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Effective delayed neutron fraction βeff and neutron generation time Λ are important factors in reactor physics calculation and transient analysis. In the first stage of this research, these kinetic parameters have been calculated for two states of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR), i.e. cold (fuel, clad and coolant temperatures equal to 20 °C) and hot (fuel, clad and coolant temperatures of 65, 49 and 44 °C, respectively) states using MTR_PC code. In the second stage, these parameters have been measured with an experimental method based on Inhour equation. For the cold state, calculated βeff and Λ by MTR_PC code are 0.008315 and 30.190 μs, respectively. In the hot state, these parameters being 0.008303 and 33.828 μs, respectively. The measured βeff and Λ for the cold state (reactor power in the range of 100–200 W) being 0.008088 and 32.001 μs, respectively. The calculated and measured values are in good agreement. Relative percent errors are about 2.8% for βeff and 5.7% for Λ which are smaller than the other reported results. In the third stage of the research, variations of βeff and Λ vs. fuel enrichment are investigated in cold and hot states. Comparative analysis shows that both βeff and Λ increase as fuel enrichment decreases. However, the variation rate of βeff is not the same in the two conditions. βeff in the hot state is larger than that calculated in the cold state when fuel enrichment is more than 83.91%, while the situation is vice versa for the enrichments smaller than the aforementioned value. Calculated neutron generation time shows normal behavior for all different fuel enrichments. All variables involved in kinetic parameters calculations (i.e., neutron fission cross section, fuel enrichment, etc.) are investigated theoretically to evaluate the results of calculations in cold and hot states. Variations of βeff and Λ with fuel burnup are also studied.  相似文献   

Rossi-Alpha (βeff/Λ) for critical reactor measured experimentally by noise analysis technique at PARR-1 core at 35.26 full power days burn up. In noise analysis technique the inherent reactivity fluctuations are taken as input to reactor system and the neutron density population fluctuations are considered as output of the reactor system. The auto power spectral density of the linear channel is taken and used to find out the break frequency by non-linear least square fitting method, which leads to βeff/Λ = 161.45 s−1. Calculations were performed with the help of computer codes WIMSD/4 and CITATION. The calculated βeff/Λ = 161.07 s−1 at 35.26 full power days burn up. The measured and calculated values for Rossi-Alpha are in good agreement within 0.235% of error.  相似文献   

Effective delayed neutron fraction βeff and neutron generation time Λ are important factors in reactor physics calculation and transient analysis. In the first stage of this research, these kinetics parameters have been calculated for two states of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR), i.e. cold (fuel, clad and coolant temperature 20 °C) and hot (fuel, clad and coolant temperature 65, 49 and 44 °C, respectively) states using MTR_PC computer code. The ratio of (βeff)i/(βeff)core plays an important role in reactivity accident analysis codes. This parameter and its contribution to effective delayed neutron fraction from each nucleus have been calculated in cold and hot reactor states. Uncertainty of effective delayed neutron fraction is evaluated in terms of following four quantities; basic delayed neutron constants, delayed neutron spectra, energy dependence of delayed neutron yield (νd) and fission cross-section of 235U and 238U. In the second stage, these parameters have been measured with an experimental method based on Inhour equation. The calculated and measured values are in good agreement. Relative Percent Errors (RPEs) are 2.8% for βeff and 5.7% for Λ in the cold state.  相似文献   

A reactor noise approach has been successfully performed at the IPEN/MB-01 research reactor facility for the experimental determination of the delayed neutron parameters βeff, βeff/Λ, and Λ. In the measurement of the βeff parameter, the reactor power, which is of fundamental importance, was obtained with a very high level of accuracy by a fuel rod scanning technique and a subsequent irradiation of a highly enriched 235U foil for the fission density normalization. The final measured values of βeff and βeff/Λ show very good agreement with independent measurements and can be recommended as benchmark values for thermal reactor applications because their uncertainties are much lower than the target accuracy recommended for βeff calculations (|C-E|/E less than 3%). The theory/experiment comparisons reveal that only JENDL3.3 attends the target accuracy for βeff calculations. This result fully supports the reduction of the 235U thermal yield as proposed by Okajima and Sakurai. The ENDF/B-VI.8 library and its revised version performed at LANL overpredict βeff by as much as 7.2%. The newly released JEFF-3.1 library shows a discrepancy of 4.8% for βeff. For βeff/Λ, the deviations are relatively larger (more than 10%) for all libraries due to the underprediction of the prompt neutron generation time (Λ).  相似文献   

