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OBJECTIVE: Previous work has shown that manic-depressive illness and alcohol abuse are linked. This study further explores the relationship of alcohol and drug abuse in bipolar I patients and unipolar depressives and a comparison group obtained through the acquaintance method. METHOD: Diagnosis was accomplished according to Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC): controls = 469; bipolars = 277; unipolar depressives = 678. Systematic data were gathered using the SADS on lifetime and current drug abuse and alcoholism. Both patients and comparison subjects were then followed prospectively for 10 years. First degree family members were interviewed using the RDC family history method. RESULTS: The group of bipolar patients and the group of unipolar patients had higher rates of drug and alcohol abuse than the comparison group when primary and secondary affective disorder patients were combined. However, primary unipolar patients did not have higher rates of alcohol or drug abuse than the comparison group. In contrast, primary bipolar patients had higher rates of alcoholism, stimulant abuse, and ever having abused a drug than the primary unipolar group and the control group. In an evaluation of the bipolar patients, drug abusers were significantly younger at intake and had a significantly younger age of onset of bipolar disorder. There was a significant increase in family history of mania or schizoaffective mania in the drug-abusing bipolar patients as compared to the non-abusing bipolar patients. LIMITATION: As in all adult samples of patients with affective illness, the chronology of alcohol and substance problems vis-à-vis the onset of illness was determined retrospectively. CONCLUSIONS: (1) Alcoholism and drug abuse are more frequent in bipolar than unipolar patients. (2) The drug abuse of bipolar patients tends toward the abuse of stimulant drugs. (3) In a bipolar patient, familial diathesis for mania is significantly associated with the abuse of alcohol and drugs. (4) More provocatively, these findings suggest the hypothesis of a common familial-genetic diathesis for a subtype of bipolar I, alcohol and stimulant abuse. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: The present analyses, coupled with two previous ones from the CDS, suggest that drug abuse may precipitate an earlier onset of bipolar I disorder in those who already have a familial predisposition for mania. Furthermore, in dually diagnosed patients with manic-depressive and alcohol/stimulant abuse history, mood stabilization of the bipolar disorder represents a rational approach to control concurrent alcohol and drug problems, and should be studied in systematic controlled trials.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Because of the relationship between childhood behavior disorders and adult substance abuse, we hypothesized that substance abusing adult bipolars were more likely to have had behavior disorders as children than nonabusing bipolar adults. METHODS: Conduct disorder (CD) symptoms in 132 bipolar adults were compared by age and presence of comorbid substance use problems using data from the Epidemiologic Catchment Area study. RESULTS: Rates of CD were higher in bipolar subjects under age 30 (32.6%) versus those over (16.3% P<0.05). Young BPs with substance use problems (SUBST) had CD rates three times those without SUBST (52% vs. 14.8%) (P < 0.01). Young subjects without mania or SUBST had CD rates of 7.75%. CONCLUSION: Substance abuse in bipolar adults may be more related to childhood conduct disorder than uncomplicated bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This exploratory study examined the characteristics of a group of unusual and previously undescribed patients with major affective disorder who not only had been continuously symptomatic for prolonged periods of time but were also so functionally impaired that they required years of continuous care in psychiatric facilities or by family members. METHOD: Twenty-seven inpatients with major mood disorders and 29 inpatients with schizophrenia were recruited from a large state hospital; 27 outpatients with major mood disorders were recruited from an affiliated outpatient facility. The research battery included the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R--Patient Version, the Premorbid Adjustment Scale, and a semistructured interview designed to assess demographic, family history, developmental, and course information. RESULTS: Inpatients with deteriorated affective disorder differed from outpatients with nondeteriorated affective disorder along several important dimensions, including family history of mental illness, birth-related problems, physical disorders in infancy, premorbid functioning, presence of mixed episodes and rapid cycling, and medication non-compliance between hospitalizations. Inpatients with deteriorated affective disorder differed from inpatients with schizophrenia on the Premorbid Adjustment Scale. Patients with bipolar affective disorder differed from those with unipolar disorder on many of the variables associated with deterioration of functioning. CONCLUSIONS: Birth-related problems, physical disorders in infancy, and poor premorbid adjustment in childhood and adolescence appear to play an important role in deterioration of functioning among patients with unipolar depression. Disruption in treatment because of medication noncompliance and the appearance of mixed episodes and rapid cycling are associated with functional decline in bipolar affective disorder. Several characteristics previously considered specific to deterioration of functioning in schizophrenia, such as a high rate of birth complications and poor premorbid adjustment, appear to be associated with functional deterioration among patients with major depression as well.  相似文献   

