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This article reports the findings of a quantitative study on the relationship between various project performance outcomes and the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM), within the commercial construction industry. The literature review identified inconsistent results among prior qualitative and quantitative work concerning the relationships of key project performance measures and BIM use. Data on 13 variables from 93 completed construction projects were collected and examined through a causal comparative research design. Projects that used BIM (in design or construction) were not found to experience significant performance outcomes when controlling for the contribution of other independent variables and covariates at the 95% confidence level (CL). At the lower 90% CL, however, projects using BIM in construction experienced significantly higher levels of schedule growth than projects that did not use BIM in construction. Recommendations are made for training of construction management staff as a step to avoid unwanted schedule growth associated with BIM use during construction. This study is one of a very small group of rigorous quantitative analyses of BIM project performance outcomes conducted to date; additionally, it is the only study that has analyzed BIM in a multivariate context that controlled for the contribution of other project variables not directly related to BIM use.  相似文献   

Since the early 2000s, building information modeling (BIM) has been used through the entire project life cycle to facilitate effective project collaboration and integration of data to support project activities. Despite the successful applications of BIM in the design and construction stages, the use of BIM for preconstruction planning has not gained wide acceptance as in other project phases. The integration of BIM and geospatial analyses can offer substantial benefits to manage the planning process during the design and preconstruction stages. However, this integration suffers from a lack of interoperability across the geospatial and BIM domains. Semantic web technology is used in this study to convey meaning, which is interpretable by both construction project participants as well as BIM and geographic information systems (GIS) applications processing the transferred data. To achieve this, we first translate building's elements and GIS data into a semantic web data format. Then we use a set of standardized ontologies for construction operations to integrate and query the heterogeneous spatial and temporal data. Finally, we use a query language to access and acquire the data in semantic web format. Through two scenario examples, the potential usefulness of the proposed methodology is validated.  相似文献   

Theoretical developments in Building Information Modelling (BIM) suggest that not only is it useful for geometric modelling of a building's performance but also that it can assist in the management of construction projects. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent to which the use of BIM has resulted in reported benefits on a cross-section of construction projects. This exploration is done by collecting secondary data from 35 construction projects that utilised BIM. A set of project success criteria were generated and content analysis was used to establish the extent to which each individual project met a criterion. The most frequently reported benefit related to the cost reduction and control through the project life cycle. Significant time savings were also reported. Negative benefits were mainly focused on the use of BIM software. Cost/benefit analysis, awareness raising and education and training are important activities to address the challenges of BIM usage.  相似文献   

栾波 《工程质量》2012,30(12):22-26
北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司(简称“北京院”)作为业内著名的建筑设计企业,近年来在复杂形体和综合性建筑的专业协同、同步设计等领域进行了多样化的实践,在凤凰卫视传媒中心、CBD-Z15-中国尊、深圳机场T3航站楼等项目中均不同程度地运用了BIM技术作为工作手段,珠海歌剧院这一项目更是将BIM技术作为核心平台,旨在从设计到施工的各个方面为建筑的全生命周期提供最适宜的解决方案.  相似文献   

通过对国外BIM发展应用的介绍,结合中国建筑业所面临的机遇和挑战,分析中国建设行业信息化现状及BIM技术的应用,指出基于BIM技术的工程项目信息管理模式与发展趋势,并阐述其对中国高校土木工程专业BIM人才培养模式改革的启示,提出从课程设置、应用技术、应用管理层面建立符合BIM发展所需要的人才队伍。  相似文献   

BIM(Building Information Modeling)即建筑信息模型[1]。业界对于BIM在管理、技术和应用方面的探索方兴未艾,BIM的本质是实现建筑行业各个专业之间的信息充分互用,提高建筑信息的复用率,从而达到降低建筑成本, 提高生产效率的目的。我们结合实际工程,对BIM的概念及实施做了初步的研究和实践,并从设计院的工作内容和角度,对三维协同设计的工作流程进行了初步探索,对在三维设计模式下,各专业间及专业内的协同工作方法作了总结。  相似文献   