Neutronic analyses for the core conversion of Pakistan research reactor-2 (PARR-2) from high enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel has been performed. Neutronic model has been verified for 90.2% enriched HEU fuel (UAl4–Al). For core conversion, UO2 fuel was chosen as an appropriate fuel option because of higher uranium density. Clad has been changed from aluminum to zircalloy-4. Uranium enrichment of 12.6% has been optimized based on the design basis criterion of excess reactivity 4 mk in miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR). Lattice calculations for cross-section generation have been performed utilizing WIMS while core modeling was carried out employing three dimensions option of CITATION. Calculated neutronic parameters were compared for HEU and LEU fuels. Comparison shows that to get same thermal neutron flux at inner irradiation sites, reactor power has to be increased from 30 to 33 kW for LEU fuel. Reactivity coefficients calculations show that doppler and void coefficient values of LEU fuel are higher while moderator coefficient of HEU fuel is higher. It is concluded that from neutronic point of view LEU fuel UO2 of 12.6% enrichment with zircalloy-4 clad is suitable to replace the existing HEU fuel provided that dimensions of fuel pin and total number of fuel pins are kept same as for HEU fuel.  相似文献   

Noise analysis techniques including Feynman-α (variance-to-mean) and Rossi-α (correlation) have been simulated by MCNP computer code to calculate the prompt neutron decay constant (α0), effective delayed neutron fraction (βeff) and neutron generation time (Λ) in a subcritical condition for the first operating core configuration of Tehran Research Reactor (TRR). The reactor core is considered to be in zero power (reactor power is less than 1 W) in the entire simulation process. The effect of some key parameters such as detector efficiency, detector position and its dead time on the results of simulation has been discussed as well. The results of proposed method in the current study are validated against both the experimental data and the results of MTR_PC computer code.  相似文献   

The influences of variations in some of the kinetics parameters affecting the reactivity insertion are considered in this study, it has been accomplished in order to acquire knowledge about the role that kinetic parameters play in prompt critical transients from the safety point of view. The kinetics parameters variations are limited to the effective delayed neutron fraction (βeff) and the prompt neutron generation time (Λ). The reactor thermal behaviors under the variations in effective delayed neutron fraction and prompt neutron generation time included, the reactor power, maximum fuel temperature, maximum clad temperature, maximum coolant temperature and the mass flux variations at the hot channel. The analysis is done for a typical swimming pool, plate type research reactor with low enriched uranium. The scram system is disabled during the accidents simulations. Calculations were done using PARET code. As a result of simulations, it is concluded that, the reactor (ETRR2) thermal behavior is considerably more sensitive to the variation in the effective delayed neutron fraction than to the variation in prompt neutron generation time and the fast reactivity insertion in both cases causes a flow expansion and contraction at the hot channel exit. The amplitude of the oscillated flow is a qualitatively increases with the decrease in both βeff and Λ.  相似文献   

The effects of using low and high enrichment uranium fuel on the uncontrolled loss of flow transients in a material test research reactor were studied. For this purpose, simulations were carried out of an MTR fuelled separately with LEU and HEU fuel, to determine the reactor performance under loss of flow transients with totally failed external control systems. The coolant pump was assumed to loose its performance and the coolant flow rate reduced according to the relation m(t)/m0 = exp(−t/25) to a new stable level. The new reduced flows m/m0 = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 were modeled. The nuclear reactor analysis code PARET was employed to carry out these calculations. It was observed that the reactors stabilized at new power levels which were lower than the original power level, with the power of HEU fuelled reactor slightly lesser than that of the LEU fuelled reactor. However, at the start of transient, the LEU fuelled reactor had a lower power level resulting in lower fuel, clad and coolant temperatures than the HEU fuelled reactor.  相似文献   

