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A new theory is used to analyze the 1/f noise of GaAs resistors on semi-insulating substrates. It is demonstrated that this model can explain previously published results at moderately high frequencies for, in this example, resistive filaments on semi-insulating GaAs substrates. The model is based on a distributed equivalent circuit representation of the substrate, and shows that 1/f noise is a bulk phenomenon associated with the high resistivity substrates. The 1/f noise is not associated with number or mobility fluctuations in the channel, nor surface effects. One consequence of the theory is that in this particular instance Hooge's parameter is in reality no parameter, but is given by a simple formula which has a simple physical interpretation as the ratio of two charges: the thermal charge developed across the substrate capacitance and the charge associated with ionized donors in the resistor channel  相似文献   

A new unified formulation for generation-recombination (g-r) and 1/fnoise theory is attempted by introducing the total carrier number fluctuation mechanism via the trapping-detrapping processes between every discrete energy level in the conduction band and single degenerate traplevel without assuming the 1/τ distribution.  相似文献   

1/f noise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1/f noise is a nonstationary random process suitable for modeling evolutionary or developmental systems. It combines the strong influence of past events on the future and, hence somewhat predictable behavior, with the influence of random events. Nonstationary autocorrelation functions for 1/f noise are developed to demonstrate that its present behavior is equally correlated with both the recent and distant past. The minimum amount of memory for a system that exhibits 1/f noise is shown to be one state variable per decade of frequency. The system condenses its past history into the present values of its state variables, one of which represents an average over the most recent 1 unit of time, one for the last 10 time units, 100 units, 1000, 10000, and so on. Each such state variable has an equal influence on present behavior.  相似文献   

1/f noise sources   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This survey deals with 1/f noise in homogeneous semiconductor samples. A distinction is made between mobility noise and number noise. It is shown that there always is mobility noise with an α value with a magnitude in the order of 10-4. Damaging the crystal has a strong influence on α, α may increase by orders of magnitude. Some theoretical models are briefly discussed none of them can explain all experimental results. The α values of several semiconductors are given. These values can be used in calculations of 1/f noise in devices  相似文献   

Estimation of 1/f noise   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Several models have emerged for describing 1/fγ noise processes. Based on these, various techniques for estimating the properties of such processes have been developed. This paper provides theoretical analysis of a new wavelet-based approach which has the advantages of having low computational complexity and being able to handle the case where the 1/fγ noise might be embedded in a further white-noise process. However, the analysis conducted here shows that these advantages are balanced by the fact that the wavelet-based scheme is only consistent for spectral exponents γ in the range γ∈(0, 1). This is in contradiction to the results suggested in previous empirical studies. When γ∈(0, 1) this paper also establishes that wavelet-based maximum-likelihood methods are asymptotically Gaussian and efficient. Finally, the asymptotic rate of mean-square convergence of the parameter estimates is established and is shown to slow as γ approaches one. Combined with a survey of non-wavelet-based methods, these new results give a perspective on the various tradeoffs to be considered when modeling and estimating 1/fγ noise processes  相似文献   

A new tool, called the equivalent number of decades ND/sub e/, is introduced to simplify the analysis of noise in circuits containing 1/f noise sources. ND/sub e/ is similar to the familiar concept of equivalent noise bandwidth for white sources. A simple expression for ND/sub e/ is derived for a single-pole lowpass filter and is shown to be approximately correct for Butterworth and Chebyshev filters as well.<>  相似文献   

1/f noise in semiconductors, semiconductor devices, and collision-free devices (like vacuum tubes) is presented from a unified point of view, using an extended version of the F.N. Hooge equation (Physica, vol. 83b, p.9, 1976), which is generalized to all collision-dominated systems involving mobility, diffusion, and cross-section fluctuations. It also applies to collision-free processes involving vacuum tubes, Schottky barrier diodes operating in the thermionic mode, and in devices such as p-i-n diodes in which collision processes are not the determining factor. A generalized schematic is given for expressing the noise spectrum S/sub 1/(f) in the external circuit in terms of distributed noise sources of the nonuniform devices in terms of alpha /sub H/, so the latter can be determined from the former. It is then found that the Hooge parameter. alpha /sub H/ introduced by this equation can be used as a general measure of the noisiness of a system or device. Several cases in which the noise does not obey the quantum 1/f noise theory are discussed. Measurements on many different devices are examined, and an attempt is made to correlate measured values of the Hooge parameter with the values calculated from P.H. Handel's quantum theory of 1/f noise (1975, 1980).<>  相似文献   

Sensitivities on 0.1 eV HgCdTe photoconductors with new electrode configuration and in different sizes were measured at 77K and under 1014phcm?2s?1 photon background conditions. After data for responsivity, generation-recombination noise (g-r noise) and minority carrier lifetime were reproduced by solving a one dimensional diffusion equation on excess minority carrier, discussions on 1/f noise were made and the following characteristics were concluded: (1) 1/f noise does not originate near electrodes for bias current. (2) 1/f noise hardly depends on sensor size and temperature in the 77–95K range, while g-r noise does. (3) 1/f noise is proportional to bias electric field, i.e. current density. (4) 1/f noise does not depend on photon background. From characteristics (2) and (4), it was concluded that 1/f noise has nothing to do with g-r noise. Finally, a new empirical formula was proposed for 1/f noise.  相似文献   

Ambrózy  A. 《Electronics letters》1977,13(8):224-225
A recently introduced mathematical model supporting the observed high variance of variance of excess noise is extended to a process having a 1/f spectrum. The variance of variance found by simulation was even higher than that of a Gauss-Poisson square wave.  相似文献   

The difference in behaviour between the variances of 1/f noise and of thermal noise is related to the differences in the ratios of fourth moment to the second moment of the distributions. This ratio is found experimentally to be significantly different in the two cases.  相似文献   

