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Changes in tension were monitored isometrically on helical strips from both femoral and saphenous human veins obtained during autopsy and during surgical removal of varicose veins respectively. Both venous tissues contracted in response to 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT) and 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino) tetralin (8-OH-DPAT). While 5-HT was about 2 times more potent in saphenous (pD2 = 7.35) than in femoral veins (pD2 = 7.04), 5-CT stimulated the saphenous vein (pD2 = 7.62) at about 20 times lower concentrations than were required for stimulation of the femoral vein (pD2 = 6.27). 8-OH-DPAT induced venoconstriction only when used at very high concentrations and pD2 values could not be determined. These data suggested different subtypes and/or distribution of 5-HT receptors in both venous preparations. Further evidence for this was obtained by the observation that spiperone (a 5-HT receptor blocker with high affinity for 5-HT2 and 5-HT1A sites) produced a parallel shift to the right of the 5-HT curve in femoral veins but elicited a biphasic displacement of the 5-HT curve in saphenous veins. In the femoral vein, spiperone showed a pA2 value of 9.20 +/- 0.08, statistically not different from that calculated for the spiperone sensitive 5-HT effect in saphenous vein (pA2 = 9.14 +/- 0.08). The results suggest that regional variations in the distribution of 5-HT receptor subtypes do exist, human femoral veins possessing mainly 5-HT2 receptors whereas in human saphenous veins both 5-HT1-like and 5-HT2 receptors are present.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present clinical study was to evaluate the effect of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) in comparison to subpedicle connective tissue graft (SCTG) in the treatment of gingival recession defects. A total of 12 patients, each contributing a pair of Miller's Class I or II buccal gingival recessions, was treated. According to a randomization list, one defect in each patient received a polyglycolide/lactide bioabsorbable membrane, while the paired defect received a SCTG. Treatment effect was evaluated 6 months postsurgery. Clinical recordings included full-mouth and defect-specific oral hygiene standards and gingival health, recession depth (RD), recession width (RW), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and keratinized tissue width (KT). Mean RD significantly decreased from 3.1 mm presurgery to 1.5 mm at 6 months postsurgery for the GTR group (48% root coverage), and from 3.0 mm to 0.5 mm for the SCTG group (81% root coverage). RD reduction and root coverage were significantly greater in SCTG group compared to GTR group. Mean CAL gain amounted to 1.7 mm for the GTR group, and 2.3 mm in the SCTG group. No significant differences in PD changes were observed within and between groups. KT increased significantly from presurgery for both treatment groups, however gingival augmentation was significantly greater in the SCTG group compared to GTR group. Results indicate that: 1) treatment of human gingival recession defects by means of both GTR and SCTG procedures results in clinically and statistically significant improvement of the soft tissue conditions of the defect; and 2) treatment outcome was significantly better following SCTG compared to GTR in terms of recession depth reduction, root coverage, and keratinized tissue increase.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the stability of soft tissue conditions in gingival recession defects treated with guided tissue regeneration (GTR). The study population was selected among those patients who had been treated with GTR procedures for Miller's class I or II, deep (> or =3 mm), buccal gingival recession defects. Defects were included only when they had revealed recession depth reduction > or =2 mm and root coverage > or =60% at 6 months following GTR treatment. These defects were regarded as successfully treated and scheduled for further monitoring. 20 patients, 11 male and 9 female, aged 23 to 57 years (mean age: 33.2 years), each contributing 1 defect, were selected. 9 patients were smokers (> or =10 cigarette per day). Recession depth (RD), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and width of keratinized gingiva (KG) were assessed immediately before surgery, at 6 months post-surgery (baseline examination), and at 4 years post-surgery (4-year examination). At baseline examination, RD reduction was 3.6+/-0.9 mm (mean root coverage: 80%). CAL gain amounted to 4.2+/-1.3 mm, 60% of the defects showing CAL gain > or =4 mm. KG increased from 1.9+/-1.2 mm at presurgery examination to 3.1+/-0.9 mm at baseline examination. At 4-year examination, no significant changes from baseline RD, CAL and KG recordings were observed. Differences in baseline-4 year changes between smokers and non-smokers were not statistically significant. The results of the present study demonstrate that clinical outcome achieved following GTR procedure in gingival recession defects can be maintained over periods up to 4 