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以 SL-Ⅱ型乙烯裂解炉反应管为对象,结合烯烃厂裂解工艺参数,对管内石脑油裂解反应过程进行了模拟研究。裂解反应模型采用 Kumar 提出的分子反应模型,模拟得到了管内油气流速、温度、裂解产物的变化规律。结果表明,近壁层流层的存在使得管内油气径向速度、温度梯度较大,二维管内模型可以更全面地描述裂解反应过程。模拟得到的裂解产物收率与裂解炉的生产运行数据进行了比较,两者基本一致,验证了裂解反应模型的合理性。 相似文献
介绍了广州乙烯裂解炉裂解石脑油时,在不同供热方式下的运行情况,分析了裂解炉理解解石脑油运行中存在问题的原因,并提出处理措施。 相似文献
以俄罗斯直馏石脑油为原料,模拟某石化公司工业乙烯装置的工况条件,在乙烯裂解原料模拟评价试验装置上对俄罗斯直馏石脑油进行蒸汽裂解性能评价。结果表明,俄罗斯直馏石脑油的蒸汽裂解操作条件为:出口温度为850℃、出口压力为0.2Mpa、水油比为0.5m/m、停留时间为0.3S,在此工艺条件下,俄罗斯直馏石脑油裂解产生的三烯收率最高。 相似文献
通过对自建小型裂解装置实验数据的分析,建立了大庆重石脑油蒸汽热裂解反应8集总动力学物理模型,并用Matlab语言对Marquardt++ 法进行编程求取了该物理模型的动力学参数。通过对模型计算值与实验值的相对误差分析表明:原料集总因分得较少,相对误差较大,约为10%,但主要产品产率的最大相对误差不超过7%,其中乙烯产率的平均相对误差为1.62%,说明所建模型较好地反映了大庆重石脑油蒸汽裂解反应规律,可以较好地预测主要产品分布。 相似文献
采用优质的54#半精炼石蜡,将乙烯裂解二次注汽技术融合在石蜡裂解技术中,避免了裂解炉结焦;考察了单程裂解、炉前甩残蜡循环裂解、炉后甩残蜡循环裂解在相同的工艺条件下的产品质量、产品收率及存在的问题;验证了新的炉后甩残蜡循环裂解是较好的工艺路线,在较高的水蜡比15%(质量分数),高温600℃、低烃分压和短停留时间(2s左右)条件下,能生产出高质量的α-烯烃产品(总烯烃质量分数在97%以上,α-烯烃含量为88%). 相似文献
Pyrolysis of naphtha in uniform diameter and swaged reactors has been modeled. Pyrolysis and coking models available for naphtha cracking were used to calculate the reactor profiles of pressure, process gas temperature, tube metal temperature, conversion and the product yields. For the swaged coil, not only was the inlet pressure and maximum tube wall temperature in the clean condition lower than for a uniform diameter reactor, but the increase in the inlet pressure and maximum tube wall temperature due to coke deposition was also less. Swaging the reactor can result in a significant increase in the run length between decokings. 相似文献
以石脑油为原料,采用催化裂解六集总动力学模型,建立描述结构化反应器内催化裂解的反应器数学模型,并利用CFD软件对结构化反应器内的石脑油催化裂解性能进行数值模拟。通过改变孔道直径、反应器长度以及反应器内温度、气体入口速率考察反应器结构尺寸和反应条件对目标产物乙烯、丙烯的收率及石脑油转化率的影响。结果表明,反应器孔道直径的增加,目标产物收率减小,反应器长度20 mm时反应完全,升高反应温度和增大入口速率均有利于目标产物的生成。在入口温度680 ℃和入口速率0.4 m·s-1条件下,石脑油转化率92%,乙烯收率19.3%,丙烯收率23.1%。而在相同反应条件下的固定床反应器中乙烯收率10.3%,丙烯收率13.3%,石脑油转化率80.0%。 相似文献
对乙烯裂解炉对流段的设计进行了研究,建立了对流段计算模型。此模型具有设计型和核算型功能,能计算裂解炉对流段各段管排的热负荷、工艺物料和烟气侧的压力降以及管排的传热系数、管壁温度、翅尖温度等。以某S型炉和某G型炉的设计数据与模型计算数据进行对比,验证了该模型具有较高的准确性,满足工程设计的要求。最后使用此对流段设计模型,提出通过改变进料位置、选择注汽方式、调整管排布置等来优化裂解炉对流段设计的理念。 相似文献
Dymitr Czechowicz Krzysztof Skutil Artur Trz Marian Taniewski 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》2004,79(2):182-186
A heat‐effective ‘integrated’ process of C2H4 production, incorporating exothermic oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) carried out in the catalytic section of a flow tubular reactor, and endothermic pyrolysis of naphtha carried out in the postcatalytic section of the same reactor, studied earlier in a small silica reactor, was examined now in a scaled‐up unit with a stainless‐steel (1H18N9T) reactor (volume 400 cm3, Li/MgO catalyst bed 165 cm3). It was demonstrated that depending on the operating