This study deals with the design and development of calculational techniques and evaluation of key neutronic parameters of a typical PWR core having a total reactor power of 2652 MWt (890 MWe). The PWR core consists of 157 fuel assemblies containing a total of ∼72 tons of uranium arranged vertically in a concentric square array within the core shroud. Each fuel assembly contains 264 UO2 fuel pins with various enrichments (2.1, 2.6 and 3.1%), 24 control rods of Gd2O3 and one central water channel and all are arranged in a 17 × 17 array of matrix. Different computer codes including WIMS, TWOTRAN, CITATION and MCNP have been employed to develop a versatile and accurate reactor physics model of the PWR core. The computational methods, tools and techniques, customization of cross section libraries, various models for cells and super cells, and a lot of associated utilities have been standardized and established/validated for the overall core analysis. The analyses were performed in 3 steps: firstly for fuel pincells, then for the fuel assemblies and finally for the whole core. The WIMS and MCNP calculated infinite multiplication factors for fuel pincells having 2.1% enriched 235U were found to be 1.23393 and 1.23654, for 2.6% enrichment 1.28635 and 1.28887, and finally for 3.1% enrichment 1.32481 and 1.32812, respectively. For fuel assembly, WIMS and MCNP calculated infinite multiplication factors having 2.1% enrichment were found to be 1.24853 and 1.25445, for 2.6% enrichment 1.30372 and 1.30992, and for 3.1% enrichment 1.34424 and 1.35041, respectively. The effective multiplication factor calculated by CITATION, TWOTRAN and MCNP for whole core were found to be 1.25580, 1.25909 and 1.26382, respectively. The peak thermal neutron flux in the core calculated by MCNP was found to be 5.0298 × 1014 neutrons/cm2 s and the average core power density was 17.1 kW/cm3. The calculated results from different codes were found to be very good agreement for different moderator conditions. The choice of computer codes like WIMSD, TWOTRAN, CITATION and MCNP which are being used in nuclear industry for many years were selected to identify and develop new capabilities needed to support PWR analysis. The ultimate goal of the validation of the computer codes for PWR applications is to acquire and reinforce the capability of these general purpose computer codes to perform the core design and optimization study.  相似文献   

The paper aimed to maximize the fuel burnup performance of plutonium and minor actinides fueled pebble bed high temperature reactor (PBMR-400). The PBMR-400 was designed as a reference core. The neutronic calculations were performed by the code combination MCNP-ORIGEN-MONTEBURNS. In this study, neutronic performances of three different types of nuclear fuels (Reactor Grade Plutonium – RGPu; Weapon Grade Plutonium – WGPu and Minor Actinides – MAs) combined with natural uranium were conducted in a PBMR-400 full core. The neutronic performances were compared with the original uranium fuel designed for this reactor. Neutronic calculations showed that 9.6 wt % enriched uranium has a core effective multiplication factor (keff) of 1.2395. Corresponding to this keff values the natural UO2/RG-PuO2; natural UO2/WG-PuO2 and natural UO2/MAO2 mixture were found 70%/30%, 76%/24% and 63%/37%, respectively. The operation times were computed as ∼2000, ∼2500 and 1400 days whereas, the corresponding burnup values were obtained as ∼163 000, ∼194 000 and ∼116 000 MWD/T, respectively, for end of life keff set equal to 1.08.  相似文献   

