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在室温至600℃之间,研究铝粉末压坯在烧结过程中的内耗行为,其在升温和降温过程各出现一个典型的内耗峰。升温峰具有测量频率、应变振幅、升温速率依赖性,同时,随铝颗粒粒径、压坯成型压力的不同而变化。分析认为升温峰与形变铝颗粒的再结晶过程有关,但该峰产生的本征原因是形变铝颗粒之间弱结合界面的微观滑移,同时还与成型过程中位错密度的增加有关。降温峰与铝晶界的粘滞性滑移有关,属于晶界弛豫峰,其激活能为(1.64±0.06)e V。此外,镁粉末压坯具有与铝粉末压坯相似的内耗现象。 相似文献
CuO-Al-Cu粉末压坯中CuO和Al的反应机理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对CuO Al粉末预制块在不同温度下反应 ,测试其温度随时间的变化曲线 ,利用X射线衍射仪对其反应后的试样进行物相分析 ,得出产生热爆的反应温度及不同温度下的反应产物。结果表明 ,CuO Al体系化学反应存在 3个不同温度区域 ,即稳定区、反应不完全区和反应完全区。反应完全区易出现热爆现象。 相似文献
环形粉末预制坯压制规律研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了环形粉末预制坯压制过程中压力和密度变化规律。通过力学分析建立了环形粉末预制坯压制力学模型,导出了6种压制方式下压制力沿预制坯高度分布规律,建立了统一的压制力分布计算公式,并计算了环形粉末预制坯下端面的最小压制力。基于黄培云粉末压制理论,导出了环形粉末预制坯相对密度沿高度分布计算公式,以及环形粉末预制坯上下端面密度的比值。 相似文献
采用普通的压胶法和挤胶法对DAP塑料插头制件进行成型加工,难以达到设计要求。后改用冷压法或热压法预制成压坯的工艺,解决了上述难题。该法还适合于其他压塑制品。 相似文献
钛合金粉末温压成形行为 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究了钛合金粉末的温压成形行为。结果发现,在同一压制压力下,钛合金粉末的生坯密度均在140℃左右达到最大值,高于或低于这一温度,生坯密度反而降低。在压制压力为500MPa下,温压成形的脱模力比室温成形的脱模力降低27.7%。同时,温压成形较室温成形改善了钛合金件的显微组织。 相似文献
ThermalbehaviorofB_4Cparticlesunderplasmaarcpowdersurfacingcondition¥WANGXibao;ZHANGWenyue;LUTongliandPENGJie(HebeiUniversity... 相似文献
0InstructionCarbides.asavariesofadvancedcoatingmaterialsfortheirsuperhardnessandexcellentthenllalstabilizer,havebeenwidelyusedinplasmaspra}illgandlasercladdingprocess.andattractedmuchattentionl"ZI.Especially.theresearchpapersaboutmetalcarbidessuchasTiC.WC… 相似文献
MENG Jie JIA Chengchang HE Qing 《稀有金属(英文版)》2007,26(4):372-376
Mechanical alloying was employed to obtain high-activity Ni-AI powder. The effects of mechanical alloying on the microstructure and characteristics of milled powder with a normal composition of Ni-22.89 at.% AI-0.5 at.% B were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results show that a solution Ni (AI) was obtained after milling. During mechanical alloying, the milled powder obtains extra surface energy and crystalline energy because the crystallite size becomes free and the lattice strain increases with the milling time prolonging. Furthermore, about 0.5 mol% oxide in the particles were formed after milling, and this kind of dis- persed oxide is effective to improve the properties of the sintered alloy by dispersion strengthening. It is confirmed that Ni3AI alloy with outstanding properties has been prepared with mechanical alloyed powders. 相似文献
采用高压扭转法在350℃下将纯钼粉末直接制备成致密体材料。用金相显微镜、显微维氏硬度计、扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪分析高压扭转过程中粉末颗粒孔隙闭合及性能强化规律。结果表明:高压扭转后钼颗粒粉末在剪切力作用下通过移动和变形相互啮合联结,颗粒间大块链状孔隙逐渐缩小、闭合,此时颗粒间界面结合较好;高压扭转前后材料内部亚晶尺寸由59.8nm细化到46.9nm,微观应变由1.04′10-4增大到1.12′10-3;晶粒细化和微观应变增大引起的晶格缺陷会促进晶粒内部位错增殖、缠结来强化基体。 相似文献
J. H. Lee J. C. Jung I. P. Borovinskaya V. I. Vershinnikov C. W. Won 《Metals and Materials International》2000,6(1):73-80
Tungsten powder was prepared by a Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis(SHS) Process of a CaWO4-Mg mixture. Mg vapor was discovered to significantly affect such combustion parameters as the combustion temperature(Tc), the combustion velocity(U), the relative mass change(δm) and the relative elongation(δh) of the sample. These effects could
be reduced by decreasing the internal Ar pressure, sample density and reducing agent content. The oxygen content in tungsten
was decreased by using 5% excess Mg; the carbon content was diminished when the combustion process occurred under PAr=0.1 MPa. The MgO and CaO in the product was leached with an HC1 solution. Such parameters as combustion temperature(Tc), U, Am, and milling time(τ) were found to affect the tungsten particle size and morphology. 相似文献
徐平姣 《锻压装备与制造技术》2003,38(3):43-45
选择典型的镦粗工艺对粉末烧结坯的致密与成形行为和规律进行了研究,提出了多孔材料的致密模型并简要介绍了多孔材料的塑性理论。然后,采用有限元法模拟了不同镦粗压下量的烧结坯的致密与成形过程。密度与等效应变分布的一致性表明,烧结坯的致密强烈依赖于材料的塑性变形。 相似文献
I. N. Kravchenko A. V. Kolomeychenko I. E. Pupavtsev R. Yu. Solovev Yu. N. Baranov 《Welding International》2018,32(1):54-61
The article describes the results of investigations of the thermal efficiency of the process of plasma-jet deposition of materials resulting in a higher rate of thermal saturation and melting of metallic powder particles in comparison with the monolithic metal of the component. The results are used to determine the relationships governing the effect of the technological parameters of the process on the formation of the layer of the coating on the components reconditioned by plasma-jet surfacing. 相似文献
铝电解槽用干防渗料的导热性与抗渗性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用自制的沸腾平板导热仪测量防渗料在不同状态下的导热系数,利用坩埚法测量防渗料的抗渗性能。结果表明:防渗料的导热系数随密度的增大而增加,使用过的防渗料导热系数要比新的大一些;防渗料的抗渗能力与堆积密度有关,捣实状态下的抗渗能力比松散状态的好,铝液能够使电解质向防渗料的渗透量增加,在电解质中加入铝块后,防渗料的抗渗能力减弱。 相似文献