years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clinically evaluate the effectiveness of polytetrafluoroethylene membranes in the healing of interproximal Class II furcation defects in maxillary molars using a surgical treatment technique based on the principles of guided tissue regeneration. Eight subjects with similar bilateral Class II furcation lesions on the mesial aspect of maxillary first molars participated in this study. Patients received initial therapy consisting of oral hygiene instructions, scaling and root planing, and occlusal adjustment if necessary. Clinical parameters evaluated included plaque index, sulcular bleeding index, probing depth, attachment level, gingival recession, and open horizontal and vertical furcation fill. An acrylic occlusal stent was used to assure reproducibility of measurements. Experimental sites received a polytetrafluoroethylene membrane following surgical exposure of the furcation. Control sites were treated in the exact same manner but without a membrane. Membranes were removed at 6 weeks after the first surgery. Reentry surgeries were performed at 9 months. Postsurgical results showed a significant improvement in probing depth, attachment level, and open horizontal furcation fill for both groups when compared to baseline values, with experimental sites performing significantly better than controls. Control sites showed a slight loss in open vertical furcation fill while experimental sites remained unchanged. This study suggests that guided tissue regeneration using polytetrafluoroethylene membranes is of some but limited value in the treatment of maxillary molar interpoximal Class II furcation lesions.  相似文献   

Written guidelines based on current research on infant pain assessment and management were developed by an interdisciplinary team in a neonatal intensive care unit of a regional medical center. Charts for infants who had undergone abdominal surgery were reviewed to compare patient outcomes before and after use of this pain management protocol. With the standardization of pain management strategies, the following improvements were noted: decreased length of time to extubation, decreased length of stay, better fluid management, and reduced side effects of narcotics. Additional benefits included improved pain management documentation, decreased cost, and decreased nursing time.  相似文献   

Biodegradable barrier films were made by coagulating a solution of poly(DL-lactide) in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone on porous polyethylene pads wetted with saline solution. The semisolid films were cut into 10 x 10 mm barriers and implanted subcutaneously in rabbits. At monthly intervals, the polymer implant sites were compared histologically to those implanted with USP negative control plastic. The polymer films were retrieved from the surrounding tissue, dried, weighed, and the changes in molecular weight determined using gel permeation chromatography. The molecular weight of the polymer decreased at a relatively constant rate over 5 months; however, no significant mass loss occurred until 5 months postimplantation. Also, no distinct histological differences were noted between the polymer barrier and the control plastic sites until 6 months when histiocytes and multinucleated giant cells showed a modest increase around fragmented polymer films. Similar barrier films also were fitted over naturally occurring buccal dehiscence defects in beagle dogs and the tissue sites compared histologically at 6 months to sham-operated control sites. New bone and dense connective tissues closely approximated segments of the remaining polymer and demonstrated the biocompatibility of the biodegradable films. Histomorphometric analyses of treated sites compared to sham controls showed that the polymer barrier is effective in promoting bone and cementum regeneration in periodontal defects in dogs.  相似文献   

11 subjects with generalized periodontitis and advanced lesions in the maxillary molar regions, including bilateral mesial-distal, but not buccal, degree III furcation defects in the 1st and/or 2nd molars, were recruited for the present clinical trial. The patients were given oral hygiene instruction and full-mouth scaling and root planing. A re-examination was performed after 3 months of healing, after which the furcation involved molars were randomly selected for a GTR or conservative treatment modality. An informed consent form was signed by each participating patient. The GTR procedure involved the elevation of mucoperiostal flaps, root surface debridement, and the placement of an e-PFTE membrane at the 2 entrances of the furcation defect. The flaps were repositioned and secured. The contralateral molar was treated in an identical manner but without the placement of the teflon membrane. The patients received amoxicillin (1g x 2/day for 8 days), were placed on chlorhexidine mouth rinsing and were recalled for prophylaxis 1x every 2 weeks. The teflon membranes were removed at a 2nd stage procedure after 6 weeks. All subjects were re-examined 6 months after the regenerative procedure, and in addition, all sites were evaluated following a reentry procedure. The final examination and measurements made during the reentry procedure documented that, although some reduction in probing pocket depth and some gain in probing attachment had occurred at both test and control sites, none of the furcation defects had closed, but retained the characteristics of a degree-III furcation involvement.