The economic implications of designing BWR cores with hydride fuels instead of conventional oxide fuels are analyzed. The economic analysis methodology adopted is based on the lifetime levelized cost of electricity (COE). Bracketing values (1970 and 3010 $/kWe) are used for the overnight construction costs and for the power scaling factors (0.4 and 0.8) that correlate between a change in the capital cost to a change in the power level. It is concluded that a newly constructed BWR reactor could substantially benefit from the use of 10 × 10 hydride fuel bundles instead of 10 × 10 oxide fuel bundles design presently in use. The cost saving would depend on the core pressure drop constraint that can be implemented in newly constructed BWRs - it is between 2% and 3% for a core pressure drop constraint as of the reference BWR, between 9% and 15% for a 50% higher core pressure drop, and between 12% and 21% higher for close to 100% core pressure. The attainable cost reduction was found insensitive to the specific construction cost but strongly dependent on the power scaling factor. The cost advantage of hydride fuelled cores as compared to that of the oxide reference core depends only weakly on the uranium and SWU prices, on the “per volume base” fabrication cost of hydride fuels, and on the discount rate used. To be economically competitive, the uranium enrichment required for the hydride fuelled core needs to be around 10%.  相似文献   

Calculations were performed to estimate the variation in kinetic parameters (delayed neutron fraction and prompt neutron generation time) in different core configurations of a typical swimming pool type research reactor. Pakistan research Reactor-1 (PARR-1) was employed for this study. The effect due to burnup of the core was also studied. Calculations were performed with the help of computer codes WIMSD/4 and CITATION. Precursors yield was modified according to the neutron flux averaging only. This is the simple way to calculate the precursor yield for a particular core. The kinetic parameters are different for different core configurations. The βeff decreases with 1.33 × 10−6/% burnup whereas prompt neutron generation time increases with 6.42 × 10−8 s/% burnup. The results were compared with safety analysis report and with published values and were found in good agreement. This study provides the confidence to understand the change in the kinetic parameters of research reactors with core change and also with burnup of the core.  相似文献   

Coolant void reactivity (CVR) is an important factor in reactor accident analysis. Here we study the adjustments of CVR at beginning of burnup cycle (BOC) and keff at end of burnup cycle (EOC) for a 2D Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR) lattice using the optimization and adjoint sensitivity techniques. The sensitivity coefficients are evaluated using the perturbation theory based on the integral neutron transport equations. The neutron and flux importance transport solutions are obtained by the method of cyclic characteristics (MOCC). Three sets of parameters for CVR-BOC and keff-EOC adjustments are studied: (1) Dysprosium density in the central pin with Uranium enrichment in the outer fuel rings, (2) Dysprosium density and Uranium enrichment both in the central pin, and (3) the same parameters as in the first case but the objective is to obtain a negative checkerboard CVR-BOC (CBCVR-BOC). To approximate the EOC sensitivity coefficient, we perform constant-power burnup/depletion calculations using a slightly perturbed nuclear library and the unperturbed neutron fluxes to estimate the variation of nuclide densities at EOC. Our aim is to achieve a desired negative CVR-BOC of −2 mk and keff-EOC of 0.900 for the first two cases, and a CBCVR-BOC of −2 mk and keff-EOC of 0.900 for the last case. Sensitivity analyses of CVR and eigenvalue are also included in our study.  相似文献   

A compact pool-type Pb-208 cooled CANDLE (Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy producing reactor) with a thermal power rating of 125 MWth is considered for the future nuclear energy supply. Natural Pb consists of Pb-204, Pb-206, Pb-207 and Pb-208. Pb-208 has a small capture and inelastic-scattering cross-section, which makes it possible to reduce neutron capture by coolant and to make neutron spectrum harder. In case of Pb-208 coolant instead of natural Pb, the core height and radius are reduced to 1.5 m and 1 m, respectively. The effective multiplication factor of the core, keff, could be increased from keff = 0.984 of natural Pb up to keff = 1.006. For increasing natural circulation head, coolant velocities in each core zone are adjusted by orifice at the core inlet position. The reactor vessel height is equal to that of a typical loop-type demonstration FBR vessel to obtain natural circulation head.  相似文献   

