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随着石油化工行业的发展,为保证生产过程的安全,必须对装置进行风险评估。HAZOP分析是最有效和应用最广泛的安全评价方法之一,但其只能判断系统是否存在潜在风险,对风险发生的可能性及严重程度不能做精确的定量分析。然而经过实践可以进一步采取半定量的LEC分析方法加以修改、补充和完善。将HAZOP分析与LEC分析两种安全评价方法相结合,使得HAZOP分析法从一种定性的方法改进为一种半定量的方法,大大提高风险辨识的准确性和适用性。将两种评价方法集成研究并简单对某公司采油一厂储运系统的危险性进行系统安全分析,为有效预防和减少事故提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

石油化工行业不同于其他行业,所使用的原料具有较高危险性,而且在生产期间还会有有害物质排放,容易造成环境污染与危害人类健康。所以,在石油化工生产过程中,需要合理运用相关安全技术,从而有效保障石油化工生产的安全性。针对石油化工过程的安全技术展开分析,介绍了安全技术的重要性,探讨了石油化工生产过程中存在的安全问题,并阐述安全技术的实践应用。  相似文献   

石油化工企业由于原料、产品均为危险化学材料,产品具有极强的腐蚀性、挥发性,对设备及人身具有较强危害,另外,石油产品多含有硫化物,对设备及运输管线具有极强的腐蚀作用,因此在生产、运输、储存、销售、应用、回收等环节均存在较高安全及环保风险。对石油化工油品储运安全环保风险及存在的问题进行分析;提出了健康管理、安全管理、环境管理以及HSSE风险管理及安全评价等策略。对石油化工企业油品储运过程安全环保问题进行分析也是促进石油企业提升安全风险意识,降低安全风险的基础。  相似文献   

随着我国经济与社会的发展,石油化工早已成为我国经济发展的重要支柱,石油化工的应用已经渗透到我们的生活中。然而由于石油化工本身所具有的特殊性,在人们使用过程中存在着易燃、易爆的特点,在生产过程中极易发生火灾与爆炸的危险。本文对石油化工安全生产问题进行分析,通过建立安全生产标准化,从而提高安全生产的水平,安全生产标准化,规范的不仅是生产活动同时也包括管理活动,全方位的保障安全生产,减少安全事故的发生,保障人身安全及健康状况。  相似文献   

李世兵  王强 《清洗世界》2022,(11):188-190
石油化工工程需要就油品储运过程进行安全环保管理。通过合理的安全环保管理过程,石油化工工程的油品储运能够更为高效。基于此,本文应用文献分析法对石油化工工程油品储运过程安全环保管理的意义进行了研究分析,同时明确了石油化工工程油品储运过程的安全环保问题,这其中包括油品储运设备陈旧老化、工作人员安全意识薄弱以及企业安全监督机制匮乏三方面的内容。针对这三方面内容,本文提出了相对应的石油化工工程油品储运过程安全环保对策,这其中包括优化油品储运设备,提高运行质量;开展工作人员培训,提高安全意识以及建立企业监督机制,加强安全管理这三方面的内容。基于上述论述,本文将对石油化工工程油品储运过程安全环保问题及对策进行研究分析。  相似文献   

定量风险评价(简称QRA)也称为概率风险评价(PRA),是通过对系统或设备失效概率和事故后果的严重程度进行评价,从量化的角度说明被评价对象的风险状况,能精确描述系统的危险性。该方法自1974年拉姆逊教授(Rasmussen)评价美国民用核电站的安全性开始,在高危行业尤其是石油化工领域中得到了广泛应用。借助于定量风险评价所获得的数据和结论,并综合考虑经济、环境、可靠性和安全性等因素,制定适当的风险管理程序及措施,为设计、运行、安全管理及决策提供技术支持。  相似文献   

伴随着实体经济与大数据的深度融合,大数据已经成为了石油化工行业企业向数据驱动型企业转型的强力助手,大数据在石化行业企业中的应用正在影响和改变传统石化企业的业务运作模式。本文以石油化工产业链上中下游视角介绍大数据在石油化工行业中的典型应用场景,包括生产过程优化、产品质量控制、安全监测和产品营销等,通过对石油化工行业上中下游的生产过程、产品销售及数据特点进行研究,分析大数据技术在石油化工行业的应用现状、挑战及未来发展方向,为石油化工行业的数字化转型提供参考。  相似文献   

石油化工企业所生产、存储的物料多具有易燃易爆、毒性大和腐蚀性强等特点,若遇火源极易发生火灾或爆炸事故,因此,安全生产管理工作一直是石油化工企业发展过程中的一项重点工作。围绕石油化工企业的安全生产管理工作实践,从构建HSE管理体系、安全生产管理内容、安全生产风险评估、以及实施PDCA大循环机制4个维度展开分析,旨在提升石油化工企业安全生产管理质量。  相似文献   

