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This paper addresses the problem of localization and map construction by a mobile robot in an indoor environment. Instead of trying to build high-fidelity geometric maps, we focus on constructing topological maps as they are less sensitive to poor odometry estimates and position errors. We propose a modification to the standard SLAM algorithm in which the assumption that the robots can obtain metric distance/bearing information to landmarks is relaxed. Instead, the robot registers a distinctive sensor “signature”, based on its current location, which is used to match robot positions. In our formulation of this non-linear estimation problem, we infer implicit position measurements from an image recognition algorithm. We propose a method for incrementally building topological maps for a robot which uses a panoramic camera to obtain images at various locations along its path and uses the features it tracks in the images to update the topological map. The method is very general and does not require the environment to have uniquely distinctive features. Two algorithms are implemented to address this problem. The Iterated form of the Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF) and a batch-processed linearized ML estimator are compared under various odometric noise models.
Paul E. RybskiEmail:

Coordinated multirobot exploration involves autonomous discovering and mapping of the features of initially unknown environments by using multiple robots. Autonomously exploring mobile robots are usually driven, both in selecting locations to visit and in assigning them to robots, by knowledge of the already explored portions of the environment, often represented in a metric map. In the literature, some works addressed the use of semantic knowledge in exploration, which, embedded in a semantic map, associates spatial concepts (like ‘rooms’ and ‘corridors’) with metric entities, showing its effectiveness in improving the total area explored by robots. In this paper, we build on these results and propose a system that exploits semantic information to push robots to explore relevant areas of initially unknown environments, according to a priori information provided by human users. Discovery of relevant areas is significant in some search and rescue settings, in which human rescuers can instruct robots to search for victims in specific areas, for example in cubicles if a disaster happened in an office building during working hours. We propose to speed up the exploration of specific areas by using semantic information both to select locations to visit and to determine the number of robots to allocate to those locations. In this way, for example, more robots could be assigned to a candidate location in a corridor, so the attached rooms can be explored faster. We tested our semantic-based multirobot exploration system within a reliable robot simulator and we evaluated its performance in realistic search and rescue indoor settings with respect to state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Swarm robotics studies the intelligent collective behaviour emerging from long-term interactions of large number of simple robots. However, maintaining a large number of robots operational for long time periods requires significant battery capacity, which is an issue for small robots. Therefore, re-charging systems such as automated battery-swapping stations have been implemented. These systems require that the robots interrupt, albeit shortly, their activity, which influences the swarm behaviour. In this paper, a low-cost on-the-fly wireless charging system, composed of several charging cells, is proposed for use in swarm robotic research studies. To determine the system’s ability to support perpetual swarm operation, a probabilistic model that takes into account the swarm size, robot behaviour and charging area configuration, is outlined. Based on the model, a prototype system with 12 charging cells and a small mobile robot, Mona, was developed. A series of long-term experiments with different arenas and behavioural configurations indicated the model’s accuracy and demonstrated the system’s ability to support perpetual operation of multi-robotic system.  相似文献   

Successful approaches to the robot localization problem include particle filters, which estimate non-parametric localization belief distributions. Particle filters are successful at tracking a robot’s pose, although they fare poorly at determining the robot’s global pose. The global localization problem has been addressed for robots that sense unambiguous visual landmarks with sensor resetting, by performing sensor-based resampling when the robot is lost. Unfortunately, for robots that make sparse, ambiguous and noisy observations, standard sensor resetting places new pose hypotheses across a wide region, in poses that may be inconsistent with previous observations. We introduce multi-observation sensor resetting (MOSR) to address the localization problem with sparse, ambiguous and noisy observations. MOSR merges observations from multiple frames to generate new hypotheses more effectively. We demonstrate experimentally on the NAO humanoid robots that MOSR converges more efficiently to the robot’s true pose than standard sensor resetting, and is more robust to systematic vision errors.  相似文献   

