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We have developed and demonstrated a versatile, compact electron source that can produce a mono-energetic electron beam up to 50 mm in diameter from 0.1 to 30 keV with an energy spread of <10 eV. By illuminating a metal cathode plate with a single near ultraviolet light emitting diode, a spatially uniform electron beam with 15% variation over 1 cm(2) can be generated. A uniform electric field in front of the cathode surface accelerates the electrons into a beam with an angular divergence of <1° at 1 keV. The beam intensity can be controlled from 10 to 10(9) electrons cm(-2) s(-1).  相似文献   

The driver linac for the facility for rare isotope beams (FRIB) will provide a wide range of primary ion beams for nuclear physics research. The linac will be capable of accelerating a uranium beam to an energy of up to 200 Mev∕u and delivering it to a fragmentation target with a maximum power of 400 kW. Stable ion beams will be produced by a high performance electron cyclotron resonance ion source operating at 28 GHz. The ion source will be located on a high voltage platform to reach an initial beam energy of 12 keV∕u. After extraction, the ion beam will be transported vertically down to the linac tunnel in a low energy beam transport (LEBT) system and injected into a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) operating at a frequency of 80.5 MHz. To meet the beam power requirements, simultaneous acceleration of two-charge states will be used for heavier ions (≥Xe). This paper presents the layout of the FRIB LEBT and the beam dynamics in the LEBT. In particular, simulation and design of the beam line section before charge state selection will be detailed. The need to use an achromatic design for the charge state selection system and the advantage of an ion beam collimation system to limit the emittance of the beam injected into the RFQ will be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

A RKK-1-100 automated X-ray calibration facility has been developed. This system allows studies of surfaces, near-surface layers, interfaces, and multilayer structures within a wide range of wavelengths of 0.1–100 nm. The first results of quantitative certification of the roughnesses of flat quartz substrates and substrates with evaporation-deposited UNi layers have been obtained. X-ray optical constants for thin UNi layers have been measured.  相似文献   

梁培 《光学精密工程》2003,11(6):576-580
低背景辐射校准装置由多个舱室和黑体组成,其突出特点是模块式的结构和辐射的光学偏转.模块式结构使得校准装置可以工作于多种方式,如辐射源的校准、辐射探测设备的校准和辐射度的溯源.校准装置内的标准辐射,参考辐射和待测辐射由光学偏转方式进行同轴,使装置避免了大型导轨平台的使用.工作时,校准装置可以抽真空到1.33×10-2 Pa.充液氮后,校准装置的背景温度低于80 K.这些特点使校准装置具有足够的能力进行-60~+80℃温度区间目标的光谱辐射度校准.  相似文献   

A device for calibration of hot-wire anemometers at low velocities is described. The calibration technique is based on moving hot-wire probes in stagnant air. The device is relatively small, highly mobile and consists of a horizontal swing arm rotated by a DC motor. The motor speed can be adjusted to obtain the desired velocity range. Calibration procedures and data acquisition techniques used in this calibration are described. Results of calibration are discussed and the calibration constants are determined and compared with previous studies.  相似文献   

A new test facility has been constructed for the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) for calibration of feedwater flowmeters used in nuclear power stations at Reynolds numbers of up to 18 million. This very large Reynolds number is achieved in a 600 mm pipe at a flowrate of 3.33  m3/s (12,000  m3/h) and a water temperature of 70  °C. This calibration facility consists of a circulation loop with four pumps and four reference flowmeter sets, a prover system, a heating and cooling unit, and other components. The expanded uncertainty of this facility is 0.077%. The present paper describes, in detail, the new facility, the calibration method of the reference flowmeter, experiments for flow field, uncertainty estimation, and the results of an example calibration.  相似文献   