This paper examines in detail the low-frequency (LF) noise behavior of Si n+p junction diodes in forward operation. Diodes fabricated on various types of Si substrates (FZ, epitaxial, and Cz) and with different geometries are studied in the current range 0.1-250 μA in order to investigate the impact of these parameters. It is demonstrated that different kinds of 1/f noise behavior can be distinguished which point toward a different origin. The nature of the 1/f noise is most clearly identified by inspecting the variation of the frequency exponent with forward bias. On the one hand, what could be called “peripheral” or “surface” 1/f noise shows a frequency exponent which reduces with increasing forward current, a trend which is also observed for the corresponding ideality factor. When the 1/f noise is predominantly generated in the volume of the material (bulk origin), a more or less constant frequency exponent is found. It is also concluded that in many cases, no unique area or perimeter dependence is found when comparing the noise power spectral density of diodes with a different geometry. It will finally be shown that there exists a close correlation between the different 1/f noise sources and the different reverse current components, which are a sensitive function of the starting material characteristics and processing details  相似文献   

The 1/f noise power produced by several r.f. carrier currents in a carbon resistor is shown to be proportional to the total r.f. power dissipated in the resistor. This confirms that the noise is not a consequence of resistance fluctuations.  相似文献   

1/f noise in HgCdTe photodiodes has been attributed to a variety of sources, most of which are associated with some form of excess current. At DRS, we have measured the 1/f noise in vertically integrated (VIP) and high-density vertically integrated photodiodes (HDVIP), over a wide range of compositions and temperature, for strictly well-behaved diffusion current limited operation. It is found that (1) the 1/f noise current is directly dependent on dark current density; (2) material composition and temperature are irrelevant, except in as much as they determine the magnitude of the current density; (3) in high-quality diodes, the 1/f noise is independent of background flux; and (4) surface passivation is relevant. These observations have been compared to the 1/f noise theory of Schiebel, which uses McWhorter’s fluctuation of the surface charge tunneling model to modulate diode diffusion current. Agreement is obtained with Schiebel’s theory for realistic surface trap densities in the 1012/cm2 range, which will obviously be characteristic of the passivation used. The relevance of this work relative to high operating temperature phtodiodes is discussed.  相似文献   

Tenchio  G. 《Electronics letters》1977,13(20):614-616
Using linearised rate equations, the intensity fluctuations in the output of c.w. d.h. GaAlAs-diode lasers have been calculated in the low-frequency range, where the flicker noise dominates. The theoretical results are compared with the optical-intensity fluctuations, which are obtained experimentally. Our measurements indicate that 1/f noise in lasers is mainly caused by 1/f noise from carrier transport in the bulk material and the contacts.  相似文献   

A measurement method is described which enables the separate measurement of the power spectra of the normal noise (white and l/f) superimposed on burst noise. With this method the power spectra of normal noise can be determined for each burst noise level. It is found that the clean burst noise and the superimposed normal noise are generated by statistically independent processes. The fact that burst noise devices have a higher 1/f noise power content than devices without burst noise indicates that there exists a common condition for the generation of burst noise and 1/f noise.  相似文献   

Stoisiek  M. Wolf  D. Werner  W. 《Electronics letters》1980,16(10):372-373
Bipolar transistors employing low concentration emitter diffusion were obtained which show no current gain fall-off at low current levels, as well as significantly reduced 1/f noise. These devices may favourably be applied in low noise amplifiers.  相似文献   

We present a method for extracting the BJT SPICE noise model parameters AF and KF based on a general analysis of the small-signal equivalent circuit and the role of the internal BJT noise sources. The analysis is valid even for transistors with poor current gain and large base-collector conductance, for which the output noise characteristics may not be dominated by base flicker and shot noise. The method consists of interpreting the measured 1/f corner frequency versus DC current data in terms of the BJT's internal noisy small signal equivalent circuit. Measured data is presented for an implanted-emitter and two polysilicon-emitter bipolar technologies  相似文献   

It has been proposed that degradation of low current hFE, as a result of avalanching the emitter-base junction of a bipolar transistor, can be attributed to an increase in surface recombination velocity within the emitter-base space-charge region. This work shows that 1/fnoise is also increased during avalanche and that this increase is consistent with a previously reported correlation between surface recombination velocity and 1/fnoise.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simulation model based on the fact that 1/f processes belong to the class of statistically self-similar random processes. Unlike most of the earlier modeling approaches, which were confined to the spectral domain, the model generates 1/f noise in the time domain with a simple white noise input and is parameterized by a quantity whose value can be adjusted to reflect the desired slope of the 1/f spectrum. To verify the fit between the model and actual 1/f noise measurements, experiments were conducted with a p-i-n photodiode at various bias conditions and sampling frequencies.  相似文献   

The most general case of1/fnoise in transistors can be described by three independent noise current generators: ibebetween base and emitter, ibcbetween base and collector, and iecbetween emitter and collector. By short-circuiting the base and the collector to ground and comparing the base and collector noise spectraS_{IB}(f)andS_{IC}(f)for the case of zero feedback from the emitter with the base and collector noise spectraS'_{IB}(f)andS'_{IC}(f)for the case of strong feedback from the emitter, one can evaluate the relative strength of the three noise sources. By measuring the current dependence ofS_{IB}(f),S_{IC}(f),S'_{IB}(f), andS'_{IC}(f), one can assign physical processes to the current generators ibc, ibe, and iec. It is the aim of this paper to demonstrate theoretically a simple method for locating1/fnoise sources in BJT's and HBJT's by comparing the base and collector1/fnoise for the cases without and with strong emitter feedback. In later papers we shall demonstrate experimentally how this method is applied to practical situations.  相似文献   

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