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The results of various accident scenario simulations for the two major modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) variants (prismatic and pebble bed cores) are presented. Sensitivity studies can help to quantify the uncertainty ranges of the predicted outcomes for variations in some of the more crucial system parameters, as well as for occurrences of equipment and/or operator failures or errors. In addition, sensitivity studies can guide further efforts in improving the design and determining where more (or less) R&D is appropriate. Both of the modular HTGR designs studied – the 400-MW(t) pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR, pebble) and the 600-MW(t) gas-turbine modular helium reactor (GT-MHR, prismatic) – show excellent accident prevention and mitigation capabilities because of their inherent passive safety features. The large thermal margins between operating and “potential damage” temperatures, along with the typically very slow accident response times (approximate days to reach peak temperatures), tend to reduce concerns about uncertainties in the simulation models, the initiating events, and the equipment and operator responses.  相似文献   

The modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR) has distinct advantages in terms of inherent safety, economics potential, high efficiency, potential usage for hydrogen production, etc. The Chinese design of the MHTGR, named as high-temperature gas-cooled reactor-pebble bed module (HTR-PM), based on the technology and experience of the HTR-10, is currently in the conceptual phase. The HTR-PM demonstration plant is planned to be finished by 2012. The main philosophy of the HTR-PM project can be pinned down as: (1) safety, (2) standardization, (3) economy, and (4) proven technology. The work in the categories of marketing, organization, project and technology is done in predefined order. The biggest challenge for the HTR-PM is to ensure its economical viability while maintaining its inherent safety. A design of a 450 MWth annular pebble bed core connected with steam turbine is aimed for and presented in this paper.  相似文献   

The long term core and primary loop heatup of an HTGR subsequent to loss of all forced circulation has been analyzed using a modified version of the CORCON code. The results indicate that if the liner cooling system is operating, or can be restarted within about 60 h, safe cooldown can be achieved, but significant core damage will occur. Without functioning liner cooling system the core heatup will lead to PCRV concrete degradation and the resulting concrete gas releases will ultimately cause containment building failure after 6 to 10 days.  相似文献   

The concept of inherent safety features of the modular HTR design with respect to passive decay heat removal through conduction, radiation and natural convection was first introduced in the German HTR-module (pebble fuel) design and subsequently extended to other modular HTR design in recent years, e.g. PBMR (pebble fuel), GT-MHR (prismatic fuel) and the new generation reactor V/HTR (prismatic fuel).This paper presents the numerical simulations of the V/HTR using the thermal-hydraulic code THERMIX which was initially developed for the analysis of HTRs with pebble fuels, verified by experiments, subsequently adopted for applications in the HTRs with prismatic fuels and checked against the results of CRP-3 benchmark problem analyzed by various countries with diverse codes.In this paper, the thermal response of the V/HTR (operating inlet/outlet temperatures 490/1000 °C) during post shutdown passive cooling under pressurized and depressurized primary system conditions has been investigated. Additional investigations have also been carried out to determine the influence of other inlet/outlet operating temperatures (e.g. 490/850, 350/850 or 350/1000 °C) on the maximum fuel and pressure vessel temperature during depressurized cooldown condition. In addition, some sensitivity analyses have also been performed to evaluate the effect of varying the parameters, i.e. decay heat, graphite conductivity, surface emissivity, etc., on the maximum fuel and pressure vessel temperature. The results show that the nominal peak fuel temperatures remain below 1600 °C for all these cases, which is the limiting temperature relating to radioactivity release from the fuel. The analyses presented in this paper demonstrate that the code THERMIX can be successfully applied for the thermal calculation of HTRs with prismatic fuel. The results also provide some fundamental information for the design optimization of V/HTR with respect to its maximum thermal power, operating temperatures, etc.  相似文献   

Decay heat removal is a key safety and design issue for the Generation IV gas (helium)-cooled fast reactor. This paper investigates the natural convection capability of the dedicated DHR loops under depressurized conditions while injecting a heavy gas into the system. Investigated is a loss-of-coolant accident using the TRACE code. The goal of the study is to improve fuel/cladding temperature behavior during LOCA transients with the enhancement of passive safety by operation in natural convection only, while accepting 10 bar back-up pressure in the guard containment. The paper investigates the cooling capabilities of different heavy gases. Furthermore, different injection locations and mass flow rates have been tested, in order to address possible core-overcooling problems resulting from rapid depressurization of the gas reservoir. It has been shown that, among the gases investigated, CO2 is the best choice from the thermal-hydraulics viewpoint, being able to cool the core satisfactorily for a broad range of injection rates. N2 can be envisaged as an alternative solution in case of chemical problems with CO2. Supplementary studies carried out for the CO2 and N2 injection cases include that of the sensitivity to the number of available DHR loops and to the LOCA break-size. The effect of the resulting neutron spectrum changes on the shutdown-reactivity margin has also been investigated.  相似文献   

