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Choi YM  Jung KC  Choe JH  Kim BC 《Meat science》2012,91(4):490-498
The effect of muscle cortisol concentration on muscle fiber characteristics and technological and sensory quality of pork was investigated. With the exception of the percentage of type IIA fibers, muscle fiber characteristics were not associated to cortisol levels. However, muscle cortisol concentration was positively associated with muscle pH(24h) (r = 0.23, P<0.05) and negatively associated with drip loss (r = -0.49, P<0.001), lightness (r = -0.24, P<0.05), shear force (r = -0.25, P<0.05), and texture profile analysis-hardness (r = -0.35, P<0.01). Additionally, the water-holding capacity of meat samples was affected by cortisol levels, with lower cortisol concentrations associated with less tender samples. These results indicate that the concentration of cortisol in the muscle is related with meat quality as well as the sensory quality of cooked pork.  相似文献   

The objective was to examine the relationship of trained panel sensory scores of cooked pork with fatty acid composition, muscle fiber type, and meat quality characteristics from Berkshire pigs. No or few associations were found between the panel sensory scores of cooked meat, especially tenderness attributes, and fatty acid composition; however, intramuscular fat content positively correlated with off-flavor score (r = 0.31). On the other hand, the morphological characteristics of muscle fibers were correlated with panel sensory values. Muscles with smaller cross-sectional area and higher density of fibers were more closely associated with softer, more tender panel scores and a lower number of chews than muscles with larger fiber area and lower density of fibers. The water holding capacity test of filter-paper fluid uptake was moderately correlated with panel scores of softness (r = 0.33), initial tenderness (r = 0.38), chewiness (r = 0.40), juiciness (r = − 0.27), flavor intensity (r = − 0.23), and off-flavor (r = 0.30). Panel sensory values of Berkshire pig meat was moderately related to postmortem meat quality, especially water holding capacity. A more thorough understanding of the relationships between fatty acid composition and muscle fiber type with palatability is needed.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated individual and interactive influences of pork loin (n = 679) ultimate ph (pH), intramuscular fat (IMF), Minolta L∗ color (L∗), Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBSF), and internal cooked temperatures (62.8 °C, 68.3 °C, 73.9 °C, and 79.4 °C) on trained sensory perception of palatability. Logistical regression analyses were used, fitting sensory responses as dependent variables and quality and cooked temperature as independent variables, testing quadratic and interactive effects. Incremental increases in cooked temperature reduced sensory juiciness and tenderness scores by 3.8% and 0.9%, respectively, but did not influence sensory flavor or saltiness scores. An increase of 4.9 N in WBSF, from a base of 14.7 N (lowest) to 58.8 N (greatest) was associated with a 3.7% and 1.8% reduction in sensory tenderness and juiciness scores, respectively, with predicted sensory tenderness scores reduced by 3.55 units when comparing ends of the WBSF range. Modeled sensory responses for loins with pH of 5.40 and 5.60 had reduced tenderness, chewiness, and fat flavor ratings when compared with responses for loins with pH of 5.80 to 6.40, the range indicative of optimal sensory response. Loin IMF and L∗ were significant model effects; however, their influence on sensory attributes was small, with predicted mean sensory responses measurably improved only when comparing 6% and 1% IMF and L∗ values of 46.9 (dark) when compared with 65.0 (pale). Tenderness and juiciness scores, were related to a greater extent to loin WBSF and pH, and to a lesser extent to cooked temperature, IMF and L∗.  相似文献   

