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This research describes and analyses the use made by young Spanish people of Tuenti, Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, exploring several variables: level of functional knowledge; frequency of use; place of use; reason for use; purpose and main activity; recipients of communication; degree of difficulty, satisfaction and preference; and intentions regarding future use. We designed and administered an online questionnaire to 757 students enrolled in secondary education (7th–11th levels and Vocational Education and Training) at seven educational centres. The results show that young Spanish people know about and use social networks on a daily basis. Tuenti was the one used with most frequency, followed by Facebook and Twitter. Myspace was the least known and used. Female subjects had a greater functional knowledge of these networks and reported a higher regular use of them. Participants used the social networks in their homes and preferred Tuenti because it is easy to use, allows them to communicate with friends and classmates and provides them with acceptable satisfaction as regards their need for prestige, acceptance and approval through the creation and maintenance of groups of friends and the publication of their achievements and self-realisations. The implications of the results obtained for psychological and social development are discussed.  相似文献   

The amount of research on social networking sites (SNS) and narcissism is accumulating quickly requiring greater levels of variable specification and more fine-tuned hypothesis testing to clearly determine the relationships among key variables. The current investigation examines two of the most popular SNS, Facebook and Twitter, formulating hypotheses around the specific features of each site within college and adult samples. Unlike previous research that has focused almost exclusively on SNS usage, we focused on active usage (i.e., SNS content generation) as opposed to passive usage (i.e., SNS consumption) and included reasons for usage as a potential black box in the narcissism to SNS usage relationship. Results suggest that the features of Twitter make tweeting the preferred means of active usage among narcissists in the college sample, but not the adult sample, who prefer Facebook. In fact, we found no significant direct or indirect relationship with active usage on Facebook for the college sample, calling into question popular press articles linking Millennial narcissism with Facebook use. Additionally platform differences (i.e., microblogging versus profile-based) may explain the importance of active usage on Twitter relative to Facebook. That is, with Twitter, narcissistic motives for usage all manifest through tweeting while Facebook provides other mechanisms to achieve narcissistic motives.  相似文献   

This paper applies the social capital theory to construct a model for investigating the factors that influence online civic engagement behaviour on Facebook. While there is promising evidence that people are making concerted efforts to adopt Facebook to address social issues, research on their civic behaviour from a social capital viewpoint in the social media context remains limited. This study introduces new insights into how Facebook is shaping the landscape of civic engagement by examining three dimensions of social capital – social interaction ties (structural), trust (relational), and shared languages and vision (cognitive). The study contends that these dimensions will influence individuals’ online civic engagement behaviour on Facebook. We also argue that social interaction ties can engender trust, and shared languages and vision among its members, and that shared languages and vision can increase trust among Facebook members. Empirical data collected from 1233 Facebook users provide support for the proposed model. The results help in identifying the motivation underlying the online civic engagement behaviour of individuals in a public virtual community. The implications for theory and practice and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of three social media based recruitment channels for sampling rural adolescent populations for online health research. At present, there is no consensus on the optimal social media based vehicle for recruiting adolescents due to limited research. This exploratory study compared Facebook ads, Twitter, and QR code postcards at three different but demographically similar rural high schools. The results showed that QR codes had the highest response percentage and the lowest cost per recruited participant, whereas Twitter had the lowest response percentage and Facebook had the highest cost per recruited participant. Although this is the first time QR codes were examined in this context, it seemed to show potential in online health research. The findings are interpreted from a variety of theoretical and conceptual frameworks. Applications of each recruitment channel are discussed and suggestions are provided for future research.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) are quickly becoming one of the most popular tools for social interaction and information exchange. Previous research has shown a relationship between users’ personality and SNS use. Using a general population sample (N = 300), this study furthers such investigations by examining the personality correlates (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness-to-Experience, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Sociability and Need-for-Cognition) of social and informational use of the two largest SNS: Facebook and Twitter. Age and Gender were also examined. Results showed that personality was related to online socialising and information seeking/exchange, though not as influential as some previous research has suggested. In addition, a preference for Facebook or Twitter was associated with differences in personality. The results reveal differential relationships between personality and Facebook and Twitter usage.  相似文献   

