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Verifying BPEL-like programs with Hoare logic 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The WS-BPEL language has recently become a de facto standard for modeling Web-based business processes. One of its essential features is the fully programmable compensation mechanism. To understand it better, many recent works have mainly focused on formal semantic models for WS-BPEL. In this paper, we make one step forward by investigating the verification problem for business processes written in BPEL-like languages. We propose a set of proof rules in Hoare-logic style as an axiomatic verification system for a BPEL-like core language containing key features such as data states, fault and compensation handling. We also propose a big-step operational semantics which incorporates all these key features. Our verification rules are proven sound with respect to this underlying semantics. The application of the verification rules is illustrated via the proof search process for a nontrivial example. 相似文献
Angeles Navarro Francisco Corbera Adrian Tineo Rafael Asenjo Emilio L. Zapata 《Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing》2007
The problem of data dependences detection in codes based on dynamic data structures, is crucial to various compiler optimizations. The approach presented in this paper focuses on detecting data dependences induced by heap-directed pointers on loops that access dynamic data structures. Knowledge about the shape of the data structure accessible from a heap-directed pointer provides critical information for disambiguating heap accesses originating from it. The new approach is based on a previously developed shape analysis that maintains topological information of the connections among the different nodes (memory locations) in the data structure. As a novelty, our approach carries out abstract interpretation of the statements being analyzed, annotating memory locations with read/write information. This information will be later used in a very accurate data dependence test which we describe in this paper. We also discuss its application to several different benchmarks. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate the complexity of verifying problems whose computation is equivalent to the determinant, both
in the Boolean arithmetic circuit and in the Boolean circuit model. We observe that for a few problems, there exists an easy
1) verification algorithm. To characterize the harder ones, we define the class of problems that are reducible to the verification
of the determinant, under two different reductions, and establish a list of complete problems in these classes. In particular,
we prove that computing the rank is equivalent under AC
0 reductions to verifying the determinant. We show in the Boolean case that none of the complete problems can be recognized
in NC
1 unless L = NL. On the other hand, we show that for functions, there exists an NC
1 checker even if they are hard to verify, and that they can be extended into functions whose verification is easy.
received 24 August 1995 相似文献
We have studied the interaction between process-based parallel programs whose characteristics change in various ways at run time and the operation of load-balancing, as implemented by process migration. In order to do this, we propose a simple performance model, whose parameters represent features of the program's execution such as the frequency and regularity of the changes in computational characteristics, and conduct a series of experiments involving simulated executions of synthetic programs with controlled parameter values. From these we can deduce the relative importance of the parameters from the point of view of their influence on performance. We can explain our observations in terms of a simplified stochastic model that relates local changes in load to global behaviour. We show that the dynamics of load-balancing can be represented approximately by a first-order difference equation, and that the distributed process migration algorithm is consistent with a behaviour on the global scale which can be regarded as that of a traditional feedback controller. 相似文献
The occurrence of communication deadlocks caused by the unavailability of message buffers during the execution of distributed parallel programs is investigated. Such deadlocks can occur even if the program is designed for deadlock-freedom, since they are largely dependent on the system's ability to handle message buffering space. A class of deadlock prevention strategies which require that the programmer provide upper bounds on the buffer usage in the several communication channels involved is exploited, and it is argued that such bounds are relatively simple to obtain in many cases. The proposed strategies range from those which require a minimal amount of buffers to those which ensure a reasonable level of concurrency in process execution, although at the expense of more buffering space. It is shown that in general these strategies require the solution of NP-hard optimization problems, and an efficient heuristic to tackle the concurrency-optimal strategy is suggested. Randomly generated systems are then used to show that the heuristic tends to be very successful 相似文献
Spegni Francesco Spalazzi Luca Liva Giovanni Pinzger Martin Bollin Andreas 《Software Quality Journal》2020,28(2):695-744
Software Quality Journal - Many Java programs encode temporal behaviors in their source code, typically mixing three features provided by the Java language: (1) pausing the execution for a limited... 相似文献
Verifying floating-point programs with constraint programming and abstract interpretation techniques
Static value analysis is a classical approach for verifying programs with floating-point computations. Value analysis mainly relies on abstract interpretation and over-approximates the possible values of program variables. State-of-the-art tools may however compute over-approximations that can be rather coarse for some very usual program expressions. In this paper, we show that constraint solvers can significantly refine approximations computed with abstract interpretation tools. More precisely, we introduce a hybrid approach combining abstract interpretation and constraint programming techniques in a single static and automatic analysis. This hybrid approach benefits from the strong points of abstract interpretation and constraint programming techniques, and thus, it is more effective than static analysers and constraint solvers, when used separately. We compared the efficiency of the system we developed—named rAiCp—with state-of-the-art static analyzers: rAiCp produces substantially more precise approximations and is able to check program properties on both academic and industrial benchmarks. 相似文献
Prakash S. Deelman E. Bagrodia R. 《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》2000,26(5):385-400
Parallel simulation of parallel programs for large datasets has been shown to offer significant reduction in the execution time of many discrete event models. The paper describes the design and implementation of MPI-SIM, a library for the execution driven parallel simulation of task and data parallel programs. MPI-SIM can be used to predict the performance of existing programs written using MPI for message passing, or written in UC, a data parallel language, compiled to use message passing. The simulation models can be executed sequentially or in parallel. Parallel execution of the models are synchronized using a set of asynchronous conservative protocols. The paper demonstrates how protocol performance is improved by the use of application-level, runtime analysis. The analysis targets the communication patterns of the application. We show the application-level analysis for message passing and data parallel languages. We present the validation and performance results for the simulator for a set of applications that include the NAS Parallel Benchmark suite. The application-level optimization described in the paper yielded significant performance improvements in the simulation of parallel programs, and in some cases completely eliminated the synchronizations in the parallel execution of the simulation model 相似文献
Methods are presented for verifying loops which iterate over elements of data structures. This verification is done in the functional style developed by Mills and others, in which code is verified against the function that the code is intended to compute. The methods allow the verifier to concentrate on the essential computation performed on each element of the structure, and separate out such concerns as data-structure access and termination so that they do not need to be verified again for every loop in the program. The methods are applicable to a large class of data structures and iterations over them 相似文献
Yi-Dong Shen 《New Generation Computing》1992,11(1):23-46
In this paper, we deal with the problem of verifying local stratifiability of logic programs and databases presented by Przymusinski.
