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ABSTRACT A new approach using cold-trap, on-line sampling was applied to investigate migration rate of limonene, tert-butylbenzene, and pyrazine in a flour dough matrix. Flavor equilibrium concentration and migration rates were shown to be strong functions of initial concentration. Due to encapsulation of flavor compounds at lower moisture content, it was not possible to totally extract the flavor compounds from the matrix by solvent extraction. The cold-trap online sampling method could be satisfactorily used to generate data on flavor migration rates in dough matrices. 相似文献
ABSTRACT To obtain useful and meaningful information on the contributions of rates of flavor migration and kinetics of degradation under various conditions, the goal of this study was to develop an apparatus for on-line measurement of flavor concentration, to formulate a thermally stable flavor-dough system and to accomplish isothermal heating. Methodology for measuring on-line flavor concentration in effluent gas from a closed vessel is discussed in this paper. Performance of the on-line apparatus for measuring flavor concentration with a cold-trap on-line sampling method was verified by conducting a series of recovery and retention experiments on 4 flavor compounds. Good quantitative recovery data were obtained. 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The goals of this study were to measure moisture migration in a porous solid matrix simulating a real food (flour dough) and to accomplish heating of the solid matrix. An off-line technique and a microwave temperature controller system were developed for measuring moisture concentration under isothermal heating condition. A temperature profile of a cylindrical dough sample was achieved by accurate control of microwave energy input and preheated carrier gas temperature. Results showed a simplified 1st order kinetic model adequately predicted moisture loss in dough samples. Effect of temperature on the rate constant was adequately modeled by the Arrhenius relationship. The rate constant was found to be affected by porosity of the dough sample. 相似文献
不同加热处理对牦牛肉风味组成和质构特性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
取西藏种萨牦牛肉,研究不同热处理方式(微波加热、高压炖煮和常温水煮)对牛肉风味和质构特性的影响。结果表明:这3种热处理得到的牦牛肉产品风味化合物主要包括脂肪烃、脂环烃、脂肪醛、脂肪酮、芳香烃、含硫化合物和脂肪醇6大类,其中醛类化合物(己醛、壬醛和辛醛等)为熟牦牛肉的特征风味。微波加热形成的风味种类最高,达137种,高压炖煮次之(133种),常温水煮最差(128种),微波加热形成的醛类化合物达10种,高压炖煮形成的醛类化合物为5种,而常温水煮形成醛类化合物为4种。对微波加热、高压炖煮和常温水煮3种加热方式形成的牛肉进行质地剖面分析,表明微波加热形成的牛肉硬度低、弹性高等最佳质感效果。综合风味指标、质构指标和感官评价指标,确认微波加热牦牛肉品质最优。 相似文献
G.L. Baker J.A. Cornell D.W. Gorbet S.F. O'Keefe C.A. Sims S.T. Talcott 《Journal of food science》2003,68(1):394-400