Departing from the conventional approach that emphasizes civic and political motives for political engagement, this study investigates how political social media behaviors—political expression—might emerge out of everyday, non-political use of the sites from an interpersonal communication perspective. Using two separate adult samples of Facebook (n = 727) and Twitter users (n = 663), this study examines how non-political, passive (NPP, consuming non-political content) and non-political, active (NPA, producing non-political content) social media use relate to expression of political voice on the sites. Findings show that only NPA use is positively associated with increased political expression, and this relationship is partially explained by political efficacy. The patterns of findings are consistent across Facebook and Twitter.  相似文献   

介绍了当下社交媒体的蓬勃发展以及基于社交媒体数据的多领域应用,阐述了利用Twitter数据对流感疫情监测的优势和可行性,着重论述了基于Twitter的流感疫情可视化系统的详细设计和具体实现,并讨论了系统的意义和应用方向.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the roles of personality and social support in affecting the extent of emotional disclosure in social media (SM) and compares them to those in face-to-face encounters. Specifically, we consider the effects of the Big Five personality traits and perceptions of social support from friends, significant others, and family on the extent of sharing positive and negative emotions on Facebook (FB) vs. real life (RL). The data are collected via an online survey of a broad demographic range of FB users. Our findings suggest that certain personality traits (extroversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness), as well as perceived social support from friends, are significantly related to the disclosure of positive emotions on FB. We also report and discuss the differences between drivers of emotional disclosure in SM and RL, as well as offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between three of the “Big Five” traits (neuroticism, extraversion, and openness), self-esteem, loneliness and narcissism, and Facebook use. Participants were 393 first year undergraduate psychology students from a medium-sized Australian university who completed an online questionnaire. Negative binomial regression models showed that students with higher openness levels reported spending more time on Facebook and having more friends on Facebook. Interestingly, students with higher levels of loneliness reported having more Facebook friends. Extraversion, neuroticism, self-esteem and narcissism did not have significant associations with Facebook use. It was concluded that students who are high in openness use Facebook to connect with others in order to discuss a wide range of interests, whereas students who are high in loneliness use the site to compensate for their lack of offline relationships.  相似文献   

In the last decade, jealousy research has focused on the Facebook jealousy; however, few studies have identified its relationship to aggression. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Facebook jealousy and aggression, and some personal and relational variables. A sample of 846 participants (516 females, 330 males) aged 18–66 years from Turkey completed the Facebook Jealousy Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and Buss–Perry Aggression Questionnaire. From an evolutionary perspective, gender differences in jealousy could be explained through evolution-based differences in parental investment, and that males exhibit increased jealousy in response to sexual infidelity, whereas females become jealous in response to emotional infidelity. A forced-choice question (with a choice of sexual infidelity or emotional infidelity as the more jealousy evoking) was asked to the participants in order to determine gender differences on sexual and emotional jealousy. Results indicated no significant gender differences in Facebook Jealousy scores. Self-esteem and age negatively predicted Facebook jealousy. All aggression sub-types significantly predicted Facebook jealousy. Consistent with the evolutionary perspective and previous evidence, chi-square analysis showed that males’ and females’ responses to the forced-choice question differ significantly.  相似文献   

Facebook is a computer-mediated social network site (SNS) that has become a popular communication medium. Facebook permits individuals to construct a public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view their list of connections within the system. This study examines influences on Facebook continuous usage in Taiwan. An online survey was performed on a sample of 409 Facebook users. Structural equation models are used to examine hypotheses within the theoretical framework. Analytical results indicate that personal innovativeness, attachment motivation, and subjective norm (SN) positively affect perceived enjoyment (PE) and user attitude (ATT) towards Facebook. PE is positively related to user ATT. Furthermore, users are willing to continuously use Facebook when SN, PE, and user ATT are high.  相似文献   

