effusions are common sequelae in patients with certain malignancies. Pleurodesis via bedside thoracostomy is the current treatment option most commonly used. To our knowledge, this is the first prospective randomized trial to examine which agent, bleomycin or talc slurry, is superior in terms of effectiveness, safety, and cost. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between July 1992 and March 1995, 35 patients presenting to our medical center with symptomatic malignant pleural effusions were prospectively randomized to undergo chemical pleurodesis with either bleomycin or talc slurry via bedside thoracostomy. The conditions of patients were assessed and graded before and after treatment concerning pain, dyspnea, and chest radiographs. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients who underwent 33 treatments (14 with bleomycin and 19 with talc) were available for follow-up. Follow-up ranged from 2 weeks to 8 months (mean, 1.7 months). Both groups demonstrated notable improvement in both pain and dyspnea following treatment, but there were no statistically significant differences between groups in the amount of improvement (two-tailed Student's t test). Permanent control of effusions, defined objectively on chest radiograph, was achieved with 11 bleomycin treatments (79%) and 17 talc treatments (90%) (p=0.388). The procedures were well tolerated and no significant adverse effects were observed. Talc is a much less costly agent than bleomycin ($12.36 cost to our medical center per treatment for talc vs $955.83 for bleomycin). CONCLUSION: Given the similar efficacy and significant cost advantage, we conclude that talc is the agent of choice when utilizing pleurodesis for control of symptomatic malignant pleural effusions.  相似文献   

The reovirus cell attachment protein, sigma1, is a lollipop-shaped homotrimer with an N-terminal fibrous tail and a C-terminal globular head. Biogenesis of this protein involves two trimerization events: N-terminal trimerization, which occurs cotranslationally and is Hsp70/ATP-independent, and C-terminal trimerization, which occurs posttranslationally and is Hsp70/ATP-dependent. To determine if Hsp90 also plays a role in sigma1 biogenesis, we analyzed sigma1 synthesized in rabbit reticulocyte lysate. Coprecipitation experiments using anti-Hsp90 antibodies revealed that Hsp90 was associated with immature sigma1 trimers (hydra-like intermediates with assembled N termini and unassembled C termini) but not with mature trimers. The use of truncated sigma1 further demonstrated that only the C-terminal half of sigma1 associated with Hsp90. In the presence of the Hsp90 binding drug geldanamycin, N-terminal trimerization proceeded normally, but C-terminal trimerization was blocked. Geldanamycin did not inhibit the association of Hsp90 with sigma 1 but prevented the subsequent release of Hsp90 from the immature sigma1 complex. We also examined the status of p23, an Hsp90-associated cochaperone. Like Hsp90, p23 only associated with immature sigma1 trimers, and this association was mapped to the C-terminal half of sigma1. However, unlike Hsp90, p23 was released from the sigma1 complex upon the addition of geldanamycin. These results highlight an all-or-none concept of chaperone involvement in different oligomerization domains within a single protein and suggest a possible common usage of chaperones in the regulation of general protein folding and of steroid receptor activation.  相似文献   

GRP94, the endoplasmic reticulum Hsp90 paralog, binds a diverse array of peptides, a subset of which are suitable for assembly onto nascent MHC class I molecules. At present, the mechanism, site, and regulation of peptide binding to GRP94 are unknown. Using VSV8, the immunodominant peptide epitope of the vesicular stomatitis virus, and native, purified GRP94, we have investigated GRP94-peptide complex formation. The formation of stable GRP94-VSV8 complexes was slow; competition studies demonstrated that peptide binding to GRP94 was specific. VSV8 binding to GRP94 was stimulated 2-fold or 4-fold, respectively, following chemical denaturation/renaturation or transient heat shock. The activation of GRP94-peptide binding occurred coincident with a stable, tertiary conformational change, as identified by tryptophan fluorescence and proteolysis studies. Analysis of GRP94 secondary structure by circular dichroism spectroscopy indicated an identical alpha-helical content for the native, chemically denatured/renatured, and heat-shocked forms of GRP94. Through use of the environment-sensitive fluorophores acrylodan and Nile Red, it was observed that the activation of peptide binding was accompanied by enhanced peptide and solvent accessibility to a hydrophobic binding site(s). Peptide binding to native or activated GRP94 was identical in the presence or absence of ATP or ADP. These results are discussed with respect to a model in which peptide binding to GRP94 occurs within a hydrophobic binding pocket whose accessibility is conformationally regulated in an adenine nucleotide-independent manner.  相似文献   