conditions, such an integrated process could be realized over a wide range of the relative contribution of the two component processes, leading always to an increase in the C2H4 yield, as compared with OCM or pyrolysis alone. A high degree of additivity of the yields of all products was observed in all cases, independently of the relative contribution of OCM and pyrolysis. Such results indicated that in the scaled‐up unit with a stainless‐steel reactor, the interactions between the component processes and products were only negligible under experimental conditions. The overall balance of CH4, being consumed in OCM and formed in pyrolysis, was negative, equal to zero, or positive, depending on the relative contribution of the component processes. The integrated process could be based, therefore, either on CH4 and naphtha as raw materials or exclusively on naphtha, with the recirculation of the excess of CH4 to the OCM section. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
以ZSM-5分子筛为催化剂,碳五烃混合物为裂解原料,考察空速对碳五烃催化裂解制丙烯/乙烯反应性能的影响。结果表明,在580℃和实验空速范围,随着空速的增加,碳五烷烃及烯烃转化率整体呈下降趋势,但碳五烯烃转化率远高于碳五烷烃。乙烯及丙烯收率在空速3 h-1时达到最大,分别为10.51%和13.02%。碳四烯烃收率随空速的升高而降低,但各丁烯异构体相对于总烯烃的质量分布接近热力学平衡态。 相似文献
催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
以富含镍的矿石为原料,制备了五种催化剂,确定了最佳催化剂。在此基础上研究了催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应的催化作用。考察了在注蒸汽条件下反应温度和催化剂添加量对稠油的粘度和平均分子质量的影响。实验结果表明,在注入蒸汽的条件下,辽河稠油可以发生水热裂解反应,高温下催化剂对水热裂解反应具有催化作用。探讨了催化剂对稠油水热裂解反应的催化机理。 相似文献
Marian Taniewski Dymitr Czechowicz 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1998,73(3):304-310
A heat-effective ‘integrated’ process carried out in one reactor, composed of exothermic oxidative coupling of CH4 over the catalyst fixed bed and endothermic pyrolysis of naphtha injected from the outside to the stream of gaseous coupling products in the hot oxygen-free postcatalytic zone, has been studied. An additivity of the yields of ethylene formed in both component processes was examined under varied operating conditions (type of naphtha fraction, flow rate of reagents and temperature of pyrolysis). A very high degree of additivity of the yields of ethylene and its main coproducts was observed, independently of the relative contribution of the component processes to the integrated process and of applied variations in the process conditions. Evidently, the mutual interactions between the component processes and products were negligible under experimental conditions. © 1998 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
为适应原料重质化趋势的发展,一些新的催化裂化工艺技术得到快速发展,旧的催化裂化装置通过对反应-再生部分核心技术进行升级改造,有效提高了装置加工劣质原料的适应性。广州石化1.0 M t/a重油催化裂化装置采用密相环流预汽提快分(CSC)系统,CS-Ⅱ进料喷嘴和高效PV型旋风分离器对反应-再生系统进行升级改造,产品分布明显得到改善,总液收率提高1.21%;喷嘴汽耗减少1.6 t/h;催化剂耗量下降0.23 kg/t;并缓解装置烧焦负荷和气压机能力不足的瓶颈限制,加工能力提高,装置运行效果显著,经济效益得到增加。 相似文献