The experimental testing of the reduced scale model turbine is an important phase to obtain the performance characteristics of the prototype because the characteristics are difficult to obtain from theoretical calculations. A specially designed hydraulic test facility following the guidelines of international standards is generally used to obtain the performance characteristics of model turbine. These characteristics are transposable to the prototype turbines. The model turbine test facility is also used for the research and development work by the designers and scientists. The accuracy of the results obtained is entirely dependent on the instrumentation, calibration and uncertainty estimation. In the present study, the instrumentation and calibration procedure of a model Francis turbine test facility is presented by following the guidelines of international electrotechnical commission. The instruments such as flow meter, inlet and differential pressure transducers, torque sensors, angular position sensors and temperature sensors are calibrated using primary and secondary methods. The calibration curves and uncertainties involved in different instruments are obtained and presented. Both systematic and random uncertainties involved in hydraulic efficiency measurements are also presented. The maximum total uncertainty is ±0.15% in the hydraulic efficiency of model Francis turbine at best efficiency point.  相似文献   

A new technique is presented for determining directly the beam energy of an accelerator to within 2 keV. This technique uses the conventional backscattering spectrometry (BS) setup, i.e. Si surface barrier detector and electronics along with a multichannel analyzer. Two measurements are required. The first is a BS measurement of a standard calibration sample, e.g. 5 Å of FeW alloy deposited on SiO2. This data defines two linear equations that relate the energy per channel m and the energy intercept b of the system to the beam energy E1. The second measurement is of some positive-Q nuclear reaction, e.g. 15N(p, α)12C,Q = 4.965 MeV. By writing the energy of the outgoing particle as a Taylor series about some initial energy guess and keeping terms to first order, we obtain a third linear equation relating m, b and E1. A positive Q nuclear reaction is required to prevent these three equations from being homogeneous. These equations can be solved iteratively for E1 along with m and b. This technique has the advantage that it can be readily applied at essentially any energy between 0.5 and 3 MeV. By contrast, only a small number of suitable resonances exist in this energy range.  相似文献   

Many effects and factors can influence the efficiency of a rocket plasma probe. These include payload charging, solar illumination, rocket payload orientation and rotation, and dust impact induced secondary charge production. As a consequence, considerable uncertainties can arise in the determination of the effective cross sections of plasma probes and measured electron and ion densities. We present a new method for calibrating mesospheric rocket plasma probes and obtaining reliable measurements of plasma densities. This method can be used if a payload also carries a probe for measuring the dust charge density. It is based on that a dust probe's effective cross section for measuring the charged component of dust normally is nearly equal to its geometric cross section, and it involves the comparison of variations in the dust charge density measured with the dust detector to the corresponding current variations measured with the electron and/or ion probes. In cases in which the dust charge density is significantly smaller than the electron density, the relation between plasma and dust charge density variations can be simplified and used to infer the effective cross sections of the plasma probes. We illustrate the utility of the method by analysing the data from a specific rocket flight of a payload containing both dust and electron probes.  相似文献   

An PIM (magnetic plasma source) experimental facility for investigation of permeation of hydrogen isotopes through the structural and plasma-facing materials, which are used in fusion devices, is described. The facility allows investigation of the hydrogen permeation through metal and porous (carbon and carbon composites) membranes in a temperature range of 290–1000 K during interaction of membranes with gaseous hydrogen (the pressure difference between the membrane sides is up to 0.1 atm) and also under irradiation with microwave plasma with a flux density of up to 3 × 1020 atoms/(m2 s). The permeability of ChS-68 austenitic steel was investigated. The experimental data confirmed the correctness of the operation of the facility and the reliability of the results.  相似文献   

For this study a new low Reynolds number Couette facility was constructed to investigate surface drag. In this facility, mineral oil was used as the working fluid to increase the shear stress across the surface of the experimental models. A mounted conveyor inside a tank creates a flow above which an experimental model of a flat plate was suspended. The experimental plate was attached to linear bearings on a slide system that connects to a force gauge used to measure the drag. Within the gap between the model and moving belt a Couette flow with a linear velocity profile was created. Digital particle image velocimetry was used to confirm the velocity profile. The drag measurements agreed within 5% of the theoretically predicted Couette flow value.  相似文献   

