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本课题综合应用4D-CAD、工程数据库、人工智能、虚拟现实技术,研究开发建筑工程项目4D施工管理系统--4D-GCPSU(4D Management for Construction Planning and Resource Utilization).该系统通过建立建筑物及其施工场地布置3D模型与工程进度计划的链接和相关资源属性的集成,形成4D 施工模型(4DSMM ),实现了建筑工程项目的工程进度、施工资源和场地布置的动态管理,以及整个施工过程的可视化模拟,为提高施工水平、确保工程质量,提供了科学、有效的管理手段.  相似文献   

4D CAD技术属于计算机技术在工程施工领域应用的一项新技术,本文作者通过论述4D CAD技术的发展,分析了4D CAD技术在施工管理中的优势。通过对比分析常见4D CAD软件的基本功能,结合一座大型桥梁工程的施工实践,具体说明4D CAD技术的优点和应用障碍。最后,提出4DCAD技术发展的趋势和方向。  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, there has been a growing interest in four‐dimensional computer aided design (4D CAD) for construction project planning. Commercial 4D CAD applications are becoming more accessible and the use of this technology allows the construction planner to produce more rigorous schedules. A review of the technical competencies of these packages highlights that most of the commercially available packages concentrate on the use of 4D CAD simulations for aesthetic visualization purposes. Very few packages offer the ability to carry out analytical tasks on the developed simulation and this is often left to the interpretation of the user. A thorough appraisal of emerging research developments in 4D planning highlights that this technology is employed for various applications; however, the amount of detail required in a 4D simulation is still ambiguous. A model is proposed to determine the attributes required for use with each of the various applications of 4D CAD simulations. Finally, various lines of future research are highlighted, including the need for improved use of data exchange standards and the automation of linking the construction tasks to the 3D CAD model.  相似文献   

建设工程项目4D模型实现方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先研究了4D模型的基本概念,认为其核心思想是设计与施工的集成;其次研究了4D模型在建筑业中应用的主要功能,包括可视化模拟、分析、交流与写作;然后,从信息系统集成的角度提出了两种4D建模方法,一种基于传统的CAD技术,另一种基于先进的EIM技术;最后,通过IDEFO方法对4D建模的实现过程进行了研究。  相似文献   

Highway construction activities have a multitude of impacts on the public that change over time and with location. In devising strategies to manage and minimize these impacts, gaining an in-depth understanding about timing and spatial extents of them is crucial. However, in practice gaining such understanding is difficult due to the complex and varying nature of the impacts. To support project planners with understanding a highway construction project's impacts upfront, we developed a 4D modeling method that visualizes the most important attributes of the impacts on the public, namely their spatial extents and their progression over time. By applying the method to support a Dutch highway expansion project, we show that, compared to 2D methods, the proposed 4D modeling method provides an integral perspective of the spatial changes of the project impacts over time that allows for the evaluation of various scenarios with relative ease.  相似文献   

For a four-dimensional (4D) computer-aided design (CAD) model to be useful for users throughout a construction project, the model must be updated in a timely and accurate manner during the construction. Only when it has been properly updated can the 4D CAD model reflect the real progress of a construction site to inform managerial decision making. However, updating a 4D CAD model is time-consuming and labor-intensive because the full updating process, from site data acquisition to 4D model regeneration, is typically conducted manually. This difficulty in updating a 4D model discourages industry practitioners from actively adopting 4D models. This paper presents an image processing-based methodology for the automatic updating of a 4D CAD model. Characterized by 3D CAD-based image mask filters, color-based noise removal, and area-based progress calculation, the image processing approach provides as-built schedule information. The schedule information is then automatically integrated with an existing 3D CAD model in batch-processing modes to produce the updated 4D CAD model. The proposed methodology was applied and verified in a cable-stayed bridge construction project and is expected to facilitate the wider use of 4D CAD models in the construction industry.  相似文献   

