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We have performed extensive computational and experimental dosimetry of the Henschke applicator with respect to high dose-rate 192Ir brachytherapy using a GAMMAMED remote afterloader. Our goal was to generate clinically useful two- and three-dimensional look-up tables. Dose measurements of the Henschke applicator involved using TLD chips placed in a polystyrene phantom. Monte Carlo simulations were performed using the MCNP code. The computational models included the detailed geometry of 192Ir source, tandem tube, and shielded ovoid. The measured dose rates were corrected for the dependence of TLD sensitivity on the distance of measurement points from the source. Transit dose delivered during source extension to and retraction from a given dwell position was estimated by Monte Carlo simulations, and a correction was applied to the experimental values. For the applicator tandem, the ratio of dose rates obtained by MCNP to those measured by TLD chips ranges from 0.92 to 1.10 with an average of 0.98 and a standard deviation of 0.02. The measured and calculated dose rates at 1 cm on the transverse axis are 1.10 cGy U-1 h-1. For the shielded ovoid, the ratio ranges from 0.88 to 1.16 with an average of 1.00 and a standard deviation of 0.07. Causes of the discrepancy between the Monte Carlo and TLD results were identified. We found that the combined uncertainty of measured dose rates due to these causes is 5.6% for the applicator tandem and 8.4% for the shielded ovoid. Therefore, the results of the Monte Carlo simulation are considered to have been validated by the measurements within the uncertainty involved in the calculation and measurements.  相似文献   

This paper presents two methods for absorbed dose determination with ionization chambers at short distance from 60Co and 192Ir brachytherapy sources. The methods are modifications of the Bragg-Gray and large cavity principles given in the IAEA code of practice for high- and medium-energy photon beams. A non-uniformity correction factor to account for the non-uniform electron fluence in the air cavity is introduced into the methods. The absorbed dose rates were determined from ionization chamber measurements at distances between 1.5 and 5.0 cm from the brachytherapy sources. The agreement between the two methods is excellent in 60Co brachytherapy dosimetry. For 192Ir dosimetry, the difference is less than 2.5% at all distances. In absorbed dose rate calculations with the 60Co brachytherapy source, the ratios between calculated and experimentally determined absorbed dose rates are 0.987 and 0.994 depending on the method used for absorption and scatter correction. In 192Ir dosimetry, the large cavity principle gives almost identical values to those which can be obtained with the AAPM recommendations. Using the chambers according to the Bragg-Gray principle in 192Ir dosimetry, the agreement with AAPM calculated absorbed dose rates is within 2.5% at all distances. The uncertainty, expressed as one standard deviation, in the experimentally determined absorbed dose is estimated to be between 3 and 4%.  相似文献   

Many persons with disabilities lack the fine motor coordination necessary to operate traditional keyboards. For these individuals, ambiguous (or reduced) keyboards offer an alternative access method. By placing multiple characters on each key, the size and accessibility of the individual keys can be enhanced without requiring a larger keyboard. Using statistical disambiguation algorithms to automatically interpret each keystroke, these systems can approach the keystroke efficiency (keystrokes per character) of conventional keyboards. Since the placement of characters on each key determines the effectiveness of these algorithms, several methods of optimizing keyboard arrangements have previously been proposed. This paper presents a new method for optimizing an arbitrary set of N characters over a collection of M keys. While earlier efforts relied upon approximations of keystroke efficiency, the proposed approach optimizes the arrangement under this exact performance measure. Applied to the canonical 26 characters on a nine-key "telephone keypad" problem, this method provides an improvement in efficiency of 2.5 percentage points over previously established layouts. Using only a minimum of calculations, the proposed technique operates quickly and efficiently, deriving optimal arrangements in a matter of seconds using a personal computer. The flexible method is applicable to arbitrary disambiguation algorithms, character sets, and languages.  相似文献   

