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Positive and negative secondary ion emission of 23 pure elements have been studied for 10 keV In+ and 10 keV O2+ bombardment. In+ ions were produced in a liquid metal ion source. For most of the elements investigated positive and negative secondary ion yields under In+ impact are comparable to those obtained with O2+ primary ions. Admission of oxygen into the sample chamber enhances positive and negative ion intensitities in a strongly element-specific manner. Depth profiles of a Ni/Cr multilayer (100 Å single-layer thickness) using 5 keV In+ primary ions show that these ions may also be applied successfully for secondary ion mass spectrometric depth profiling.  相似文献   

Experiments are described which allow the characteristic velocity of ion neutralisation, A/a, to be measured independent of the secondary ion energy by varying the angle of ion emission and hence the velocity component perpendicular to the surface. The A/a parameter is found to be energu dependent, increasing from ≈1×106 cm/s at low ion energy, to ≈3.5×106 cm/s at 200 eV.  相似文献   

E. Zinner 《Scanning》1980,3(2):57-78
The principles and applications of depth profiling by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) are reviewed. Discussed are the basic physical processes and instrumental factors which influence the shape of depth profiles and which have to be understood or controlled for successful experimental measurements. Microroughness caused by sputtering, atomic mixing by primary beam knock-on, and sample consumption limit the depth resolution which can be achieved while the chemical effect of ion yield enhancement by reactive species, matrix effects, and preferential sputtering can strongly affect the secondary ion signal. Instrumental effects to be controlled include beam uniformity, sample charging, and beam, and residual gas contamination. High depth resolution and sensitivity are the reasons for a wide variety of applications for SIMS depth profiling. Reviewed are measurements of the range distribution of ions implanted into semiconductors and their redistribution by subsequent annealing, studies of thin films and of oxide layers, diffusion measurements in metals, semiconductors, and minerals, measurements of elemental surface enhancements in airborne particles, and lunar glass spherules, and the search for solar wind implanted ions in lunar crystals.  相似文献   

Samples of aluminium-lithium alloys have been observed by scanning ion microscopy and analysed by secondary ion mass spectrometry. The high signal-to-noise ratio of the positive secondary lithium ion opens up the possibility of both high resolution imaging and microanalysis of lithium distributions in aluminium and other materials. Some of the problems encountered due to sample preparation are discussed and ion images of both the artefacts and the true lithium distribution are shown.  相似文献   

M S Burns 《Ultramicroscopy》1988,24(2-3):269-281
Secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analysis of biological problems is an evolving technique. Lateral resolution of currently available commercial instrumentation estimated from actual samples is 0.5 micron, and subcellular organelles can be distinguished. The interrelationship of lateral resolution, elemental concentration and ionizability are, however, important in controlling the actual lateral resolution achievable. Although depth resolutions of 5 nm have been measured in other systems, no test of depth resolution in biological systems has been done, and this parameter is also concentration and ionization dependent. The development of liquid metal ion sources in combination with scanning ion microprobes has a potential lateral resolution of as little as 20 nm, but initial studies with this instrumentation show that tissue preservation at the submicron level becomes an important issue. The current development of a cold-transfer stage for SIMS instruments may obviate the problem of submicron localization of diffusible elements, and initial studies indicate that much more needs to be understood about the ionization process in hydrated samples. Quantitation of diffusible elements using external standards has been achieved over a 30 micron diameter analyzed area. Strategies for analysis of areas limited to 1 micron or less has been suggested using image processing techniques, which take advantage of the lateral resolution inherent in the ion optical system. Matrix effects in biological tissues have been reported and constitute a serious problem for analysis of biologicals which must be addressed for each question. However, development of laser ionization of sputtered particles may both increase the sensitivity of analysis and decrease the importance of ionizability of elements. Chemical analysis of organic molecules is another use of SIMS, but, at present, at the cost of losing localized information. SIMS analysis of biological samples is being systematically evaluated and requires increased accessibility of this instrumentation to the end-user for full development of its role in physiological problems.  相似文献   

Cluster secondary ion mass spectrometry (cluster SIMS) has played a critical role in the characterization of polymeric materials over the last decade, allowing for the ability to obtain spatially resolved surface and in‐depth molecular information from many polymer systems. With the advent of new molecular sources such as , , , and , there are considerable increases in secondary ion signal as compared to more conventional atomic beams (Ar+, Cs+, or Ga+). In addition, compositional depth profiling in organic and polymeric systems is now feasible, without the rapid signal decay that is typically observed under atomic bombardment. The premise behind the success of cluster SIMS is that compared to atomic beams, polyatomic beams tend to cause surface‐localized damage with rapid sputter removal rates, resulting in a system at equilibrium, where the damage created is rapidly removed before it can accumulate. Though this may be partly true, there are actually much more complex chemistries occurring under polyatomic bombardment of organic and polymeric materials, which need to be considered and discussed to better understand and define the important parameters for successful depth profiling. The following presents a review of the current literature on polymer analysis using cluster beams. This review will focus on the surface and in‐depth characterization of polymer samples with cluster sources, but will also discuss the characterization of other relevant organic materials, and basic polymer radiation chemistry. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc., Mass Spec Rev 29:247–293, 2010  相似文献   