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is perceived as an effective tool for improving the delivery and coordination of construction projects. The Chinese construction sector has demonstrated significant interest in implementing the 3-dimensional modelling-based process. BIM adoption is influenced by several factors which can either be operational or strategic related. Factors which can have a significant impact include the size of the construction organization and the type of projects that the organization has to deliver (i.e. building vs infrastructure projects). This study aims to evaluate the effect of project type and size on BIM adoption in the Chinese market, via an adoption model which analyses factors impacting the adoption decision. The study examines 200 samples collected from the Chinese construction industry, split equally between infrastructure and building construction data groups, as well as SMEs and large organizations. The collected data are first analyzed by principal component analysis and then through a Structural Equation Modelling-based multiple group analysis. Results demonstrate that essential factors such as operational risks are considered by small organization, whereas large organizations focus on implementation challenges. Implementation benefits and challenges are significant on the adoption decision in infrastructure organizations, but not in building organizations. In addition, the study reveals that “technical support” is an important factor when it comes to BIM adoption among all types of organizations, regardless of the organization’s size and project type delivered.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, building information models (BIM) have become increasingly popular. Yet their use on construction sites where the digital materializes, is limited. A technology that can bridge the gap between the digital and the real world is augmented reality (AR). We analyze this gap and the AR potential and present how the component based software engineering method can be used to efficiently implement a BIM-based AR system for construction. An architecture of the software system is proposed and verified by a prototype which was tested in a real construction project. We found out that the use of AR can significantly narrow the semantic gap between the digital model and the real world; that components for creating a BIM-based AR systems exist but currently do not scale well to large models; and that the use in AR applications creates additional requirements the for BIM models and tools, particularly related to the BIM's 4th dimension.  相似文献   

BIM技术在杭州奥体中心主体育场项目设计中的应用   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
随着对综合解决能力要求的提升,以BIM(建筑信息模型)为核心的建筑设计、施工管理、运营维护等综合应用,正在促进建筑行业的根本变革。近几年来,CCDI(中建国际)在一批重大的设计项目中均应用了BIM技术,并取得了良好的效果,其中“杭州奥体中心主体育场”、“天津团泊新城综合体育馆”、“天津团泊湖网球中心”等项目,都是由CCDI体育事业部和CCDI的BIM团队共同完成的设计。  相似文献   

作为国民经济的支柱产业,工程建设行业正处于跨越式发展的新阶段。为适应日趋严峻的国内和国际竞争形势,基于新型的信息技术手段,全面助力建筑企业的技术转型和提质增效已经成为建筑企业持续保持核心竞争力的关键所在。随着BIM技术在中建八局的持续实施,建筑项目所创建的BIM数据越来越多,对于日积月累的BIM数据的管控难度也越来越大。中建八局研发了具有自主可控知识产权的基于BIM协同管理平台,在助力现场高品质建造的同时,实现对所属各单位所创建的BIM数据、各类工程建造数据的“集中管控”。CIM以三维的城市空间地理信息为基础,是BIM在城市范围内的扩展,本文通过研究BIM与CIM平台数据集成应用,在BIM协同管理平台的基础上,梳理数据资源标准,通过轻量化处理、数模分离以及数据融合,实现从BIM到CIM的高效融合无缝衔接。  相似文献   

施工企业BIM技术的应用和BIM团队建设是施工行业值得思考的问题。本文以浙江省建工集团BIM团队建设过程为例, 从企业BIM人才培养到项目应用, 成立专项课题并取得较好成果, 在此基础上企业进行了新技术的探讨和应用, 突破了传统BIM应用, 本文为施工企业BIM团队建设模式提供一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

BIM与VR技术通过数字化,将大数据、互联网、云计算等融入建筑的设计、施工及运维中,引领建筑业的技术变革。BIM与VR技术的普及对土木类本科教学提出了新的要求,高等学校加强BIM与VR技术方面人才的培养已成为必然。文章介绍了BIM与VR技术应用状况,在总结目前土木工程施工教学模式所面临问题的基础上,结合中国现行土木工程类专业施工课程教学模式,构建了基于BIM与VR技术的仿真教学系统,对土木工程施工教学改革方法进行了探索和实践。  相似文献   

As building information modelling (BIM) is positioned by governments and construction professionals as a solution to the problems in the construction industry, research is needed into the benefits BIM actually confers. The focus here is on the effectiveness of BIM as a medium for communicating information within a construction team. A case study of an offsite precast concrete fabrication facility was conducted. At the time of the study, the facility was supplying precast units for four public sector projects, and using four information management systems: e-mail, a construction project extranet tool, an Enterprise Resource Planning system and a new BIM-based system. The flow of information through the four media was measured and visualized as the projects progressed. This quantitative measurement of information flow was combined with qualitative data from interviews with facility staff. It was found that the introduction of the BIM-based system diverted information flow through the building model and away from the extranet system. The use of e-mail was largely unaffected. BIM allowed considerably more accurate, on-time and appropriate exchange of information. It is concluded it is possible to quantify some of the benefits of BIM to information management. This research paves the way for future research into the management of more construction project information linked more closely to building models.  相似文献   