Drug sensitivity was studied for the tubulin inhibitors taxol, taxotere, rhizoxin and for doxorubucin and cisplatin, in human lung and breast cancer cell lines, including drug-selected cell lines, overexpressing the membrane transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp) or the multidrug resistance protein (MRP). All tubulin-inhibiting agents were more potent than doxorubicin and cisplatin in all cell lines. In the drug resistance-selected cell lines (doxorubicin or mitoxantrone resistant) there was cross-resistance between the tubulin inhibitors and the selecting agent; however, MRP overexpressing cells were relatively less resistant to taxanes than the Pgp overexpressing cells. Polymerization of microtubules after exposure to taxol was observed in drug sensitive cell lines, but not in resistant cell lines, even at high taxol concentrations and after long exposure times. In the Pgp overexpressing cell lines, steady accumulation of 14C-taxol was defective and could be reverted by verapamil. MRP overexpressing cells did not have a significant accumulation defect of taxol, compared to the parental cell lines, and verapamil did not have any effect. These data confirm that the Pgp overexpression is an important mechanism of resistance to taxanes and rhizoxin in human lung and breast tumor cells. However, the presence of mechanisms other than transport defects may play an important role in non-Pgp expressing cells, and these may include an altered function of tubulins.  相似文献   

An ionometric calibration procedure for 192Ir PDR brachytherapy sources in terms of dose rate to water is presented. The calibration of the source is performed directly in a water phantom at short distances (1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 cm) using an NE2571 Farmer type ion chamber. To convert the measured air-kerma rate in water to dose rate to water a conversion factor (CF) was calculated by adapting the medium-energy x-ray dosimetry protocol for a point source geometry (diverging beam). The obtained CF was verified using two different methods. Firstly, the CF was calculated by Monte Carlo simulations, where the source-ionization chamber geometry was modelled accurately. In a second method, a combination of Monte Carlo simulations and measurements of the air-kerma rate in water (at 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 cm distance) and in air (1 m distance) was used to determine the CF. The obtained CFs were also compared with conversion factors calculated with the adapted dosimetry protocol for high-energy photons introduced by T?lli. All calculations were done for a Gammamed PDR 192Ir source-NE2571 chamber geometry. The conversion factors obtained with the four different methods agree to within 1% at the three distances of interest. We obtained the following values (medium-energy x-ray protocol): CF(1 cm) = 1.458; CF(2.5 cm) = 1.162; CF(5.0 cm) = 1.112 (1 sigma = 0.7% for the three distances of interest). The obtained results were checked with TLD measurements. The values of the specific dose rate constant and the radial dose function calculated in this work are in accordance with the literature data.  相似文献   

The ultra-high-temperature creep behaviors of an Ir-base, Ir-23Nb (in at. pct), two-phase refractory superalloy have been investigated. The compression creep experiments were performed at temperatures from 1650 °C to 1800 °C at initial applied stresses from 49 to 200 MPa. The results show that Ir-23Nb alloy has higher creep resistance and longer creep life in comparison to Ir-17Nb alloy under the same experimental conditions. The steady-state creep behavior can be described in terms of power-law creep with the apparent stress exponent of 4.5 and apparent activation energy of 653 kJ/mol. Basing on the investigation, the possible reasons for the great improvement on the creep resistance and creep life in Ir-23Nb alloy are discussed. This article is based on a presentation made in the symposium entitled “Fundamentals of Structural Intermetallics,” presented at the 2002 TMS Annual Meeting, February 21–27, 2002, in Seattle, Washington, under the auspices of the ASM and TMS Joint Committee on Mechanical Behavior of Materials.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica Materialia》1993,41(10):2985-2992
Experiments designed to measure the fracture toughness of ceramic-metal interfaces over a wide range of phase angles are described, and a simple approach to data analysis accounting for plasticity effects in specifying interfacial toughness is outlined. A modified version of a fixture proposed by Richard and Benitz [Int. J. Fract.22, R55 (1983)] is used to apply mixed-mode loadings to silica/copper sandwich specimens. The experimentally observed crack trajectories depend on the phase angle of loading. In general, the tendency for initial propagation of the crack to occur in the ceramic increases as the magnitude of the phase angle increases. The introduction of a modest amount of mixed-mode loading resulted in a substantial increase in fracture toughness, from approximately 2.2 J/m2 at 3° to 6.4 J/m2 at 16° and 8.7 J/m2 at −10°. The data clearly indicate that plasticity effects become increasingly important as the magnitude of the phase angle increases.  相似文献   