A simple design for a cesium sputter ion source compatible with vacuum and ion-optical systems as well as with electronics of the commercially available Cameca IMS-4f instrument is reported. This ion source has been tested with the cluster primary ions of Si(n)(-) and Cu(n)(-). Our experiments with surface characterization and depth profiling conducted to date demonstrate improvements of the analytical capabilities of the secondary ion mass spectrometry instrument due to the nonadditive enhancement of secondary ion emission and shorter ion ranges of polyatomic projectiles compared to atomic ones with the same impact energy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new experimental methodology to combine mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) with fluorescence microscopy to provide subcellular information on the location of small molecules in cultured cells. We demonstrate this by comparing the distribution of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine in the same cells given by both NanoSIMS analysis and by fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Fiducial markers in the substrates ensured that the images formed by SIMS mapping of bromine ions could be co-registered exactly with images from fluorescence microscopy. The NanoSIMS was shown to faithfully reproduce the information from fluorescence microscopy, but at a much higher spatial resolution. We then show preliminary SIMS images on the distribution of ATN-224, a therapeutic copper chelator for which there is no fluorescent marker, co-registered with conventional Lysotracker and Hoechst stains on the same cells.  相似文献   

We report here a preliminary study in which dynamic secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has provided images of boron‐10 (10B) in biological tissue as used in research into boron neutron capture therapy. Cultured tumour cells incubated in media containing known concentrations of a 10B‐containing compound, p‐boronophenylalanine (BPA), and intracranial tumour tissue from animals previously injected with BPA were analysed by an in‐house constructed SIMS. Investigations were conducted in positive secondary ion detection mode using a 25‐keV, 5‐nA gallium primary ion source. For calibration purposes, tissue standards were also analysed and their boron‐to‐carbon signal ratios correlated to bulk boron concentrations measured by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP‐AES). Ion maps of 10B, 12C, 23Na and 39K showing gross tissue and cell features were acquired. SIMS and ICP‐AES standard measurements were in good agreement. Tissue regions with high or low 10B concentrations were identified along with 10B hotspots in normal brain areas. Cultured cells revealed the intracellular localization of 10B. SIMS is capable of producing images showing the distribution of 10B at p.p.m. levels in cells and in normal and tumour‐bearing brain tissue.  相似文献   

G Gillen  S Roberson  C Ng  M Stranick 《Scanning》1999,21(3):173-181
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is used to image the spatial distribution of elemental and molecular species on the surface and in cross sections of doped human hair using a magnetic sector SIMS instrument operated as an ion microprobe. Analysis of electrically insulating, non-planar hair samples requires one of two different methods of charge compensation to be used depending on the polarity of the sputtered secondary ions. For detection of positive secondary ions, the hair is imaged using a approximately 0.5 micron diameter, 19.5 keV impact energy, O- microbeam with no auxiliary electron bombardment. For detection of negative secondary ions, a approximately 0.2 micron diameter, 14.5 keV impact energy Cs+ microbeam is used in conjunction with normal incidence, low-energy electron bombardment. Both of these methods allow submicrometer spatial resolution elemental and molecular secondary ion images to be obtained from hair samples without metallic coating of the sample surface prior to analysis. Several examples are presented that reflect potential application areas for these analytical methods.  相似文献   

X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) or (ESCA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) have been combined in the same ultrahigh vacuum system to facilitate a new approach to studying clean and reacted surfaces. The design philosophy is to connect two satellite vacuum systems via a set of magnetically driven sample transfer devices. The advantages and capabilities of this approach are discussed with respect to its flexibility and its ability to couple to other surface techniques. XPS and static SIMS spectra of an oxidized polycrystalline indium film are presented to exemplify the type of information which can be gleaned from a multitechnique investigation of surfaces. The additional ability to prepare sample surfaces in our system by ion implantation is demonstrated by a positive-ion SIMS analysis of a gold-implanted aluminum foil.  相似文献   

The integration of a trapped ion mobility spectrometer (TIMS) with a mass spectrometer (MS) for complementary fast, gas-phase mobility separation prior to mass analysis (TIMS-MS) is described. The ion transmission and mobility separation are discussed as a function of the ion source condition, bath gas velocity, analysis scan speed, RF ion confinement, and downstream ion optical conditions. TIMS mobility resolution depends on the analysis scan speed and the bath gas velocity, with the unique advantage that the IMS separation can be easily tuned from high speed (~25 ms) for rapid analysis to slower scans for higher mobility resolution (R > 80).  相似文献   

Proteome analysis is now emerging as key technology for deciphering biological processes and the discovery of biomarkers for diseases from tissues and body fluids. The complexity and wide dynamic range of protein expression poses a formidable challenge to both peptide separation technologies and mass spectrometry (MS). Here we review the efforts that have been undertaken to date, focussing on capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS). We discuss CE-MS from an application point of view evaluating its merits and vices in regard to biomarker discovery and clinical applications. As examples, we present the use of CE-MS for the determination of protein patterns in urine, serum, and other body fluids. Finally, the benefits and limitations of CE-MS for the analysis of proteins in clinical samples are discussed against the background of alternative technologies.  相似文献   