The calibration facility with the multi-nozzle calibrator was developed for the calibration of flow meters to be used with high-pressure, high-flow-rate hydrogen gas. The critical nozzles installed in the multi-nozzle calibrator were calibrated with traceability to the national standard. The relative standard uncertainty of the mass flow rates produced from the calibration facility is 0.09% when the flow rate is between 150 g/min and 550 g/min. In this study, the Coriolis flow meter was calibrated for a pressure range of 15–35 MPa. The relative standard uncertainty of the flow rates obtained from the Coriolis flow meter was 0.44% for the case of the worst fluctuations in the output of the flow meter; based on the calibration curve, this is 0.91%. The present result shows that there is a maximum 3% difference between the output of the Coriolis flow meter and the mass flow rates of the multi-nozzle calibrator, even though the Coriolis flow meter was calibrated using water. Therefore, for the development of a calibration facility that can calibrate a flow meter under the same conditions as those encountered in actual use, it will be important to develop a new flow meter.  相似文献   

In the development of a flow test rig as a tool for investigating manufacturing variation and providing guidance to manufacturers considering setting up such a rig for calibration of meters at the end of the production line, we encountered various problems. We discussed some of these in a previous paper in Baker et al. (2006) [1]. In a subsequent paper in Shimada et al. (2010) [2] we reported on tests aimed at identifying the limits of measurement trueness of the rig and the obtainable precision (VIM (1993); Amended 1995 Supplements (1993) [3], [4]) with this type of design. In this paper we discuss the aims for signal measurement and the design, implementation of hardware and software, and the commissioning of the system. In particular, we have set out in some detail the problems encountered which we suspect are experienced by others, and the solutions found which appear to be justified by their application to a rebuilt rig with satisfactory performance.  相似文献   

In the early nineties a hot water test facility was planned and constructed for calibration and testing of volume and flow meters at the National Volume Measurement Laboratory at RISE (formerly SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden). The main feature of the test facility is the capability to measure flow in a wide temperature and flow range with very high accuracy. The objective of the project, which was initiated in 1989, was to design equipment for calibration of flow meters with stable flow and temperature conditions.After many years of international debate whether static testing is adequate to represent the later more dynamic application of domestic water meters, the EMPIR project 17IND13 Metrology for real-world domestic water metering (“Metrowamet”) was launched in 2018. The project investigates the influence of dynamic flow testing on the measurement accuracy of different types of domestic flow meters. One of the main objectives of the project is the development of infrastructure to carry out dynamic flow measurements. The existing test facility at RISE was at the time of construction one of the best hot and cold-water test facilities in the world. Due to the Metrowamet project the test facility has been upgraded to meet the needs of an infrastructure for dynamic flow investigations. The first findings from dynamic consumption profile measurements are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a method of precise and fast absolute x-ray energy calibration over a wide energy range using an iterative x-ray diffraction based method. Although accurate x-ray energy calibration is indispensable for x-ray energy-sensitive scattering and diffraction experiments, there is still a lack of effective methods to precisely calibrate energy over a wide range, especially when normal transmission monitoring is not an option and complicated micro-focusing optics are fixed in place. It is found that by using an iterative algorithm the x-ray energy is only tied to the relative offset of sample-to-detector distance, which can be readily varied with high precision of the order of 10(-5) -10(-6) spatial resolution using gauge blocks. Even starting with arbitrary initial values of 0.1 A?, 0.3 A?, and 0.4 A?, the iteration process converges to a value within 3.5 eV for 31.122 keV x-rays after three iterations. Different common diffraction standards CeO(2), Au, and Si show an energy deviation of 14 eV. As an application, the proposed method has been applied to determine the energy-sensitive first sharp diffraction peak of network forming GeO(2) glass at high pressure, exhibiting a distinct behavior in the pressure range of 2-4 GPa. Another application presented is pair distribution function measurement using calibrated high-energy x-rays at 82.273 keV. Unlike the traditional x-ray absorption-based calibration method, the proposed approach does not rely on any edges of specific elements, and is applicable to the hard x-ray region where no appropriate absorption edge is available.  相似文献   