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the in vivo early bacterial plaque colonization of 3 different guided tissue regeneration (GTR) membrane materials using a morphological (scanning electron microscope) method. Rectangular-shaped strips were cut from 3 periodontal membranes (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene, polyglactin 910, and polylactic acid) and glued to the buccal aspect of removable acrylic devices, which were applied to the molar-premolar region of the upper quadrants in 8 dental students. Each device held 3 strips: one ePTFE, one polyglactin 910, and one polylactic acid. The surface roughness of each membrane material was measured by means of a laser profilometer. During a 24-hour period, the students had to refrain from any oral hygiene procedures and did not use chlorhexidine mouthrinses. In each subject, one device was removed after 4 hours and the other after 24 hours. After removal, the devices were placed in a 2.5% gluteraldehyde solution to fix the membranes, which were then processed for SEM analysis. Fifty-four microscopic fields (at 200x magnification) were randomly selected and analyzed in each strip. Magnification was increased to determine the presence of bacterial morphotypes. The presence or absence of bacteria was assessed in a binomial fashion. In such a system, the field was bacteria-positive when bacteria constituted the deposits covering the surface of the membrane. The microscopic field was considered bacteria-negative when no bacteria were present. Bacteria-positive fields showing rods and filaments as prevalent bacterial morphotypes were recorded as rod-positive fields. A different pattern of plaque accumulation was demonstrated on different membrane materials. The 4-hour results indicated a statistically significant difference (P = 0.008, ANOVA) in the proportion of bacteria-positive fields among the 3 membranes; a greater amount of bacteria was demonstrated on the ePTFE membrane compared to the other 2 membranes. At 24 hours, the difference in the proportion of bacteria-positive fields was statistically significant (P = 0.002, ANOVA); a lesser amount of bacterial plaque was present on the polylactic acid membrane compared to the ePTFE and polyglactin 910 membranes. No difference in the proportion of rod/bacteria-positive fields was demonstrated among the 3 membranes at either 4 or 24 hours. It was concluded that quantitative differences in early plaque accumulation on various membranes seem to be related to the textural and structural characteristics of the surface, which is not adequately represented by the surface Ra value measured with a profilometric instrument.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine mortality and factors that might predict outcome in severe community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia treated by a standard protocol. DESIGN: Prospective, non-concurrent study. SETTING: Respiratory intensive care unit (ICU) in a teaching hospital. PATIENTS: 63 patients who were diagnosed by positive blood culture or Gram stain and culture of sputum or tracheal aspirate were included. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Clinical features, severity scores including Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II, organ failure and lung injury scores, and the clinical course in the ICU were documented; 79% of patients required mechanical ventilation. Bacteraemia was present in 34 patients (54%); there were no distinguishing clinical features between bacteraemic and non-bacteraemic cases. The overall mortality was 21%, with only 5 deaths (15% mortality) in the bacteraemic group. Shock and a very low serum albumin (< 26 g/l) were the only clinical features that differentiated survivors from non-survivors; lung injury, APACHE II and multiple organ failure scores were all predictive of outcome. The positive predictive value and specificity in predicting death in individuals for the modified British Thoracic Society rule 1 were 26 and 64%; APACHE II > 2057 and 88%; > 2 organ failure 64 and 92%; and lung injury > 233 and 73%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that even in bacteraemic cases mortality should be below 25% with intensive care management and that conventional scoring systems, while predictive of group mortality, are unreliable in individuals.