The study evaluated the interactive and individual effects of fresh pork loin (n = 679) ultimate pH (pH), intramuscular fat (IMF), Minolta L* color (L*), Warner–Bratzler shear force (WBS), and four cooked temperatures (62.8 °C, 68.3 °C, 73.9 °C, and 79.4 °C) on consumer (n = 2280) perception of eating quality (n = 13,265 observations). Data were analyzed using ordered logistical regression. Predicted mean responses were consistently near or under five on the 1–8-point end-anchored scale, indicating a neutral perception of pork eating quality regardless of fresh quality or cooked temperature. Responses improved as IMF and pH increased and WBS decreased, whereas L* did not contribute significantly to variation in responses. Increasing IMF resulted in a very small incremental improvement in responses, but was of practical size only when comparing the least (1%) to the greatest (6%) levels. Loin pH and WBS were primary contributors to consumer perceptions, whereby an incremental increase in pH (0.20 unit) and decrease in WBS (4.9 N) resulted in a 4–5% reduction in the proportion of consumers rating pork as 6 (favorable) on the 8-point scale. No interactions between quality and temperature effects were observed. Increased cooked temperature was negatively (P < 0.05) associated with Overall-Like and Tenderness ratings, but the incremental effect was small. Juiciness-Like and Level responses decreased by 0.50 units as temperature increased across the range. Consumer responses favor pork with lower WBS, greater pH and IMF, and pork cooked to a lower temperature.  相似文献   

Lee SH  Choe JH  Choi YM  Jung KC  Rhee MS  Hong KC  Lee SK  Ryu YC  Kim BC 《Meat science》2012,90(2):284-291
The purpose of this study was to compare parameters associated with pork quality, muscle fiber, and eating quality among various breeds, and to examine if differences in eating quality were associated to pork quality and muscle fiber characteristics. For carcass and pork quality, although there were significant differences among breeds, the values of parameters in all pigs were assigned a normal quality class, a likely outcome of the similarity in the area percentage of type I and IIB fibers. For eating quality, pork loins from Berkshire pigs were more tender and full of pork flavor than Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. Except juiciness and mouth coating, over 20% of the variability in the eating quality parameters can be explained by pork quality traits and muscle fiber characteristics using multiple regression analysis. Furthermore, differences in muscle pH24 h, cooking loss, shear force, and NPPC marbling score could explain a large proportion of variation in eating quality parameters associated with the texture of pork.  相似文献   

Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) which are produced in meats cooked at high temperature a risk factor for certain human cancers. This study evaluated the effect of enhancement on HCA formation in cooked pork loins. Three samples of pork loin were prepared including non-injected loin, 12% water-injected loin, and 12% salt/phosphate injected loin. The HCAs were identified in all samples: PhIP (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b]pyridine), MeIQx (2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoxaline), and DiMeIQx (2-amino-3,4,8-trimethylimidazo [4,5-f]quinoxaline). Injection of salt/phosphate significantly reduced the level of PhIP by 42.7%, MeIQx by 79.0%, and DiMeIQx by 75.0%. Enhancement with water alone did not reduce HCA formation.  相似文献   

Iberian (I) and Mangalitza (M) boars were crossed with Duroc (D) and Landrace/Yorkshire (LY) sows and compared with the traditional crossbreed DLY. The sensory attributes were analysed, and consumers evaluated the fried loins. Gas chromatography (GC) aroma analysis was performed on the fried meat, and fatty acid composition was determined on the loin and the subcutaneous fat, respectively. No marked differences were found in odour, appearance or flavour/taste between the alternative crossbreeds and DLY; however, the alternative crossbreeds had improved textural properties. Consumer evaluation revealed that the alternative crossbreeds obtained positive associations compared with DLY, and MD was ranked best or second best by almost 60% of the consumers. No pronounced differences were found in the aroma compounds between the different crossbreeds. Correlations were found between the fatty acid composition and sensory attributes. In conclusion, by crossing the alternative breeds Iberian and Mangalitza with traditional Danish pig breeds it is possible to produce pork with attractive sensory attributes.  相似文献   

Quality data were initially collected on 78 pork loins from crossbred pigs fed diets containing 0, 1.25 or 2.5% magnesium mica (MM). Loins were then vacuum-packaged, and randomly assigned to either 4 or 8 weeks of storage at 2°C. Dietary MM had no (P > 0.05) effect on moisture loss/retention or subjective and objective color measurements. Purge volume increased (P<0.05) and drip loss decreased (P<0.05) as storage time increased. Moreover, longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LM) chops became lighter (P<0.05), redder (P<0.05), and more yellow (P<0.05) during 8 weeks of storage. Although TBARS values increased linearly (P<0.001) during extended storage, LM chops from pigs fed 2.5% MM tended to have lower (P<0.07) TBARS values after 4 weeks of storage than chops from pigs fed 0 and 1.25% MM. After 8 weeks of storage, however, there was a tendency for TBARS values of chops from pigs fed 1.25% MM to be lower (P<0.07) than chops from pigs fed 2.5% MM. Even though feeding swine diets containing MM did not affect color and water-holding capacity of pork loins during storage, the data indicated inclusion of MM in swine diets may retard onset of oxidative rancidity in vacuum-packaged pork loins.  相似文献   

