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Unsupervised learning in noise   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A new hybrid learning law, the differential competitive law, which uses the neuronal signal velocity as a local unsupervised reinforcement mechanism, is introduced, and its coding and stability behavior in feedforward and feedback networks is examined. This analysis is facilitated by the recent Gluck-Parker pulse-coding interpretation of signal functions in differential Hebbian learning systems. The second-order behavior of RABAM (random adaptive bidirectional associative memory) Brownian-diffusion systems is summarized by the RABAM noise suppression theorem: the mean-squared activation and synaptic velocities decrease exponentially quickly to their lower bounds, the instantaneous noise variances driving the system. This result is extended to the RABAM annealing model, which provides a unified framework from which to analyze Geman-Hwang combinatorial optimization dynamical systems and continuous Boltzmann machine learning.  相似文献   

在许多分类任务中,存在大量未标记的样本,并且获取样本标签耗时且昂贵。利用主动学习算法确定最应被标记的关键样本,来构建高精度分类器,可以最大限度地减少标记成本。本文提出一种基于PageRank的主动学习算法(PAL),充分利用数据分布信息进行有效的样本选择。利用PageRank根据样本间的相似度关系依次计算邻域、分值矩阵和排名向量;选择代表样本,并根据其相似度关系构建二叉树,利用该二叉树对代表样本进行聚类,标记和预测;将代表样本作为训练集,对其他样本进行分类。实验采用8个公开数据集,与5种传统的分类算法和3种流行的主动学习算法比较,结果表明PAL算法能取得更好的分类效果。  相似文献   

Query-by-example and query-by-keyword both suffer from the problem of “aliasing,” meaning that example-images and keywords potentially have variable interpretations or multiple semantics. For discerning which semantic is appropriate for a given query, we have established that combining active learning with kernel methods is a very effective approach. In this work, we first examine active-learning strategies, and then focus on addressing the challenges of two scalability issues: scalability in concept complexity and in dataset size. We present remedies, explain limitations, and discuss future directions that research might take.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the design methodology for the active noise control of sound disturbances in a forced-air cooling system. The active sound cancellation algorithm uses the framework of output-error based optimization of a linearly parametrized filter for feedforward sound compensation to select microphone location and demonstrate the effectiveness of active noise cancellation in a small portable data projector. Successful implementation of the feedforward based active noise controller on a NEC LT170 data projector shows a 20–40 dB reduction per frequency point in the spectrum of external noise of the forced-air cooling system can be obtained over a broad frequency range from 1 to 5 kHz. A total noise reduction (unweighted) of 9.3 dB is achieved.  相似文献   

Activity recognition in smart environment has been investigated rigorously in recent years. Researchers are enhancing the underlying activity discovery and recognition process by adding various dimensions and functionalities. But one significant barrier still persists which is collecting the ground truth information. Ground truth is very important to initialize a supervised learning of activities. Due to a large variety in number of Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), acknowledging them in a supervised way is a non-trivial research problem. Most of the previous researches have referenced a subset of ADLs and to initialize their model, they acquire a vast amount of informative labeled training data. On the other hand to collect ground truth and differentiate ADLs, human intervention is indispensable. As a result it takes an immense effort and raises privacy concerns to collect a reasonable amount of labeled data. In this paper, we propose to use active learning to alleviate the labeling effort and ground truth data collection in activity recognition pipeline. We investigate and analyze different active learning strategies to scale activity recognition and propose a dynamic k-means clustering based active learning approach. Experimental results on real data traces from a retirement community-(IRB #HP-00064387) help validate the early promise of our approach.  相似文献   

Active learning is used for classification when labeling data are costly, while the main challenge is to identify the critical instances that should be labeled. Clustering-based approaches take advantage of the structure of the data to select representative instances. In this paper, we developed the active learning through density peak clustering (ALEC) algorithm with three new features. First, a master tree was built to express the relationships among the nodes and assist the growth of the cluster tree. Second, a deterministic instance selection strategy was designed using a new importance measure. Third, tri-partitioning was employed to determine the action to be taken on each instance during iterative clustering, labeling, and classifying. Experiments were performed with 14 datasets to compare against state-of-the-art active learning algorithms. Results demonstrated that the new algorithm had higher classification accuracy using the same number of labeled data.  相似文献   

