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浅析创新驱动发展战略对包装教育与科技工作的指导作用,建议在教育及科技工作中注重提升学生的实践技能与科技创新能力,重点研究解决我国包装工业发展中的关键科学理论与技术。  相似文献   

徐江  蒋中港 《包装工程》2020,40(22):7-14
目的 设计是人类创造技术人工物的实践活动形式,技术设计概念的提出为设计研究奠定了重要的哲学根基,本文旨在探究技术设计的哲学思想之源,以期从技术哲学范畴启迪设计科学研究和设计实践创新。方法 研究溯源技术哲学的发端、经典理论及两次经验转向脉络,探究支撑技术设计研究的现象学技术哲学思想基础,并相应从实用主义和实证主义出发,分析和论证技术哲学思想对设计研究进路的影响。结论 阐明了技术设计的哲学思想基础和演进脉络,发展了技术设计理论的实践情境研究进路与理性逻辑哲学研究进路,并证明了两条技术设计研究进路在哲学思想和逻辑上存在一定的同源性与互应性。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅速发展以及科学技术水平的进步,我国的石油工业取得了巨大的发展。我们研究的课题是:高压水射流理论及其在石油工程中应用分析。我们通过相应的钻井实践,了解了通过提高相应的井底水力冲击力可以有效地对钻井速度进行一定程度上的提高,而且还降低了相应的成本。我们通过对高压水射流理论及其应用进行了相应的研究探讨,得出相应的结论:它有效地适应了石油工业的发展,通过对于相应的高压水射流理论来进行对于近地层技术以及自激波动注水技术的处理,取得的成绩显著,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

论述了科学、技术、工程的性质与相互关系以及科学家、工程师、企业家的任务;为科学技术创新,发展经济,振兴国家,指出了应采取的对策。  相似文献   

科学发展观注重科学,注重发展,注重以人为本,注重全面协调。这些主旨思想是理论的创新,更是思维的拓宽,在检察工作中坚持和贯彻这一重大战略思想有着至关重要的意义。把握科学发展观内涵,对于提升检察工作理念有着至关重要的作用。科学发展观在检察机关的落实就是要发挥先进思想的指导作用,用科学发展观把执法思想统一起来,把检察工作置身于社会主义事业的大系统中,更好的实现法律监督,更自觉的为服务大局,为社会发展提供法律保障,为经济发展保驾护航。  相似文献   

1科学技术发展和电子文件的出现纵观人类发展史,科学和技术始终是促进社会变革的重要因素。近代科技发展史表明,每一次重大科学的发现、技术的创新,都使人们对客观世界的认识产生飞跃;每一次技术革命浪潮的兴起,都使人们改造自然的能力和推动社会发展的力量,提高到...  相似文献   

近些年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,我国海洋石油工程事业也不断取得更大的成就,与此同时,各种先进科学技术的运用为现代海洋石油生产提供了更为坚实的技术支撑,以此实现了我国海洋石油工业的快速发展。自升式钻井平台在上世纪50年代被运用于海洋石油工业中,在石油的开采、钻井、生产、储存等多个领域中都发挥了重要的作用,本文就主要针对自升式钻井平台结构与功能的相关问题进行简单的探讨。  相似文献   

近日,由科技部会同国家发改委研究制定的《国家“十一五”科学技术发展规划》(以下简称《规划》)正式发布。《规划》在发展思路、战略目标和重点任务上,始终坚持以自主创新为主线,统领科技工作发展的全局,切实将提高自主创新能力摆在全国科技工作的首要位置。《规划》是指导我国未来五年科学技术发展的纲领性文件,是对《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要》未来五年任务的细化和落实,进一步深化了对科学技术在经济社会发展中重要地位和作用的认识,对充分发挥科学技术第一生产力的作用和落实科教兴国战略,迅速提升自主创新能力,全面推进国家创新体系建设,有力支撑全面建设小康奋斗目标的实现,具有重大的战略意义。  相似文献   