Twitter׳s increasing popularity as a source of up-to-date news and information about current events has spawned a body of research on event detection techniques for social media data streams. Although all proposed approaches provide some evidence as to the quality of the detected events, none relate this task-based performance to their run-time performance in terms of processing speed, data throughput, or memory usage. In particular, neither a quantitative nor a comparative evaluation of these aspects has been performed to date. In this article, we study the run-time and task-based performance of several state-of-the-art event detection techniques for Twitter. In order to reproducibly compare run-time performance, our approach is based on a general-purpose data stream management system, whereas task-based performance is automatically assessed based on a series of novel measures.  相似文献   

A growing body of research examines social comparison on Facebook, a social media environment where users can present optimized versions of themselves. To grasp the complexity of social comparison on Facebook, the researchers followed Helgeson and Mickelson’s (1995) functional approach, focusing on motives (i.e., self-enhancement, self-improvement, self-evaluation, and self-destruction) rather than fixed targets (i.e., downward, upward, and unilateral comparison) of social comparison. Social comparison motivations were explored in relation to self-esteem and affective consequences of comparison. A college-student sample (N = 267) reported engaging in social comparison frequently on Facebook and low-self-esteem (LSE) individuals were more likely than those with higher self-esteem (HSE) to compare themselves to others on Facebook for self-evaluation, self-enhancement, self-improvement, and self-destruction motives. Moreover, LSEs perceived increased levels of social comparison on Facebook, although the relationship between self-esteem and actual social comparison behavior proved non-significant. Significant moderating effects of self-esteem were observed in the relationship between motivation and affect. A self-improvement motive produced greater positive affect among HSEs compared to LSEs, while self-enhancement motives engendered positive affect more prominently among LSEs compared to HSEs. The paper also begins to distill a popular phenomenon, Facebook fatigue, in social comparison empirical work.  相似文献   

研究Twitter在线社交网络中, Follow关系和Retweet关系在传播用户影响力和表征用户同质性这两方面的差异。为研究两者在传播用户影响力上的差异, 定义了Vf变量和Vr变量分别度量Follow关系和Retweet关系的作用; 为研究两者在表征用户同质性上的差异, 分别基于Follow关系和Retweet关系构造出对应的社交网络图, 并采用wvRN算法分别对两个网络内的用户进行分类。通过对比用户的Vf变量值和Vr变量值发现, Retweet关系在传播用户影响力方面的作用优于Follow关系; 通过对比分类结果发现, Follow关系比Retweet关系更能表征用户的同质性, 基于Follow关系的分类精度比基于Retweet关系的分类精度高20%, 分类结果同时揭示不同类别的用户体现出了不同的关注和信息互动特性。基于上述研究说明Follow关系和Retweet关系所携带的信息是不同的。  相似文献   

针对社交媒体数据的特点及其分析的挑战性,提出了一种基于实时计算框架Storm、批处理框架Hadoop和高效可水平扩展的NoSQL数据库MongoDB的分布式社交媒体数据处理方案,并依此指导实现基于Twitter流式数据的流感疫情可视化分析系统.实验证明,该分布式方案能较好支持Twitter流式数据的高效处理和储存,使之满足系统的性能需求.  相似文献   

Twitter is among the fastest‐growing microblogging and online social networking services. Messages posted on Twitter (tweets) have been reporting everything from daily life stories to the latest local and global news and events. Monitoring and analyzing this rich and continuous user‐generated content can yield unprecedentedly valuable information, enabling users and organizations to acquire actionable knowledge. This article provides a survey of techniques for event detection from Twitter streams. These techniques aim at finding real‐world occurrences that unfold over space and time. In contrast to conventional media, event detection from Twitter streams poses new challenges. Twitter streams contain large amounts of meaningless messages and polluted content, which negatively affect the detection performance. In addition, traditional text mining techniques are not suitable, because of the short length of tweets, the large number of spelling and grammatical errors, and the frequent use of informal and mixed language. Event detection techniques presented in literature address these issues by adapting techniques from various fields to the uniqueness of Twitter. This article classifies these techniques according to the event type, detection task, and detection method and discusses commonly used features. Finally, it highlights the need for public benchmarks to evaluate the performance of different detection approaches and various features.  相似文献   

