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水资源安全问题研究综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
综述水资源安全的定义、水资源安全的度量和水资源安全对策。主要内容包括:水资源安全度量指标(水资源压力指数、水资源承载力、社会化水资源稀缺指数、水贫困指数)的运用及其优缺点;水资源安全对策(水资源的安全管理与安全保障)研究概况。认为在以下方面仍需加强研究:完善水环境安全概念,定量评价社会经济系统对水资源安全的影响,实现水资源最佳配置,运用虚拟水战略实现我国或我国局部地区水资源安全等。  相似文献   

为真实反映地区水资源承载状况,需要从产业结构和商品贸易的角度分析地区虚拟水消费情况。以北京市为研究区,基于北京市投入产出表,对比分析2007、2012、2017年不同生产部门用水系数、虚拟水终端消费和贸易情况以及部门间虚拟水转移量。结果表明:随着北京市节水工作的推进,各部门的直接用水系数减小,近10年北京市虚拟水终端消费量减少14%;作为虚拟水净流入城市,北京市虚拟水净流入量为29.79 亿m3,占虚拟水终端消费量的64.7%,其中农业和服务业分别是虚拟水最大净流入和净流出的部门;农业 制造业、农业 服务业、制造业 建筑业、制造业 服务业具有很强的虚拟水输出 输入关系,未来北京市节水工作不仅要减少农业的生产规模,而且要减少制造业、建筑业和服务业的产品消耗,减少终端消费浪费。  相似文献   

Since the concept of virtual water was put forward, there has been an increasing number of papers on the topic, as a result of which virtual water is now being mainstreamed in the water policy world. Unfortunately, virtual water trade strategy as a solution to water shortages is wrong and fallacious. Although the virtual water trade theory is considered a descendant of the comparative advantage theory of economics, it is in fact an over-simplification, going from the truth to fallacy. To make decisions of virtual water trade based on only one production factor, water, though there are many other production factors that influence the allocation of resources at the same time, is misleading theoretically and practically.  相似文献   

云南省滇中地区因缺水,已严重影响了当地的社会经济发展和河湖的生态环境。为解决该地区缺水问题,采用建立虚拟水帐户的方式,定量评价云南省滇中地区虚拟水贸易流量格局。通过计算农作物、动物产品虚拟水含量和该地区虚拟水贸易量,发现消耗水资源最多的是粮食作物,因此,建议调整该地区种植结构,减少水稻大宗农产品生产规模,从水资源富余地区进口粮食,缓解自身水资源紧缺压力,实现区域水资源可持续利用及生态系统和良性循环。  相似文献   

Most studies in the field of virtual water trade concentrate either on the global, national or sub-national level, or on the water footprint of individual products. This article assesses the virtual water trade in agricultural products between Germany and China during the period 2008–2010. Germany exported 192 million m3 of virtual water to China and imported 801 million m3 from China. Through the bilateral trade, Germany saved 69.8 million m3 water, while China had a net water loss of 469.4 million m3. Thus, the global water loss amounts to 399.6 million m3.  相似文献   

虚拟水研究分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟水作为21世纪的一种新水资源观,为缓解我国水资源压力和粮食安全问题开辟了研究的新领域.在分析虚拟水概念的基础上,对虚拟水贸易、虚拟水战略、水足迹、虚拟水量化结合研究现状进行实例分析,证实了我国实行虚拟水战略的可行性.结合虚拟水在我国的发展情况,提出进一步的研究重点.  相似文献   


One possible approach for addressing water and food insecurity involves food production, trade, and water used elsewhere. In this study, we introduce a water footprint for Korean rice products and focus on the impacts of localized cultivation and water supply systems on the water footprint. In addition, we discuss several studies on the application of water footprint and virtual water trade in water and food management in Korea. Finally, we suggest the role of water footprint and virtual water trade in sustainable resource management through a water-energy-food nexus approach.  相似文献   