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical effectiveness of connective tissue grafts including periosteum used as a mechanical barrier for guided periodontal tissue regeneration and coronally positioned flaps in the treatment of Class II furcation defects. A total of 28 furcation defects were treated; 14 received a periosteal barrier and 14 received a coronally positioned flap. Reentry surgeries were performed at 6 months. No statistically significant differences were found preoperatively between the two treatment groups with respect to clinical parameters and osseous measurements. Postsurgically, both treatment modalities resulted in a significant decrease in probing depth and a significant gain in clinical attachment, but the differences observed were not statistically significant. The periosteal barrier group presented with a significantly better gain in vertical components of the alveolar bone (1.93 +/- 0.15 mm and 0.20 +/- 0.26 mm for periosteal barrier and coronally positioned flap groups, respectively; P < or = 0.001) and horizontal components of the alveolar bone (1.60 +/- 0.21 mm and 0.13 +/- 0.90 mm for periosteal barrier and coronally positioned flap groups, respectively; P < or = 0.001). The results of this trial indicate that similar clinical resolution of Class II furcation defects can be obtained with periosteal barriers and coronally positioned flaps. Periosteal barriers, however, are a better treatment alternative in achieving bone fill of the furcation area.  相似文献   

The partial nucleotide sequence of two BamHI fragments that span the unique short region (US), terminal repeat region (TR) and internal repeat region (IR) of canine herpesvirus (CHV) has been determined. Data obtained revealed several open reading frames (ORF's) identified as the US2, US3, gI, gE and US9 homologues of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1). The CHV homologues also show significant identity in amino acid sequence with those encoded by feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV1), bovine herpesvirus (BHV1) and equine herpesvirus (EHV1). Translation of another ORF showed little amino acid identity with the gene products of other alpha-herpesviruses. Its genomic position relative to the other CHV homologues would suggest it is the US8.5 gene of CHV.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyse the effect of TFG-beta 1 on wound healing in standardized Class II furcation defects of 48 mandibular second premolar teeth in 24 sheep. The experimental design included a control group (carrier only, 25% pluronic F-127), and 2 experimental groups: group A (80 micrograms/ml TGF-beta 1 + carrier) and group B (80 micrograms/ml TGF-beta 1 + carrier covered with a barrier membrane). Sheep were killed either 2 wk or 6 wk after surgery. Mesiodistal sections of the decalcified specimens were quantified histologically using stereology. Percentage volumes of regenerated bone, fibrous connective tissue and cementum were calculated for each furcation defect. Mean values were analysed using multiple ANOVA; p values were calculated using paired and unpaired Student's t-tests. After 2 wk there was more bone in group B than either of the other 2 groups, but this was not statistically significant. By 6 wk more bone was present in group A than in the control group (p < 0.02) and also in group B when compared with both group A and the control group (p < 0.02 and p < 0.44), respectively. In the 4 wk between sampling significantly more bone had formed (group A < 0.05 and group B p < 0.003, respectively). A negative correlation existed between volumes of bone and fibrous connective tissue and no significant differences between the volumes of cementum were evident between any of the groups. This study demonstrated that TGF-beta 1 encouraged bone regeneration in Class II furcation defects in sheep, an effect enhanced by the presence of a barrier membrane. This is the first report on the use of TGF-beta 1 in conjunction with GTR in periodontal defects.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the effects of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) non-resorbable barriers and polylactic acid bioabsorbable barriers in humans with intrabony defects due to periodontitis. Ten patients presented with 2 intrabony defects each. Mucoperiosteal flaps were performed. One of the defects was randomly assigned for placement of the ePTFE barrier over the roots and alveolar bone and the other defect with placement of the polylactic acid barrier. A minimum of 9 months after barrier placement, surgical reentry was performed. The data were evaluated by the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-ranks test and the Fisher exact test. Treatment with both types of barriers produced significant changes from baseline for all parameters, except in the ePTFE group for the amount of bony crest resorption (P = 0.055) and in the polylactic acid group for increased recession (P = 0.109). The results showed no significant differences between the barriers for any parameters: probing depth reduction (polylactic acid 2.60 +/- 1.90, ePTFE 2.80 +/- 1.40; P = 1.000); attachment gain (polylactic acid 1.40 +/- 1.43, ePTFE 1.90 +/- 1.29; P = 0.336); increased recession (polylactic acid 0.80 +/- 1.40, ePTFE 1.10 +/- 0.99; P = 0.531); amount of vertical bone fill (polylactic acid 1.60 +/- 1.84, ePTFE 2.00 +/- 2.49; P = 0.984); bony crest resorption (polylactic acid -1.30 +/- 1.06, ePTFE -1.30 +/- 1.63; P = 1.000); depth of bony defect reduction (polylactic acid 2.90 +/- 1.20, ePTFE 3.30 +/- 1.70; P = 0.750); width of bony defect reduction (polylactic acid 2.20 +/- 1.23, ePTFE 2.20 +/- 1.23; P = 0.875); or volumetric changes (polylactic acid 33.50 +/- 19.70 microl, ePTFE 34.00 +/- 18.40 microl; P = 0.750).  相似文献   

