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This paper contains previously unknown information about the appearance and expansion of a number of adventive species of plants new for the Altai Territory. They were discovered in 2008–2012 during the fieldwork tasks of the herbarium Altai State University, Barnaul. One of the species is invasive (quarantine plant for the Russian Federation) – Acroptilon repens (L.) DC. The range was about 10?ha. One of the species was listed as adventive for the first time – Briza maxima L. The species is sometimes cultivated as an ornamental plant. New locations were identified for three species previously found only in one area of the Altai Territory: (1) Scleranthus annuus L. – an agrophyte, a weed that spreads with cultivated crops; (2) Onopordon acanthium L. – a species that spreads in flood plains, along the highways, railways and pastures; and (3) Xanthium albinum (Widd.) H. Schulz – a plant, often seen along roadsides, wastelands and sandy riverbanks; only one reliable location within the Altai Territory was known for S. annuus and O. acanthium. Based on the classification of adventive elements of flora, A. repens was specified as agrophyte and xenophyte; B. maxima as horthophyte and ergasiofigophyte; S. annuus as agrophyte and xenophyte; O. acanthium; and X. albinum as dromophyte and acolucophyte.  相似文献   

The Siberian cushion plants have been little studied. This research aimed to reveal their morphological and ecological features as enabling them to survive and to protect biodiversity in a changing environment. The research was conducted in the Altai Mountains, Russia, at 1750–4000 m a.s.l. The temperature of cushion plants, the surrounding air and soil were studied. Substrate samples from cushions and topsoil were taken and analysed. Indices of hydrolytic acidity, loss on ignition and percentage of humus, phosphorus and nitrogen were taken into account in soil analysis. Bryophytes and vascular plants inhabiting cushions were studied. Fifty-four cushion plant species were classified into six morphological types based on the cushion skeleton construction and divided into ‘obligate’ and ‘facultative’ cushion plants. The temperature inside the cushions is much more stable, than that of their environment. Accumulation of organic matter within the cushions and in the sphere of their vital functions represents a process of local primary soil formation and makes cushion plant communities indifferent to the ground quality. The functional features of the cushion plants allow them to occupy high-mountain habitats and to be the centres of communities including other plants and animals, which can be found in an extreme environment only within or near the cushions, increasing the biological diversity of the alpine mountain zone.  相似文献   


This article reports the species richness of vascular plants in the young fluvioglacial landscapes in the Severo-Chuiskiy centre of present-day glaciation using the example of the fluvioglacial deposits of the mountain-glacial basin Aktru. These landscapes are four well distinguished classes of habitats: open pebble fields with minimal vegetation, young larch forests on elevated parts of the relief, shrub thickets on the banks of the Aktru river, and sites with ground-frazil near the valley slopes. There are 132 species of vascular plants in the young fluvioglacial landscapes. These include 36 families and 77 genera. There are 3 species of pteridophytes (only Equisetum), 4 species of gymnosperms, and 125 species of angiosperms. The highest species diversity was recorded for Asteraceae, Poaceae and Salicaceae families, and for Salix, Poa, and Carex genera. The highest species richness – 100 species – were recorded for open pebble fields. There were 76 species in the young larch forests, and 58 species occurred in shrub thickets. The lowest richness is characterised for the sites with ground frazil, where 31 species were recorded.  相似文献   

The paper aims to study the resources of medicinal plants in the the Kuznetsky Alatau. Eighty-four species of vascular plants applied in scientific medicine have been identified, 35 of which have industrial reserves of raw material (resources of categories I and II). The remaining 49 species are not recommended for industrial procurement. Reserves of raw materials have been ascertained for 12 commercial species among which Paeonia anomala (9138 t), Polygonum bistorta (3200 t), Bergenia crassifolia (571 t), Sorbus sibirica (346 t), Veratrum lobelianum (342 t) and Rhaponticum carthamoides (328 t) have been assessed to have the biggest volumes of raw materials’ reserve. Five commercial species of medicinal plants, namely B. crassifolia, P. bistorta, Bupleurum multinerve, P. anomala and R. carthamoides, and a rare valuable medicinal plant Rhodiola rosea are confined to mountain habitats. We determined the optimal part of the cenocomplex, the conditions of habitation and the density of reserves for these species. The paper makes recommendations for their sustainable use. Despite the relatively small territory of the Kuznetsky Alatau, it is considered to have great potential for harvesting of medicinal plants.  相似文献   