崔京浩 《工程力学》2000,1(A01):120-135
本文共分3部分第1部份介绍了科学技术的飞速发展,包括科学技术的指数增长理论,科学技术的关衰期,集成电路与计算机的发展,科学原理从发现到产生效益周期日益缩短,科技在国民经济中的地位和作用,科技发展与教育6个方面。第2部份介绍了信息社会与技术,包括什么叫信息,信息爆炸,信息革命的五个阶段,信息技术与信息资源网,信息产业日益成为发达国家的支柱产业5个方面。第2部份介绍了提高学术交流的水平的理论和方法,饪  相似文献   

理论与模拟由于具有分析不同现象间的相互作用、掌握复杂过程的整体效应、优化技术发展的需求次序和孤立技术难点以便逐个分析解决的特点,对燃料电池这种牵涉宏观及介观多层次、多种物理过程的综合技术发展具有特殊的重要性。本文介绍了中国科技大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室物理理论与技术应用研究室在建设固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)理论研充基地所取得的成绩,并通过具体例子说明理论与模拟对SOFC工程设计、材料发展等所能起的指导作用。希望通过成果交流,与工业和科研同行建立合作关系,更好地推进这一具有重大社会意义地技术发展。  相似文献   

董秋玲  郗英  常玉 《工业工程》2006,9(3):94-98
西部科技园区技术创新能力是西部区域经济增长和竞争的决定性因素,其强弱是衡量一个区域技术创新实力的重要尺度.本文在阐述西部科技园区技术创新能力指标体系基本功能和构建原则的基础上,采用层次分析法对指标体系中的各指标赋权,然后运用模糊综合评价方法对西部13个科技园区技术创新能力进行综合评价与分析,验证了该评价指标体系的可行性,同时为西部各地区构建区域创新系统,制定区域发展政策提供依据.  相似文献   

This paper divides technological innovation into two stages: technology development and technology transfer. Then the authors use the panel data of 28 manufacturing industries during 2003–2012 to test the econometric regression model for the industry of the sub stages, which is a regulation on technological innovation in the environment. The results show that: (1) environmental regulation has a significant role in promoting China’s manufacturing technology research patent achievements, and technology into new products, and this indicated that “Porter hypothesis” in the manufacturing sector has been verified; (2) R&D and transfer expenditure have a positive impact on technological innovation. Finally, the authors put forward the corresponding policy recommendations for industry of the environmental regulation on the impact of technological innovation in phases.  相似文献   

季铁  闵晓蕾  何人可 《包装工程》2019,40(14):45-57
目的 面向2035发展战略的总体要求,通过分析文化科技融合的现代服务业发展现状,预测现代服务业的创新发展趋势,提出设计参与、文化科技融合的发展思路与技术路径。方法 根据“文化生态—科技支撑—服务创新—设计参与”的研究目标,以文化产业生态研究为基础,按照“内容—工具—场景—资本”的框架,分析、整理现代服务业新兴业态的核心技术与创新模式,提出“人—产品—产业—创新生态”构建过程中的设计参与方法。结论 在“文化经济4.0”的语境下,文化科技与现代服务业的内在关联越来越紧密,面临着泛在生存、万物互联、脑机融合、跨业融合等大的变革和发展趋势。设计的参与应该在“人、社会、文化、科技、服务、产业”六要素之间的融合与协作中,驱动文化产业与现代服务业的创新发展。  相似文献   

《Technology in Society》1999,21(3):307-322
Recent discussions about technological development and innovation have omitted some important issues: innovation development in so-called low-technology industries; the important role played by material technology not only in high-technology industries, but in the adaptation processes in most industries. These discussions often lack a historical perspective. Many contemporary issues, such as integrated product development and networking, have been central to industrial production for more than one hundred years. Each of these is discussed in this study of the emergence and development of the metal packaging industry over the last two hundred years. An important research question is the influence of material development on the development of strategies, dominant designs, and the overall adaptability of the industry. Against this background we cannot speak of one single successful strategy. In Denmark's can manufacturing industry a non-innovative strategy, characterized by volume and rationalization and based on licensing from the U.S., was developed. In tube production, however, a strategy of incremental innovation for solving problems related to the use of existing materials emerged based on the industry's own innovation resources, financed by world-wide licensing. Thus licensing played an important role for the technological adaptability of the industry.  相似文献   