Construction schedules and site space arrangement are essential to project management, as they directly influence security, machine running, material deployment, power distribution as well as construction progress and cost. There has been a strong need for more effective planning and management of site space and facilities. This paper introduces a 4D Integrated Site Planning System (4D-ISPS) which integrates schedules, 3D models, resources and site spaces together with 4D CAD technology to provide 4D graphical visualization capability for construction site planning. The features of 4D-ISPS are described in detail. The implementation techniques of this system are also discussed and a real life case is presented.  相似文献   

Project teams face ever increasing pressure to deliver projects as quickly as possible. To meet these demands, contractors are faced with the need to explore various construction strategies in order to meet delivery dates, and to assure themselves as to the achievability and quality of a schedule. Various visual representations of a project's schedule and associated information combined with visual representations of the project in progress, i.e. 4D CAD, can assist with these tasks of identifying effective construction strategies for shortening project duration, assessing their workability, and judging schedule quality. Such visual representations aid communication amongst project staff and facilitate brain-storming, and, implemented well they can provide clear, fast, and multi-dimensional feedback to the project team. In this paper, we describe aspects of our work which is directed at formulating a dynamic visualization environment that links 3D CAD, a generalization of traditional CPM which embraces linear scheduling, dual product representations (scheduling and CAD system) and their mapping onto each other, and schedule and CAD graphics in a manner which facilitates the relatively rapid exploration of alternative construction method and scheduling strategies for large scale linear projects (e.g. high-rise buildings, bridges, etc.). Requirements of such an environment include quickness, treating scale, working at multiple levels of detail, dealing with design variability, and realistic representation of the work. Use is made of a realistic example to highlight aspects of our approach and identify important issues that must be addressed if a visualization environment useful for construction professionals is to be developed.  相似文献   

Recently, risks in construction projects have been gradually increasing due to the upsizing of construction projects and the introduction of diverse new methods of construction. Risk management is employed to address potential risks, and on most construction sites risk management is implemented based on managers' intuition. Furthermore, risk analysis information is presented based on complicated numerical analysis, which reduce its usability in practical work. The purpose of this research was to develop a risk management visualization system that can analyze the degrees of risks in construction projects using objective quantifying methodologies for gathering risk information. The information is then presented based on the degree of risks involved. This system can be utilized as a tool to effectively respond to various types of construction risk information. To this end, the fuzzy and analytic hierarchy analysis (AHP) techniques are used as methods to quantify risk information. To visualize the risk information analyzed, a simulation system for visualizing risk information is developed along with a four-dimensional (4D) CAD system. The proposed system is applied to a sample construction project to verify its usability. A work space optimization method that considers risk information and work space is also suggested for further development of the system.  相似文献   

从施工人员、材料等方面运用系统分析方法进行研究,建立了一个适合建筑工程施工的安全评价指标体系,并以某项目为例,利用AHP-FCE综合评价方法对安全管理状况进行综合评价,提出了有效的解决方法,对于提升我国建筑工程施工现场安全管理具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

Construction cost overrun is a common problem in construction industries. The objective of this research is to extract the key cost-influencing factors with new concept and methods to help control the expenditure. Hence, this research adopts the Modified Delphi Method (MDM) with 2 groups and 2 rounds and Kawakita Jiro method (KJ) to consolidate the experts' opinions and identify and rank the key factors that affect project costs. Ninety cost-influencing factors are collected from literary review and interviews with experts with practical cost control experiences in the construction companies (Group 1). The KJ method is used to consolidate these factors into 4 categories and down to a total of 42 factors. 2 rounds of questionnaires are then conducted to filter the key factors. In order to verify views of those in the first group, Group 2 consists of experienced experts from the public sectors, consulting firms and construction companies as a comparison. Results of the analysis indicate that there are 16 key cost-influencing factors. Severity Index computation was then adopted to rank these key cost-influencing factors. The study renders that clearly defined scope of project in the contract and cost control are the major determinants for cost overrun.  相似文献   