Gillen G  Bright D 《Scanning》2003,25(4):165-174
In this work we demonstrate the use of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) combined with the Lispix image processing program (Bright 1995) to generate quantitative isotope ratio images from a test sample of a calcium-aluminum rich inclusion from the Allende meteorite that is known to contain discrete mineral grains with perturbed Mg isotopic ratios. Using 19.5 keV impact O- primary ion bombardment and detection of positive secondary ions, microbeam imaging SIMS has allowed us to identify, from the isotope ratio images, enrichments in the 26Mg/24Mg isotope ratio of approximately 5-15% in selected mineral grains. Using custom image processing software, each isotopic ratio image is corrected on an individual pixel basis for a number of factors including detector dead-time, mass bias effects, and isobaric interferences. We have developed procedures for correlating the isotopic images with polarized optical microscopy so that targeted mineral grains could be identified for further SIMS analysis. Finally, additional image processing tools have been developed to allow for pixel-by-pixel evaluation of the influence of detector dead-time and count rate errors on the isotopic ratio images and for correlation of the isotopic images with elemental distribution maps.  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is an excellent technique to determine trace levels of polar and thermolabile pesticides and their degradation products in complex matrices. LC-MS can be equipped with several mass analyzers, each of which provides unique features capable to identify, quantify, and resolve ambiguities by selecting appropriate ionization and acquisition parameters. We discuss in this review the use of LC coupled to (quadrupole) time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-(Q)ToF-MS) to determine the presence of target and non-target pesticides in water and food. This technique is characterized by operating at a resolving power of 10,000 or more. Therefore, it gives accurate masses for both parent and fragment ions and enables the measurement of the elemental formula of a compound achieving compound identification. In addition, the combination of quadrupole-ToF permits tandem mass spectrometry, provides more structural information, and enhances selectivity. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview on the state of art and applicability of liquid chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-ToF-MS), and liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QToF-MS) for the analysis of pesticides in environmental matrices and food. The performance of such techniques is depicted in terms of accurate mass measurement, fragmentation, and selectivity. The final section is devoted to describing the applicability of LC-(Q)ToF-MS to routine analysis of pesticides in food matrices, indicating those operational conditions and criteria used to screen, quantify, and identify target and "suspected" pesticides and their degradation products in water, fruits, and vegetables. The potential and future trends as well as limitations of LC-(Q)ToF-MS for pesticide monitoring are highlighted.  相似文献   

Localization of fatty acids in biological tissues was made by using TOF-SIMS (time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry). Two cell-types with a specific fatty acid distribution are shown. In rat cerebellum, different distribution patterns of stearic acid (C18:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), and oleic acid (C18:1) were found. Stearic acid signals were observed accumulated in Purkinje cells with high intensities inside the cell, but not in the nucleus region. The signals colocalized with high intensity signals of the phosphocholine head group, indicating origin from phosphatidylcholine or sphingomyelin. In mouse intestine, high palmitic acid signals were found in the secretory crypt cells together with high levels of phosphorylinositol colocalized in the crypt region. Palmitic acid was also seen in the intestinal lumen that contains high amounts of mucine, which is known to be produced in the crypt cells. Linoleic acid signals (C18:2) were low in the crypt region and high in the villus region. Oleic acid signals were seen in the villi and stearic acid signals were ubiquitous with no specific localization in the intestine. We conclude that the results obtained by using imaging TOF-SIMS are consistent with known brain and intestine biochemistry and that the localization of fatty acids is specific in differentiated cells.  相似文献   

Proteome analysis has emerged as a powerful technology to decipher biological processes. One of the main goals is to discover biomarkers for diseases from tissues and body fluids. However, the complexity and wide dynamic range of protein expression present an enormous challenge to separation technologies and mass spectrometry (MS). In this review, we examine the limitations of proteomics, and aim towards the definition of the current key prerequisites. We focus on capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS), because this technique continues to show great promise. We discuss CE-MS from an application point of view, and evaluate its merits and vices for biomarker discovery and clinical applications. Finally, we present several examples on the use of CE-MS to determine urinary biomarkers and implications for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy evaluation.  相似文献   

Low-vacuum mass spectrometry (MS) is desirable because it reduces the size, weight, cost, and power of the instruments. A method was developed that uses Langevin collision theory to simulate the trajectory of ions in a low-vacuum environment. A low-vacuum simulation platform of cylindrical ion trap MS was then built in COMSOL Multiphysics based on this method. In comparison with the traditional damping force model, this approach described the motion of ions more accurately. The sensitivity and resolution of the instrument were simulated under different operating modes. The adoption of a small mass background gas, a higher frequency for the radio frequency voltage, a smaller ion trap size and a higher temperature allowed mass analysis to be conducted under low vacuum. In addition, the results were applied to experiment measurements, and excellent mass spectra of organic compounds were obtained up to a maximum pressure of 2?Pa, showing the effectiveness of the results obtained from the simulation.  相似文献   

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