This study examined the comorbidity of substance use disorders and other psychiatric disorders in adolescent populations. The study population was comprised of 100 consecutive admissions, ages 13 to 17, to an acute care adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit for substance use disorders. Patients were assessed using the Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire (PESQ) and the substance-use disorder portion of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM III-R (SCID-R). Thirty-three (33%) patients were identified as having a substance abuse or dependence diagnosis. There was no significant difference in the age between substance users and nonsubstance users. There were significantly more whites in the substance-using group. Sixty percent of all adolescents interviewed had histories of sexual or physical trauma, with trauma being significantly more common in the substance-using group. There were no significant differences in the number or type of other Axis I or Axis II diagnoses between the two groups. While substance users and nonsubstance users had no significant difference in the number of past psychiatric hospitalizations, nonsubstance users had significantly more past medical hospitalizations. These results indicate that high rates of comorbid substance abuse and psychiatric disorders exist in adolescents, and more in-depth study of comorbidity among adolescents is warranted.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of lithium on the memory and motor speed of 22 outpatients with affective disorders in remission. Patients were assessed weekly over a 5-week period starting at their current lithium dosage, twice during administration of a blind placebo, and twice after their lithium was blindly reinstated. Motor speed was assessed using the finger tapping test. Memory was assessed using the Buschke selective reminding protocol. Mood was assessed at each session to ensure remitted status by clinical interview, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, the Longitudinal Rating of Manic States Scale, and a subjective state questionnaire. Weekly blood samples were also drawn to assess plasma lithium level by means of atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results indicated that lithium had significant detrimental effect on memory and motor speed: Performance improved when lithium was discontinued and declined when lithium was reintroduced. The implications for patient management and diagnosis in bipolar disorder are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors describe 9 patients with bipolar affective disorder associated with cerebrovascular lesions. Eight had negative family histories of affective disorders and late age at onset (after age 40) of manic-depressive symptoms. Only one, with positive family history of affective disorders, developed mood swings before age 40. Clinical subtypes of bipolar disorder and patterns of affective cycling in these stroke patients resembled those previously reported in functional bipolar disorder. Five patients had concurrent hyperkinetic movement disorders, and one depressed patient presented with unilateral left-sided parkinsonism that disappeared during a manic switch. In most patients, bipolar affective disorder was associated with right hemisphere lesions that involved subcortical and midline structures. Findings suggest that damage to frontal-basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits by subcortical vascular lesions may simultaneously provoke disorders of movement and mood regulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to explore patterns and clinical correlates of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders and mood spectrum disorders with psychotic features. METHOD: Ninety-six consecutively hospitalized patients with current psychotic symptoms were recruited and included in this study. Index episode psychotic diagnosis and psychiatric comorbidity were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R-Patient Version (SCID-P). Psychopathology was assessed by the SCID-P, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, and Hopkins Symptom Checklist. Awareness of illness was assessed with the Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders. RESULTS: The total lifetime prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity in the entire cohort was 57.3% (58.1% in schizophrenia spectrum disorders and 56.9% in mood spectrum psychoses). Overall, panic disorder (24%), obsessive-compulsive disorder (24%), social phobia (17.7%), substance abuse (11.5%), alcohol abuse (10.4%), and simple phobia (7.3%) were the most frequent comorbidities. Within the group of mood spectrum disorders, negative symptoms were found to be more frequent among patients with psychiatric comorbidity than among those without comorbidity, while such a difference was not detected within the group of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Social phobia, substance abuse disorder, and panic disorder comorbidity showed the greatest association with psychotic features. An association between earlier age at first hospitalization and comorbidity was found only in patients with unipolar psychotic depression. Patient self-reported psychopathology was more severe in schizophrenia spectrum patients with comorbidity than in those without, while such a difference was less pronounced in mood spectrum psychoses. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that psychiatric comorbidity is a relevant phenomenon in psychoses and is likely to negatively affect the phenomenology of psychotic illness. Further studies in larger psychotic populations are needed to gain more insight into the clinical and therapeutic implications of psychiatric comorbidity in psychoses.