Attainable discharge burnups for oxide and hydride fuels in PWR cores were investigated using the TRANSURANUS fuel performance code. Allowable average linear heat rates and coolant mass fluxes for a set of fuel designs with different fuel rod diameters and pitch-to-diameter ratios were obtained by VIPRE and adopted in the fuel code as boundary conditions. TRANSURANUS yielded the maximum rod discharge burnups of the several design combinations, under the condition that specific thermal-mechanical fuel rod constraints were not violated. The study shows that independent of the fuel form (oxide or hydride) rods with (a) small diameters and moderate P/Ds or (b) large diameters and small P/Ds give the highest permissible burnups limited by the rod thermal-mechanical constraints. TRANSURANUS predicts that burnups of ∼74 MWd/kg U and ∼163 MWd/kg U (or ∼65.2 MWd/kg U oxide-equivalent) could be achieved for UO2 and UZrHx fuels, respectively. Furthermore, for each fuel type, changing the enrichment has only a negligible effect on the permissible burnup. The oxide rod performance is limited by internal pressure due to fission gas release, while the hydride fuel can be limited by excessive clad deformation in tension due to fuel swelling, unless the fuel rods will be designed to have a wider liquid metal filled gap. The analysis also indicates that designs featuring a relatively large number of fuel rods of relatively small diameters can achieve maximum burnup and provide maximum core power density because they allow the fuel rods to operate at moderate to low linear heat rates.  相似文献   

In pebble bed reactors the pebbles have a random distribution within the core. The usual approach in modeling the bed is homogenizing the entire bed. To quantify the errors arising in such a model, this article investigates the effect on keff of three phenomena in random pebble distributions: non-uniform packing density, neutron streaming in between the pebbles, and variations in Dancoff factor. For a 100 cm high cylinder with reflective top and bottom boundary conditions 25 pebble beds were generated. Of each bed three core models were made: a homogeneous model, a zones model including density fluctuations, and an exact model with all pebbles modeled individually. The same was done for a model of the PROTEUS facility. keff calculations were performed with three codes: Monte Carlo, diffusion, and finite element transport. By comparing keff of the homogenized and zones model the effect of including density fluctuations in the pebble bed was found to increase keff by 71 pcm for the infinite cylinder and 649 pcm for PROTEUS. The large value for PROTEUS is due to the low packing fraction near the top of the pebble bed, causing a significant lower packing fraction for the bulk of the pebble bed in the homogenized model. The effect of neutron streaming was calculated by comparing the zones model with the exact model, and was found to decrease keff by 606 pcm for the infinite cylinder, and by 1240 pcm for PROTEUS. This was compared with the effect of using a streaming correction factor on the diffusion coefficient in the zones model, which resulted in Δstreaming values of 340 and 1085 pcm. From this we conclude neutron streaming is an important effect in pebble bed reactors, and is not accurately described by the correction factor on the diffusion coefficient. Changing the Dancoff factor in the outer part of the pebble bed to compensate for the lower probability of neutrons to enter other fuel pebbles caused no significant changes in keff, showing that variations in Dancoff factor in pebble bed reactors can be ignored.  相似文献   

