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星载微波估计热带气旋中心气压的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在准静力近似条件下,热带气旋上层的暖心强度与气旋中心最低海平面气压相关.根据飞机观测到的平均热带气旋的暖核距平廓线构造一个由单因子--250hPa温度距平--控制的热带气旋中心暖距平模型,建立利用NOAA16/17/AMSU观测反演热带气旋中心暖核强度和最低海平面气压的算法;并对发生在西北太平洋上的热带气旋的最低海平面气压进行反演试验,反演的结果与利用Dvorak(1984)可见光和红外技术估计结果相比,平均偏差大约为11hPa;反演结果的时间序列能够显示气旋强度演变的过程.  相似文献   

Evaluation of hurricane ocean vector winds from WindSat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to accurately measure ocean surface wind vectors from space in all weather conditions is important in many scientific and operational usages. One highly desirable application of satellite-based wind vector retrievals is to provide realistic estimates of tropical cyclone intensity for hurricane monitoring. Historically, the extreme environmental conditions in tropical cyclones (TCs) have been a challenge to traditional space-based wind vector sensing provided by microwave scatterometers. With the advent of passive microwave polarimetry, an alternate tool for estimating surface wind conditions in the TC has become available. This paper evaluates the WindSat polarimetric radiometer's ability to accurately sense winds within TCs. Three anecdotal cases studies are presented from the 2003 Atlantic Hurricane season. Independent surface wind estimates from aircraft flights and other platforms are used to provide surface wind fields for comparison to WindSat retrievals. Results of a subjective comparison of wind flow patterns are presented as well as quantitative statistics for point location comparisons of wind speed and direction.  相似文献   

The WindSat microwave polarimetric radiometer consists of 22 channels of polarized brightness temperatures operating at five frequencies: 6.8, 10.7, 18.7, 23.8, and 37.0 GHz. The 10.7-, 18.7-, and 37.0-GHz channels are fully polarimetric (vertical/horizontal, /spl plusmn/45/spl deg/ and left-hand and right-hand circularly polarized) to measure the four Stokes radiometric parameters. The principal objective of this Naval Research Laboratory experiment, which flys on the USAF Coriolis satellite, is to provide the proof of concept of the first passive measurement of ocean surface wind vector from space. This paper presents details of the on-orbit absolute radiometric calibration procedure, which was performed during of a series of satellite pitch maneuvers. During these special tests, the satellite pitch was slowly ramped to +45/spl deg/ (and -45/spl deg/), which caused the WindSat conical spinning antenna to view deep space during the forward (or aft portion) of the azimuth scan. When viewing the homogeneous and isotropic brightness of space (2.73 K) through both the main reflector and the cold-load calibration reflector, it is possible to determine the absolute calibration of the individual channels and the relative calibration bias between polarimetric channels. Results demonstrate consistent and stable channel calibrations (with very small brightness biases) that exceed the mission radiometric calibration requirements.  相似文献   

热带气旋在我国沿海区域频发,造成不可估计的损失,将卫星探测数据转化成可观察的亮温显示图像使得研究人员可以实时地观察热带气旋走向.文中主要基于WinSCP工具解决了将目标亮温系统产生的亮温数据集自动传输到亮温显示模块的问题,WinSCP原为手动操作同步于不同操作系统间文件的工具,文中利用脚本来运行WinSCP工具,成功实...  相似文献   

Predictions of the polarized microwave brightness temperatures over the ocean are made using a two-scale surface bidirectional reflectance model combined with an atmospheric radiative transfer model. The reflected atmospheric radiation is found to contribute significantly to the magnitude and directional dependence of the brightness temperatures. The predicted brightness temperatures are also sensitive to the form of the shortwave spectrum. Calculations are made using a new physically based model for the wave spectrum, and preliminary comparisons are made with WindSat observations at 10.7, 18.7, and 37 GHz, for wind speeds ranging from 0-20 m/s and for vertically integrated atmospheric water vapor concentrations from 0-70 mm. Predictions of the mean (azimuthally averaged) brightness temperatures for vertical and horizontal polarization agree quite well with WindSat observations over this range of wind speeds and water vapor concentrations. The predicted azimuthal variations of the third and fourth Stokes parameters also agree fairly well with the observations, except for the fourth Stokes parameter at 37 GHz. Further adjustments of the wave spectrum are expected to improve the agreement.  相似文献   