Postulated air ingress accidents, while of very low probability in a modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), are of considerable interest to the plant designer, operator, and regulator because of the possibility that the core could sustain significant damage under some circumstances. Sensitivity analyses are described that cover a wide spectrum of conditions affecting outcomes of the postulated accident sequences, for both prismatic and pebble-bed core designs. The major factors affecting potential core damage are the size and location of primary system leaks, flow path resistances, the core temperature distribution, and the long-term availability of oxygen in the incoming gas from a confinement building. Typically, all the incoming oxygen entering the core area is consumed within the reactor vessel, so it is more a matter of where, not whether, oxidation occurs. An air ingress model with example scenarios and means for mitigating damage are described. Representative designs of modular HTGRs included here are a 400-MW(th) pebble-bed reactor (PBR), and a 600-MW(th) prismatic-core modular reactor (PMR) design such as the gas-turbine modular helium reactor (GT-MHR).  相似文献   

This paper presents the application results of MCS/GAMMA+ to multi-physics analysis of OECD/NEA modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor (MHTGR) benchmark Phase I Exercise 3. It is a part of international R&D efforts lead by the Next Generation Nuclear Plant (NGNP) US project to improve the neutron-physics and thermal-fluid simulation of (high temperature gas-cooled reactors) HTGRs, one of the next generations of safer nuclear reactors. Accurate and validated analysis tools are indeed a crucial requirement for safety analysis and licensing of nuclear reactors. To guide this effort, a numerical benchmark on the MHTGR was created by the NGNP project and formally approved in 2012 for international participation by the OECD/NEA. The benchmark defines a common set of exercises and the comparison of solutions obtained with different analysis tools is expected to improve the understanding of simulation methods for HTGRs. The coupled neutronics/thermal-fluid solution presented in this paper was obtained with the neutron transport Monte Carlo code MCS developed by Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology and the thermal-fluid code GAMMA+ developed by Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute. The purpose of this paper is to present the GAMMA+/MCS coupled system, the calculation methodology, and the obtained solutions.  相似文献   

The MHTGR is an advanced nuclear reactor concept being developed in the USA, under a cooperative program involving the U.S. Government, the nuclear industry, and the utilities. As its objective, this program is developing a safe, reliable, and economic nuclear power option for the USA, and the other nations of the world to consider in meeting their individual nationalistic electrical generation or process heat needs by the turn of the century. The design is based on a concept of modularization that can meet the various power needs by combining any number of 350 MW(t) reactor modules in parallel with a selected number of turbine plants in a variety of arrangements. Basic HTGR features of ceramic fuel, helium coolant, and graphite are sized and configured to provide a low power density core with passive safety features such that no operator action or external source of power is needed for the plant to meet 10CFR100 or Protective Action Guidelines limits at the 425 m site boundary. This precludes the necessity to plan for the evacuation or sheltering of the public during any licensing basis event. The safe behavior of the reactor plant is not dependent upon operator action and it is insensitive to operator error. The Conceptual Design is presently being vigorously reviewed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). A safety evaluation report and a licensability statement are scheduled for issuance by the NRC in January 1988.  相似文献   