PVTt法气体流量标准装置是测量气体质量流量的一种高精度标准装置,通过测量装置中标准容器内充气前后的气体压力、温度来确定流过被检表的气体实际质量流量值.该气动系统中的充气过程是热力变化和传热变化的复杂过程.该文运用热力学、气体动力学中喷管及激波理论,研究了标定时间理论值的计算,并进行了实例分析.研究表明启动段时间对测量精度影响甚微,而充气过程中的多变指数n及控制元件(喷管)的选用对测量精度影响较大.  相似文献   

全自动锅炉外排废气回收设备以射吸技术为依托,以低温水(含软化水、冷凝水等)作介质,利用原来损耗在阀门上的能量作动力源,将低品位蒸汽与低温水混合,不仅回收蒸汽的低位热能,同时回收蒸汽凝结成的冷凝水。它思路新颖、结构独特、智能控制、机械电气冗余可靠性设计,100%回收乏汽低位热能与冷凝水,并回到热力系统中循环再利用,不增加原有系统背压,保证其正常运行。  相似文献   

Global energy demand is predicted to increase dramatically over the next 25 years, forcing energy prices to rise accordingly. In order to alleviate the impact of this energy price rise, more and more research is focusing on the efficient utilisation of energy. The research work presented here focuses on the manufacturing sector and provides an insight into the level of energy transparency that can be achieved by connecting an effective energy metering system to a robust energy management platform in order to monitor and control the energy requirements of a manufacturing plant. As the level of energy transparency increases, the number of meters, quantity of data and complexity of data handling increases correspondingly. Achieving total energy visibility within a manufacturing facility allows management to accurately identify, prioritise and record new opportunities for improving overall energy efficiency. The development and application of energy consumption metrics then allows energy performance to be monitored on a continuous basis. The results of this study highlight the benefits associated with disaggregating the total electrical consumption into significant energy users and monitoring each user independently.  相似文献   

An original method for CT-scanner calibration against effective photon energy is presented. It is based on optimization of the CT-scanner output characteristic (the dependence of the measured linear attenuation coefficient on the calculated value). A significant gain in accuracy is achieved with respect to the calibration techniques which are conventionally used in commercial computed tomography. The method can be recommended for use in dual-energy computed tomography. As an example of its application, measurements of the effective atomic number and electron density of organic plastics are described. It is shown that the method provides acceptable results even for an increased noise level in CT images.  相似文献   

A Multi-Purpose Plasma (MP(2)) facility has been renovated from Hanbit mirror device [Kwon et al., Nucl. Fusion 43, 686 (2003)] by adopting the same philosophy of diversified plasma simulator (DiPS) [Chung et al., Contrib. Plasma Phys. 46, 354 (2006)] by installing two plasma sources: LaB(6) (dc) and helicon (rf) plasma sources; and making three distinct simulators: divertor plasma simulator, space propulsion simulator, and astrophysics simulator. During the first renovation stage, a honeycomblike large area LaB(6) (HLA-LaB(6)) cathode was developed for the divertor plasma simulator to improve the resistance against the thermal shock fragility for large and high density plasma generation. A HLA-LaB(6) cathode is composed of the one inner cathode with 4 in. diameter and the six outer cathodes with 2 in. diameter along with separate graphite heaters. The first plasma is generated with Ar gas and its properties are measured by the electric probes with various discharge currents and magnetic field configurations. Plasma density at the middle of central cell reaches up to 2.6 x 10(12) cm(-3), while the electron temperature remains around 3-3.5 eV at the low discharge current of less than 45 A, and the magnetic field intensity of 870 G. Unique features of electric property of heaters, plasma density profiles, is explained comparing with those of single LaB(6) cathode with 4 in. diameter in DiPS.  相似文献   

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