基于FY-2E卫星CIBLE定标结果的台风客观定强效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自主研发的风云二号(FY-2)基于月球辐射校正的内黑体定标(CIBLE,Calibration of Inner Blackbody Corrected by Lunar Emission)方法,采用台风Dvorak卫星客观定强技术,分别选用2012年夏季定标平稳变化期、秋季星蚀期的强台风、超强台风过程,进行了FY-2E红外波段的CIBLE定标结果、交叉定标(GSICS,Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System)结果、日本MTSAT定标结果的台风客观定强分析.结果表明,CIBLE方法能够正确反映FY-2E在轨定标斜率的日变化和年变化,确保了FY-2E/CIBLE与MTSAT定标结果估算的各级别台风强度稳定一致.特别在FY-2E秋季星蚀期,明显提高了台风夜间定强的准确率,与GSICS定标相比,台风中心最大风速误差减小了14 m/s,极大促进了台风强度监测预报水平的提升.  相似文献   

WindSat has systematically collected the first global fully polarimetric passive microwave data over both land and ocean. As the first spaceborne polarimetric microwave radiometer, it was designed to measure ocean surface wind speed and direction by including the third and fourth Stokes parameters, which are mostly related to the asymmetric structures of the ocean surface roughness. Although designed for wind vector retrieval, WindSat data are also collected over land and ice, and this new data has revealed, for the first time, significant land signals in the third and fourth Stokes parameter channels, particularly over Greenland and the Antarctic ice sheets. The third and fourth Stokes parameters show well-defined large azimuth modulations that appear to be correlated with geophysical variations, particularly snow structure, melting, and metamorphism, and have distinct seasonal variation. The polarimetric signatures are relatively weak in the summer and are strongest around spring. This corresponds well with the formation and erosion of the sastrugi in the dry snow zone and snowmelt in the soaked zone. In this paper, we present the full polarimetric signatures obtained from WindSat over Greenland, and use a simple empirical observation model to quantify the azimuthal variations of the signatures in space and time.   相似文献   

近海台风突然增强监测预报是业务和科研的重点和难点,利用风云二号(FY-2)静止气象卫星高时空分辨率资料,选取近20年内南海登陆台风中最具备突然增强特征的两个台风2017年天鸽(Hato)和2012年韦森特(Vicente),综合考虑风垂直切变影响和辐射变化,形成用于表征台风内云垂直运动信号的计算方法,并应用于两台风近海快速增强的内动力演变机制解析.结果表明,两台风快速增强过程表现跷跷板式的热动力过程,云垂直上升运动的最大值向台风最核心区收拢,促进台风组织结构调整;最核心区0~50 km内的云上升运动的持续增强,对台风发生突然增强贡献最显著,并伴有1~2 h内的突变; FY-2卫星分钟级观测资料发挥了重要作用,结果可作为对台风结构和强度演变的高频次监测新手段为台风监测预报业务和科研工作提供参考.  相似文献   

Absolute calibration of WindSat's third and fourth Stokes brightness temperatures (T/sub 3/ and T/sub 4/) is needed at the tenth of Kelvin level in order to adequately resolve their dependence on wind direction. Previous aircraft based fully polarimetric microwave radiometers have generally relied on "circle flights", during which a single area of the ocean is observed at all azimuth angles, to estimate residual biases in the calibration of its polarimetric channels. WindSat, the first spaceborne fully polarimetric microwave radiometer, operates in low Earth orbit and thus cannot execute this traditional calibration technique. A new method is presented to estimate the residual biases that are present in WindSat's T/sub 3/ and T/sub 4/ estimates. The method uses a vicarious cold reference brightness temperature applied to measurements made by WindSat at /spl plusmn/45/spl deg/ slant linear (T/sub P/ and T/sub M/) and left- and right-hand circular (T/sub L/ and T/sub R/) polarization. WindSat derives the third and fourth Stokes brightness temperatures by the differences T/sub P/-T/sub M/ and T/sub L/-T/sub R/, respectively. The method is demonstrated by applying it to the 10.7-GHz WindSat observations. Calibration biases of 0.2-0.6 K are determined with a precision of 0.04 K.  相似文献   

The WindSat instrument was launched on January 6, 2003 as part of a risk reduction effort to assess the potential of using spaceborne fully polarimetric radiometry to measure the marine wind vector. Microwave radiometry on the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager onboard the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellites has long provided wind speed measurements. Fully polarimetric radiometry offers the additional possibility of obtaining wind direction as well. By contrast, the QuikSCAT satellite uses active microwave measurements to estimate the wind vector from space. It represents the most comprehensive satellite dataset against which to compare WindSat measurements. In this paper, we systematically compare temporally and spatially coincident WindSat and QuikSCAT wind vector measurements against the design goals of the WindSat instrument, taking into consideration expected differences related to instrument precision and the spatial and temporal variability of the wind field.  相似文献   