石油化工企业建设项目安全评价与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对石油化工企业建设项目的安全评价,就如何选择评价方法、ICI蒙德法及道化学公司评价方法(第6版)的实际运用予以阐述,并对安全评价的意义,评价的工作程序,评价的承担人员及评审人员的知识结构和提高定量评价的准确性等方面进行了探讨,还提出了建议。  相似文献   

安全评价作为基坑工程安全管理的重要手段,为施工过程中的风险评价提供重要依据,对基坑工程安全风险进行分析和评估,可以及时发现和改进施工中存在的不足,预防事故的发生或降低事故造成的损失。总结分析基坑安全评价方法的研究现状,结论是:基坑工程安全评价方法已经从早期的单一因素定性评价,发展到如今多种方法综合应用、多因素综合半定性半定量评价,同时兼顾主观性和客观性评价,大大提高了评价结果的可靠性和科学性。提出基坑工程安全评价方法的实施流程及要点,结合实际案例分析验证基坑工程安全评价方法的应用效果。  相似文献   

大学生安全文化作为众多高校开设的通识教育课程,具有知识点多、内容更新快、实践性强等特点。教学中从课程内容设置、课程推广、课程考核等方面出发,构建课程微信平台,有助于及时向选课学生推送安全文化知识,培养学生的自主学习能力,进而提高课程教学效果。  相似文献   

Process control courses usually have a section of the course focused on the building of block diagrams for modeling, simulation, and analysis of open and closed loop processes. For this purpose, students are often oriented to build models using SIMULINK or XCOS because of the versatility of these powerful tools in the easy construction of mathematical models using the concept of block-oriented programming. In this paper we propose a model library built in the software EMSO that allows the user to create block diagrams for process control studies. EMSO is a powerful tool for process modeling, dynamic simulation and optimization, freely available for academic purpose. With the developed library, analysis of systems responses, even for complex processes, can be carried out and PID controller tuning tasks are made easier and less time-consuming to the students, allowing them to advance in the study of more complex control strategies such as ratio, cascade, override, feedforward, among others. Students valued the developed tool as a very useful and practical one to favor a control course learning process and between equivalent and advantageous tool when compared with SIMULINK and XCOS.  相似文献   

A Quantitative Critical Thinking (QCT) software tool was developed in this study to facilitate students’ learning of quantitative critical thinking via repeated practice by chemical engineering students reading a core module called fluid-solid systems. The software tool generated detailed calculation steps to typical engineering design problems encountered in this module that contained weaknesses, flaws or even errors. Students utilized the software tool to practice identifying these weaknesses, flaws or errors in the design solutions and then present a better or correct design by applying the concepts and knowledge acquired in the module. Since the QCT software tool was built upon an existing design software tool that was able to generate the correct, detailed design calculation steps to design problems, students were able to check their own design calculations against those presented by the software tool during this second learning step, thereby engaging in and learning quantitative critical thinking via a repeated practice approach. The software tool was successful in enhancing the performance of second-year undergraduate students in solving a question that required quantitative critical thinking in the final examination of the module. The average percentage scores achieved by students for the question who reported higher frequencies of usage of the software were generally higher than those who reported lower frequencies of usage or did not utilize the software tool throughout the semester.  相似文献   

Some of the most important engineering skills required nowadays are related with the management of computational tools. This study proposes the implementation of a novel teaching methodology for improving the calculation of pumping power by using the Mathcad software. This methodology includes: (1) training courses on initiation to Mathcad, (2) the delivery of a report with theoretical considerations about pumping power, the problem statement, the traditional procedure to solve it, as well as the main indications to do it with Mathcad, and (3) a virtual platform conceived as a meeting space. The assessment of this educational experience, which was carried out with the second-year chemical engineering students enrolled in the Fluid Flow course, revealed that Mathcad is a powerful computational tool for them. Thus, it eliminates the mathematical difficulties, facilitates the understanding of the phenomenon under consideration and the study that the input variables exert on the solution, and also increases the motivation of the students for solving other engineering problems. Therefore, these results support the hypothesis that computational tools like Mathcad direct chemical engineering students towards successful learning.  相似文献   

Aspen Plus在化工原理课程设计教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙兰义  张月明  李军  刘雪暖 《广东化工》2009,36(12):173-175
Aspen Plus是一款大型商业过程模拟软件,文章结合了多年的化工原理课程设计教学经验,介绍了如何将流程模拟软件Aspen Plus运用到化工原理课程设计环节中。实践经验表明,过程模拟软件的应用不仅可以培养学生的兴趣,提高设计效率和质量,增强学生的工程意识,同时也能拓宽教师的选题范围,使课程设计更接近工程实际,更有利于教学与实践的结合。  相似文献   

