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研究了带有灵活通配符和长度约束的近似模式匹配问题(approximate pattern matching with wildcards and length constraint,APMWL);为避免文本字符重复使用造成解的指数级增长,引入了一次性使用原则one_off条件,提出了一种后向构造编辑距离矩阵的BAPM(backward approximate pattern matching)算法。该算法在one_off条件、灵活通配符和长度约束条件的基础上,可同时处理插入、替换和删除三种编辑操作。与同类算法Sail_Approx进行实验对比,结果表明BAPM算法获取解的平均增长率可达18.99%,具备良好的解优势。  相似文献   

讨论了带有通配符和长度约束的模式匹配(PMWL)问题,其中模式由子模式序列集组成,两个相邻子模式的间隔在一定长度范围内。针对PMWL问题,已有工作包括设计启发式求解算法和对特殊情况进行完备性分析,然而还需要构建问题的基础求解模型。借鉴约束可满足问题框架,构建了由变量、值域和约束组成的三元组求解模型,对PMWL问题的基本概念和基本性质给出了形式化描述。最后,给出了算法求解PMWL问题的特定条件下的完备解。  相似文献   

王海平  戴玮  郭丹 《计算机科学》2015,42(4):244-248
近年来,随着生物信息学、信息检索等领域的发展,串模式匹配问题被不断扩展.其中,具有代表性的是在模式中引入可变长度的通配符而形成带有通配符的模式匹配(PMWL).该问题定义的灵活性给用户提供了方便,却也造成了求解上的困难.因此,如何在多项式时间内得到更好的匹配解成为研究的焦点.提出了一种启发式的小兵算法.小兵算法通过将PMWL问题转化为路径搜索问题,并借鉴动态剪枝思想,在算法搜索的过程中动态地将不可能的匹配位置剪枝,从而提高解的质量.实验在真实DNA序列上进行,并人工生成了196个模式.结果表明,相比于目前最有效的SAIL算法,小兵算法在绝大多数的尾部有重复字符的模式中可以获得更好的匹配解.  相似文献   

针对目前已有的算法在计算带有可变长度通配符的模式在文本中的出现次数问题时,需要的时间是多项式级别,而且受文本长度、模式长度和通配符间距的影响比较大。提出了一种基于Aho-Corasick自动机的AAI(pAttern mAtching with wIldcards) 算法,计算中采用了动态规划思想和有效的修剪技术。AAI算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度分别为[O(n+m+α)]和[O(m+B)],其中[n]和[m]分别表示文本和模式的长度,[α]是所有子模式在文本中出现的数目,[B]是模式中通配符间距下限的总和。通过真实数据和人工数据的实验结果表明,AAI算法与同类算法相比具备显著的优势。  相似文献   

强继朋  谢飞  高隽  胡学钢  吴信东 《自动化学报》2014,40(11):2499-2511
基因序列中,许多病毒并不是简单的直接复制自己,而是相邻字符间插入或者删除序列片段,如何从序列数据中检索这些病毒具有重要的研究价值.提出了一个更普遍的问题,带任意长度通配符的模式匹配问题(Pattern matching with arbitrary-length wildcards,PMAW),这里模式中不仅可以有多个通配符约束,而且每个通配符的约束可以是两个整数,也可以从整数到无穷大.给定序列S和带通配符的模式P,目标是从S中检索P的所有出现和每一次出现的匹配位置,并且要求任意两次出现不能共享序列中同一位置.为了有效地解决该问题,设计了两个基于位并行的匹配算法MOTW (Method of ocurrence then window)算法和MWTO (Method of window then ocurrence)算法.同时,MWTO算法进行细微改动就可以满足全局长度约束.实验结果既验证了算法求解问题的正确性,又验证了比相关的模式匹配算法具有更好的时间性能.  相似文献   

带有通配符的模式匹配问题(PMWL)模式定义的灵活性给用户提供方便,却也造成求解上的困难。目前没有任何多项式算法能得到该问题的完备解,同时也缺少足够的完备性分析。文中认为模式特征是影响PMWL完备性的关键因素,并提出模式重复度的概念,记为rep。证明在rep=0的限定条件下PMWL的完备性,同时分析rep>0时PMWL不完备的原因。实验以近似比为指标,说明rep对PMWL完备性的影响。  相似文献   

近年来,字符串匹配问题被不断扩展。其中,具有代表性的是在模式中引入可变长度的通配符,本文称之为PMWL问题。针对此问题,已有工作分析了在不同的模式特征下,匹配数Ω随文本长度增加呈指数级增长。本文同时考虑文本分布特征和模式特征,建立了期望模型E(Ω)=n*D*π(P),其中n为文本长度,D为模式中各通配符跨度的乘积,π(P)为基于字符分布的模式出现概率。实验部分,在人工随机数据和DNA真实数据上验证了E(Ω)的准确性,得到预测误差率分别为1.8%~3.2%和4.7%~7.8%;在不同字符分布中,分析了模式模长和通配符跨度对匹配数Ω的影响。E(Ω)模型揭示了Ω的增长趋势不一定呈指数级,而取决于π(P)和D的共同影响。此外,E(Ω)模型能够在线性时间内得到近似完备解。  相似文献   

