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针对复杂装配模型在web端进行渲染时,加载速度缓慢、模型特征丢失的问题,提出一种保持装配模型外观的轻量化方法。在分析了装配体模型结构关系的基础上,使用光线追踪算法从多个视点对隐藏面片进行识别,判断零件特征之间的依赖关系,借用CAD系统提供的接口对不具有依赖关系的隐藏零件进行剔除;给不同等级的零件特征进行编号并分配一种颜色,观察不同零件特征所包含的颜色,实现可见零件不重要特征的抑制。最后通过实例模型验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

面向装配的CAD技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁新梅 《微机发展》2000,10(6):52-54
面向装配的设计DFA(Design for Assembly)是并行工程的一个有效工具。本文系统阐述了DFA的发展 、意义及其与传统的考虑装配工艺性的区别;介绍DFA的主要内容和几个典型的DFA分析方法,重点分析Boothroyd-Dewhurst方法和步骤;叙述集成CAD技术的DFA应解决的问题及典型的DFA分析软件;最后总结了DFA的研究特点。  相似文献   

论述产品CAD系统中的自顶向下设计方法,指出基于装配的CAD技术不仅可以保证实现产品的功能,而且能够充分体现设计者的设计意图,最后阐述该方法与CIM哲理、并行工程等的关系。  相似文献   

基于装配的全柔性化模具CAD技术研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
全柔性CAD技术是参数化的重要发展,它从根本上革新了传统CAD系统的思维模式,晃一种全新的概念,介绍了基于T-FLEX的全柔性模具CAD的技术,提出了基于柔性化装配模型的模具的设计思想与想架,着重探讨了其具体实现策略的方法,并给出了一个应用实例。  相似文献   

本文将全面介绍在Inventor2009新版本中新功能之一的"装配轻量化",并为用户展开一个可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

针对三维模型数据量增大时加载速度降低且浏览不流畅的问题,在分析Cesium模型格式3DTiles的基础上,提出了一种三维模型轻量化技术。将模型中的纹理图片依据材质和模型网格进行合并,实现正确纹理贴图,降低了DrawCall调用次数;将纹理和顶点进行压缩,降低了纹理图片文件大小;采用Mipmap生成不同分辨率的纹理图片,有利于网络传输;使用LOD和三角面简化技术,逐级降低模型的顶点和三角面数量;根据模型复杂程度,自适应选择八叉树深度,按需加载模型的某一部分,从而降低GPU的渲染数据量,提高三维场景流畅性。基于Cesium平台对三维模型轻量化处理前后的帧速率进行测试,结果表明,三维模型经轻量化处理后帧速率有所提高,达到了三维模型高效加载且浏览流畅的目的。  相似文献   

对三维模型进行轻量化的一个重要策略是利用网格简化算法减少模型表面的三角面片数量,其中广泛使用的边折叠算法相较于其他网格简化算法效率更高、简化效果更好,然而该算法存在简化过程中可能损坏或丢失部分细节几何特征的问题。为了解决上述问题,提出通过增加曲线近似曲率和模型待折叠边的一阶邻域三角形的平均面积作为惩罚因子,以优化原始算法的边折叠代价。首先,根据几何中曲线曲率的定义,提出了曲线近似曲率的计算公式;其次,在顶点法向量的计算过程中,使用面积加权和内角加权两个阶段对初始法向量进行修正,从而考虑更加丰富的模型几何信息。通过实验验证了优化后算法的性能,与经典的二次误差测度(QEM)算法、顾及角度误差的网格简化算法相比,优化算法处理后的模型的最大误差分别至少降低了73.96%和49.77%;与QEM算法相比,优化算法处理后的模型Hausdorff距离至少降低了17.69%。可见,在模型轻量化的过程中,优化算法能够减少模型的形变,更好地维持自身的细节几何特征。  相似文献   