We report a 64-year-old woman who developed nausea, headache, and consciousness disturbance. She was well until four years before the onset of her neurologic illness when (April of 1990 at her 59 years of the age) she was found to have an early cancer in her anterior wall of the lower stomach. Subtotal gastrectomy was performed and the operative result was reported as curative. Four years after the surgery (December of 1994 at her 64 years of the age), she noted suboccipital headache and nausea which had become progressively worse and she was admitted to our service on May 24, 1995. On admission, she appeared chronically ill but general physical examination was unremarkable with normal vital signs. Neurologically she was alert and not demented, and the higher cerebral functions were intact. Cranial nerves were also unremarkable. She was able to walk in tandem and on heels. No motor weakness or ataxia was noted. Deep tendon reflexes were moderately increased, however, no Babinski sign was noted. Although she had headache, no meningeal signs were seen. Slight superficial and vibratory sensory loss was noted in both feet. Routine blood work was again unremarkable except for slight increase in CEA to 8.3 ng/dl (N < 5 ng/dl). The opening pressure of lumbar CSF was 180 mm H2O and the CSF contained 39 cells/microliter, 79 mg of protein, and 10 mg/dl of glucose. Approximately half of the cells were atypical malignant cells. Plain CT was unremarkable, however, tentorial border showed enhancement after contrast infusion. FGS showed no malignant tumors in the stomach. She was treated with intravenous glycerol and whole brain radiation, however, she continued to complain of severe headache, and her sensorium started to be disturbed one month after the admission. Follow-up cranial CT scan revealed enlargement of the lateral and the third ventricles. Her consciousness progressively deteriorated and she became comatose three months after the admission. Repeated cranial CT scan showed enlargement of the ventricles, but no mass lesions were seen within the brain. She developed respiratory arrest on September 25 of the same year. She was discussed in a neurological CPC and the chief discussant arrived at the conclusion that the patient had a gastric cancer with meningeal seeding developing meningeal carcinomatosis. The cause of deep coma was ascribed to damage of cerebral cortical areas secondary to metastatic carcinoma cells and fibrinous materials in the surface of the brain. Postmortem examination revealed thickening and clouding of leptomeninges of the cerebral convexity. On histologic observation, patchy areas of fibrous thickening were seen in the cerebral leptomeninges; in such areas, adenocarcinomatous cells were seen scattered. The basal meninges were free of carcinoma cells, however, leptomeninges of the cerebellum and brain stem tegmentum contained scattered carcinoma cells. The lateral and the third ventricles were enlarged, however, insides of the brain were free of pathologies; the ependymal layer were intact. In the stomach no carcinoma cells were remaining. Pneumonic changes were seen in the right upper and the left lower lobes which appeared to be the direct cause of her death. No evidence of tentorial herniation was noted. The cause of her deep coma was not clearly determined, however, combination of hydrocephalus and cortical malfunction due to leptomeningeal carcinoma cell infiltration and fibrinous material accumulation appeared to have played a role.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the clinical results of guided periodontal tissue regeneration (GPTR) using a resorbable barrier manufactured from a copolymer of polylactic and polyglycolic acids (Resolut Regenerative Material) with those of non-resorbable e-PTFE barrier (Gore-Tex Periodontal Material). 12 subjects participated, 6 with similarly paired class II furcations and 6 with 2 similar 2, 3-wall periodontal lesions. The resorbable and non-resorbable barriers were randomly assigned to 1 defect in each subject. Non-resorbable barriers were removed in six weeks. Plaque index (PlI), gingival index (GI), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival recession (R) were recorded at baseline, (i.e., immediately prior to surgery) and at 12 months postsurgically. The clinical healing was similar and uneventful in both groups. Intrabony pockets depicted significant changes from baseline (p < 0.05) for probing depth reduction and gain in clinical attachment levels. No differences were found between treatments. Class II furcations showed significant improvements from baseline (p < or = 0.05) for probing depth reduction and clinical attachment gain. No differences were detected between treatments. It is concluded that the resorbable barrier tested is as effective as the nonresorbable e-PTFE barrier for the treatment of class II furcations and intrabony defects.  相似文献   