支持带有通配符的字符串匹配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了查询字符串中含有通配符"*"以及"?"两种情况下的字符串匹配问题,其中,"*"代表任意长度的字符串,"?"代表字母表中任意一个字符。由于gram索引结构在空间大小以及查询效率上的优势,将gram索引结构用于带通配符的字符串匹配问题。通过将带有通配符的查询字符串分解为若干不含通配符的查询片段,成功地将带有通配符的复杂查询问题转化为不含通配符的简单精确子串匹配问题。同时在片段查询过程中运用长度过滤、位置过滤以及计数过滤等方法来提高查询速度。  相似文献   

粗糙集理论是机器学习和数据挖掘领域的重要课题之一,其中属性约简算法是该理论实现应用的主要算法。提出了一种基于长度约束区分矩阵的约简算法(RABDMLC算法),通过抽样数据集计算平均区分矩阵项长,构造区分矩阵时不构造长于平均区分矩阵项长的项,在一定程度上提高了约简的效率。与基于属性频度函数的约简算法进行对比试验分析后,验证了该算法是有效和可行的。  相似文献   

Efficient string matching with wildcards and length constraints   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper defines a challenging problem of pattern matching between a pattern P and a text T, with wildcards and length constraints, and designs an efficient algorithm to return each pattern occurrence in an online manner. In this pattern matching problem, the user can specify the constraints on the number of wildcards between each two consecutive letters of P and the constraints on the length of each matching substring in T. We design a complete algorithm, SAIL that returns each matching substring of P in T as soon as it appears in T in an O(n+klmg) time with an O(lm) space overhead, where n is the length of T, k is the frequency of P's last letter occurring in T, l is the user-specified maximum length for each matching substring, m is the length of P, and g is the maximum difference between the user-specified maximum and minimum numbers of wildcards allowed between two consecutive letters in P.SAIL stands for string matching with wildcards and length constraints. Gong Chen received the B.Eng. degree from the Beijing University of Technology, China, and the M.Sc. degree from the University of Vermont, USA, both in computer science. He is currently a graduate student in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA. His research interests include data mining, statistical learning, machine learning, algorithm analysis and design, and database management. Xindong Wu is a professor and the chair of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vermont. He holds a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, Britain. His research interests include data mining, knowledge-based systems, and Web information exploration. He has published extensively in these areas in various journals and conferences, including IEEE TKDE, TPAMI, ACM TOIS, IJCAI, AAAI, ICML, KDD, ICDM and WWW, as well as 12 books and conference proceedings. Dr. Wu is the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (by the IEEE Computer Society), the founder and current Steering Committee Chair of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM),an Honorary Editor-in-Chief of Knowledge and Information Systems (by Springer), and a Series Editor of the Springer Book Series on Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing (AI&KP). He is the 2004 ACM SIGKDD Service Award winner. Xingquan Zhu received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2001. He spent 4 months with Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China, where he was working on content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback. From 2001 to 2002, he was a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Computer Science at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. He is currently a research assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, the University of Vermont, Burlington, VT. His research interests include data mining, machine learning, data quality, multimedia computing, and information retrieval. Since 2000, Dr. Zhu has published extensively, including over 50 refereed papers in various journals and conference proceedings. Abdullah N. Arslan got his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2002 from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Upon his graduation he joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vermont as an assistant professor. He has been with the computer science faculty there since then. Dr. Arslan's main research interests are on algorithms on strings, computational biology and bioinformatics. Dr. Arslan earned his Master's degree in Computer Science in 1996 from the University of North Texas, Denton, Texas and his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering in 1990 from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. He worked as a programmer for the Central Bank of Turkey between 1991 and 1994. Yu He received her B.E. degree in Information Engineering from Zhejiang University, China, in 2001. She is currently a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vermont. Her research interests include data mining, bioinformatics and pattern recognition.  相似文献   

The problem of pattern matching with wildcards is to find all the occurrences of a pattern of length m in a text of length n over a finite alphabet Σ (both the text and the pattern are allowed to contain wildcards). Based on the prime number encoding scheme (Chaim Linhart, Ron Shamir, Faster pattern matching with character classes using prime number encoding, J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 75 (3) (2009) 155-162), we present a new integer encoding and an efficient fast Fourier transforms based algorithm for this problem. The algorithm takes time to search the pattern in the text by computing one convolution. For matching with wildcards, our encoding uses fewer prime numbers and has shorter code words comparing with the prime number encoding. We use at most 2lg|Σ| prime numbers to encode the symbols while in the prime number encoding |Σ| prime numbers are required. This number reduces to 1.5lg|Σ| when |Σ|>40. The code word used in the algorithm is at most 2⌊lg|Σ|⌋⌈lg(5m)⌉ bits while in the prime encoding it is at least bits. We also show that the length of words can be further reduced by increasing the number of convolutions computed.  相似文献   