新一代信息技术、生物技术、新材料等技术的广泛应用,正逐步推动时尚产业生产工艺、生产模式、消费模式的变革。科技创新在促进产业升级,优化产业发展格局,创新产业发展模式等方面越来越深刻影响着时尚产业发展。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contemplate a sequence of steps in connecting the fields of science, technology and industrial products. A method for linking different classifications (WoS–IPC–ISIC concordance) is proposed. The ensuing concordance tables inherit the roots of Grupp’s perspective on science, technology, product and market. The study contextualized the linking process as it can be instrumental for policy planning and technology targeting. The presented method allows us to postulate the potential development of technology in science and industrial products. The proposed method and organized concordance tables are intended as a guiding tool for policy makers to study the prospects of a technology or industry of interest. Two perceived high potential technologies—traditional medicine and ICT—that were sought by two aspirant economies—Hong Kong and Malaysia—are considered as case studies for the proposed method. The selected cases provide us the context of what technological research is being pursued for both fundamental knowledge and new industries. They enable us to understand the context of policy planning and targeting for sectoral and regional innovation systems. While we note the constraints of using joint-publishing and joint-patenting data to study the core competencies of developing economies and their potential for development, we realize that the proposed method enables us to highlight the gaps between science and technology and the core competencies of the selected economies, as well as their prospects in terms of technology and product development. The findings provide useful policy implications for further development of the respective cases.  相似文献   

农产品加工业技术创新体系建设刍议   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
发展农产品加工业是新时期我国产业结构调整的一项重要任务,是农业可持续发展的关键措施,是增加农民收入的主要渠道。农产品加工业依赖于制造业的发展,依赖于加工技术的发展,依赖于食品科学与技术的发展,也依赖于现代农业的发展。为了实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标,发展农产品加工业,必须首先建设农产品加工技术创新体系。文章讨论了我国当前发展农产品加工业的必要性,农产品加工业发展存在的主要问题,提出了加快农产品加工技术创新体系建设的具体建议。  相似文献   

Tcg R&D Networks     
Whilst inter-organisational networks are increasingly significant in making production systems more flexible and responsive, these organisational arrangements could be even more important in other phases of the production cycle, and particularly in new product development. The literature on R&D and technological innovation has come to stress the role that 'networks of innovators' play in the R&D, product development and marketing phase of technological innovation. This 'fusion-network' model stands in marked contrast to the previously dominant model of innovation which envisaged the process as a linear sequence from one technology to another, with R&D conducted as a proprietary activity within a single firm. The Australian high-technology group TCG, which operates internally as a cluster of autonomous small firms, has developed a unique 'triangular' approach to fusion networking, which has now been perfected through several successful experiences with leading firms. Case studies of the approach are described, and its significance as an industry development strategy is analysed.  相似文献   

From the perspective of science-based innovation, this study introduces measures of both scientific linkage (technology-science correlation index) and technological innovation capabilities (relative growth rate, relative patent position and revealed technological advantage) to compare and analyze the international competitiveness of solar energy technologies among the United States, the European Union, Japan, China and South Korea, based on the solar energy technologies-related patents in the European Patent Office Worldwide Patent Statistical Database. After making international comparisons of their technological development and innovation paradigm, we find that there are different innovation characteristics of various technology fields within the solar energy industry and then propose some relevant policy recommendations for latecomers to implement catch-up strategies. The results show that the leading countries and regions of the solar energy industry such as the United States and the European Union focus mainly on science-based innovation, while Japan and latecomers like China and South Korea pay more attention on technology-based innovation. In addition, those two fields within the solar energy industry present opposite innovation characteristics: solar photovoltaic technologies, especially thin film and organic cells, present strong technological innovation capabilities with high scientific linkage, while solar thermal technologies show strong technological innovation capabilities with low scientific linkage.  相似文献   

在国家创新驱动发展、"中国制造2025"及建设创新型国家等重大战略引导下,湖南省印刷包装企业在科技创新能力上有所提升,但在科技创新资质、科技研发投入、专利技术、研发平台、政府科技项目、科技创新奖励等方面还存在很大的不足。因此,必须增加研发投入,掌握核心技术,向着绿色化、智能化方面迈进,从而在激烈、复杂和多变的市场环境中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

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