This randomized, split-mouth study was designed to evaluate the adjunctive effect of allogenic, freeze-dried, demineralized bone matrix (DBM) to guided tissue regeneration (GTR). Contralateral fenestration defects (6 x 4 mm) were created 6 mm apical to the buccal alveolar crest on maxillary canine teeth in 6 beagle dogs. DBM was implanted into one randomly selected fenestration defect. Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membranes were used to provide bilateral GTR. Tissue blocks including defects with overlying membranes and soft tissues were harvested following a four-week healing interval and prepared for histometric analysis. Differences between GTR+DBM and GTR defects were evaluated using a paired t-test (N = 6). DBM was discernible in all GTR+DBM defects with limited, if any, evidence of bone metabolic activity. Rather, the DBM particles appeared solidified within a dense connective tissue matrix, often in close contact to the instrumented root. There were no statistically significant differences between the GTR+DBM versus the GTR condition for any histometric parameter examined. Fenestration defect height averaged 3.7+/-0.3 and 3.9+/-0.3 mm, total bone regeneration 0.8+/-0.6 and 1.5+/-0.8 mm, and total cementum regeneration 2.0+/-1.3 and 1.6+/-1.7 mm for GTR+DBM and GTR defects, respectively. The histologic and histometric observations, in concert, suggest that allogenic freeze-dried DBM has no adjunctive effect to GTR in periodontal fenestration defects over a four-week healing interval. The critical findings were 1) the DBM particles remained, embedded in dense connective tissue without evidence of bone metabolic activity; and 2) limited and similar amounts of bone and cementum regeneration were observed for both the GTR+DBM and GTR defects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While the importance of providing individualised communication to cancer patients is now well recognised, little is known about the stability and validity of patients' expressed preferences for information and involvement in decision-making. This study explored the stability and possible predictors of such preferences over time. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cancer patients seeing two Medical Oncologists in an out-patient clinic at an Australian teaching hospital completed a questionnaire battery before and directly after one consultation, and before their next consultation. Eighty consecutive patients with heterogeneous cancers participated in the study. Preferences for general and specific information, involvement and support were elicited at each assessment. Locus of control and patient familiarity with the clinic were measured before the first consultation. Patient satisfaction with the consultation was assessed directly after the consultation. Demographic and disease data were recorded for each patient. RESULTS: General preferences for information and involvement were relatively stable, at least in the short term; however there was considerable variability in preferences for specific topics of information. Patients whose condition had recently worsened were more likely to want progressively less involvement in decision-making. Gender, the doctor seen and religion were also predictive of patient preferences. CONCLUSIONS: Situational factors, such as change in disease status, may alter a patient's preferences for information and involvement. If we wish to match the provision of information and support to the expressed needs of patients, we must ask patients at each consultation what those needs are.  相似文献   

The aim of this controlled, clinical study was to evaluate guided tissue regeneration using a bioabsorbable membrane in periodontal intraosseous defects. Forty patients, each contributing one defect > or =4 mm in depth participated. The control group (18 individuals) received conventional flap therapy, while the test group (22 individuals) was treated using the bioabsorbable membrane, Guidor. Clinical assessments were made by one examiner, blinded with respect to treatment group, at baseline, 6 and 12 months following surgery. Baseline probing pocket depths of 7.7+/-1.4 mm in the membrane group and 7.6+/-1.9 mm in the control group were measured. Twelve month results showed a significant clinical attachment level gain in both control (1.1+/-1.8 mm), and membrane group (1.3+/-2.1 mm). Probing pocket depth reduction of 2.6+/-1.9 mm and 2.7+/-1.9 mm was observed in the respective groups. Bone sounding showed a non-significant gain of 0.4+/-1.8 mm and 0.6+/-1.4 mm at membrane and control sites, respectively. Radiographic evaluation confirmed these results. There were no significant differences found between treatment groups for any of the tested variables. Smoking had a negative effect on healing in both groups. In conclusion, clinical and radiographic results indicate that guided tissue regeneration using a bioabsorbable membrane at intraosseous defects did not predictably achieve greater clinical attachment level gain nor bone gain when compared to conventional flap therapy.  相似文献   

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