A study of the tensile properties of cooked strips from beef sternomandibularis which had gone into rigor at various temperatures showed no clear relationships with earlier observed variations in shear force with rigor temperature. A consistent feature of the load extension curves was a sudden increase in extensibility at a ‘change point’ of about 1 kg/cm2. Some curves, particularly those for strips cooked under restraint, showed a third intermediate extensibility. Evidence points to modification of a myofibrillar component as the reason for the sudden changes.  相似文献   

研究了普通托盘包装、真空包装、高氧气调包装(70%O2+30%CO2)和一氧化碳气调包装(0.4%CO+30%CO2+69.6%N2)对冷鲜猪肉的保鲜效果。通过对不同包装方式下冷鲜猪肉在贮藏期的色泽、汁液流失、挥发性盐基氮和微生物的分析,发现真空包装、高氧气调包装和一氧化碳气调包装均显著抑制了冷却肉中微生物的生长,提高了贮藏期间的色泽品质,但是真空包装汁液流失严重,且抑菌效果不如2种气调包装;高氧气调包装虽然有较好的护色效果和抑菌效果,但易使肉后期色泽变暗;一氧化碳包装既能维持贮藏期内较好的肉色,又能起到较好的抑菌效果,对冷却猪肉具有较理想的保鲜效果。  相似文献   

Twenty-four finishing pigs with a mean starting weight of 82 kg were assigned to two dietary regimens: (1) a corn–soybean meal basal diet (control; n = 12), and (2) the basal diet supplemented with 20 ppm ractopamine HCl (RAC; n = 12). After 28–30 days on the feeding trial, pigs were slaughtered, and the growth and carcass characteristics were measured. Furthermore, the 3rd–13th rib section of longissimus muscle was excised at 48 h postmortem, sliced into 19-mm thick chops, vacuum packaged, stored at 2 °C, and subjected to Warner–Bratzler shear force (WBSF) and electrophoretic tests after 2, 4, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days (postmortem). RAC feeding increased (P < 0.01) pig carcass weight and percent lean, but it also increased the day-2 muscle WBSF by 20% (P < 0.01). The shear force difference between control and RAC pig muscles gradually decreased and vanished by day 10 (P > 0.05) when both muscle groups became more tender. The muscle from RAC-fed pigs exhibited a slower protein degradation rate than muscle from the control animals, notably for proteins in the 15–45 kDa range. The results suggested that the tenderness difference between ractopamine-treated and control pig muscles was related to the proteolysis rate, and could be diminished with adequate postmortem ageing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between blood glucose level, muscle fiber characteristics, and pork quality. Muscle samples were classified into three groups based on blood glucose level measured at slaughter. Pigs with higher area percentages of fiber type IIB showed higher blood glucose levels compared to pigs with lower area percentages of fiber type IIB. The high blood glucose level group presented lower pH values at 45 min and 24 h postmortem, and also had higher L values and reduced water holding capacity. In addition, blood glucose level had a negative relationship with pH45 min and the solubility of sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar proteins, whereas it had a positive relationship with drip loss and filter-paper fluid uptake. In conclusion, blood glucose level was related to muscle fiber area composition and could partially indicate ultimate pork quality.  相似文献   

