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We suggest a greedy search heuristic for solving the three-dimensional bin packing problem (3D-BPP) where in addition to the usual requirement of minimum amount of bins being used, the resulting packing of items into the bins must be physically stable. The problem is NP-hard in the strong sense and imposes severe computational strain for solving it in practice. Computational experiments are also presented and the results are compared with those obtained by the Martello, Pisinger and Vigo (2000) heuristic.  相似文献   

提出一种启发式递归与遗传算法相结合的混合启发式算法求解矩形件优化排样问题。首先给出一种启发式递归算法,利用该算法逐个从待排矩形件中生成局部利用率高的条料,直到所有待排矩形件均生成条料;利用遗传算法全局搜索能力强的特点,对这些条料序进行搜索重组,使其所用的板材数最少;最后再次利用遗传算法,对条料生成之前的矩形件种类序进行全局最优搜索,使总的板材利用率达到了最大。对两个典型实际算例进行计算,并与相关文献比较,结果表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

We present approximation algorithms for the two- and three-dimensional bin packing problems and the three-dimensional strip packing problem. We consider the special case of these problems in which a parameter m   (a positive integer) is given, indicating that each of the dimensions of the items to be packed is at most 1/m1/m of the corresponding dimension of the recipient. We analyze the asymptotic performance of these algorithms and exhibit bounds that, to our knowledge, are the best known for this special case.  相似文献   

采用混合遗传算法求解矩形件带排样问题,采用三阶段排样方式以满足特定的约束或简化切割工艺。改进遗传算子,在变异操作之后使用调整操作,以进一步简化得到的排样方案。在初始种群构造时,根据矩形件的特性采用一些简单有效的方法,使结果更好更快地收敛。实验结果表明方法对解决这类问题是有效的。  相似文献   

This work addresses the problem of finding the maximum number of unweighted vertex-disjoint triangles in an undirected graph G. It is a challenging NP-hard combinatorial problem and it is well-known to be APX-hard. A branch-and-bound algorithm which uses a lower bound based on neighborhood degree is presented. A naive upper bound is proposed as well as another one based on a surrogate relaxation of the related integer linear program which is analogous to a multidimensional knapsack problem. Further, a Greedy Search algorithm and a genetic algorithm are described to improve the lower bound. A computational comparison of lower bounds, branch-and-bound algorithm and CPLEX solver is provided using randomly generated benchmarks and well-known DIMACS implementation challenges. The empirical study shows that the branch-and-bound finds the optimal triangle packing solution for small randomly generated MTP instances (up to 100 vertices and 200 triangles) and some DIMACS graphs. For some larger instances and DIMACS challenges graphs, we remark that our lower bound outperforms CPLEX solver regarding the triangle packing solution and the computation time.  相似文献   

The capacitated vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints combines capacitated vehicle routing and three-dimensional loading with additional packing constraints concerning, for example, unloading operations. An efficient hybrid algorithm including a tabu search algorithm for routing and a tree search algorithm for loading is introduced. Computational results are presented for all publicly available test instances. Most of the best solutions previously reported in literature have been improved while the computational effort is drastically reduced compared to other methods.  相似文献   

In 2005, Demange and Paschos proposed in [M. Demange, V.Th. Paschos, On-line vertex-covering, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 332 (2005) 83-108] an online algorithm (noted LR here) for the classical vertex cover problem. They shown that, for any graph of maximum degree Δ, LR constructs a vertex cover whose size is at most Δ times the optimal one (this bound is tight in the worst case).Very recently, two of the present authors have shown in [F. Delbot, C. Laforest, A better list heuristic for vertex cover, Inform. Process. Lett. 107 (2008) 125-127] that LR has interesting properties (it is a good “list algorithm” and it can easily be distributed). In addition, LR has good experimental behavior in spite of its Δ approximation (or competitive) ratio and the fact that it can be executed without the knowledge of the full instance at the beginning.In this paper we analyze it deeper and we show that LR has good “average” performances: we prove that its mean approximation ratio is strictly less than 2 for any graph and is equal to 1+e−2≈1.13 in paths. LR is then a very interesting algorithm for constructing small vertex covers, despite its bad worst case behavior.  相似文献   

The rectangle knapsack packing problem is to pack a number of rectangles into a larger stock sheet such that the total value of packed rectangles is maximized. The paper first presents a fitness strategy, which is used to determine which rectangle is to be first packed into a given position. Based on this fitness strategy, a constructive heuristic algorithm is developed to generate a solution, i.e. a given sequence of rectangles for packing. Then, a greedy strategy is used to search a better solution. At last, a simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to jump out of the local optimal trap of the greedy strategy, to find a further improved solution. Computational results on 221 rectangular packing instances show that the presented algorithm outperforms some previous algorithms on average.  相似文献   