In classification problems, active learning is often adopted to alleviate the laborious human labeling efforts, by finding the most informative samples to query the labels. One of the most popular query strategy is selecting the most uncertain samples for the current classifier. The performance of such an active learning process heavily relies on the learned classifier before each query. Thus, stepwise classifier model/parameter selection is quite critical, which is, however, rarely studied in the literature. In this paper, we propose a novel active learning support vector machine algorithm with adaptive model selection. In this algorithm, before each new query, we trace the full solution path of the base classifier, and then perform efficient model selection using the unlabeled samples. This strategy significantly improves the active learning efficiency with comparatively inexpensive computational cost. Empirical results on both artificial and real world benchmark data sets show the encouraging gains brought by the proposed algorithm in terms of both classification accuracy and computational cost.  相似文献   

Active concept learning in image databases.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concept learning in content-based image retrieval systems is a challenging task. This paper presents an active concept learning approach based on the mixture model to deal with the two basic aspects of a database system: the changing (image insertion or removal) nature of a database and user queries. To achieve concept learning, we a) propose a new user directed semi-supervised expectation-maximization algorithm for mixture parameter estimation, and b) develop a novel model selection method based on Bayesian analysis that evaluates the consistency of hypothesized models with the available information. The analysis of exploitation versus exploration in the search space helps to find the optimal model efficiently. Our concept knowledge transduction approach is able to deal with the cases of image insertion and query images being outside the database. The system handles the situation where users may mislabel images during relevance feedback. Experimental results on Corel database show the efficacy of our active concept learning approach and the improvement in retrieval performance by concept transduction.  相似文献   

A dual feedforward controller for active noise control is presented. The first part of the controller is designed to cancel broadband noise, and the second part is an adaptive controller designed to cancel periodic noise. A simple technique to identify the parameters of the broadband controller is developed. An autoregressive moving-average model is used, and it is found that its stability is improved by prefiltering the test signal with a minimum-phase inverse of the secondary noise channel. The periodic controller uses an estimate of the fundamental frequency to cancel the first few harmonics of periodic noise. A computationally efficient adaptive technique based on least squares is developed to update the harmonic controller gains at each time step. Experimental results are included which demonstrate simultaneous cancellation of both random broadband noise and periodic noise  相似文献   

In relevance feedback algorithms, selective sampling is often used to reduce the cost of labeling and explore the unlabeled data. In this paper, we proposed an active learning algorithm, Co-SVM, to improve the performance of selective sampling in image retrieval. In Co-SVM algorithm, color and texture are naturally considered as sufficient and uncorrelated views of an image. SVM classifiers are learned in color and texture feature subspaces, respectively. Then the two classifiers are used to classify the unlabeled data. These unlabeled samples which are differently classified by the two classifiers are chose to label. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is beneficial to image retrieval.  相似文献   