Lu P  Zhang LY  Yin JD  Everts AK  Li de F 《Meat science》2008,80(3):910-918
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary oil on the fatty acid compositions of the longissimus and biceps brachii muscles and its effects on cooked muscles flavour. Seventy-two crossbred barrows (Duroc×Landrace×Large White), were blocked by weight and randomly assigned to one of three treatments. The three dietary treatments were: (a) no oil supplement (CON); (b) 3% soybean oil supplement (SO3); (c) 3% linseed oil supplement (LO3). Dietary linseed oil and soybean oil significantly increased the contents of C18:3 and C18:2 in the neutral lipids and phospholipids in both longissimus muscle and biceps brachii muscle, respectively. Aroma compounds analysis indicated only few aroma compounds were affected significantly by dietary oil in both cooked longissimus muscle and biceps brachii muscle. The flavour attributes of cooked longissimus muscle and biceps brachii muscle were not influenced by feeding 3% soybean oil. Feeding 3% linseed oil did not deleteriously affect the flavour of cooked longissimus muscle but cooked biceps brachii muscle from LO3 had significantly lower pork flavour and higher abnormal flavour than CON and SO3.  相似文献   

The quality of pork is dependent on animal genotype, pre-slaughter handling, processing, maturation, and storage. We investigated the pattern of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) breakdown as it related to these factors. Samples of the thoracis portion of the longissimus dorsi muscle were obtained from 19 randomly selected German Landrace-Pietrain crossbreed swine. Based on their 40 min post-mortem pH and electrical conductances, three groups were classified: (1) PSE meat, pH ≤ 5·6 and conductance >10 mS (n = 7); (2) intermediate quality, pH 5·6-6·0 and conductance between 4 and 10 mS (n = 5); and (3) normal quality, pH ≥ 6·0 and conductance < mS (n = 7). Hence, the animals investigated included those susceptible to malignant hyperthermia (porcine stress-syndrome). Twenty-four hours post mortem samples were evaluated for the following parameters: ATP metabolism, pH values, electrical conductance, meat colour, water binding capacity, shear force and general composition (i.e. total protein, fat, mineral and water contents). Muscle composition was the same in each group, but for the other parameters there were clear differences. Following different storage periods and conditions (1 or 5 days at 4°C and 27 days at -18°C), the degree of ATP metabolism as well as general meat quality (i.e. including sensory evaluation) were reassessed. Samples from the pre-selected groups became less discernible following prolonged storage. In all animals, the pattern of ATP breakdown was similar, the major metabolites including inosine monophosphate, hypoxanthine, adenosine monophosphate, and inosine. The degree of breakdown was dependent on the duration and temperature of storage, but not on animal type. The muscular samples for the intermediate and normal muscle groups, which were stored for 27 days at -18°C, were given the highest sensory evaluation scores. The simple HPLC measurement of ATP metabolism was considered as a useful means to assess appropriate storage.  相似文献   

Nam KC  Ko KY  Min BR  Ismail H  Lee EJ  Cordray J  Ahn DU 《Meat science》2006,74(2):380-387
Irradiated restructured pork loins treated with rosemary-tocopherol/double-packaging had lower TBARS values than vacuum-packaged control after 10 days of refrigerated storage. The rosemary-tocopherol combination, however, had no effect on the production of sulfur volatiles responsible for the irradiation off-odor, and color changes in irradiated pork. V7/A3 double-packaging was effective in reducing the sulfur volatiles significantly. Rosemary-tocopherol combination was highly effective in reducing the volatile hexanal in irradiated restructure pork. Irradiation was effective in reducing Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium inoculated on the surface of restructured pork loin in dose-dependent manner. The irradiation D(10) values for L. monocytogenes and S. typhimurium were 0.58 and 0.55kGy, respectively. During the 20 days of refrigerated storage, L. monocytogenes in both nonirradiated and irradiated samples grew gradually, but the number of S. typhimurium decreased. The added rosemary-tocopherol, however, showed little bacteriocidal effects to L. monocytogenes and S. typhimurium.  相似文献   

