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预处理可以打破木质纤维素原料纤维素、半纤维素和木质素三大组分间的顽抗结构,从而提升纤维素基质可酶解性。本文针对目前常压甘油有机溶剂预处理花费时间过长的问题,尝试开展酸催化的常压甘油有机溶剂预处理研究以缩短预处理时间。实验通过单因素选择和响应面Box-Behnken设计优化,获得酸催化常压甘油有机溶剂预处理的最佳条件为:预处理温度245℃,预处理时间38min,硫酸添加质量0.1%。在此条件下获得基质48h酶解率的响应面预测值为94.0%,实际值为91.4%。结果表明响应面优化方案和回归模型适用于本实验,预处理显著提高了基质可酶解性。高浓度基质(15%~20%)酶解进一步证明了预处理后基质具有突出的可酶解性,20%浓度基质在酶载量5FPU/g干基质条件下批次酶解72h,酶解率达60%,葡萄糖浓度达83.4g/L。酸催化常压甘油有机溶剂酸预处理在明显缩短预处理时间的同时,能显著提高木质纤维素基质可酶解性,使后续工业化意义的浓醪酶解糖化成为可能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨甘油预处理对稻草粉酶解效果的影响。方法:采用正交实验法,以液固比、甘油质量分数、甘油预处理时间为因素,考查对还原糖浓度的影响。结果:甘油质量分数为70%,液固比为20∶1,甘油预处理时间为3d时,其对应的还原糖浓度为297.34μg/m L。结论:甘油预处理方法对稻草粉酶解效果有较为显著的影响。  相似文献   

麦草是一种具有很大潜力的制取生物乙醇的可再生木质纤维素原料。文章探讨了碳酸钠预处理预浸时间、保温时间、碳酸钠用量对麦草化学成分及酶水解效率的影响。结果表明,延长碳酸钠预处理保温时间对木质素脱除无明显影响,但浆料得率和酶水解总糖转化率有所下降;合理的预浸时间为30 min,继续延长预浸时间对预处理浆料酶水解总糖转化率无促进作用;增加预处理Na2CO3用量有助于促进木质素的脱除,大部分碳水化合物保留在浆料中。在8% Na2CO3(Na2O计)用量下,麦草于80℃预浸30 min后升温至130℃,不保温所得到的浆料在纤维素酶用量为20 FPU/g(对纤维素)时,其总糖转化率为60%。  相似文献   

探讨了不同Na2CO3用量下两段碳酸钠―氧(Na2CO3-O2)预处理对麦草化学成分及酶水解效率的影响。Na2CO3-O2预处理麦草浆料得率随Na2CO3用量增大而下降,木质素脱除率随之增加。预处理后废液的pH值约为9,可有效避免碳水化合物的碱性水解和二次剥皮反应,保持较高的预处理浆料得率。预处理后浆料经过由纤维素酶、木聚糖酶和β-纤维二糖酶组合而成的混合酶水解,当预处理Na2CO3用量(以Na2O计)从12%增至18%时,预处理浆料总糖得率的增加较为显著。经20 PFU/g纤维素酶水解48 h后,总用碱量为18%的两段Na2CO3-O2预处理浆料的酶水解总糖得率为40.8%,总糖转化率为67.0%。  相似文献   

麦草酶解木素的制备影响因素的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在有关酶解木素研究的基础上,详细研究了球磨时间、酶用量、底物浓度、酶解时间等因素对麦草酶解木素制备的影响.考虑到球磨时间对木素结构的可能变化的影响和尽可能地获得更大的木素提取率,提出了一个合适的麦草酶解木素的提取方法。  相似文献   

酶催化合成高纯度甘油中碳酸单酯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕栓锁  方云  苏亚芬 《精细化工》2004,21(4):265-268
研究了无溶剂体系中脂肪酶LRI催化合成甘油中碳酸单酯(MG)。得到适宜的反应条件为:反应温度57℃,n(酸)∶n(甘油)=1∶1 1,加酶量100U/g(酸),甘油初始含水量w(H2O)=12%,封闭物系反应4h转敞开物系反应6h。产物中甘油中碳酸单酯质量分数w(MG)=42 20%。将n(酸)∶n(甘油)降低至1∶9,反应时间缩短至4h,粗产物经脱甘油和脱酸处理,可获得高纯度甘油中碳酸单酯。纯化后产品中基本不含游离酸及甘油,其中甘油中碳酸单酯质量分数w(MG)=73 65%。过量加入的甘油全部可以回收利用,其平衡转化率降低不超过2%。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The oversupply of cheap glycerol by the oleochemicals industry together with problems occurring in low‐boiling‐point organosolv pretreatments, has generated an interest in the use of glycerol in the organosolv pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass. Atmospheric aqueous glycerol autocatalytic organosolv pretreatment (AAGAOP) is a promising strategy that can effectively enhance enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. As a cost‐effective technique, steam explosion pretreatment (SEP) is being adopted in industrial applications. Accordingly, work has been carried out to investigate how AAGAOP enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass compares with the SEP method. RESULTS: Under controlled laboratory conditions, based on ≥ 90% cellulose recovery, AAGAOP removed ≥ 60% hemicellulose and ≥ 60% lignin from wheat straw while SEP led to ~80% hemicellulose and 10% lignin removal. Enzymatic hydrolysis yields of AAGAOP and SEP reached ~90% and ~70%, respectively. Physical‐chemical structural characterization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR), helped explain the above results. The two methods gave priority to dissociating the guaiacyl lignin and had a relatively small effect on syringyl units. However, AAGAOP exhibited a superior performance. CONCLUSION: The two methods enhanced the enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass by removing and/or altering physical‐chemical structural impediments. The AAGAOP technique, with some special advantages, was more effective than SEP in enhancing the recovery and enzymatic digestibility of cellulose. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because ethanol organosolv pulping requires high pressure and is highly volatile, an atmospheric autocatalytic glycerol organosolv pretreatment process has been investigated. Enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw pretreated using this method was evaluated to explore a novel, economically competitive and environmentally friendly pretreatment technology for bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass. The method also provides economical utilization of industrial glycerol, helping to cope with the challenge of the excess production of glycerol and to further defray the cost of biodiesel production. RESULTS: With preliminary optimization of the parameters in the pretreatment process, pretreatment performed at 240 °C for 4 h with the glycerol addition of 15 g g?1 dry feedstock and wash at 80 °C led to high recovery of cellulose (95%) and good removal of lignin (>70%), which formed, respectively, 80% and 10% of the pulp. The enzymatic hydrolysis of the pretreated wheat straw yielded 90% of theoretically achievable sugar after 24 h and 92% after 48 h. CONCLUSION: Atmospheric autocatalytic glycerol organosolv pretreatment removed significant amounts of hemicellulose and lignin without affecting good cellulose recovery. The proposed novel strategy increased the susceptible of wheat straw to enzyme attack and led to enzymatic hydrolysis that was comparable with that achieved using ethanol organosolv pretreatment. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