新疆阿拉套山南缘出露的下石炭统阿克沙克组沉积地层,是西天山石炭纪构造演化的重要物质记录.阿克沙克组第一段以碎屑岩发育为特点,在泥质粉砂岩中含少量珊瑚、腕足及苔藓虫化石;阿克沙克组第二段受后期晚石炭世花岗岩侵吞,呈残留状出露,以碎屑岩角岩化和含板岩为特征.阿克沙克组变质碎屑岩岩原岩为泥质岩,高SiO2含量(63.91%~...  相似文献   

Roofs are the first candidates for rainwater harvesting in urban areas. This research integrates quantitative and qualitative data of rooftop stormwater runoff in an urban Mediterranean-weather environment. The objective of this paper is to provide criteria for the roof selection in order to maximise the availability and quality of rainwater. Four roofs have been selected and monitored over a period of 2 years (2008-2010): three sloping roofs - clay tiles, metal sheet and polycarbonate plastic - and one flat gravel roof. The authors offer a model for the estimation of the runoff volume and the initial abstraction of each roof, and assess the physicochemical contamination of roof runoff. Great differences in the runoff coefficient (RC) are observed, depending mostly on the slope and the roughness of the roof. Thus, sloping smooth roofs (RC > 0.90) may harvest up to about 50% more rainwater than flat rough roofs (RC = 0.62). Physicochemical runoff quality appears to be generally better than the average quality found in the literature review (conductivity: 85.0 ± 10.0 μS/cm, total suspended solids: 5.98 ± 0.95 mg/L, total organic carbon: 11.6 ± 1.7 mg/L, pH: 7.59 ± 0.07 upH). However, statistically significant differences are found between sloping and flat rough roofs for some parameters (conductivity, total organic carbon, total carbonates system and ammonium), with the former presenting better quality in all parameters (except for ammonium). The results have an important significance for local governments and urban planners in the (re)design of buildings and cities from the perspective of sustainable rainwater management. The inclusion of criteria related to the roof’s slope and roughness in city planning may be useful to promote rainwater as an alternative water supply while preventing flooding and water scarcity.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Giardia cysts and Cryptosporidium oocysts was determined both in the raw water and the treated waters from two water treatment plants in Selangor, Malaysia between July 1994 and January 1995. At each treatment plant, raw and treated water samples were collected fortnightly on 10 separate occasions. Physical parameters, including dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity and free and total chlorine were measured, and samples were also taken for faecal coliform analyses. The isolation and enumeration of cysts and oocysts was according to UK standard methods. Whilst Giardia cysts were detected in 90% of the raw water samples (range 0–60 cysts per litre) no Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected. Higher concentrations of cysts were detected in the raw water of the first treatment plant. All raw water samples were faecally contaminated, as faecal coliform counts ranged from 4.6 × 104 to 1.3 × 105 colony forming units per 100 ml. No correlation between the concentration of Giardia cysts and the concentration of faecal coliforms could be demonstrated statistically, nor was there any correlation between the concentration of Giardia cysts and the physical parameters tested for any of the raw waters. No cysts, oocysts or faecal coliforms were detected in samples of treated water.  相似文献   