This study of 80 pigs compared the effects of breed (Duroc vs Large White), feed level (High vs 0.8 High, termed Low) and conditioning time (1 vs 10 days at 1 °C) on the tenderness and other aspects of the eating quality of pork. Conditioning time had the biggest effect (increase of 1.0 units on 1-8 taste panel scale between 1 and 10 days) and this was associated with an increase in the myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI) from 19 to 24 units. Tenderness was not different between the two breeds although pork flavour intensity and overall liking scores were higher in Durocs. Durocs had higher concentrations of total lipid (marbling fat) in muscle (13.7 and 5.4 mg/g) and most polyunsaturated fatty acids except α-linolenic (C18:3 n-3) were at lower concentrations in Durocs, reflecting dilution of phospholipid fatty acids within a larger total lipid pool. Pigs fed at the high level were fatter than those fed restrictedly in terms both of P2 fat thickness and marbling fat. There was also a tendency, although not significant, for the meat to be more tender. When the data from all pigs were pooled, MFI was shown to correlate well with tenderness (r = 0.45) and marbling fat with juiciness (r = 0.36).  相似文献   

Feldhusen F  Kühne M 《Meat science》1992,32(2):161-171
In this study, the m. longissimus dorsi and the m. semimembranosus of pigs with normal and accelerated glycolysis (pale, soft and exudative, PSE) were used to evaluate the effect of ultrarapid chilling methods (with short-term freezing of the muscle surface) and ageing up to 72 h post-mortem on length of sarcomeres, Warner Bratzler shear force and firmness. The short-term freezing after ultrarapid chilling of musculature with normal glycolysis led to cold shortening with contraction of the sarcomeres by 33·5% (m. longissimus dorsi) and 38·3% (m. semimembranosus). At the same time, a massive increase in shear force and firmness was observed. After ageing up to 48h post-mortem the sarcomeres increased in length, whereby, in comparison with the measurements before the beginning of the chilling, 88 and 84% of the original length was attained, respectively. In addition, ageing led to a significant improvement of tenderness. After ageing for more than 72h the shear force and the firmness of meat specimens chilled under normal and ultrarapid conditions became more similar. The lenghts of the sarcomeres and the shear force of musculature with accelerated glycolysis were glycolysis were not affected by the chilling procedure.  相似文献   

The effects of combined oestradiol and trenbolone acetate implants have been investigated. Meat tenderness, juiciness and flavour were assessed by trained taste panelists and 16 variables related to muscle biochemistry and composition and ageing kinetics parameters were analysed on Longissimus dorsi and Triceps brachii caput longum muscles from 24 months old treated and control Charolais steers. Increases in carcass weight and mean daily weight gain, generally observed following such treatment, were confirmed. Furthermore, meat quality traits and ageing rate were significantly correlated with muscle typing parameters. Factorial discriminant analysis of data revealed that muscle typing (isomyosin 3 content) and composition (dry matter and lipid content) as well as NRM relaxation time of meat water (T2b) and ageing rate were the most affected by treatment. In addition, the hormone effect appeared to be muscle dependent.  相似文献   

The present study characterises oregano water extracts and reports their effects on the shelf life and quality characteristics of cooked pork. Some changes in oregano extract taking place during its thermal treatment were observed. The main volatile compound in the unheated and heated extracts was carvacrol; however, the second major constituent in the unheated extract β-caryophyllene was absent in the heated one. Colour changes during heating were characterised by an International Commission on Illumination (CIE L a b) method. The heated extract better scavenged 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl radicals, most likely owing to the formation of stronger radical-scavenging derivatives during thermal treatment. The effect of oregano extracts on the shelf life and colour characteristics of stored meat samples in most cases was not significant; however, sensory assessment clearly showed that the addition of extracts had some negative influence on meat flavour and colour.  相似文献   

Effects of early post-mortem pH and temperature on beef tenderness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The tenderness of loin steaks, prepared from beef sides after chilling, is strongly influenced by muscle temperature in the first 3 h after slaughter. Maintenance of about 37°C within the Longissimus muscle during this time, whether by heavy fat cover or by ambient-temperature manipulation, results in appreciable tenderness enhancement. Early post-mortem muscle pH (which varies over a wide range) also affects tenderness significantly; provided early and exceptionally fast chilling does not induce cold shortening, slow glycolysis promotes tenderness. Low-frequency (2 Hz) electrical stimulation, which accelerates glycolysis but causes negligible tissue disruption, significantly toughens the loin; in its normal mode (50–60 Hz), therefore, stimulation produces its desirable tenderising effect mainly—and perhaps solely—by fibre fracture.  相似文献   

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