In active learning, the learner is required to measure the importance of unlabeled samples in a large dataset and select the best one iteratively. This sample selection process could be treated as a decision making problem, which evaluates, ranks, and makes choices from a finite set of alternatives. In many decision making problems, it usually applied multiple criteria since the performance is better than using a single criterion. Motivated by these facts, an active learning model based on multi-criteria decision making (MCMD) is proposed in this paper. After the investigation between any two unlabeled samples, a preference preorder is determined for each criterion. The dominated index and the dominating index are then defined and calculated to evaluate the informativeness of unlabeled samples, which provide an effective metric measure for sample selection. On the other hand, under multiple-instance learning (MIL) environment, the instances/samples are grouped into bags, a bag is negative only if all of its instances are negative, and is positive otherwise. Multiple-instance active learning (MIAL) aims to select and label the most informative bags from numerous unlabeled ones, and learn a MIL classifier for accurately predicting unseen bags by requesting as few labels as possible. It adopts a MIL algorithm as the base classifier, and follows an active learning procedure. In order to achieve a balance between learning efficiency and generalization capability, the proposed active learning model is restricted to a specific algorithm under MIL environment. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We present a black-box active learning algorithm for inferring extended finite state machines (EFSM)s by dynamic black-box analysis. EFSMs can be used to model both data flow and control behavior of software and hardware components. Different dialects of EFSMs are widely used in tools for model-based software development, verification, and testing. Our algorithm infers a class of EFSMs called register automata. Register automata have a finite control structure, extended with variables (registers), assignments, and guards. Our algorithm is parameterized on a particular theory, i.e., a set of operations and tests on the data domain that can be used in guards.Key to our learning technique is a novel learning model based on so-called tree queries. The learning algorithm uses tree queries to infer symbolic data constraints on parameters, e.g., sequence numbers, time stamps, identifiers, or even simple arithmetic. We describe sufficient conditions for the properties that the symbolic constraints provided by a tree query in general must have to be usable in our learning model. We also show that, under these conditions, our framework induces a generalization of the classical Nerode equivalence and canonical automata construction to the symbolic setting. We have evaluated our algorithm in a black-box scenario, where tree queries are realized through (black-box) testing. Our case studies include connection establishment in TCP and a priority queue from the Java Class Library.  相似文献   

Although the achievements of the computer science field have facilitated the tasks of collecting, storing, and accessing vast amounts of data efficiently, its annotation still remains a non–easily resolvable problem since no automated mechanism can perform reliably enough. This fact is even more profound when the objective is the high quality of generalization ability. Active learning constitutes a scheme that is exploited for tackling such problems, controlling the demanded human effort under a trade‐off assumption concerning the achievement of higher accuracy rates. In this work, the well‐known Rotation Forest algorithm is integrated with the active learning theory for constructing a robust and accurate classifier. Thus, apart from exploiting the collected labeled data, unlabeled data mining takes place through appropriate queries, whereas human expert decisions over the most questionable of them enrich the initial ones. Comprehensive comparisons of the proposed algorithm against four distinct learners inside the same learning scheme were executed. Moreover, the baseline strategy of random sampling and the corresponding supervised scenarios were included. During the evaluation stage, 13 publicly available multiclass datasets were assessed, and the obtained results verified our assumptions, regarding also the significant supremacy of the proposed algorithm against the majority of its rivals.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of using noisy data sets in Pittsburgh-style learning classifier systems. This study was done using a particular kind of learning classifier system based on multiobjective selection. Our goal was to characterize the behavior of this kind of algorithms when dealing with noisy domains. For this reason, we developed a theoretical model for predicting the minimal achievable error in noisy domains. Combining this theoretical model for crisp learners with graphical representations of the evolved hypotheses through multiobjective techniques, we are able to bound the behavior of a learning classifier system. This kind of modeling lets us identify relevant characteristics of the evolved hypotheses, such as overfitting conditions that lead to hypotheses that poorly generalize the concept to be learned.  相似文献   

Functional heteroscedastic measurement error models are investigated aiming to assess the effects of perturbations of data on some inferential procedures. This goal is accomplished by resorting to methods of local influence. The techniques provide to the practitioner a valuable tool that enables to identify potential influential elements and to quantify the effects of perturbations in these elements on results of interest. An illustrative example with a real data set is also reported.  相似文献   

针对发动机等工作时产生的周期噪声,进行主动降噪系统设计与实现。主要工作为降噪程序的设计和基于DSP的硬件实现。其中降噪程序采用自适应算法中的反馈滤波-X-最小均方算法,对此算法进行了简要讲解,并设计了降噪程序的算法流程;DSP采用德州仪器公司的DSP TMS320VC5509A,使用TLV320AIC23B作为音频处理芯片,搭建硬件平台并进行实现,取得明显降噪效果。  相似文献   

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