The notion of dependency graphs is generalized from representing the priority relation between predicate symbols to representing
the priority between atoms. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the local stratifiability of logic programs are presented
and algorithms for performing the verification are developed. Finally, we prove that a database DB containing clauses with
disjunctive consequents can easily be converted into a logic program P such that DB is locally stratified iff P is locally
Yi-Dong Shen, Dr.: Department of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing, 630044, P.R. China (Present Address) c/o Ping Ran, Department
of Heat Power Engineering, Chongqing UniversityResearch interests: Artificial Intelligence, Deductive Databases, Logic Programming, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Parallel Processing 相似文献
Catherine Parent-Vigouroux 《Formal Aspects of Computing》1997,9(5-6):484-517
This paper deals with a particular approach to the verification of functional programs. A specification of a program can be represented by a logical formula [Con86, NPS90]. In a constructive framework, developing a program then corresponds to proving this formula. Given a specification and a program, we focus on reconstructing a proof of the specification whose algorithmic contents corresponds to the given program. The best we can hope is to generate proof obligations on atomic parts of the program corresponding to logical properties to be verified. First, this paper studies a weak extraction of a program from a proof that keeps track of intermediate specifications. From such a program, we prove the determinism of retrieving proof obligations. Then, heuristic methods are proposed for retrieving the proof from a natural program containing only partial annotations. Finally, the implementation of this method as a tactic of theCoq proof assistant is presented.This research was partly supported by ESPRIT Basic Research Action Types for Proofs and Programs and by Programme de Recherche Coordonnes and CNRS Groupement de Recherche Programmation. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence》1990,16(1):51-63
The isolation approach to symbolic execution of Ada tasking programs provides a basis for automating partial correctness proofs. The strength of this approach lies in its isolation nature; tasks are symbolically executed and verified independently, and then checked for cooperation where interference can occur. This keeps the verification task computationally feasible and enhances its compositionality. Safety, however, is a more appropriate notion of correctness for concurrent programs than partial correctness. The author shows how the isolation approach to symbolic execution of Ada tasking program supports the verification of general safety properties. Specific safety properties that are considered include mutual exclusion, freedom from deadlock, and absence of communication failure. The techniques are illustrated using a solution to the readers and writers problem 相似文献
This paper is the second of a two-part series exploring the subtle correctness criterion of the absence of livelocks in parallel programs. In this paper we are concerned with the issue of proving this correctness criterion. It is shown that livelocks are not preserved by reduction, implying that reduction cannot be used directly in proving the absence of livelocks. Two applicable proof techniques are also presented. One is based on the notion of establishing sufficient conditions for livelock-freedom; the other is an extension of the well-founded set method for proving termination in sequential programs. 相似文献
Christof Lding Carsten Lutz Olivier Serre 《The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming》2007,73(1-2):51
We extend the propositional dynamic logic PDL of Fischer and Ladner with a restricted kind of recursive programs using the formalism of visibly pushdown automata [R. Alur, P. Madhusudan, Visibly pushdown languages, in: Procceings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2004), 2004, ACM, pp. 202–211]. We show that the satisfiability problem for this extension remains decidable, generalising known decidability results for extensions of PDL by non-regular programs. Our decision procedure establishes a 2-ExpTime upper complexity bound, and we prove a matching lower bound that applies already to rather weak extensions of PDL with non-regular programs. Thus, we also show that such extensions tend to be more complex than standard PDL. 相似文献
A study is made of the problem of estimating interference in an imperative language with dynamic data structures. The authors focus on developing efficient and implementable methods for recursive data structures. In particular, they present interference analysis tools and parallelization techniques for imperative programs that contain dynamically updatable trees and directed acyclic graphs. The analysis methods are based on a regular-expression-like representation of the relationship between accessible nodes in the data structure. They authors have implemented their analysis, and they present some concrete examples that have been processed by this system 相似文献
Yi-Dong Shen 《New Generation Computing》1996,14(3):317-341
We continue investigating ways of verifying local stratifiability of logic programs and databases. In a previous paper, we established a necessary and sufficient condition for local stratifiability of logic programs and databases and proposed an interactive procedure for performing the verification. In this paper, we extend our earlier work. We present a characterization of an infinite extending path and develop a non-interactive procedure for testing for local stratifiability of logic programs and databases. Although the unerlying problem is undecidable in general, our method proves to be powerful to treat a majority of logic programs and databases. 相似文献
Methods and tools for detecting nondeterminacy in programs for shared-memory multiprocessors are discussed. The approach described divides the debugging chore into two phases. The first phase uses tools that automatically detect nondeterminacy to debug synchronization errors, assuming it is decided at the outset to make the parallel program determinate. At the end of this phase, it is known that the program is determinate, that timing differences will not affect results, and the debugging sessions are repeatable. In the second phase, an interactive break-point debugger is used to find arithmetic and logical errors. The proposed tools fall into two groups: those that statically analyze the source program and those that analyze an execution trace of the program 相似文献