A new method for estimating the atmospheric transmittance and wind speed over the ocean from WindSat data is derived using a simplified model for the ocean surface reflectivity. The simplified reflectivity model is used to calculate both the surface emissivity and the reflection of downwelling atmospheric radiation. The wind-speed dependence of the surface reflectivity is parameterized using simple rational functions with coefficients determined from the WindSat data. Because the vertically polarized brightness temperature depends primarily on the atmospheric state, it is used to obtain an initial estimate of the atmospheric transmittance at each spatial location. These estimates are then combined with the horizontally polarized brightness temperature to estimate the wind speed at each location. The first wind-speed estimate is used to refine the estimate of the transmittance, and the process is repeated until the estimates converge, resulting in a simultaneous solution for the atmospheric transmittance and the wind speed. The results are illustrated for two WindSat data sets collected on September 12 and 14, 2003. We have also investigated two methods of estimating wind direction using WindSat measurements of the third and fourth Stokes parameters. The first method involves an algebraic solution for the wind direction from simultaneous measurements of the third and fourth Stokes parameters. The second method involves measurements of the third Stokes parameter from two look directions (fore and aft scan angles), made possible by the conical scanning geometry of WindSat. A comparison and evaluation of these methods is made using the same data sets.   相似文献   

观测热带气旋所需的空间分辨率以及识别出变化所需的时间分辨率对于用于观测热带气旋的辐射计的指标设计有重要意义.利用美国国家环境预报中心6 h全球最终分析资料作为初始场, 通过中尺度数值天气预报模式输出不同时刻水凝物含量和温湿度廓线等参数, 使用欧洲中期数值天气预报中心发展建立的快速辐射传输模式输出亮温, 分析了不同时刻及不同空间分辨率下氧气吸收频段和水汽吸收频段的静止轨道探测模拟亮温.结果表明:热带气旋等级越高, 观测的空间分辨率需求越高, 氧气吸收频率、水汽吸收频率、窗区频率对空间分辨率敏感度依次增大; 短时间内低等级热带气旋的观测时间分辨率需求越高, 水汽吸收频段探测频率所需时间分辨率高于氧气吸收频段.  相似文献   

Two preliminary, six-month long global WindSat vector wind datasets are validated using buoys and QuikSCAT measurements. Buoy comparisons yield speed and direction root mean square accuracies of 1.4 m/s and 25/spl deg/ for the "NESDIS0" product and 1.3 m/s and 23/spl deg/ for the more recently produced "B1" product from the Naval Research Laboratory. WindSat along- and across-wind random component errors of 0.7-1.0 and 2.6-2.8 m/s (respectively) are larger than those calculated for QuikSCAT in the same period. Global WindSat-QuikSCAT comparisons generally confirmed the buoy analyses. While simple rain flags based directly on WindSat brightness temperature measurements alone are shown to overflag for rain systematically, the advanced "Environmental Data Record" rain flag in the B1 product matches well with Special Sensor Microwave/Imager rain detection frequency and preserves the accuracy of the unflagged vector wind measurements.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that retrievals of wind vectors from the WindSat polarimetric radiometer are of sufficient quality to be considered for assimilation in operational numerical weather prediction models. In this paper, WindSat data are used in a state-of-the-art global meteorological analysis and forecasting system. Each wind vector contains a directional ambiguity and so is assimilated in a similar way to that of scatterometer data. The forecast impact of using analyses containing information from WindSat data was investigated for a period during August and September of 2005, when a large number of tropical cyclones were present. Forecast errors were reduced in the surface pressure fields, and the average improvement across the forecast range was found to be 1.0%. This is comparable to the improvement of 1.1% found in the same fields when winds were assimilated from the QuikScat scatterometer. The impact on tropical cyclone tracks in the forecasts was also studied. The scatterometer improved (reduced) the track errors markedly by 25% in the analyses. When impacts across the forecast range out to five days were also included, the improvement was found to be 8%. In contrast, the assimilation of WindSat data improved the analysis track errors by 7%, although this figure was found to be 10% across the complete forecast range.   相似文献   

安玮  张涛  周一宇 《电子与信息学报》2007,29(11):2676-2678
对弹道导弹目标捕获方法是空间预警系统的关键技术。该文通过对导弹推力加速度的分析,提出了目标在像平面的非线性运动模型。通过概率数据关联(PDA)求得等效的似然函数,利用Lagrange乘数法求得最佳的加权概率,使得对数似然比函数最大。结合量测的灰度信息,改善了其在低SNR情况下的检测性能。Monte-Carlo仿真验证了该方法的目标航迹检测性能和目标状态估计精度,仿真结果表明该方法在两方面都优于原有方法,适用于低SNR情况下预警卫星对弹道导弹目标捕获。  相似文献   