A team of small, low-cost robots instead of a single large, complex robot is useful in operations such as search and rescue, urban exploration etc. However, performance of such a team is limited due to restricted mobility of the team members. We propose solutions based on physical cooperation among mobile robots to improve the overall mobility. Our focus is on the development of the low level system components. Recognizing that small robots need to overcome discrete obstacles, we develop specific analytical maneuvers to negotiate each obstacle where a maneuver is built from a sequence of fundamental cooperative behaviors. In this paper we present cooperative behaviors that are achieved by interactions among robots via un-actuated links thus avoiding the need for additional actuation. We analyze the cooperative lift behavior and demonstrate that useful maneuvers such a gap crossing can be built using this behavior. We prove that the requirements on ground friction and wheel torques set fundamental limits for physical cooperation. Using the design guidelines based on static analysis we have developed simple and low cost hardware to illustrate cooperative gap crossing with two robots. We have developed a complete dynamic model of two-robot cooperation which leads to control design. A novel connecting link design is proposed that can change the system configuration with no additional actuators. A decentralized control architecture is designed for the two-robot system, where each robot controls its own state with no information about the state of the other robot thus avoiding the need of continuous communication between the two robots. Simulation and hardware results demonstrate a successful implementation with the gap crossing example. We have analytically proved that robot dynamics can be used to reduce the friction requirements and have demonstrated, with simulations, the implementation of this idea for the cooperative lifting behavior.
Jonathan LuntzEmail:

Area coverage is a fundamental task in robotics, where one or more robots are required to visit all points in a target area at least once. In many real-world scenarios, the need arises for protecting one’s territory from being covered by a robot, e.g., when we need to defend a building from being surveyed by an adversarial force. Therefore, this paper discusses the problem of defending a given area from being covered by a robot. In this problem, the defender needs to choose the locations of k stationary guards in the target area, each one having some probability of capturing the robot, in a way that maximizes the probability of stopping the covering robot. We consider two types of covering robots: one that has an a-priori map of the environment, including the locations of the guards; and the other has no prior knowledge of the environment, and thus has to use real-time sensor measurements in order to detect the guards and plan its path according to their discovered locations. We show that in both cases the defender can exploit the target area’s topology, and specifically the vulnerability points in the area (i.e., places that must be visited by the robot more than once), in order to increase its chances of capturing the covering robot. We also show that although in general finding an optimal strategy for a defender with zero-knowledge on the robot’s coverage strategy is \({\mathcal {NP}}\)-Hard, for certain values of k an optimal strategy can be found in polynomial time. For other cases we suggest heuristics that can significantly outperform the random baseline strategy. We provide both theoretical and empirical evaluation of our suggested algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on endowing a mobile robot with topological spatial cognition. We propose an integrated model—where the concept of a ‘place’  is defined as a collection of appearances or locations sharing common perceptual signatures or physical boundaries. In this model, as the robot navigates, places are detected in a systematic manner via monitoring coherency in the incoming visual data while pruning out uninformative or scanty data. Detected places are then either recognized or learned along with mapping as necessary. The novelties of the model are twofold: First, it explicitly incorporates a long-term spatial memory where the knowledge of learned places and their spatial relations are retained in place and map memories respectively. Second, the processing modules operate together so that the robot is able to build its spatial memory in an organized, incremental and unsupervised manner. Thus, the robot’s long-term spatial memory evolves completely on its own while learned knowledge is organized based on appearance-related similarities in a manner that is amenable for higher-level semantic reasoning, As such, the proposed model constitutes a step forward towards having robots that are capable of interacting with their environments in an autonomous manner.  相似文献   

The problem of localization, that is, of a robot finding its position on a map, is an important task for autonomous mobile robots. It has applications in numerous areas of robotics ranging from aerial photography to autonomous vehicle exploration. In this paper we present a new strategy LPS (Localize-by-Placement-Separation) for a robot to find its position on a map, where the map is represented as a geometric tree of bounded degree. Our strategy exploits to a high degree the self-similarities that may occur in the environment. We use the framework of competitive analysis to analyze the performance of our strategy. In particular, we show that the distance traveled by the robot is at most O( ) times longer than the shortest possible route to localize the robot, where n is the number of vertices of the tree. This is a significant improvement over the best known previous bound of O(n2/3). Moreover, since there is a lower bound of Ω( ), our strategy is optimal up to a constant factor. Using the same approach we can also show that the problem of searching for a target in a geometric tree, where the robot is given a map of the tree and the location of the target but does not know its own position, can be solved by a strategy with a competitive ratio of O( ), which is again optimal up to a constant factor.  相似文献   