As large quantities of materials are needed in the building and construction industry, the location of such resources is always important. To satisfy the increasing needs for these materials, it is necessary to constantly find new deposits which can be exploited. The search for such deposits can be guided by an analysis of existing data. The paper discusses the development of a bank of such data regarding local raw materials in Tunisia. Vast volumes of data are available from geological maps, quarries, academic institutions, research laboratories, ministries, etc, but it is heterogeneous in character and scattered. In order to provide quick access to the information, the data bank was created to collate the factual information from the various sources and store it in an organised and secure manner for access by the public. The domains of the data are the geographical information, geological characteristics, details of infrastructure, economic importance, geochemical tests, mineralogical studies, physical and mechanical properties, malleability of clayey materials and a bibliography. In general the information is displayed in tables relating the various topics/information. A search facility is available such that data on a number of topics can be accessed and the results provided pertinent to the specific topic. For example, the analysis of grain size would automatically be provided for sands, the Atterberg limits for clay and the mechanical properties of rocks, without the necessity to specifically request the results of individual tests. The search can be for a geographical region a geological formation, or materials, which meet specific construction standards. In this first phase, the collection/collating work has been undertaken under the auspices of the National Office of Mines. It is hoped that in the future it can be incorporated into a GIS system and that it will be possible to arrange for the ongoing storage of new information as it becomes available.  相似文献   

A nationwide survey of NDMA in raw and drinking water in Japan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A nationwide survey of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in both raw and finished water samples from drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) in Japan was conducted. NDMA was analyzed by solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). NDMA was detected in 15 of 31 raw water samples collected in the summer at concentrations up to 2.6 ng/L, and in 9 of 28 raw water samples collected in winter at concentrations up to 4.3 ng/L. The NDMA concentrations were higher in raw water samples collected from treatment plants with catchment areas that have high population densities. The NDMA concentrations were higher in river water samples collected from the east and west of Japan than in those collected from other areas. NDMA was detected in 10 of 31 finished samples collected in summer at reduced concentrations of up to 2.2 ng/L, while 5 of 28 finished samples collected in winter showed NDMA concentrations up to 10 ng/L. The highest NDMA levels were detected in finished water samples collected from the Yodo River basin DWTP, which uses ozonation. Furthermore, evaluation of the process water produced at six advanced water treatment plants was conducted. Influent from the Yodo River indicated that the NDMA concentration increased during ozonation to as high as 20 ng/L, and then decreased with subsequent biological activated carbon treatment. To our knowledge, this is the first nationwide evaluation of NDMA concentrations in water conducted in Japan to date.  相似文献   

王晓  梁琦 《华中建筑》2012,(11):114-117
武当山道教建筑代表了明代建筑的最高水平,其重要建筑多具有独特的导引空间。分析其导引空间特征,有利于加深对古道教建筑的了解,并可为当代建筑与景观设计提供借鉴。武当山道教建筑导引空间的突出特点,在于充分结合其间的建筑与自然环境,因山就势,体现"道法自然"的意境,并达到引导、突出主体建筑空间的目的。  相似文献   

平顺县位于南太行山区晋冀豫三省交界处,独特的自然和人文环境孕育了适应当地人生产生活方式的民居建筑。在查阅史料、实地测绘、工匠访谈的基础上,总结沿河地区和山区腹地的聚落特征;然后依承重形式、屋顶形式及建筑高度将平顺县民居分为不同的类型;在此基础上分析当地民居的院落形制特征、归纳总结建筑单体的平面特征,并根据立面材质总结民居的立面特征,结合屋架做法详述当地民居的建造特征,并对石板房屋顶做法做重点介绍。文章旨在对整个南太行山文化区的民居类型进行补充研究,并希望对山西省太行板块历史人文景观的保护开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

李旭  巫嘉  巫纪光 《华中建筑》2010,28(1):57-59
该文通过对湖南潇湘技师学院新校区规划设计方案的分析介绍,阐述了校园建筑应以人为本,与生态环境相融合。同时为现代新校园的设计提出创造性的理念。  相似文献   

公路工程施工材料质量监理与控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王英杰 《山西建筑》2003,29(12):95-96
介绍了施工材料质量在公路工程中的重要性,从工地试验室的建立、试验验证、确定材源、材料进场堆放等方面对材料的管理进行了论述,提出只有严把材料关,才能确保工程质量。  相似文献   