虚拟水贸易作为解决缺水地区的水资源问题的战略受到越来越多的关注,量化区域虚拟水贸易格局,并分析该格局下区域虚拟水贸易量变动的驱动因素是研究虚拟水和水资源管理的新思路。本文以江苏省为例,首先运用投入产出模型计算出1997-2010年江苏省虚拟水出口贸易量,分析江苏省当前虚拟水贸易格局,再运用LMDI指数分解法,分解出影响虚拟水贸易量的驱动因素及其贡献率。研究结果表明:江苏省工业总体虚拟水出口贸易量最大、占虚拟水出口总量比例最高,是虚拟水出口总量变动的重要因素;规模要素对江苏省虚拟水出口贸易量增加的贡献率逐渐下降,技术要素对江苏省虚拟水贸易量增加的抑制贡献率逐渐上升。了解江苏省虚拟水贸易格局、实施虚拟水战略是实现水资源优化配置的重要途径之一,能为江苏缓解用水矛盾、解决水资源短缺危机提供一个新视角。  相似文献   

虚拟水理论与方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
虚拟水是当前研究的热点领域,是实体水资源概念在经济社会领域中的拓展。本文在对虚拟水相关概念和意义介绍的基础上,对国内外有关虚拟水问题的研究进展分虚拟水理论研究、虚拟水贸易与粮食安全、虚拟水战略、水生态足迹、虚拟水量化等5个方面进行了归纳和总结,最后探讨了未来虚拟水的研究方向,认为水资源概念的扩展、虚拟水的量化、以虚拟水概念理论制定相关政策、水生态足迹和虚拟水贸易平衡等5个方面是未来可以深入讨论的重点。  相似文献   

济南市部分农作物产品虚拟水含量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于虚拟水的理论,利用标准彭曼公式和Cropwat软件,对济南市2008年的部分农作物产品虚拟水含量进行了计算分析。结果表明:小麦的虚拟水净进口量为-77477.9×103m3,属于虚拟水出口型作物,稻谷、棉花、豆类和花生果的虚拟水净进口量都是正值,属于虚拟水进口型作物。但总的来说,虚拟水的出口大于进口,这直接危及到济南市的水资源安全。针对这一现状,提出了通过虚拟水贸易和调整农作物种植结构的途径来实现济南市水资源的安全和可持续利用发展。  相似文献   

用户水权交易与水资源配置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着国民经济的发展,环境污染加剧,人口不断增加,我国淡水资源的缺乏越来越严重。但是,在缺水的同时,水资源的价值却得不到充分体现,水资源无法得到有效利用。改善水资源配置,提高用水效率是缓解我国水资源短缺的客观要求。根据科斯定理,如果产权清晰,交易成本足够低,市场就可以实现资源的最有效配置。据此提出了用户水权交易,由于用户用水的边际收益是不等的,水资源的使用效益也不同,将水资源从低收益的用户向高收益用户转移,可以提高用水的效益。通过可交易的用水凭证,市场可将水资源分配到能够产生最大效益的用户,减少水资源浪费,优化水资源配置,促进水资源的合理利用。  相似文献   

Food security remains one of the most pressing concerns of this century. This article explores the often overlooked role of water scarcity in food security. This is particularly important within the African context, because most states on the continent rely heavily on agriculture. The article therefore focuses on Africa, discussing triggers and practices related to water usage currently in place, as well as their impact on development. The authors offer various recommendations on how to improve and streamline policies to encourage efficient water use.  相似文献   

宁夏中部干旱带降雨稀少,水质较差,地下水匮乏,生态与环境脆弱。近年来,由于持续的干旱少雨,相当一部分已经告别饮水困难的地区又出现了“水荒”。针对宁夏中部干旱带的实际情况,解决饮水安全问题的对策是因地制宜地编制规划,加强前期工作论证,推行用水户参与,搞好水质检验与监测等措施。  相似文献   