The circular packing problem with equilibrium constraints is an optimization problem about simplified satellite module layout design.A heuristic algorithm based on tabu search is put forward for solving this problem.The algorithm begins from a random initial configuration and applies the gradient method with an adaptive step length to search for the minimum energy configuration.To jump out of the local minima and avoid the search doing repeated work,the algorithm adopts the strategy of tabu search.In the pr...  相似文献   

在传统模拟退火算法的基础上,对布局问题的优化算法进行了研究,采用回火策略,改进一般模拟退火算法寻优的效果;结合布局问题的具体特点,采用Sequence Pair来描述布局问题的解结构,综合构成了一种新的求解布局问题的模拟退火算法.通过算例验证,该算法优于传统优化算法和普通启发式搜索算法,并且对增量布局也能够取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

An 11/6-approximation algorithm for the network steiner problem   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An instance of the Network Steiner Problem consists of an undirected graph with edge lengths and a subset of vertices; the goal is to find a minimum cost Steiner tree of the given subset (i.e., minimum cost subset of edges which spans it). An 11/6-approximation algorithm for this problem is given. The approximate Steiner tree can be computed in the time0(¦V¦ ¦E¦ + ¦S¦4), whereV is the vertex set,E is the edge set of the graph, andS is the given subset of vertices.  相似文献   

针对二维离线非旋转装箱问题,在凹角和适应值的思想的基础上,提出了一个改进型的Best-Fit启发式算法,并结合基于自然数编码的遗传算法构建了混合算法。同时在遗传迭代过程中,引入二维装箱问题的下界思想作为迭代的终止条件之一,减少了遗传算法无效迭代次数,另外根据问题自身特点,有效地降低了染色体长度,提高了整体的计算速度。在36个标准测试案例的测试基础上与一些经典的算法进行了比较,实验结果表明该算法在工业生产可接受的时间内与其他经典的算法相比能够获得更为满意的结果。  相似文献   

In this paper we study a variant of the bin packing problem in which the items to be packed are structured as the leaves of a tree. The problem is motivated by document organization and retrieval. We show that the problem is NP-hard and we give approximation algorithms for the general case and for the particular case in which all the items have the same size.  相似文献   

采用遗传算法解决不规则区域的矩形件带排样问题,用有序的带符号整数串作为初始种群个体,改善了初始个体解的质量.提出基于最低水平线的择优插入算法,同时考虑不规则区域的左右两端区域,选取最适合的零件进行填充,使零件排放紧凑,提高了材料的利用率.  相似文献   

A heuristic recursive algorithm for the two-dimensional rectangular strip packing problem is presented. It is based on a recursive structure combined with branch-and-bound techniques. Several lengths are tried to determine the minimal plate length to hold all the items. Initially the plate is taken as a block. For the current block considered, the algorithm selects an item, puts it at the bottom-left corner of the block, and divides the unoccupied region into two smaller blocks with an orthogonal cut. The dividing cut is vertical if the block width is equal to the plate width; otherwise it is horizontal. Both lower and upper bounds are used to prune unpromising branches. The computational results on a class of benchmark problems indicate that the algorithm performs better than several recently published algorithms.  相似文献   

We study the hierarchically structured bin packing problem. In this problem, the items to be packed into bins are at the leaves of a tree. The objective of the packing is to minimize the total number of bins into which the descendants of an internal node are packed, summed over all internal nodes. We investigate an existing algorithm and make a correction to the analysis of its approximation ratio. Further results regarding the structure of an optimal solution and a strengthened inapproximability result are given.  相似文献   

针对二维矩形Packing问题,提出了基于占角动作的基本算法。以基本算法为基础,提出了三阶段优化的拟人型全局优化算法。在第一阶段生成初始布局。在第二阶段交替调用邻域搜索子程序和跳坑策略子程序对矩形块的优先级排序进行优化。邻域搜索采用交换式和插入式两种邻域结构,避免单一邻域结构的局限性。当搜索遇到局部最优解时,采用跳坑策略子程序跳出局部最优解,将搜索引向有希望的区域。在第三阶段调用优美度枚举子程序对占角动作的选择作进一步优化。提出了两条优度定理。对于六组benchmark测试用例的实验结果表明,算法的整体表现优于当前文献中的先进算法。针对矩形块方向固定的情形,算法对zdf6和zdf7两个问题实例得到了比已有文献记录更优的布局。  相似文献   

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