A Brazil-nut-sandwich with a crack on a substrate/interlayer interface is developed for fracture testing. The fracture loading phase is controlled by the angle of diametral compression. Interfacial fracture mechanics is summarized and adopted in reporting data. Experiments are conducted with aluminum, brass, steel and plexiglass as substrates and epoxy as interlayer. Interfacial toughness curves are measured for large range of loading phase. Effects of the roughness of the surfaces prior to bonding on the interfacial toughness are demonstrated. Failure patterns for the adhesive structure under different loading modes are observed with a scanning electron microscope. For the metal/epoxy systems, when the remote loading is predominantly mode I, cracks tend to kink out of interfaces and run within the epoxy layer, although the bulk epoxy fracture energy is much higher than the interfacial toughness. At large loading phases, abnormally high apparent toughness is measured. These observations are discussed in the light of crack path selection criteria in adhesive joints and large scale contact zone of crack faces.  相似文献   

A directional solidification experiment to measure partition coefficients of ternary additions in Fe-Ni alloys is described. A model is developed to calculate the extent of solid state diffusion effects during and after solidification. Ternary diffusivities of Ge and Au in Fe-Ni were measured for use in the calculation procedure. The model is used to correct the measured partition coefficients for solid state diffusion effects. The resulting equilibrium partition coefficients, K x o , for elementX in Fe-Ni-X alloys are 0.43 for Au, 0.58 for Ge, 0.12 for P, 0.87 for Ni, and 1.45 for Pt. These studies demonstrated that solid state diffusion effects are significant when the diffusivity of the third elementX, in Fe-Ni, is higher than 1 × 10−10 cm2/s at 1300 °C. The partition coefficient data is of particular interest in understanding the fractionation behavior of trace elements in iron meteorites.  相似文献   

Metallurgical and mechanical properties of Ir-0.3 pct W alloys have been studied as a function of thorium concentration in the range 0 to 1000 ppm by weight. The solubility limit of thorium in Ir-0.3 pct W is below 30 ppm. Above this limit, the excess thorium reacts with iridium to form second-phase particles. Thorium additions raise the recrystallization temperature and effectively retard grain growth at high temperatures. Tensile tests at 650 °C show that the alloy without thorium additions (undoped alloy) fractured by grain-boundary (GB) separation, while the alloys doped with less than 500 ppm thorium failed mainly by transgranular fracture at 650 °C. Intergranular fracture in the doped alloys is supressed by GB segregation of thorium, which improves the mechanical properties of the boundary. The impact properties of the alloys were correlated with test temperature, grain size, and heat treatment. The impact ductility increases with test temperature and decreases with grain size. For a given grain size, particularly in the fine-grain size range, the thorium-doped alloys are much more ductile and resistant to GB fracture. All of these results can be correlated on the basis of stress concentration on GBs by using a dislocation pileup model.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of a number of published results, the data on the solubility of carbon in alpha iron are still inaccurate. An analysis of published experimental results shows that available values vary greatly (between 50 and 100 ppm by wt, for example, at 600 °C). These discrepancies make it difficult to optimize the metallurgical processes of low-carbon or ultralow-carbon alloys. An experimental methodology, using the measurement of the thermo-electric power (TEP) of the alloy, was set up. This enabled us to deduce the quantity of free interstitials in the matrix by measuring the amount of interstitials which segregate on dislocations after a deformation of the sample. This technique was used in the case of an Al-killed steel containing 0.2 pct Mn. The limit of solubility of carbon was determined with a precision of ±2 ppm between 550 °C and 730 °C. This limit of solubility can be analytically described by the relation C(wt pct)=6.63 exp (−11.8kcal·mol −1/RT), which is shown to be valid only for temperatures above 400 °C. We show experimentally that the residual concentration of carbon at low temperature is much greater than the value predicted by the extrapolation of this relation. Complementary studies on steels with various C and Mn contents allow us to verify the validity of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

钢渣细集料安定性测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢渣细集料具有密度大,强度高,抗渗性好等优点而大量应用于建材行业.安定性是决定钢渣制品能否工程推广的关键因素,因此有必要寻找合适的安定性的测定方法,准确检测其安定性.通过开展多种试验方法进行钢渣细集料安定性的测试研究,结果表明压蒸法测定强度变化是比较可靠的安定性检测方法.  相似文献   

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