王华东  杨杰  李亚娟 《计算机应用》2014,34(9):2612-2616
研究这样一个问题:给定多序列、支持度阈值和间隔约束,从多序列中挖掘所有出现次数不小于支持度阈值的频繁序列模式,这里要求模式中任意两个相邻元素在序列中的出现都要满足用户自定义的间隔约束,并且模式在序列中的出现要满足one-off条件。在解决该问题上,已有算法M-OneOffMine在计算模式的支持度时,只考虑模式的每个字符在序列中的首次出现,导致计算的模式支持度远小于其真实支持度,以致许多频繁的模式没有被挖掘出来。为此,设计了一个有效的带有间隔约束的多序列模式挖掘算法--MMSP算法:首先,通过采用二维表保存模式的候选位置;然后,根据候选位置采用最左最优的思想选择匹配位置。通过生物DNA序列进行实验,多序列中元素序列数目不变而序列长度变化时,MMSP挖掘出的频繁模式总数是同类算法M-OneOffMine的3.23倍;在元素序列个数变化时,MMSP挖掘出的频繁模式个数平均是M-OneOffMine的4.11倍;这两种情况下MMSP都有更好的时间性能。在模式长度变化时,MMSP挖掘出的频繁模式个数分别平均是M-OneOffMine的2.21倍和MPP的5.24倍。同时还验证了M-OneOffMine挖掘到的模式是MMSP挖掘到的频繁的子集。实验结果表明,MMSP算法不仅可以挖掘到更多的频繁模式,而且时间花费更少,更适合于实际的应用。  相似文献   

Johan Rönnblom 《Software》2007,37(10):1047-1059
A method for finding all matches in a pre‐processed dictionary for a query string q and with at most k differences is presented. A very fast constant‐time estimate using hashes is presented. A tree structure is used to minimize the number of estimates made. Practical tests are performed, showing that the estimate can filter out 99% of the full comparisons for 40% error rates and dictionaries of up to four million words. The tree is found to be efficient up to a 50% error rate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

G. Davies  S. Bowsher 《Software》1986,16(6):575-601
This paper describes four algorithms of varying complexity used for pattern matching, and investigates their behaviour. The algorithms are tested using patterns of varying length from several alphabets. It is concluded that although there is no overall ‘best’ algorithm, the more complex algorithms are worth considering as they are generally more efficient in terms of number of comparisons made and execution time.  相似文献   

We study input sensitive algorithms for point pattern matching under various transformations and the Hausdorff metric as a distance function. Given point sets P and Q in the plane, the problem of point pattern matching is to determine whether P is similar to some portion of Q, where P may undergo transformations from a group G of allowed transformations. All algorithms are based on methods for extracting small subsets from Q that can be matched to a small subset of P. The runtime is proportional to the number k of these subsets. Let d be the number of points in P that are needed to define a transformation in G. The key observation is that for some set BP of cardinality larger than d, the number of subsets of Q of this cardinality that match B, is practically small, as the problem becomes more constrained. We present methods to extract efficiently all these subsets in Q. We provide algorithms for homothetic, rigid and similarity transformations in the plane and give a general method that works for any dimension and for any group of transformations. The runtime of our algorithms depends roughly linearly on the number of subsets k, in addition to an factor. Thus our approximate matching algorithms run roughly in time , where m and n are the number of points in P and Q, respectively. The constants hidden in the big O vary depending on the group of transformations G.  相似文献   

Multiple filtration and approximate pattern matching   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Given a text of lengthn and a query of lengthq, we present an algorithm for finding all locations ofm-tuples in the text and in the query that differ by at mostk mismatches. This problem is motivated by the dot-matrix constructions for sequence comparison and optimal oligonucleotide probe selection routinely used in molecular biology. In the caseq=m the problem coincides with the classicalapproximate string matching with k mismatches problem. We present a new approach to this problem based on multiple hashing, which may have advantages over some sophisticated and theoretically efficient methods that have been proposed. This paper describes a two-stage process. The first stage (multiple filtration) uses a new technique to preselect roughly similarm-tuples. The second stage compares thesem-tuples using an accurate method. We demonstrate the advantages of multiple filtration in comparison with other techniques for approximate pattern matching.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS 90-05833 and the National Institute of Health under Grant No. GM-36230.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the correspondence matching of point-sets using spectral graph analysis. In particular, we are interested in the problem of how the modal analysis of point-sets can be rendered robust to contamination and drop-out. We make three contributions. First, we show how the modal structure of point-sets can be embedded within the framework of the EM algorithm. Second, we present several methods for computing the probabilities of point correspondences from the modes of the point proximity matrix. Third, we consider alternatives to the Gaussian proximity matrix. We evaluate the new method on both synthetic and real-world data. Here we show that the method can be used to compute useful correspondences even when the level of point contamination is as large as 50%. We also provide some examples on deformed point-set tracking.  相似文献   

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