自上个世纪80年代, CAD技术引入建筑行业后, 引发了建筑设计行业的技术革命。当今, BIM技术已经开始引发建筑行业的又一次革命。针对BIM技术的应用, 本文介绍了当前BIM技术在国内外的开发研究现状, 并阐述了基于BIM技术的建筑信息平台的结构与构建。最后指出, 信息的共享与转换是BIM技术的核心, 而BIM技术的建筑信息平台的构建, 可以使各个专业在图形显示编辑平台上, 利用底层数据库所存储的数据, 进行多部门多专业的规划、设计、施工、运营维护等, 真正做到协同工作, 实现真正的BIM技术。  相似文献   

Building information modeling (BIM) has been recognized as an information technology with the potential to markedly change the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry, and has drawn attention from numerous scholars within the construction domain. Despite the reported advancements pertaining to BIM in previous studies, the extended use of BIM has not yet reached its full potential. This paper thus presents a BIM-based integrated scheduling approach which facilitates the automatic generation of optimized activity-level construction schedules for building projects under resource constraints, by achieving an in-depth integration of BIM product models with work package information, process simulations, and optimization algorithms. A developed prototype system for panelized building construction as an add-on tool for Autodesk Revit is described. A case study is subsequently presented to demonstrate the methodology. Building on the existing body of research in this field, the key contribution of the proposed research is the in-depth integration of BIM product model with work package information, process simulations, and an optimization model, which provides solutions addressing the challenges of the existing practice with respect to detailed construction scheduling under resource constraints.  相似文献   

建筑信息模型(BIM)是数字技术在建筑业中的直接表达,涉及整个建筑工程全寿命期的各个环节,而工程设计行业是应用BIM技术的先行军。文章通过深入分析现阶段BIM在我国工程设计行业中的主要应用障碍,提出促进工程设计行业BIM本土化应用和发展的实施建议。研究结果表明,BIM可以由工程设计先行并实现其阶段性的价值,而多数设计相关人员不了解BIM的真正内涵,以及现有建筑行业体制、行业规程及法律责任界限不明的等障碍,是现阶段建筑行业亟需突破的。  相似文献   

《中海油数字楼宇技术标准》(简称《标准》)是为实现中海油(CNOOC)基建公司建设"数字楼宇"的总体目标所构建,是我国同行业中该领域的第一部企业级标准。《标准》以BIM技术为支撑,结合了"数字楼宇"全生命周期建设与管理的需求,界定了建筑信息化过程中各个建设参与方的工作范畴,总结吸收了国内外相关楼宇信息化建设的先进经验。该《标准》在实际项目中得到应用,实践证明取得了良好的价值,为中海油数字楼宇的建设提供了明确的指导,同时,为BIM技术在建筑工程行业的推广提供了参考。  相似文献   

当今大学本科课程中的BIM课程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BIM作为一种方法已经在工程建设(AEC)行业引起了广泛的关注。它利用虚拟的模型涵盖了一个工程项目从设计到建造直至最终运行全生命周期中所有相关的信息。从模型中能够提取预算所需的工程量,定义施工计划需要的工程要素,还可以建立可持续性研究的模拟环境以及为后期设备管理制定工作流程。BIM是一种工具,有助于促进工程建设行业向协作性更强的建造过程转变。由于该行业缺乏精通BIM的资深人才,因此工程建设行业的管理专业毕业生应该为此做好充分准备。正是由于相关合格人才有缺口的预计,亚利桑那州立大学与FIATECH(一家非营利性建筑公司,物料供应商和学术研究的联盟)共同进行了一项研究,目的是了解在BIM日渐成为设计与承包商主要工具的情况下,学术界怎样为行业提供支持。通过调查和现场会议,我们对当前的教学计划进行了评估并提出一些建议,以帮助各个大学重新设定课程教学计划。主要建议包括讲授核心概念,再辅以自己动手实践和讲座结合的方式学习建造过程的方法。另外一个建议是:学校和行业保持紧密合作,将行业内的专业人士请到课堂上,介绍BIM在行业中的实际应用,以实例帮助学生了解未来获得成功所需要掌握的技能。为了进一步对有关BIM课程设置的指导,我们还通过一个班级和几个相关课程对老师教授BIM的方法做了评审。总之,本研究对目前课堂中设置和开发BIM内容的教学方法以及业界对此的希望都做了探究。  相似文献   

建筑信息模型(BIM)是以三维数字技术为基础, 集成建筑工程相关信息的工程信息模型, 近年来伴随着BIM(Building Information Modeling)技术在行业内被逐步地广泛认知和深入应用, 越来越多项目也将BIM技术应用其中。本文通过项目案例来探讨和分析在结构施工图阶段对于BIM技术应用的价值, 旨在给予结构工程师在BIM技术的应用和本土化的发展提供一些有价值的参考和启迪。  相似文献   

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