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信息传播的高速性加剧了谣言等网络污染在微博网络中的扩散。微博网络的用户量和信息量极为庞大。因此,对微博污染传播机制和污染检测手段的研究显得尤为重要。根据基于用户影响力建立的微博谣言传播模型,利用蚁群算法逆推污染传播路径,搜索受染用户,并分别以Twitter和新浪微博为实验平台,通过对比分析验证了模型的可行性。实验结果表明:模型通过对受染个体的搜索,缩小了污染的检测范围,提高了微博污染的治理效率和准确性。  相似文献   

转发是微博提供的一个信息传播的机制,用户能够将关注者发布的有趣微博转发到自身平台,然后分享给追随者,是微博网络中信息传播最重要的功能。对于微博网络存在的不同类型连接关系,首先提取出相关特征,如同质性、微网络结构、地理距离以及用户性别等,用于识别连接关系的不同类型,然后采用Log-linear模型来拟合各个特征间系数,基于这些系数对微博用户转发行为形成的内在原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

微博是舆情话题传播的重要渠道,研究微博网络中的舆情话题传播机制,将有利于对舆情话题的传播过程进行分析与监控,而传统的网络信息传播模型却无法真实地描述微博网络中的舆情话题传播机制。针对以上问题,分析了微博网络中的信息互动模式及舆情话题的传播特点,以传染病动力学中的SIR模型为基础,通过引入一个新的节点状态--接触状态,构建了基于SCIR(Susceptible Contacted Infected Removed)的微博网络舆情话题传播模型。仿真结果表明,该模型可以很好地描述微博网络中的舆情话题传播规律。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new microblogging architecture based on peer-to-peer networks overlays. The proposed platform comprises three mostly independent overlay networks. The first provides distributed user registration and authentication and is based on the Bitcoin protocol. The second one is a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) overlay network providing key/value storage for user resources and tracker location for the third network. The last network is a collection of possibly disjoint ‘swarms’ of followers, based on the BitTorrent protocol, which can be used for efficient near-instant notification delivery to many users. By leveraging existing and proven technologies, twister provides a new microblogging platform offering security, scalability and privacy features. A built-in mechanism provides incentive for entities that contribute processing time to run the user registration network, rewarding such entities with the privilege of sending a single unsolicited (‘promoted’) message to the entire network. The number of unsolicited messages per day is defined in order to not upset users. Security and scalability assumptions have been confirmed in a real-world deployment.  相似文献   

针对传统的搜索引擎人工评价方法效率低、成本大的问题,提出一种利用用户点击日志来评价搜索引擎用户满意度的方法。通过分析搜索引擎的用户点击日志,选择网页搜索结果排名、网页点击率、网页平均浏览时间作为用户满意度特征,分别运用多元线性回归分析、多元对数回归分析和BP神经网络方法,建立了基于用户点击日志的搜索引擎用户满意度评价模型。结合具体的实验数据集,通过实验对线性回归模型、对数回归模型和BP神经网络模型的结果进行了比较与分析,验证了模型的有效性。  相似文献   

用户满意度是以用户为中心的搜索引擎性能评价的一个重要分支,区别于传统基于查询与文档相关性的评价方法,基于用户满意度的性能评价能够更加全面、客观地对搜索引擎性能进行评价。该文通过设计搜索实验平台,在尽量不影响用户正常搜索过程的前提下收集用户的搜索行为及其满意度评价,通过用户行为分析的方法挖掘用户群体行为特征与用户查询满意度之间的关联关系。相关结论对提高搜索引擎性能、改善用户查询体验具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

随着云计算技术的发展,数字图书馆云服务评价成为迫切需要解决的问题.基于层次分析法(AHP),设计一种新的用户满意度模型评估数字图书馆云服务;为了从评估者角度获得测评指标的相对重要程度,提出一种新的AHP算法判断矩阵构造方式.实例表明:1)用户满意度模型能准确定位评估人员迫切需要改进的数字图书馆云服务; 2)改进的AHP算法能够从评估人员角度获得测评指标的权重值,有助于提高用户满意度的准确性.  相似文献   

构建互联网法治不仅需要相关法律制度的健全和完善,更要求互联网企业的严格自律和积极措施。隐私政策作为实名制微博客法律保护体系的重要部分,是网络服务提供者履行自律责任的外在表现,目前仍存在较多问题和缺陷,亟需深入研究和不断完善。  相似文献   

针对产品方案优化中对创新性和满意度这2项感性指标综合评估的需求,基于用户创新思想和交互式遗传算法构建了融合优化机制.通过差异化集结来评估方案的创新性,利用改进的交互评价方法产生满意度指标和用于创新性计算的参数敏感度系数;讨论了基于回避的创新性与满意度指标融合的方式,并给出了优化目标函数.优化流程分为2个独立阶段,分别由用户和设计师主导.第一阶段基于随机种群广泛获取用户的交互评价信息,并利用统计分析方法得到敏感度系数;第二阶段在设计师的主导下实施创新性与满意度融合的进化式寻优.文中基于产品外观形态优化的例进行了应用测试.  相似文献   

以新浪微博为研究平台,随机获取微博用户数据作为研究样本,通过共链关系构建社会网络,利用聚类分析方法对样本进行微博关注好友的网络群体分析,网络内部子结构分析和个体角色分析。进而从微博用户好友数据中挖掘关注对象的特征和关注对象间的关联特征,并对改进微博用户关注好友的推荐和信息推送提出一些建议。  相似文献   