Long-term scenarios of nuclear energy evolution over the world scale predict deployment of fast reactors (FRs) from 2020 to 2030 and achievement on 2050 the world installed capacity equal to 1500 GWe with essential increasing the FRs number. For several countries (i.e. Russia, Japan) whose policies are based on a sharp increase of nuclear production, at the stage near 2030-2040 when plutonium, Pu, from the PWR spent nuclear fuel is consumed, the Pu lack will stimulate minimization of its load in FRs. The period of Pu deficiency will be prolonged till the years when breeding gain (BG) equal to 0.2-0.3 in fast breeding reactors (FBRs) is obtained which corresponds to Pu inventory doubling time of 44-24 years.In this paper one of opportunities to minimize fuel loading is considered: it is related to using a low neutron capturing lead isotope, 208Pb, as a FR coolant. It is known, that natural lead, natPb, contains a stable lead isotope, 208Pb, having a small cross-section of neutron capture via (n, γ) reaction. In the paper it is shown that the macroscopic cross-sections 〈σn,γ〉 of radiation neutron capture by the lead isotope 208Pb averaged on the ADS core neutron spectra are by ∼3.7-4.5 times less than the corresponding macroscopic cross-sections for a natural mix of lead isotopes natPb. This circumstance allows minimizing load of a lead fast reactor (LFR) core for achievement its criticality, as well as the load of an accelerator-driven system (ADS) subcritical core—for achievement of its small subcriticality. In using 208Pb instead of natPb in the ADS blanket, the multiplication factor of the subsritical core, Keff, could be increased from the initial value Keff = 0.953 up to the value of Keff = 0.970. To achieve this higher value of Keff in the same core cooled by natPb an additional amount of 20-30% of U-Pu fuel will be needed.The isotope 208Pb content in the natural mix of isotopes, natPb, is high enough, above 52%, and its separation in large amounts (several tens’ and hundreds’ of tonnes) is expensive but really solvable technical task. In the project (ISTC #2573, 2005), developed with authors’ participation, it is shown that a new laser photochemical technique of lead isotope separation, being developed in future, permits to obtain large quantities of 208Pb under its acceptable price, of close to $200 kg−1.  相似文献   

A neutronics feasibility study has been performed to determine the enrichment that would be required to convert a commercial Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) from HEU (90.2%) to LEU (<20%) fuel. Two LEU cores with uranium oxide fuel pins of different dimensions were studied. The one has the same dimensions as the current HEU fuel while the other has the dimensions as the special MNSR, the In-Hospital Neutron Irradiator (INHI), which is a variant of the MNSR. The LEU cores that were studied are of identical core configuration as the current HEU core, except for potential changes in the design of the fuel pins. The following reactor core physics parameters were computed for the two LEU fuel options; clean cold core excess reactivity (ρex), control rod (CR) worth, shut down margin (SDM), neutron flux distributions in the irradiation channels and kinetics data (i.e. effective delayed neutron fraction, βeff and prompt neutron lifetime, lf). Results obtained are compared with current HEU core and indicate that it would be feasible to use any of the LEU options for the conversion of NIRR-1 in particular from HEU to LEU.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the high-level waste (HLW) transmutation and fissile breeding potentials of a lead–bismuth eutectic (LBE) cooled accelerator-driven system (ADS) for the various configurations (the target radius, RT = 10–50 cm and the radial thickness of the sub-critical core, δSC = 50–80 cm) and for the various fuel compositions (the fuel volume fraction, VFF = 10%, 12%, 15% and 20% and the fissile fraction, FF = 10–24%) under sub-critical condition. The long-lived fission products (LLFPs: 99Tc, 129I and 135Cs nuclides) and the uranium mono carbide (UC) ceramic fuel are considered as the HLW and the fissile fuel, respectively. The neutronic calculations have been performed per the incident proton (1000 MeV) with the high-energy Monte Carlo code MCNPX in coupled neutron and proton mode using the LA150 library. The numerical results bring out that the case of RT = 30 cm, δSC = 80 cm, VF= 10% and FF = 23% is the optimum configuration and fuel composition, from the energy gain point of view, and has a high neutronic performance for an effective LLFP transmutation and fissile breeding.  相似文献   

The kinetic parameters at end-of-life of a material test reactor fuelled with low enriched uranium fuel were calculated. The reactor used for the study was the IAEA’s 10 MW benchmark reactor. Simulations were carried out to calculate core excess reactivity, neutron flux spectrum, prompt neutron generation time and effective delayed neutron fraction. Nuclear reactor analysis codes including WIMS-D4 and CITATION were employed to carry out these calculations. It was observed that in comparison with the beginning-of-life values, at end-of-life, the neutron flux increased throughout the core, the prompt neutron generation time increased by 3.68% while the effective delayed neutron fraction decreased by 0.35%.  相似文献   

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