李伟  管育春  毛启贵  邹滔  徐巧  杨星 《矿产勘查》2021,12(4):839-848
查干白旗岩体位于大兴安岭中南段西南端.对其进行系统的地质学和地球化学研究有助于丰富对区域花岗岩成因机制及构造背景的认识.岩体主要由黑云花岗斑岩与黑云母花岗岩组成.岩石主量元素显示具高硅(71.04%~77.25%)、富碱(7.87%~8.16%),低铝(12.4%~13.45%)的特征,里特曼指数为1.93~2.21,...  相似文献   

张沛  李稷  张中华 《室内设计》2020,(3):116-124
传统村落是我国乡村聚落千百年来 的文化遗存,它们既是人类活动与自然环境 互动的结果,又承载着实现乡村振兴的重要 使命。研究以秦巴山区的140个国家级传统 村落为研究对象,运用文献资料分析考证、 GIS空间分析和相关数理统计方法,探讨秦 巴山区传统村落的时空分布特征及影响因 素,结果表明:一、在时间分布态势上,各地 区对于传统文化遗存的重视程度有提升,区 域内保留至今的仍以明清时期发展起来的 村落为主,具有多元丰富的民族特色;二、在 空间分布上呈集聚型特征,集中分布在通江 县、昭化区、汉滨区、文县和嵩县等地区,形成以四川地区为主要集聚区,其他省份有次级集聚区的“单核集聚、多区共生”空间格局;三、由 于秦巴山区复杂的人地关系矛盾,形成了以复杂自然地形主导、人口分布与经济发展互馈的耦合 机制,影响了传统村落的时空分布。  相似文献   

In this paper, the bootstrapping Malmquist index is used to derive the productivity levels of Iranian steam power plants for the period of 2007–2012. The research shows that the average level of productivity has significantly decreased. It was also indicated that technological changes have had more effects on productivity than efficiency changes. To study the influence of various explanatory factors, the truncated regression method was used. The results show that factors such as liberalization of energy carrier prices, the ratio of the number of technicians to the total number of staff, and the age of power plants affect levels of productivity.  相似文献   

It is well known that life forms reflect the impact of the environment. An interesting task in ecology is to study the connection between the morphological characteristics of life forms and physical and geographical processes, taking place in the environment. This study may profit from the application of symmetry theory which is a universal methodology in science. According to this theory both the object, that is, life form, and the environment are characterised by their own types of symmetry, which may differ from each other. If the environment acts sufficiently intensively on a plant, its form may show deformations – dissymmetry according to Curie. From the observed dissymmetry character of the vegetation it is possible to judge the symmetry of the environment, its specific impact on the vegetation, and the direction and intensity of natural matter and energy flows. All these are clearly apparent in the cushion plants growing on the abrupt slopes of south‐east Altay canyons.  相似文献   

井陉位于冀晋交界的太行山腹地,当地分布广泛、保存完整的石砌民居,不仅反映出太行山区独特的生产生活方式和民居营造技艺,更是晋冀两地历史文化的物质缩影。本文首先从自然生境和人文特征两个方面对当地石砌民居的生成环境进行分析,并以结构类型为依据,将石砌民居建筑划分为石木房与石窑两种类型;其次,深入剖析其结构体系、平面布局以及立面形制特征;再次,分析石砌民居的院落组织特征,阐述其构成要素与功能,总结石砌民居院落空间形态特征;最后,通过在地适应和文化传播两个方面对石砌民居所蕴含的文化特征加以阐释。本文旨在通过井陉对河北太行山区石砌民居特征进行解析与凝练,为当地乡土建筑保护、传承与活化利用,重塑乡土文化认同提供参考依据。  相似文献   

黑龙江省小兴安岭地区多金属矿产资源丰富,多与区域火山—岩浆活动密切相关,火山机构的精准、快速定位对区域矿产勘查具有重要意义,而小兴安岭地区基岩出露条件较差,文章尝试性地将航空磁力测量资料和数字高程模型(Srtm_DEM)数据相结合,在研究区内八家子地区解译出一火山机构及多组断裂构造,该成果丰富了该区地质信息;在覆盖区利用航磁和Srtm_DEM数据进行火山机构和断裂构造解译具有独特的优越性,能为区域寻找与次火山岩相关多金属矿产提供参考。  相似文献   

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