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In the last decades affective disorders were divided into unipolar and bipolar and this division has been generally accepted. The bipolar type is manifested by mania or by both mania and depression. On the other hand, unipolar affective disorders are manifested only by depression. In numerous investigations authors have noticed that there are very distinctive differences between these two types of depressive disorders such as: course of illness, personality disorders, sex, family history etc. Nevertheless, in practice it is often very difficult to make the right diagnosis. The bipolar type often starts with a few pure depressive episodes and sometimes mania occurs a few years later so only at that point the psychiatrist can make the right diagnosis and treat the patient correctly. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This investigation comprised 50 patients hospitalized at the Psychiatric Clinic in Novi Sad during 1992-1995. The experimental group consisted of 20 patients with a bipolar affective disorder (according to ICD-X), while the control group consisted of 30 patients with clinical diagnosis of unipolar depression (intensive, without psychiatric features). Both groups of patients were weekly evaluated by Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS), whereas the initial score for all patients had to be higher than 16. RESULTS: Patients suffering from unipolar depression were older than patients with bipolar depression and there were more females in this group. There were no differences in demographic characteristics (level of education, migration, etc.), but the experimental group had a greater genetic loading for affective disorders. Unipolar depressive patients had more agitation and they were more anxious than patients with bipolar depression. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The fact that unipolar depressive patients were older than bipolar is similar to most of the results gained in this kind of investigation. On the other hand, we did not find statistical differences in the intensity of disorders, and in the literature these results are contraindicating. Numerous investigators report that bipolar depressives had a stronger genetic loading for affective disorders and our study confirms the same. All these results can help us to make the right diagnosis of unipolar and bipolar affective disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with bipolar disorder frequently meet criteria for other psychiatric and substance abuse diagnoses. To clarify relationships among these disorders, the authors examined the course of syndromes co-occurring with bipolar disorder for 12 months after a first hospitalization. METHOD: Seventy-seven patients were recruited from consecutive inpatient admissions who met DSM-III-R criteria for bipolar disorder, manic or mixed with psychosis. The 12-month syndromal course of co-occurring DSM-III-R alcohol and drug abuse disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and other anxiety disorders were longitudinally recorded. RESULTS: The rates of all syndromes, except other anxiety disorders, were elevated. OCD demonstrated an interval course that frequently mirrored the course of the bipolar disorder. The courses of PTSD and substance abuse syndromes were separate from that of the bipolar disorder in many of those with both syndromes. Alcohol and drug abuse syndromes were strongly correlated. CONCLUSION: The obsessive-compulsive syndrome may represent an alternative expression of bipolar disorder in some patients. In contrast, PTSD appears to represent a truly separate disorder, which is possibly more prevalent in bipolar patients due to a shared risk factor. Substance abuse does not appear to simply result from attempts at self-medication or from the impulsivity of mania. These results suggest that future studies examining the course of syndromes co-occurring with bipolar disorder are warranted.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging is playing an increasing role in research of affective disorders, with investigators examining both volumetric changes of specific brain structures and vascular changes within white and gray matter. Recent studies have attempted to make clinical correlations between neuroimaging changes in unipolar and bipolar mood disorders. In this review, we focus particularly on those changes that are clinically meaningful. We conclude that there is enough evidence to begin to evaluate inclusion of neuroimaging findings in our mood disorder classification system. To this end, we propose two new mood disorder subtypes, vascular depression and vascular mania. Directions for future research in neuroimaging are then discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to examine suicidality in relation to acute symptom remission in inpatients with mixed and pure bipolar disorder. METHOD: Using chart review of 184 adult inpatients with bipolar I disorder, the authors assessed patients' past and current suicidality, other psychopathology, treatment, and remission. RESULTS: Past, current, and recurrent suicidality were significantly more common among patients with mixed mania than among those with pure mania. The probability of remission declined by 49% for every suicide attempt made before the index manic episode. Mixed mania, multiple previous hospitalizations, and previous suicide attempts were significantly associated with current suicidality. CONCLUSIONS: Suicidality is linked with mixed manic states and may be a clinical marker for recurrent dysphoric mania. Multiple suicide attempts are associated with nonremission from mixed manic episodes.