Flow distribution and pressure drop analysis in the inlet plenum of a pebble-bed modular reactor (PBMR) have been performed numerically. Three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations have been solved in conjunction with the k model as a turbulence closure. Non-uniformity in the flow distribution is assessed for the reference case, and parametric studies have been performed for rising channels diameter, Reynolds number, angle between the rising channels, angle between the inlet ports, and aspect ratio of the plenum cross-section. Also, two different shapes of the inlet plenum, namely, rectangular and oval shapes, have been analyzed. The relative flow mal-distribution parameter variation shows that the flow distribution in rising channels for the reference case is strongly non-uniform. As the rising channels diameter is decreased, the flow uniformity as well as the pressure drop is found to increase. The flow distribution in the rising channels is independent of Reynolds number. Increase in the angle between the inlet ports and aspect ratio is found to increase the uniformity in flow distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper we present numerical simulations of a conceptual helium-cooled fluidized bed thermal nuclear reactor. The simulations are performed using the coupled neutronics/multi-phase computational fluid dynamics code finite element transient criticality which is capable of modelling all the relevant non-linear feedback mechanisms. The conceptual reactor consists of an axi-symmetric bed surrounded by graphite moderator inside which 0.1 cm diameter TRISO-coated nuclear fuel particles are fluidized. Detailed spatial/temporal neutron flux and temperature profiles have been obtained providing valuable insight into the power distribution and fluid dynamics of this complex system. The numerical simulations show that the unique mixing ability of the fluidized bed gives rise, as expected, to uniform temperature and particle distribution. This uniformity enhances the heat transfer and therefore the power produced by the reactor.  相似文献   

In this work the Monte Carlo codes MCNPX and TRIPOLI-4 were used to perform the criticality calculations of the fuel assembly and the core configuration of a gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) concept, currently in development. The objective is to make contributions to the neutronic analysis of a gas-cooled fast reactor. In this study the fuel assembly is based on a hexagonal lattice of fuel-pins. The materials used are uranium and plutonium carbide as fuel, silicon carbide as cladding, and helium gas as coolant. Criticality calculations were done for a fuel assembly where the axial reflector thickness was varied in order to find the optimal thickness. In order to determine the best material to be used as a reflector, in the reactor core with neutrons of high energy spectrum, criticality calculations were done for three reflector materials: zirconium carbide, silicon carbide and natural uranium. It was found that the zirconium carbide provides the best neutron reflection. Criticality calculations using different active heights were done to determine the optimal height, and the reflector thickness was adjusted. Core criticality calculations were performed with different radius sizes to determine the active radial dimension of the core. A negative temperature coefficient of reactivity was verified for the fuel. The effect on reactivity produced by changes in the coolant density was also evaluated. We present the main neutronic characteristics of a preliminary fuel and core designs for the GFR concept. ENDF-VI cross-sections libraries were used in both the MCNPX and TRIPOLI-4 codes, and we verified that the obtained results are very similar.  相似文献   

The present work involves simulations of a simplified three-dimensional representation of the UK fleet of advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs) fuel element using a 30° sector configuration. The computations were carried out using the v2f formulation which was shown to be one of the most accurate turbulence models in earlier simulations of two-dimensional rib-roughened channels. In the present work main features of the mean flow and heat transfer in the fuel element were identified and discussed. The pressure loss and friction factor were also calculated where good agreement with the experimental correlations was found. Further comparisons were made against simulations of a 2D rib-roughened channel in order to assess the validity and relevance of a ‘2D approximation’ approach. It was shown that although a two-dimensional approach is very useful and economical for ‘parametric studies’, it does not provide an accurate representation of a 3D fuel element configuration, especially for the velocity and pressure coefficient distributions, where large discrepancies were found between the results of the 2D channel and azimuthal planes of the 3D configuration.  相似文献   

The development of an intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) transferring high temperature heat to a process heat application is of prime importance for a next-generation high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). The IHX needs high structural integrity and reliability over 900°C for a long duration. A plate fin type compact heat exchanger (PFCHX) has a large heat transfer area per heat exchanger volume and is expected to be used as the IHX. However, the brazing for connecting fins and plate is not reliable when existing PFCHXs are used in a high temperature condition for a long time. We have proposed a concavo-convex plate type compact heat exchanger (CPCHX) which consists of concavo-convex plates (CPs) welded by solid state diffusion and made of nickel-based superalloy Hastelloy XR. In our study, first, an optimized condition for the solid state diffusion welding between the CPs of the CPCHX was found by experiments using test pieces made of Hastelloy XR. Second, small-scale diffusion-welded CPCHXs were designed, manufactured and installed in a test loop to investigate the reliability of the diffusion welding. As a result of leakage tests, it was confirmed that the reliability of the solid state diffusion welding between the CPs of the small-scale CPCHX is sufficient. A thermal performance test revealed that the thermal conductance of the small-scale CPCHX was better than calculated. In addition, a design study for the CPCHX was performed to investigate the feasibility of the diffusion-welded CPCHX to the IHX in a next-generation HTGR.  相似文献   