Transmissions from ground-based systems in C- and X-bands present a significant challenge to the use of these bands for passive microwave remote sensing from aircraft and satellites. Because future missions plan to continue to use these frequencies, it is important to characterize and understand the nature of interference in as much of the candidate spectrum as possible. This paper presents a statistical analysis of interference observed in the continental U.S. using six months of data collected from the C- and X-band channels of the WindSat microwave radiometer. Our findings are consistent with those of previous studies by Li et al. and Njoku et al., which are based on data obtained from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS using somewhat similar center frequencies and bandwidths. Results show significant radio-frequency interference (RFI) at C-band, including brightnesses in horizontal and vertical polarizations in excess of 330 K, while X-band RFI is less obvious through direct examination of measured linearly polarized brightnesses. Evidence of lower levels of RFI is provided through use of the spectral and polarization indexes of Li et al., which reveal likely RFI contributions at X-band as well. Further confirmation of X-band RFI is obtained through analysis of the polarimetric channels, which are shown to provide direct evidence of RFI in contrast to the linearly polarized channels. A temporal analysis of the largest C-band RFI sources is also provided in an attempt to further understand their properties.  相似文献   

The local spatial scales of tropical precipitating systems were studied using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) rain rate imagery from the TRMM satellite. Rain rates were determined from TMI data using the Goddard Profiling (GPROF) Version 5 algorithm. Following the analysis of Ricciardulli and Sardeshmukh (RS), who studied local spatial scales of tropical deep convection using global cloud imagery (GCI) data, active precipitating months were defined alternatively as those having greater than either 0.1 mm/h or 1 mm/h of rain for more than 5% of the time. Spatial autocorrelation values of rain rate were subsequently computed on a 55/spl times/55 km grid for convectively active months from 1998 to 2002. The results were fitted to an exponential correlation model using a nonlinear least squares routine to estimate a spatial correlation length at each grid cell. The mean spatial scale over land was 90.5 km and over oceans was 122.3 km for a threshold of 0.1 mm/h of rain with slightly higher values for a threshold of 1 mm/h of rain. An error analysis was performed which showed that the error in these determinations was of order 2% to 10%. The results of this study should be useful in the design of convective schemes for general circulation models and for precipitation error covariance models for use in numerical weather prediction and associated data assimilation schemes. The results of the TMI study also largely concur with those of RS, although the more direct relationship between the TMI data and rain rate relative to the GCI imagery provide more accurate correlation length estimates. The results also confirm the strong impact of land in producing short spatial scale convective rain.  相似文献   

The rain dropsize distributions measured by a disdrometer in 21 rain events consisting of 1, 640one-minute dropsize spectra have been analyzed for a tropical station, Ile-Ife (geog. lat. 7.5°N, long 4.5°E) in South-Western Nigeria. Empirical power law relations of the form Y = aRb have been obtained between the rainfall rate R, the radar reflectivity factor Z, liquid water content M, optical extinction σ and the median volume diameter D0 for three types of rainfall. A power law relationship was also obtained between the median volume diameter D0 and the liquid water content M. The variability in a and b with rain parameters, rain events and rain types is discussed. The empirical relations have been compared with existing relations for other parts of the world, for their utilization in radar meteorology and radar engineering.  相似文献   

Brightness temperatures from the fiIve-frequency (6.6, 10.7, 18, 21, and 37 GHz) dual-polarized scanning multichannel microwave radiometer (SMMR) on Nimbus 7 have been used to obtain surface wind fields over the ocean. The sateilite-derived wind field for 1200Z, February 19, 1979, in the eastern North Pacific has been compared with an operationally generated surface-wind analysis field. Previous point comparisons at selected locations have indicated that satellite winds are accurate to 3 ms-1. The results here, although of a preliminary nature, indicate that SMMR-derived winds may be used to determine large-scale wind fields over the ocean, particularly in areas of strong wind gradients such as found in cyclonic systems.  相似文献   

An airborne pointable imaging multispectral linear array (MLA) sensor has been developed for the multidirectional observation of surface reflectance anisotropy. The sensor design permits observations up to 450 off-nadir in three spectral bands (green, red, and near-infrared). Calibration permits the conversion of sensor data to radiance units with an absolute uncertainty of 6 percent. Observations of five field plots from seven view directions are discusseed. Calibration and atmospheric corrections are used to derive hemispherical-directional reflectance factors. A three-term reflectance model is fit to the reflectance factors for each plot to represent the continuous distribution of reflectance factors with view direction. The reflectance model is integrated over all view directions to calculate bihemispherical reflectance factors. The calculated bihemispherical factors differed by 1 to 25 percent from values based on an assumption of isotropic reflectance depending on spectral band and field plot. These calculations demonstrate the technologic and scientific capabilities required for the remote characterization of surface reflectance anisotropy. Remote multidirectional observations are both feasible and needed to fully evaluate land reflectance characteristics.  相似文献   

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