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a cross-national investigation of patterns of comorbidity between substance use and psychiatric disorders in six studies participating in the International Consortium in Psychiatric Epidemiology. In general, there was a strong association between mood and anxiety disorders as well as conduct and antisocial personality disorder with substance disorders at all sites. The results also suggest that there is a continuum in the magnitude of comorbidity as a function of the spectrum of substance use category (use, problems, dependence), as well as a direct relationship between the number of comorbid disorders and increasing levels of severity of substance use disorders (which was particularly pronounced for drugs). Finally, whereas there was no specific temporal pattern of onset for mood disorders in relation to substance disorders, the onset of anxiety disorders was more likely to precede that of substance disorders in all countries. These results illustrate the contribution of cross-national data to understanding the patterns and risk factors for psychopathology and substance use disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The neurological literature concerning disinhibition syndromes and secondary mania has run in parallel to clinical reports of bipolar disorder in old age. METHODS: A critical review was conducted of both the neurological and geriatric psychiatry literature in an attempt to integrate the two streams. RESULTS: Disinhibition syndromes include lateralization to the right hemisphere and localization of lesions to the orbito-frontal and basotemporal cortex involving limbic and frontal connections (orbito-frontal circuit). Mania in old age is associated with late onset, heterogeneous neurological disorders and poor outcome. CONCLUSION: Bipolar disorders in old age may be understood in the context of affective vulnerability influenced by a specific neurobiologic substrate. LIMITATIONS: The clinical literature consists predominantly of small case series and anecdotal reports. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Improved understanding of these syndromes may elucidate the pathogenesis and etiology of bipolar disorders and the neuropsychiatric syndromes affecting mood, motivation and behavioural disinhibition.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent developments in the pharmacotherapy of mood disorders. Pharmacotherapy is the best studied and most widely validated approach for acute phase treatment and prevention of relapse-recurrence for patients with major depression, dysthymia, and bipolar affective disorder. Antidepressants are also the mainstay of inpatient treatment and, when considered together with electroconvulsive therapy, represent the first line of treatment for the most severe and incapacitating forms of depression. Similarly, pharmacotherapy with mood stabilizers is the first line of treatment for bipolar depression and mania. Despite such efficacy, problems associated with pharmacotherapy include acceptability, tolerability, adherence, incomplete remission, and high rates of recurrence after drug discontinuation. Moreover, a small subset of patients do not respond to multiple medication trials.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the hypothesis that an association exists between severe asthma and familial affective and anxiety disorders. METHOD: A parent, usually the mother, of 62 adolescents admitted to a tertiary care asthma center was administered the Family History-Research Diagnostic Criteria Interview. Lifetime prevalence rates of psychiatric disorders in first-degree relatives were compared with previously reported rates. RESULTS: In relatives of asthmatic adolescents, rates for depression, mania (females only), substance abuse (males only), and antisocial personality disorder were significantly higher than the rates in the non-ill comparison sample. Rates for substance abuse (males only) and antisocial personality disorder were higher than the rates for relatives of the depressed comparison sample. Rates for anxiety disorders were not higher than rates in epidemiological samples. Rates of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (females only) and posttraumatic stress disorder in relatives were higher than in community samples. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the presence of a link between severe asthma and familial affective disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and substance abuse. Whether these disorders are genetically associated with asthma or represent an association with severe asthma because of environmental effects on the growing child is discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The co-occurrence of substance dependence disorders was determined in a sample of 160 frequently hospitalized adults with severe mental illness, and the relationship between substance dependence and psychosocial functioning and well-being was examined. METHODS: A structured interview was used to assess subjects for co-occurring current DSM-III-R substance dependence disorders during an acute psychiatric hospitalization. They were administered a structed interview that included the subscales of the Addiction Severity Index, the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, Lehman's Quality of Life Interview, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, the Mastery Scale, and questions about service needs. RESULTS: Seventy-eight of the subjects (48.8 percent) were diagnosed as having at least one current substance dependence disorder. Most subjects with comorbid substance dependence were polysubstance dependent (55.1 percent), and almost half (44.9 percent) met criteria for cocaine dependence. Subjects who were substance dependent were significantly overrepresented among those diagnosed with bipolar disorder, psychotic disorder not otherwise specified, and major depression. When the analysis controlled for demographic characteristics and primary diagnosis, comorbidity was related to depressive symptoms, adverse life conditions, and diminished life satisfaction in several domains. Substance-dependent subjects were significantly more likely to have been arrested and jailed than nondependent subjects. Cocaine-dependent subjects were significantly less satisfied than all other subjects with their living situation and personal safety and more likely to request assistance for their drug and alcohol use problems. CONCLUSIONS: The findings corroborate high rates of co-occurring substance dependence disorders among frequently hospitalized patients with severe mental illness. They also reveal a high prevalence of cocaine dependence and a dramatic pattern of negative correlates of cocaine dependence. The findings suggest that successful interventions for substance dependence may improve these patients' life circumstances and that psychiatric patients may be particularly receptive to such interventions during hospitalization.