木质纤维素材料预处理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了木质纤维素材料的抗降解屏障、影响预处理效果的因素、高效预处理的评价标准,并就目前研究较多的酸法、碱法、有机溶剂、蒸汽爆破几种木质纤维素材料预处理技术的相关研究情况进行了综述。最后对预处理技术的发展方向予以展望。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hydrothermal processes are an eco‐friendly processes that provide an interesting alternative for chemical utilization of lignocellulosic materials, in which water and crop residues are the only reagents. In this work the effect of process conditions (size distribution of the wheat straw, temperature and time) was evaluated against production of fermentable products. RESULTS: The use of milled wheat straw fractions as a raw material containing blends of different particle size distribution showed that the latter had an influence on the final sugars in the hydrolysate. Improved values of glucose (21.1%) and xylose yields (49.32%) present in the hydrolysate were obtained with treatment severity factors of 2.77 and 3.36, respectively. Mathematical models were developed aimed at establishing the effect of process conditions on monosaccharide concentration and its degradation in the liquor. CONCLUSION: This work shows that the use of wheat straw blends with various particle sizes has a significant effect on the extraction of fermentable products. The effect of treatment severity, which takes into account both processing time and temperature was also evaluated. These results are of importance for process design. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

离子液体预处理油料作物木质纤维素   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刘黎阳  牛坤  刘晨光  白凤武 《化工学报》2013,64(Z1):104-110
选取了3种离子液体:氯化1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑([Bmim]Cl)、溴化1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑([Bmim]Br)以及氯化1-辛基-3-甲基咪唑([Omim]Cl),对油料作物木质纤维素部分:花生秸秆、花生壳以及油菜秸秆进行了预处理。对处理前后的物料进行了组分、酶解产糖以及结构分析。原料经酶解后,花生秸秆的产糖率最高(54.31%),且木质素含量最低,表明其更利于生物燃料的生产。3种离子液体中[Bmim]Cl预处理效果最好,产糖率最高可达85.43%(花生秸秆)。采用扫描电镜(SEM)和红外光谱(FT-IR)分析,花生秸秆表面最不完整,结构松散,结晶区域少。经离子液体处理后,所有物料均变得疏松多孔,表面粗糙,提高了物料的可及度。在此基础上,分析阴阳离子对于木质纤维素的溶解过程,发现氯离子和[Bmim]+对于纤维素的溶解影响最显著。  相似文献   

Wet oxidation (WO) pretreatment of sugarcane bagasse, rice hulls, cassava stalks and peanut shells was investigated. WO was performed at 195 °C for 10 min, with 2 g kg?1 of Na2CO3 and under either 3 or 12 bar of oxygen. Oxygen pressure and the type of raw material used had a major effect on the fractionation of the materials, formation of sugars and by‐products, and cellulose enzymatic convertibility. Cellulose content in the solid fraction increased after pretreatment of all materials, except rice hulls. The greatest increase, from 361 g kg?1 to almost 600 g kg?1, occurred for bagasse. The solubilisation of individual components was different for each material. Bagasse xylan was solubilised to a large extent, and 45.2% of it was recovered as xylose and xylo‐oligosaccharides in the liquid fraction. In the prehydrolysates of rice hulls around 40% of the original glucan was recovered as gluco‐oligosaccharides, due to hydrolysis of starch contained in grain remains. The formation of by‐products was modest for all the materials, but increased with increasing oxygen pressure. The highest yield of acetic acid (34–36 g kg?1 of raw material) and furfural (0.7–1.8 g kg?1) occurred for bagasse. The pretreatment enhanced the enzymatic convertibility of cellulose giving the best result (670.2 g kg?1) for bagasse pretreated at the highest oxygen pressure. However, for the other materials the pretreatment conditions were not effective in achieving cellulose conversions above 450 g kg?1. Some enzymatic conversion of xylan was observed. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

以木质纤维素生产燃料乙醇具有原料可再生性和环境友好的优点而备受重视.本文介绍了国内外木质纤维素制取燃料乙醇中的水解工艺过程,包括浓酸水解、稀酸水解和酶水解工艺,分析了各工艺的技术特点,同时指出稀酸预处理-酶水解工艺将成为近几年国内外研究和开发的重点.  相似文献   

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