ABSTRACT: During peanut roasting, pyrazine compounds correlate highly with roasted flavor and aroma. Although roast color measurement is used to predict roasted flavor in peanuts, there are known variations between roast color and flavor development among genotypes. A method for measuring pyrazines using headspace solid‐phase microextraction (SPME) was developed and 4 peanut genotypes were roasted and analyzed under a variety of time‐temperature combinations. Peanut genotypes differed in roasted flavor and aroma, regardless of roast color. Florida MDR 98 formed the highest levels of pyrazines under the same roasting conditions, followed by Florunner, Georgia Greene, and SunOleic 97R, respectively. Of all pyrazines tested, 2,5‐dimethylpyrazine was most highly correlated to roasted peanut flavor and aroma. 相似文献
利用吹扫捕集-热脱附-气相色谱-质谱联用结合嗅闻技术和硫代巴比妥酸反应活性物质(thiobarbituric acid reaction substances,TBARS)值对不同复热方式(巴氏、水蒸、微波、高温)处理的猪耳朵制品挥发性风味物质含量和脂肪氧化程度进行分析。结果表明,不同复热处理样品共鉴定出58?种风味物质,醛类和烃类物质含量较高;基于风味活性值分析,己醛、辛醛、壬醛、癸醛、(E)-2-癸烯醛、(E,E)-2,4-癸二烯醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、苯酚和丁香酚对复热风味贡献较大;基于主成分分析,水蒸复热样品风味变化不明显;复热猪耳朵制品过熟味(warmed-off flavor,WOF)以亚麻籽油味为主,带有轻微的金属味和酸败味;巴氏复热显著增加WOF关键风味因子含量和TBARS值;微波复热能够较好避免复热WOF的形成。 相似文献
微波技术在颗粒食品膨化机械上的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用微波技术对颗粒食品膨化机械加工过程中的加热方式进行改进,分析阐述了微波加热的原理、微波加热系统的基本组成以及微波对颗粒食品膨化的作用机理。 相似文献
固相微萃取技术在食品风味分析中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
食品的风味是食品的典型特征之一,能够反映食品的质量与品质。进行风味分析需采用合适的分离分析技术,而提取方法极大地影响了分析结果的可靠性和准确性。固相微萃取(SPME)是一种无溶剂萃取技术,它集采样、萃取、浓缩、进样于一体,具有简单、快速、高效、无污染、便携、易于与其他仪器联用等优点,已被广泛应用于食品风味分析。本文综述了SPME技术在肉品、乳品、酒类、果蔬等食品风味分析上有代表性的应用研究,总结了食品风味分析所采用的萃取涂层和SPME与其他样品前处理技术的对比情况,重点分析了为提高SPME方法选择性、准确性和灵敏度所采取的措施,如衍生化SPME技术、萃取条件的优化方法、与多维色谱和电子鼻等分析仪器联用技术及SPME定量分析方法,并对SPME在食品风味分析上的发展趋势进行了探讨。 相似文献
强化亚麻籽中主要酚类化合物内源性合成和油相迁移对提升亚麻籽油氧化稳定性,最大限度地增加α-亚麻酸生物利用率尤为重要。探究了适度萌动(25℃,24h)联合微波处理(700W,1~5min)对压榨亚麻籽油得率和色泽、脂质构型和结晶熔融性、抗氧化活性和氧化稳定性的影响,并研究了亚麻籽中木酚素和游离酚酸的释放及油相迁移规律。结果表明:单一萌动处理(24h)后亚麻籽油得率降低了7.39%(P<0.05),而进一步微波处理后油脂得率增加了29.31%(P<0.05),这主要归因于微波处理破坏了亚麻籽中油脂体膜结构完整性,导致膜内中性脂质外溢、融合和胞外渗透。微波处理1~5min过程中,亚麻籽油中以LnLnLn构型存在的C18∶3ω3质量分数呈现明显升高趋势,同时总磷脂质量摩尔浓度以及磷脂酰乙醇胺、磷脂酰甘油、磷脂酰肌醇占比显著增加(P<0.05),但未明显影响油脂的结晶行为和熔融特性。与未处理组相比,微波处理5min降低了初级和次级氧化产物水平,显著改善了亚麻籽油的氧化稳定性和抗氧化活性(P<0.05),这主要归因于木酚素大分子及其解聚产物开环异落叶松树脂酚二葡萄糖苷,以及游离酚酸香兰素、香草酸和阿魏酸的油相富集。研究阐释了萌动联合微波预处理对亚麻籽油品质特性的影响,旨在为亚麻籽油提质制取和亚麻籽高值化利用提供理论依据。 相似文献
ABSTRACT: This review encompasses the binding of volatile flavor compounds by milk proteins in aqueous solutions. The presence of proteins in a food matrix can result in a decrease in aroma perception and in an unpleasant aroma profile, because of binding of the desirable flavor compounds to proteins. Hence, various analytical methods used to measure the extent and the type of binding, and the determination of the binding parameters, are evaluated in this review. The binding of various flavor compounds by individual milk proteins is discussed and compared in terms of their binding affinity for flavor compounds. Furthermore, the influence of temperature and ultra-high pressures on the interactions between proteins and flavors is considered in detail. The implications of protein–flavor binding in the development of protein foods are discussed. 相似文献