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The coexistence of other psychiatric disorders in patients with bulimia nervosa is of major clinical and theoretical interest. We therefore studied a group of consecutively evaluated bulimic patients. METHOD: The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R (SCID) was administered to a sample of 59 female patients with DSM-III-R-defined bulimia nervosa. RESULTS: The following frequencies of lifetime Axis I comorbid diagnoses were found (in decreasing frequency): any affective disorder (75%), major depressive disorder (63%), any anxiety disorder (36%), any substance abuse disorder (20%), social phobia (17%), generalized anxiety disorder (12%), and panic disorder (10%). In the 44 cases with an affective disorder, 27 (61%) had the onset of affective disorder, 27 (61%) had the onset of their affective disorder prior to the onset of their bulimia, 15 (34%) afterward, and 2 (5%) concurrently. In the 21 cases with any anxiety disorder, 15 (71%) had the onset of their anxiety disorder prior to the onset of their bulimia, 4 (19%) afterward, and 2 (10%) concurrently. CONCLUSION: These data confirm previous reports of a strong association between bulimia nervosa and affective illness, which in most cases precedes the eating disorder. In addition, a high frequency of anxiety disorders, particularly social phobia, is seen in bulimic patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors assessed DSM-III-R disorders among American former prisoners of war. Comorbidity, time of onset, and the relationship of trauma severity to complicated versus uncomplicated posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were examined. METHOD: A community sample (N=262) of men exposed to combat and imprisonment was assessed by clinicians using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R. RESULTS: The rates of comorbidity among the men with PTSD were lower than rates from community samples assessed by lay interviewers. Over one-third of the cases of lifetime PTSD were uncomplicated by another axis I disorder; over one-half of the cases of current PTSD were uncomplicated. PTSD almost always emerged soon after exposure to trauma. Lifetime PTSD was associated with increased risk of lifetime panic disorder, major depression, alcohol abuse/dependence, and social phobia. Current PTSD was associated with increased risk of current panic disorder, dysthymia, social phobia, major depression, and generalized anxiety disorder. Relative to PTSD, the onset of the comorbid disorders was as follows: major depression, predominantly secondary; alcohol abuse/dependence and agoraphobia, predominantly concurrent (same year); social phobia, equal proportions primary and concurrent; and panic disorder, equal proportions concurrent and secondary. Trauma exposure was comparable in the subjects with complicated and uncomplicated PTSD. CONCLUSIONS: The types of comorbid diagnoses and their patterns of onset were comparable to the diagnoses and patterns observed in other community samples. The findings support the validity of the PTSD construct; PTSD can be distinguished from comorbid disorders. Uncomplicated PTSD may be more common than previous studies suggest, particularly in clinician-assessed subjects exposed to severe trauma.  相似文献   

Accurate diagnosis of a comorbid or dual disorder in substance abusing women is critical to treatment and recovery. However, accurate diagnosis of comorbid disorders is difficult. Factors such as instrumentation and timing of diagnostic interview make results highly variable. This article describes difficulties encountered in screening and diagnosing dual disorders in a sample of rural, substance abusing women. The efficacy of screening and diagnostic measures in detecting depression and substance abuse is evaluated, and factors affecting diagnosis are described. The implications of those findings for case finding and management in psychiatric nursing practice are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the characteristics and correlates of mania in referred adolescents and to determine whether attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a marker of very early onset mania. METHOD: From 637 consecutive admissions, 68 children (< or = 12 years) and 42 adolescents (> 13 years) who satisfied criteria for mania were recruited. These were compared with the 527 nonmanic referrals and 100 normal controls. RESULTS: With the exception of comorbidity with ADHD, there were more similarities than differences between the children and adolescents with mania in course and correlates. There was an inverse relationship between the rates of comorbid ADHD and age of onset of mania: higher in manic children intermediate in adolescents with childhood-onset mania, and lower in adolescents with adolescent-onset mania. CONCLUSIONS: ADHD is more common in childhood-onset compared with adolescent-onset cases of bipolar disorder, suggesting that in some cases, ADHD may signal a very early onset of bipolar disorder. Clinical similarities between the child- and adolescent-onset cases provide evidence for the clinical validity of childhood-onset mania.  相似文献   

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