The recent cloning of a family of high affinity melatonin receptors has provided us with a unique opportunity to define the signal transduction pathways used by these receptors. We have studied signaling through the human Mel1a receptor subtype by stable expression of receptor complementary DNA in NIH 3T3 cells. Our data indicate that the human Mel1a receptor is coupled to inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation by a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein. Although melatonin alone is without effect on phosphoinositide hydrolysis, it potentiates the effects of PGF2 alpha stimulation on phospholipase C activation. Melatonin potentiates arachidonate release stimulated by PGF2 alpha and by ionomycin. The effects of melatonin on arachidonate release are sensitive to inhibition of protein kinase C. They are independent of the effects of melatonin on cAMP and do not appear to involve activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase. The effects of melatonin on both phosphoinositide hydrolysis and arachidonate release are sensitive to pertussis toxin treatment. Thus, we show that the melatonin signal is transduced by parallel pathways involving inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and potentiation of phospholipase activation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Prostate cancer recurrence, evidenced by rising prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels after radical prostatectomy, is an increasingly prevalent clinical problem in need of new treatment options. Preclinical studies have suggested that for tumors in general, settings of minimal cancer volume may be uniquely suitable for recombinant vaccine therapy targeting tumor-associated antigens. A clinical study was undertaken to evaluate the safety and biologic effects of vaccinia-PSA (PROSTVAC) administered to subjects with postprostatectomy recurrence of prostate cancer and to assess the feasibility of interrupted androgen deprivation as a tool for modulating expression of the vaccine target antigen, as well as detecting vaccine bioactivity in vivo. METHODS: A limited Phase I clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and biologic effects of vaccinia-PSA administered in 6 patients with androgen-modulated recurrence of prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy. End points included toxicity, serum PSA rise related to serum testosterone restoration, and immunologic effects measured by Western blot analysis for anti-PSA antibody induction. RESULTS: Toxicity was minimal, and dose-limiting toxicity was not observed. Noteworthy variability in time required for testosterone restoration (after interruption of androgen deprivation therapy) was observed. One subject showed continued undetectable serum PSA (less than 0.2 ng/mL) for over 8 months after testosterone restoration, an interval longer than those reported in previous androgen deprivation interruption studies. Primary anti-PSA IgG antibody activity was induced after vaccinia-PSA immunization in 1 subject, although such antibodies were detectable in several subjects at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Interrupted androgen deprivation may be a useful tool for modulating prostate cancer bioactivity in clinical trials developing novel biologic therapies. Immune responses against PSA may be present among some patients with prostate cancer at baseline and may be induced in others through vaccinia-PSA immunization.  相似文献   

The 70 kDa heat shock family of molecular chaperones is essential to a variety of cellular processes, yet it is unclear how these proteins are regulated in vivo. We present evidence that the protein BAG-1 is a potential modulator of the molecular chaperones, Hsp70 and Hsc70. BAG-1 binds to the ATPase domain of Hsp70 and Hsc70, without requirement for their carboxy-terminal peptide-binding domain, and can be co-immunoprecipitated with Hsp/Hsc70 from cell lysates. Purified BAG-1 and Hsp/Hsc70 efficiently form heteromeric complexes in vitro. BAG-1 inhibits Hsp/Hsc70-mediated in vitro refolding of an unfolded protein substrate, whereas BAG-1 mutants that fail to bind Hsp/Hsc70 do not affect chaperone activity. The binding of BAG-1 to one of its known cellular targets, Bcl-2, in cell lysates was found to be dependent on ATP, consistent with the possible involvement of Hsp/Hsc70 in complex formation. Overexpression of BAG-1 also protected certain cell lines from heat shock-induced cell death. The identification of Hsp/Hsc70 as a partner protein for BAG-1 may explain the diverse interactions observed between BAG-1 and several other proteins, including Raf-1, steroid hormone receptors and certain tyrosine kinase growth factor receptors. The inhibitory effects of BAG-1 on Hsp/Hsc70 chaperone activity suggest that BAG-1 represents a novel type of chaperone regulatory proteins and thus suggest a link between cell signaling, cell death and the stress response.  相似文献   

Based on a hypothesis that post-mortem cellular (chiefly nuclear) changes in the white blood cells could reliably be correlated with the time interval since death, (ti), serial observations were made on the counts (total, differential) and light-microscopically observable 'degenerations' of white blood cells obtained from 30 non-refrigerated cadavers (experimental group) and similar cells obtained from 200 hospital patients (control group). While neutrophils degenerated rapidly, lymphocytes did so slowly; the eosinophils and monocytes degenerated at rates between these extremes. In cadaveric blood total counts of identifiable leucocytes on average dropped to zero by 84 hours, identifiable eosinophils and monocytes were first to 'disappear' (by 60 hours), followed by neutrophils (by 66 hours), and finally lymphocytes: identifiable lymphocytes disappeared completely at or around 84 hours from the time of death. This 'differential degeneration' was surprising but useful. Based on the use of all four characteristics--total and differential white cell counts, differential degeneration and morphology of cells--a method for a reasonably exact estimation of ti is presented. The method is appropriate for ti up to 84 hrs (3 1/2 days). Zero white cell counts (total, differential) and bizarre morphology (unidentifiable white blood cells) indicate a ti > 84 hrs. Avenues for further research are indicated.  相似文献   

A monoamine pathophysiological hypothesis for paraphilias in males is based on the following data: (i) the monoamines norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin are involved in the appetitive dimension of male sexual behavior in laboratory animals; (ii) data gathered from studying the side effect profiles of antidepressant psychostimulant, and neuroleptic drugs in humans suggest that alteration of central monoamine neurotransmission can have substantial effects on human sexual functioning, including sexual appetite; (iii) monoamine neurotransmitters appear to modulate dimensions of human and animal psychopathology including impulsivity, anxiety, depression, compulsivity, and pro/antisocial behavior, dimensions disturbed in many paraphiliacs; (iv) pharmacological agents that ameliorate psychiatric disorders characterized by the aforementioned characteristics, especially central serotonin enhancing drugs, can ameliorate paraphilic sexual arousal and behavior.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for the determination of amphetamine in urine with minimal sample preparation is described. This method involves direct addition of human urine to an acetone-dansyl chloride solution for simultaneous deproteinization and fluorescence derivatization. The derivatized amphetamine is then measured by HPLC with fluorescence detection. It eliminates the extraction procedures often required by other HPLC or GC methods. The effects of pH, temperature and reaction time on the derivatization reaction were investigated. The stability of amphetamine-dansyl chloride in different storage conditions was examined. The detection limit and linearity associated with this assay are discussed.  相似文献   

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