The high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) coupled with turbine cycle is considered as one of the leading candidates for future nuclear power plants. In this paper, the various types of HTGR gas turbine cycles are concluded as three typical cycles of direct cycle, closed indirect cycle and open indirect cycle. Furthermore they are theoretically converted to three Brayton cycles of helium, nitrogen and air. Those three types of Brayton cycles are thermodynamically analyzed and optimized. The results show that the variety of gas affects the cycle pressure ratio more significantly than other cycle parameters, however, the optimized cycle efficiencies of the three Brayton cycles are almost the same. In addition, the turbomachines which are required for the three optimized Brayton cycles are aerodynamically analyzed and compared and their fundamental characteristics are obtained. Helium turbocompressor has lower stage pressure ratio and more stage number than those for nitrogen and air machines, while helium and nitrogen turbocompressors have shorter blade length than that for air machine.  相似文献   

仿真系统对10 MW高温气冷堆的堆芯、主回路系统和蒸汽发生器等部件进行分析计算,模拟稳态和瞬态过程。采用虚拟场景技术,按高温气冷堆的实际结构建立三维虚拟场景,用户可在虚拟场景中漫游观测,实时查看仿真计算状态;同时可对仿真数据结果进行分析并以二维、三维图形显示。该仿真系统不仅对高温气冷堆的工程设计、安全分析和人员培训有重要作用,且可以对HTR-10主控室的操作人员进行现场支持及各项研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

为了满足模拟机实时仿真核电站一、二回路工况的需要,根据流体的质量、动量和能量守恒原理,建立了适合模拟机要求的螺旋管式直流蒸汽发生器的准稳态数学模型.该模型将蒸汽发生器作为单管模型处理,并根据水的状态将蒸汽发生器分为单相水段、两相段和过热段三大段,每大段又细分若干小段.该数学模型方程采用变步长四阶龙格库塔法联立求解一、二...  相似文献   

The Deep Burn Project is developing high burnup fuel based on Ceramically Coated (TRISO) particles, for use in the management of spent fuel Transuranics. This paper evaluates the TRU deep-burn in a High Temperature Reactor (HTR) that recycles its own transuranic production. The DB-HTR is loaded with standard LEU fresh fuel and the self-generated TRUs are recycled into the same core (after reprocessing of the original spent fuel). This mode of operation is called self-recycling (SR-HTR). The final spent fuel of the SR-HTR can be disposed of in a final repository, or recycled again.In this study, a single recycling of the self-generated TRUs is considered. The UO2 fuel kernel is 12% uranium enrichment and the diameter of the kernel is 500 μm. TRISO packing fraction of UO2 fuel compact is 26%. In the SR-HTR fuel cycle, it is assumed that the spent UO2 fuel is reprocessed with conventional technology and the recovered TRUs are fabricated into Deep Burn TRISO fuel. The diameter of 200 μm is used for the TRU fuel kernel. A typical coating thickness is used. The core performance is evaluated for an equilibrium cycle, which is obtained by cycle-wise depletion calculations. From the analysis results, the equilibrium cycle lengths of Case 1 (5-ring fuel block SR-HTR) and Case 2 (4-ring fuel block SR-HTR) are 487 and 450 EFPDs (effective full power days), respectively. And the UO2 fuel discharge burnups of Case 1 and Case 2 are 10.3% and 10.1%, respectively. Also, the TRU discharge burnups of Case 1 and Case 2 are 64.7% and 63.5%, respectively, which is considered extremely high. The fissile (Pu-239 and Pu-241) content of the self-generated TRU vector is about 52%. The deep-burning of TRU in SR-HTR is partly due to the efficient conversion of Pu-240 to Pu-241, which is boosted by the uranium fuel in SR-HTR. It is also observed that the power distribution is quite flat within the uranium fuel zone. The lower power density in TRU fuel is because the TRU burnup is very high. Also, it is found that transmutation of Pu-239 is near complete in SR-HTR and that of Pu-241 is extremely high in all cases. The decay heat of the SR-HTR core is very similar to the UO2-only core. However, accumulation of the minor actinides is not avoidable in the SR-HTR core. The extreme high burnup of the Deep Burn fuel greatly reduces the amount of heat producing isotopes that could be problematic in spent fuel repositories (like Pu-238).  相似文献   

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