协同产品开发中的产品模型轻量化技术   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对网络环境下协同产品开发中复杂产品模型数据交换、远程传输困难等瓶颈问题。提出一种复杂产品模型数据轻量化算法.该算法基于非几何信息过滤,曲线、曲面简化,通用压缩算法数据压缩等步骤对初始产品模型进行简化.文中算法已应用于协同交互系统InteView2.0中.在相同逼近精度下,轻量化后的模型比原系统输出的VRML格式文件具有更高的压缩比.  相似文献   

本文在就实体造型、尺寸公差建模、非簇建模、参数化建模、约束建模和特征建模等技术作简要的评述后,提出了在现有CAD系统基础上,实现产品特征建模系统开发的方法。系统利用特征定义将实体模型和特征模型紧密联系起来,特征识别和基于特征设计技术相互配合,使用户可自由地选取实体建模操作或特征建模操作来构造具有完整定义的产品模型。  相似文献   

层次化单元装配模型   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
装配设计是产品设计的重要设计阶段,在分析装配设计和层次化单元任务模型的基础上,建立了支持装配设计的面向对象的层次化单元装配模型。装配单元的层次化结构表达了功能结构,通过功能映射可以建立功能到单元的对应关系。研究了基于层次化装配单元模型的装配设计,讨论了支持装配设计的开发的单元库分级管理策略。  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate a CAD mesh model simplification method with assembly features preservation, in order to satisfy the requirement of assembly field for the information of 3D model. The proposed method simplifies a CAD mesh model as follows. Firstly, the notion of "conjugation" is incorporated into the definition of assembly features, with the purpose of benefitting the downstream applications such as assembly features recognition and preservation. Subsequently, the attributed adjacency graphs (AAGs) of the region- level-represented parts are established. The assembly features are automatically recognized by searching for conjugated subgraphs of every two AAGs based on subgraph isomorphism algorithm. In order to improve the efficiency of assembly features recognition, the characteristics of conjugated subgraphs are adopted to initialize the mapping matrix, and the "verifying while matching strategy" is used to verify the validity of every two newly founded vertices which are correspondingly matched. Then, simplified CAD mesh model with assembly features preserved is constructed after suppressing the common form features. The method is applied successfully to simplify the CAD mesh model with assembly features well preserved. Moreover, the tradeoff between the cost of time for conjugated subgraphs matching and the complexity of the to-be-matched parts is proven to be almost linear.  相似文献   

Automated CAD model simplification plays an important role in effectively utilizing physics-based simulation during the product realization process. Currently a rich body of literature exists that describe many successful techniques for fully-automatic or semi-automatic simplification of CAD models for a wide variety of applications. The purpose of this paper is to compile a list of the techniques that are relevant for physics-based simulations problems and to characterize them based on their attributes. We have classified them into the following four categories: techniques based on surface entity based operators, volume entity based operators, explicit feature based operators, and dimension reduction operators. This paper also presents the necessary background information in the CAD model representation to assist the new readers. We conclude the paper by outlining open research directions in this field.  相似文献   

CAD模型造型精度高 ,渲染效果逼真 ,被广泛应用于虚拟现实、实时仿真以及三维地理信息系统等三维可视化中 ,但是其几何模型数据复杂 ,图像数据量大 ,也导致可视化效率低下。为此 ,提出了一种 CAD模型数据重组织方法 ,旨在解决当前可视化应用集成 CAD模型数据效率低下的问题。采用预先计算可视化信息 ,高度紧凑组织数据 ,顾及图形软硬件特性等一系列策略 ,实现 CAD模型数据的高效可视化功能。其中 ,几何模型绘制和图像纹理生成效率均提高了 10倍以上。该方法被成功应用于香港志莲净苑佛寺虚拟旅游演示项目中。  相似文献   

三维图形仿真的一个重要工作就是建立三维模型,若使用已有的模型可以节省一定的时间.文中主要讨论了如何将复杂的CAD模型应用于Java3D建立的图形仿真系统中.首先,对已有的Pro/E模型进行简化,以VRML格式导出,有两种方式应用于Java3D中.一种是直接编辑Pro/E模型导出的VRML格式文件,组织模型之间的链接关系;另一种是将Pro/E模型导出的VRML格式文件导入到3DMax中组织链接关系,然后导出为单一文件.最后联合使用这两种方式将一个复杂的空间机器人模型导入到Java3D,提高了图形数据的重用性和开发的快速性,经实践验证效果理想.  相似文献   