This paper aims to solve the balanced multi-robot task allocation problem. Multi-robot systems are becoming more and more significant in industrial, commercial and scientific applications. Effectively allocating tasks to multi-robots i.e. utilizing all robots in a cost effective manner becomes a tedious process. The current attempts made by the researchers concentrate only on minimizing the distance between the robots and the tasks, and not much importance is given to the balancing of work loads among robots. It is also found from the literature that the multi-robot system is analogous to Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem (MTSP). This paper attempts to develop mechanism to address the above two issues with objective of minimizing the distance travelled by ‘m’ robots and balancing the work load between ‘m’ robots equally. The proposed approach has two fold, first develops a mathematical model for balanced multi-robot task allocation problem, and secondly proposes a methodology to solve the model in three stages. Stage I groups the ‘N’ tasks into ‘n’ clusters of tasks using K-means clustering technique with the objective of minimizing the distance between the tasks, stage II calculates the travel cost of robot and clusters combination, stage III allocates the robot to the clusters in order to utilise all robot in a cost effective manner.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel bio-inspired hybrid communication framework that incorporates the repelling behaviour of anti-aphrodisiac pheromones and attractive behaviour of pheromones for efficient map exploration of multiple mobile service robots. The proposed communication framework presents a scheme for robots to efficiently serve large areas of map, while cooperating with each other through proper pheromone deposition. This eliminates the need of explicitly programming each service robot to serve particular areas of the map. The paths taken by robots are represented as nodes across which pheromones are deposited. This reduces the search space for tracking pheromones and reduces data size to be communicated between robots. A novel pheromone deposition model is presented which takes into account the uncertainty in the robot’s position. This eliminates robots to deposit pheromones at wrong places when localization fails. The framework also integrates the pheromone signalling mechanism in landmark-based Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) localization and allows the robots to capture areas or sub-areas of the map, to improve the localization. A scheme to resolve conflicts through local communication is presented. We discuss, through experimental and simulation results, two cases of floor cleaning task, and surveillance task, performed by multiple robots. Results show that the proposed scheme enables multiple service robots to perform cooperative tasks intelligently without any explicit programming.  相似文献   

A bacterial colony growth algorithm for mobile robot localization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Achieving robot autonomy is a fundamental objective in Mobile Robotics. However in order to realize this goal, a robot must be aware of its location within an environment. Therefore, the localization problem (i.e.,the problem of determining robot pose relative to a map of its environment) must be addressed. This paper proposes a new biology-inspired approach to this problem. It takes advantage of models of species reproduction to provide a suitable framework for maintaining the multi-hypothesis. In addition, various strategies to track robot pose are proposed and investigated through statistical comparisons. The Bacterial Colony Growth Algorithm (BCGA) provides two different levels of modeling: a background level that carries on the multi-hypothesis and a foreground level that identifies the best hypotheses according to an exchangeable strategy. Experiments, carried out on the robot ATRV-Jr manufactured by iRobot, show the effectiveness of the proposed BCGA.
Mattia ProsperiEmail:

We address the problem of propagating a piece of information among robots scattered in an environment. Initially, a single robot has the information. This robot searches for other robots to pass it along. When a robot is discovered, it can participate in the process by searching for other robots. Since our motivation for studying this problem is to form an ad hoc network, we call it the Network Formation Problem. In this paper, we study the case where the environment is a rectangle and the robots’ locations are unknown but chosen uniformly at random. We present an efficient network formation algorithm, Stripes, and show that its expected performance is within a logarithmic factor of the optimal performance. We also compare Stripes with an intuitive network formation algorithm in simulations. The feasibility of Stripes is demonstrated with a proof-of-concept implementation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robot architecture with spatial cognition and navigation capabilities that captures some properties of the rat brain structures involved in learning and memory. This architecture relies on the integration of kinesthetic and visual information derived from artificial landmarks, as well as on Hebbian learning, to build a holistic topological-metric spatial representation during exploration, and employs reinforcement learning by means of an Actor-Critic architecture to enable learning and unlearning of goal locations. From a robotics perspective, this work can be placed in the gap between mapping and map exploitation currently existent in the SLAM literature. The exploitation of the cognitive map allows the robot to recognize places already visited and to find a target from any given departure location, thus enabling goal-directed navigation. From a biological perspective, this study aims at initiating a contribution to experimental neuroscience by providing the system as a tool to test with robots hypotheses concerned with the underlying mechanisms of rats’ spatial cognition. Results from different experiments with a mobile AIBO robot inspired on classical spatial tasks with rats are described, and a comparative analysis is provided in reference to the reversal task devised by O’Keefe in 1983.  相似文献   

This paper presents a set membership method (named Interval Analysis Localization (IAL)) to deal with the global localization problem of mobile robots. By using a LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) range sensor, the odometry and a discrete map of an indoor environment, a robot has to determine its pose (position and orientation) in the map without any knowledge of its initial pose. In a bounded error context, the IAL algorithm searches a set of boxes (interval vector), with a cardinality as small as possible that includes the robot’s pose. The localization process is based on constraint propagation and interval analysis tools, such as bisection and relaxed intersection. The proposed method is validated using real data recorded during the CAROTTE challenge, organized by the French ANR (National Research Agency) and the French DGA (General Delegation of Armament). IAL is then compared with the well-known Monte Carlo Localization showing weaknesses and strengths of both algorithms. As it is shown in this paper with the IAL algorithm, interval analysis can be an efficient tool to solve the global localization problem.  相似文献   