The teaching of safety is one of the most important and transferrable subjects in the undergraduate chemical engineering curriculum. However, whilst different institutions have a broadly similar approach to educating students in core topics such as transport processes, approaches to safety teaching are somewhat more variable. This paper describes, analyses and reflects on our approach to safety teaching. It was found that not only are the requirements for accreditation of the degree programme by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) met, but the majority of the IChemE Safety Centre’s (ISC) recommendations are also covered. Student feedback on the 3rd year Safety and Loss Prevention (S&LP) module showed that the course has been consistently well received by the students, pointing to good course structure and coherence being a significant factor. Analysis of the outcomes of the 2020 final examination for S&LP, using Bloom’s taxonomy, supported existing plans to change the mode of assessment of S&LP to a significant coursework project. Finally, plans for a future revision of the S&LP module are presented to serve as one exemplar of good practice in safety teaching, which not only meets the requirements of the accrediting body and industry, but is also enjoyed by students.  相似文献   

Chemical processes are continuously facing challenges from the demands of the global market related to economics, environment and social issues. This paper presents the development of a software tool (SustainPro) and its application to chemical processes operating in batch or continuous modes. The software tool is based on the implementation of an extended systematic methodology for sustainable process design (Carvalho et al., 2008, Carvalho et al., 2009). Using process information/data such as the process flowsheet, the associated mass/energy balance data and the cost data, SustainPro guides the user through the necessary steps according to work-flow of the implemented methodology. At the end the design alternatives, are evaluated using environmental impact assessment tools and safety indices. The extended features of the methodology incorporate life cycle assessment analysis and economic analysis. The application and the main features of SustainPro are illustrated through a case study of β-galactosidase production.  相似文献   

Assessment of a sustainable process design centres on the three pillars of sustainability. However, satisfying all criteria is sometimes difficult. Nevertheless, it is important to have an effective and systematic tool for a concrete and justifiable decision. Introduction of such tool into chemical engineering education would be beneficial as students will encounter situations in making decision which may imply deciding on the best process design, suppliers, supply chain, etc. In light of this matter, we introduce a concept called sustainability assessment and selection (SAS) into Computer Aided Plant Design (CAPD) course at Technical University of Berlin. The idea of the methodology is to assess process designs and select one which is most sustainable. Within the framework of this course, a 1-day lecture has been conducted that touch on the methods to assess sustainable process design. It is also aimed to introduce systematic multi-criteria decision making methodology called analytic hierarchy process (AHP). A practical example in choosing n-butane isomerization process designs is illustrated. From the class evaluation we found that the response towards the idea was very promising. We believed the method would add an extra edge to the students especially in performing sustainability assessment and systematically solving multi optional problems that they may encounter in their career.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Microsoft Excel tool to calculate liquid-gas mass transfer coefficients in packed towers to support numerical design activities in the courses of Unit Operations for Industrial Process and Sustainable Process Design for the Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II (Italy).The Mass Transfer Solver Tool (MT Solver Tool) uses several available models to estimate, separately, the values of liquid and gas mass-transfer coefficients and the wet surface area for 144 random and structured packings of interest for absorption/stripping and distillation processes. In addition, a separate spreadsheet can be used in a user-defined mode, to evaluate the mass transfer coefficients with new packing types or to interpret experimental data when the geometrical and physical characteristics of the packing are known. Eventually, the tool is supplied with a data library, where packing geometry and model fitting parameters can be retrieved.The software is aimed to support students and educators in the Unit Operations for Industrial Process and Sustainable Process Design courses. In particular, this is meant to be an example on how the accuracy of design algorithms adopted in unit operation processes is affected by the use of the underpinning correlations for mass transfer rate or pressure drops. Besides, this is aimed to encourage comparison of different correlations when exact field data are not available. Besides, chemical engineers and researchers interested in packed columns design and modelling data may also benefit from the utilization of the software. The MT Solver Tool was introduced to students in a dedicated tutorial lesson after lecturers on packed column design algorithms for distillation, absorption and stripping. Most of the students of the course participated to a group training aimed to simulate the design of an absorption column supported by the MT Solver Tool providing feedback on its application.After the training, an anonymous survey was proposed to the students to monitor the approval rating of the proposed activity and the use of the MT Solver Tool software to support numerical calculations.  相似文献   

杨小秋  张远方 《广东化工》2014,(12):211-212
现代分析仪器是人类认识客观世界的重要手段之一。将现代仪器分析实验教学引入高校公共选修课,可以扩大学生的知识面和视野。本课程将现代仪器分析与当今热门的食品安全问题结合在一起,通过几个简单易操作的食品分析方面的实验,让学生了解几种分析仪器的原理和结构以及在食品安全分析中的应用,且对几种典型的食品安全问题以及国家政府的相关法律法规做了归纳总结,让学生在食品消费的时候,做到心中有数。  相似文献   

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