Scholars participate in online social networks for professional purposes. In such networks, learning takes the form of participation and identity formation through engagement in and contribution to networked practices. While current literature describes the possible benefits of online participation, empirical research on scholars' use of online social networks in the educational technology literature is negligible. The purpose of this paper is to understand scholars' naturalistic practices in social networks in general, and on Twitter in particular. Tweets from 45 scholars were analysed qualitatively to arrive at dominant themes describing online social network practice. Findings indicate that scholars participating on Twitter (1) shared information, resources, and media relating to their professional practice; (2) shared information about their classroom and their students; (3) requested assistance from and offered suggestions to others; (4) engaged in social commentary; (5) engaged in digital identity and impression management; (6) sought to network and make connections with others; and (7) highlighted their participation in online networks other than Twitter. These findings assist the field in understanding the emerging practice of scholarly participation in online networks.  相似文献   

Comparing actual and self-reported measures of Facebook use   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Numerous studies exist examining how college students use Facebook and how this affects aspects of their college experience; however, all of these studies have relied on self-report measures of Facebook use. Research in other areas of human behavior has shown that self-report measures are substantially inaccurate when compared to actual behaviors. This study provides the first test of the criterion validity of measures of Facebook frequency by comparing self-reported time spent on the site and number of logins against actual usage as measured by computer monitoring software. A sample of 45 college students installed software that monitored their computer usage for 1 month. There was a strong positive correlation between self-reported and actual time spent on Facebook; however, there was a significant discrepancy between the two. Students spent an average of 26 min (SD = 30) per day on Facebook, significantly lower than the average of 145 (SD = 111) minutes per day obtained through self-report. There was a moderate relationship between number of logins and actual time spent on Facebook. Although there are some limitations of monitoring computer usage, researchers are encouraged to attempt to relate their self-report measures to actual behaviors in order to improve external validity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to explore participants' subsequent emotions and behaviour when they re-encountered their ex-partners on Facebook. A survey of 202 Facebook users aged 16–65 years was conducted using a 79-question online survey to examine users' emotion and behaviour (state anxiety, trait anxiety, and severity of depression) when their ex-partners reappeared on social networking sites (SNS), they received an invitation from an ex-partner to be friends on SNS, and when they saw pictures of ex-partners with current girlfriends or boyfriends. The results indicated that for people who accepted former partners' invitation to be Facebook friends, trait anxiety was more pronounced than for those who did not. Moreover, people who accepted former partners' invitations to become Facebook friends were much more depressed than those who did not. In addition, it is found that gender generates significant differences in the severity of depression. It is worth noting that when people met former partners on Facebook, men were much more depressed than women. However, the way in which participants broke up with ex-partners did not significantly affect their state anxiety, trait anxiety, or the severity of depression. Finally, the participants' cognition of and importance placed on their former relationship resulted in significant differences in trait anxiety. The current study adds to the growing body of literature investigating relationships among SNS users, becoming friends with ex-partners on Facebook, emotions, and behaviour.  相似文献   

This article will review the current laws of the expectations of privacy under the two-pronged Katz test, and more specifically other cases that the courts have tried to interpret the test as applicable to social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and email. Since there seems to be ‘no light at the end of the tunnel’ with any uniform decision within the courts on the Fourth Amendment protections against search and seizure when there is a reasonable expectation of privacy with social media. This reasonable expectation standard is developed by the users themselves who will allow their rights to be infringed upon for the approval to access sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  相似文献   

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