This study addresses the deficiency research of service quality by integrating the importance–satisfaction model (I‐S model) and the performance control matrix to provide a more comprehensive assessment model for improving specific quality attributes. The study applies this integrated measuring instrument in a Taiwanese high‐tech industry by using a questionnaire survey of production‐line employees to assess importance and satisfaction in their capacity as internal customers of the company. The study thus identifies and prioritizes quality attributes that require improvement. The findings are significant for service providers because they take into account: (i) the relative importance of quality attributes; (ii) the relative satisfaction level of these attributes; and (iii) the resources available for improvement. The study demonstrates that the I‐S model and the performance control matrix, taken together, provide an excellent measuring instrument for assessing priorities for quality improvement. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

用户感知是终端用户对设备、网络和系统、应用或业务的质量和性能(包括有效性和可用性等方面)的综合主观感受,是终端用户对移动网络提供的业务性能主观感受.它以接近量化的方法来表示终端用户对业务与网络的体验和感受.本文通过层次分析法,建立QoE的评估模型.给出QoE评分的数学公式.并通过一个实例,示范评估过程.  相似文献   


To assess satisfaction of the Internet Public Library's Ask-A-Question service, we conducted a three month user survey between February 12 and May 11, 2004. Most respondents were highly satisfied with the answers they received. Although only a few respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the service, we conducted failure analysis on those transactions. The conclusion includes suggestions for improving the IPL digital reference service.  相似文献   

面向用户属性的RBAC模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在传统的RBAC模型中,用户与角色间的关系是静态对应的.针对这一缺点,提出了一种面向用户属性的RBAC模型,在原有RBAC模型的基础上添加了属性集合和约束.在该模型中,根据用户属性动态构造用户与角色的关系,重点讨论了该模型的特征与约束,最后说明了该模型的访问控制实现过程.与普通RBAC模型相比,该模型可以动态根据用户属性分配角色.  相似文献   

针对新闻推荐系统中用户兴趣模型构建与用户兴趣漂移问题,提出了一种面向新闻推荐的用户兴趣模型构建与更新方法。首先采用向量空间模型与bisecting K-means聚类算法构建了原始用户兴趣模型;然后以艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线为基础构造了遗忘函数,并以此对用户兴趣模型进行时间加权,从而达到对用户兴趣模型更新的目的。实验以基于用户的协同过滤推荐、基于物品的协同过滤推荐为baseline,实验结果表明所构建的原始用户兴趣模型推荐性能更优,在◢F◣值上提升了4%,更新后的模型与原始模型相比◢F◣值提高了1.3%。  相似文献   

User evaluation: Synthetic talking faces for interactive services   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
facial animation (FA) will be. We have undertaken experiments on 190 subjects in order to explore the benefits of FA. Part of the experiment was aimed at exploring the objective benefits, i.e., to see if FA can help users to perform certain tasks better. The other part of the experiment was aimed at subjective benefits. At the same time comparison of different FA techniques was undertaken. We present the experiment design and the results. The results show that FA aids users in understanding spoken text in noisy conditions; that it can effectively make waiting times more acceptable to the user; and that it makes services more attractive to the users, particularly when they compare directly the same service with or without the FA.  相似文献   

This study investigates the antecedents of customer satisfaction with online banking in China, and explores the effects of experience on the relationships between the antecedents and customer satisfaction. Based on prior research, the six antecedents of customer satisfaction – ease of use, design, speed, security, information content and customer support service – are proposed, and the effects of experience on the relationships between these and customer satisfaction are analyzed using a structural multi-group (a high-experience group and a low-experience group) model.  相似文献   

现有的网站往往向注册用户提供服务,而网站中的每日活跃用户量往往决定着网站建设的成败。为了描述网站中每日活跃用户的动态变化,本文将用户在网站上的交互行为分为响应、扩散和衰落三种类型,并提出了一种基于用户交互模型的每日活跃用户量模型。通过响应、扩散和衰落三种交互行为的定义,进一步推导出每日活跃用户随着时间的变化率。通过对每日活跃用户随着时间的变化率进行分析得到如下结论,当网站中用户的响应概率小于衰落概率时网站的活跃用户将趋向于0,反之活跃用户趋于某个固定的常数。大量的真实数据实验表明,不论网站自身的运营是否成功,本文提出的方法都可以很好的描述网站的每日活跃用户数量及其发展趋势,这对于网站的建设和维护具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

供应商关系管理中的关系质量满意模型研究*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前供应商关系管理中关系质量研究缺乏实时决策支持的问题,根据关系质量定义维度特点,结合已有的研究成果,构建了关系质量维度中的动态的满意模型。模型的特点是:通过时间因子实现了满意模型度量的实时性、动态性,且能为不同风格的决策者提供支持;通过价值因子,提高了模型的抗风险性。仿真实验证明了该模型良好的可行性,可以成为供应商关系管理中关系质量实时度量的基础。  相似文献   

Abstract.  Past research indicates that expectations play a crucial role in the final satisfaction of users of information systems (IS). This includes expectations regarding the skill levels exhibited by the providers of the IS services and products. Typically, the expectations are examined as gaps from perceived performance or as gaps from realistic expectations. The interaction of these gaps has not been thoroughly explored in past research, although recent theories anticipate both gaps are crucial in meeting the desires of the users. A matched pair sample of IS users and IS providers is used to collect data on expected skill levels and perceived delivery of the skills demanded. Gaps, both between these two stakeholder groups regarding expectations and within the user group regarding perceived delivery, are found to impact user satisfaction in a two-way analysis. The results indicate that expectations should be managed to higher levels and commonly understood across the user and provider groups.  相似文献   

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