The master-followed multiple robots interactive cooperation simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) schemes were designed in this paper, which adapts to search and rescue (SAR) cluttered environments. In our multi-robots SLAM, the proposed algorithm estimates each of multiple robots’ current local sub-map, in this occasion, a particle represents each of moving multi-robots, and simultaneously, also represents the pose of a motion robot. The trajectory of the robot’s movement generated a local sub-map; the sub-maps can be looked on as the particles. Each robot efficiently forms a local sub-map; the global map integrates over these local sub-maps; identifying SAR objects of interest, in which, each of multi-robots acts as local-level features collector. Once the object of interest (OOI) is detected, the location in the global map could be determined by the SLAM. The designed multi-robot SLAM architecture consists of PC remote control center, a master robot, and multi-followed robots. Through mobileRobot platform, the master robot controls multi-robots team, the multiple robots exchange information with each other, and then performs SLAM tasks; the PC remote control center can monitor multi-robot SLAM process and provide directly control for multi-robots, which guarantee robots conducting safety in harsh SAR environments. This SLAM method has significantly improved the objects identification, area coverage rate and loop-closure, and the corresponding simulations and experiments validate the significant effects.  相似文献   

基于声音的分布式多机器人相对定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于声音的分布式多机器人相对定位方法.首先,每个机器人通过声源定位算法估计发声机器人在其局部坐标系下的坐标;然后,每个机器人(不含发声机器人)通过无线通信方式将发声机器人在其坐标系下的坐标广播给所有其他机器人,通过坐标变换每个机器人可计算出所有其他机器人在其坐标系下的坐标,从而实现分布式相对定位.理论推导及实验证明只要两个机器人先后发声,通过本文所提方法即可实现多机器人相对定位.室内外环境中采用6个自制小型移动机器人实验表明,所提方法在3米的范围内可实现16厘米的相对定位精度.  相似文献   

Guiding robots’ behaviors using pheromone communication   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper describes an ongoing project to investigate the uses of pheromones as a means of communication in robotics. The particular example of pheromone communication considered here was inspired by queen bee pheromones that have a number of crucial functions in a bee colony, such as keeping together and stabilizing the colony. In the context of a robotic system, one of the proposed applications for robot pheromones is to allow a group of robots to be guided by a robot leader. The robot leader could release different chemicals to elicit a range of behaviors from other members of the group. A change of the operating temperature of tin oxide gas sensors has been implemented in order to differentiate different chemicals. This paper provides details of the robots used in the project and their behaviors. The sensors, especially the method of using the tin oxide gas sensors, the robot control algorithms and experimental results are presented. In this project, pheromones were used to trigger congregating behavior and light seeking in a group of robots.
R. Andrew RussellEmail:

Communication between robots is key to performance in cooperative multi-robot systems. In practice, communication connections for information exchange between all robots are not always guaranteed, which adds difficulty in performing state estimation. This paper examines the decentralized cooperative simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem, in which each robot is required to estimate the map and all robot states under a sparsely-communicating and dynamic network. We show how the exact, centralized-equivalent estimate can be obtained by all robots in the network in a decentralized manner even when the network is never fully connected. Furthermore, a robot only needs to consider its own knowledge of the network topology in order to detect when the centralized-equivalent estimate is obtainable. Our approach is validated through more than 250 min of hardware experiments using a team of real robots. The resulting estimates are compared against accurate groundtruth data for all robot poses and landmark positions. In addition, we examined the effects of communication range limit on our algorithm’s performance.  相似文献   

In order to solve most of the existing mobile robotics applications, the robot needs some information about its spatial environment encoded in what it has been commonly called a map. The knowledge contained in such a map, whatever approach is used to obtain it, will mainly be used by the robot to gain the ability to navigate in a given environment. We are describing in this paper, a method that allows a robot or team of robots to navigate in large urban areas for which an existing map in a standard human understandable fashion is available. As detailed maps of most urban areas already exist, it will be assumed that a map of the zone where the robot is supposed to work is given, which has not been constructed using the robot’s own sensors. We propose in this paper, the use of an existing Geographical Information System based map of an urban zone so that a robot or a team of robots can connect to this map and use it for navigation purposes. Details of the implemented system architecture as well as a position tracking experiment in a real outdoor environment, a University Campus, are provided.  相似文献   

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