Visualization of CAD models in distributed design environment is an essential feature to support collaborative design. To efficiently transmit and render CAD models geometric simplification can be applied to CAD models. However, it is difficult to use available general geometric simplification algorithms because these algorithms are not designed to handle mechanical CAD parts. Applying general simplification on a CAD model would result in distortion of design features and make them unrecognizable to viewers. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed to exploit trimming information in CAD models to simplify their geometry. Visibility culling is integrated into this approach to facilitate selective refinements. The work introduced here aims to support visualization of multiple CAD models in a distributed CAD environment. Implementation details are included and case studies are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Digital product data quality and reusability has been proven a critical aspect of the Model-Based Enterprise to enable the efficient design and redesign of products. The extent to which a history-based parametric CAD model can be edited or reused depends on the geometric complexity of the part and the procedure employed to build it. As a prerequisite for defining metrics that can quantify the quality of the modeling process, it is necessary to have CAD datasets that are sorted and ranked according to the complexity of the modeling process. In this paper, we examine the concept of perceived CAD modeling complexity, defined as the degree to which a parametric CAD model is perceived as difficult to create, use, and/or modify by expert CAD designers. We present a novel method to integrate pair-wise comparisons of CAD modeling complexity made by experts into a single metric that can be used as ground truth. Next, we discuss a comprehensive study of quantitative metrics which are derived primarily from the geometric characteristics of the models and the graph structure that represents the parent/child relationships between features. Our results show that the perceived CAD modeling complexity metric derived from experts’ assessment correlates particularly strongly with graph-based metrics. The Spearman coefficients for five of these metrics suggest that they can be effectively used to study the parameters that influence the reusability of models and as a basis to implement effective personalized learning strategies in online CAD training scenarios.  相似文献   

网格模型化简综述   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
何晖光  田捷  张晓鹏  赵明昌  李光明 《软件学报》2002,13(12):2215-2224
网格模型的化简对于其存储、传输、处理以及实时绘制有着重要的意义.对国内外在这一领域的工作成果进行了较为系统的介绍,并对各方面典型算法的优缺点进行了分析,最后对这一技术的发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

In the design process for ship outfitting and offshore plants, an equipment catalog database is compiled in order for shipyards to reutilize data effectively. However, the current procedure for building such a catalog causes wastage of time because the modelers in the shipyard must perform manual modeling of the 3D CAD data in order to decrease the size of 3D CAD data and adopt a different level of detail (LOD) depending on the purpose of its use. This problem arises because equipment suppliers are not willing to give all of their 3D CAD data to shipyards, out of fear of the loss of intellectual property. Moreover, the 3D CAD data of equipment suppliers have a high LOD, while a shipyard’s 3D CAD data have a relatively low LOD. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce an automated method to simplify the 3D CAD assembly data for equipment that is received from the equipment supplier. In addressing this problem, this study first proposes criteria for a simplification process and quantitative evaluation metrics for the simplification of 3D CAD assembly data, considering the characteristics of equipment data in the shipbuilding industry. Based on these findings, a simplification system was developed, and, four experimental test cases that were conducted on-site were used to verify the proposed system. The results showed that the data to be stored could be reduced to at least 25% of the original 3D CAD assembly data while ports, outer boundaries, and connectivity between CAD parts could be maintained.  相似文献   

Retrieving 3D CAD model by freehand sketches for design reuse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reuse of existing designs can help companies save up a significant amount of time and money in large-scale product development. Searching out similar CAD models of products is a key to facilitating design reuse. This paper proposes a method for retrieving CAD models of mechanical parts by freehand sketches. Users can draw three2D outline sketches and a skeleton sketch to express their query intent. The 2D outline sketches describe the geometrical information of models and the skeleton sketch contains the topological information. A relevance feedback mechanism is introduced to combine the two similarity degrees measured by 2D outlines or skeleton into a unified one. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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