首先从竞争的角度提出了建设项目竞争力的概念,分析了建设项目竞争力与建设单位竞争力的区别与联系;然后描述了建设项目竞争力的形成过程,分析得出建设项目竞争力与建设项目主体竞争力之间的关系,从建设项目主体的角度对建设项目竞争力进行了评价分析;最后建立了建设项目竞争力的评价指标体系并结合模糊数学方法进行了相关分析。  相似文献   

张丽芹 《山西建筑》2010,36(22):272-273
简单介绍了我国的招投标制度,分析了我国现有的招标方式及国外常用的招标方式,重点探讨了工程项目总承包招标方式的应用,总结了国内外建设工程评标方法的相关内容,以供相关人员研究参考。  相似文献   

软件项目研发是一个团队集体智慧的体现,建立和谐的研发团队不仅有利于提高软件项目研发的效率,提高软件产品质量和成功率,也有利于加强团队成员之间的交流,增进相互之间的了解和友谊。就软件项目研发过程中,有关项目团队建设的重要性、项目团队建设过程和如何建立一个胶冻团队等问题展开分析,探讨软件项目研发团队的建设。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于DEA算法的建设工程项目评标方法,采用DEA的C2R模型作为建设工程项目评价模型,并根据决策单元多输入多输出的特点建立了评价指标体系,实例分析表明,使用该模型可使评标方法和结果更科学、更公正.  相似文献   

根据各工期风险因素对大型工程项目工期的多重影响,构建了基于改进PERT(计划评审技术)方法的项目工期风险评价模型。以某大型水利工程项目为研究对象,将辨识的各风险因素对各作业持续时间的影响带入评价模型,并进行了单因素分析和多因素组合分析与评价。结果表明,该评价模型可以直观、方便地预测出单因素及多因素组合对项目工期的影响大小,从而帮助项目进度管理人员明确进度控制的重点,减少工期风险对项目造成的损失。  相似文献   

There are problems associated with the Turkish construction sector; some of these problems are implications of Government policy, restrictions imposed on public construction projects, bureaucratic procedures, contractual clauses incorporating unfair risk sharing and inadequacies in control mechanisms. Some problems can be attributed to inadequate technological knowhow, and/or lack of education and training incen1 tives in new technologies and management approaches. This paper presents findings from research that was aimed at investigating the applicability of partnering in the Turkish construction sector as an alternative approach in seeking solutions to some of the problems within this industry. The findings suggest that the partnering approach could help reduce some of the problems associated with the Turkish construction sector, although the implementation of this approach is likely to face complications, mainly in terms of cultural change requirements and the bureaucracies associated especially with the public construction process. The findings also suggest that if partnering were to be considered for Turkey, the private construction sector would offer more flexibility in the implementation of this approach, rather than reliance on the Government for the introduction of partnering into Turkey.  相似文献   

政府投资建设项目中的寻租行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对政府投资建设项目中的委托代理关系进行了分析,并构建博弈模型分析了政府投资建设项目中的寻租行为,基于此对政府投资建设项目的投资监管机制提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

金彩虹 《山西建筑》2008,34(8):272-273
总结了招投标时建立评标的指标体系应该遵循的原则,阐述了一种比较常用的评标体系,说明如何运用模糊评价法来从商务、技术等多个角度评价各投标单位优劣,最后得到评价结论,并结合工程实例进行了说明,目的在于为评标委员会评标时提供参考.  相似文献   

建设项目全生命周期一体化管理模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统项目管理模式的弊端,结合当前建设项目发展的趋势,从项目全生命周期的角度出发,对建设项目全生命周期一体化管理模式进行了初步探讨。同时分析了此模式下的项目运作流程、组织实施和信息一体化平台。旨在通过寻求一种合理有效的管理模式,适应建设项目发展的现实需要,也为同类项目问题的解决提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

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