虚拟水研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在解析虚拟水、水足迹等概念内涵的基础上,系统地梳理了产品虚拟水核算、区域虚拟水贸易评估、虚拟水变化机制3个领域的研究进展。产品虚拟水核算中重点分析了中间产品和最终产品虚拟水计算方法,并对国家、行政区及流域尺度的虚拟水核算案例进行了简要分析;区域虚拟水贸易评估中分析了自上而下和自下而上两类方法的使用情况;虚拟水变化机制分析中综述了结构分解分析等多种驱动力分析方法。在总结研究进展基础上,讨论了目前研究中值得进一步深入探索与完善的问题,展望了虚拟水未来的重点研究方向,包括虚拟水核算模型精度改进、价格杠杆对虚拟水的影响、虚拟水水量与水质联合评价体系以及虚拟水战略实践与优化方案改进等。  相似文献   

For millennia, countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region have developed laws, regulations and other rules to govern their scarce water. These laws have been updated in recent years. This review of the legal frameworks (including regulations, decrees and other rules) reveals both progress and gaps in managing water quality, water quantity and procedural aspects. Of note, while the general frameworks are usually in place, in many instances the necessary details are lacking to give effect to the goals. However, in some instances the legal frameworks governing water lack certain key principles or approaches. In order to effectively meet the growing demands on their water resources, MENA countries will need to further strengthen and develop their legal frameworks.  相似文献   

依据虚拟水的计量分析方法,对2005年河北省单一农产品虚拟水量和动物产品的虚拟水量进行了计算,得出河北省2005年城乡居民消费产品中的虚拟水含量为484.72亿m3,为实体水利用量的2.3倍;5种动物产品虚拟水总含量为121.17亿m3,单位产品虚拟水含量平均值为2 597.60 m3/t,9种农产品虚拟水总含量为363.55亿m3,单位农产品的虚拟水含量平均值为648.44 m3/t,具有较大的虚拟水应用潜力。依据2005年河北省的虚拟水、用水量及用水结构,分析了虚拟水战略对河北省的影响及其发展潜力。认为对于河北省这样的缺水地区,运用虚拟水手段可有效解决实体水调用的工程费用问题。建议密切结合自身的产业优势,发展高新技术产业、药业,适当从邻省调入粮食。  相似文献   

虚拟水是指生产商品和服务所需要的水资源数量。本文简要介绍了虚拟水含量的计算方法,同时根据唐山市的实际情况和统计资料,计算了唐山市2007年主要农产品单位质量的虚拟水含量、生产产品的虚拟水含量和城乡居民消费的虚拟水含量,结果表明:唐山市2007年生产产品的虚拟水含量为134.22亿m3,城镇居民和农村居民全年消费的虚拟水数量分别为24.76亿m3和19.96亿m3,全社会全年消费的虚拟水数量为44.72亿m3,实际生产产品的虚拟水含量远远大于各项消费的总虚拟水含量。  相似文献   

Towards better water security in North China   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Water shortages and related environmental degradation in North China are major issues facing the country. As runoff from the mountainous parts of the region steadily decrease and water resources become overcommitted, serious water and environmental problems have resulted. These include drying-up of rivers, decline in groundwater levels, degradation of lakes and wetlands, and water pollution. Thus, 4000,km of the lower reaches of the Hai River – some 40% of its length – has experienced zero flows and, as result, parts of this river have become an ephemeral stream. The area of wetland within the Basin has decreased from 10,000,km2 at the beginning of 1950s to 1,000km2 at present. Over-extraction of groundwater occurs beneath 70% of the North China Plain, with the total groundwater over-extraction estimated at 90,billion m3. Thus, problems of water shortage and related environmental issues in North China have become the most significant limiting factors affecting sustainable development in this important region of China. This paper addresses the water security issues facing North China in the 21st Century using the Hai River basin as an example. We describe hydrologic cycles under changing environments, water-saving agriculture, assessment of water resource security, and efforts towards achieving integrated catchment management.  相似文献   


This article addresses the emergence and interrelation of food, energy, and water security in terms of resource use and the ensuing societal and environmental outcomes. For decades, food security and energy security have been well-accepted, operational concepts. Water security is the latest entrant, yet the implications of water insecurity for food, energy and earth systems resilience have not been adequately considered. This article examines how and why this is so – particularly with growing water scarcity and insecurity that may compete with energy and food security – and emphasizes the critical need to link water-energy-food nexus approaches to earth systems resilience.  相似文献   

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