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This paper addresses the optimal least-squares linear estimation problem for a class of discrete-time stochastic systems with random parameter matrices and correlated additive noises. The system presents the following main features: (1) one-step correlated and cross-correlated random parameter matrices in the observation equation are assumed; (2) the process and measurement noises are one-step autocorrelated and two-step cross-correlated. Using an innovation approach and these correlation assumptions, a recursive algorithm with a simple computational procedure is derived for the optimal linear filter. As a significant application of the proposed results, the optimal recursive filtering problem in multi-sensor systems with missing measurements and random delays can be addressed. Numerical simulation examples are used to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed filtering algorithm, which is also compared with other filters that have been proposed.  相似文献   

量测随机延迟下带相关乘性噪声的非线性系统分布式估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了乘性噪声和加性噪声相关下的量测随机延迟非线性系统分布式状态估计.在所考虑系统中,相关状态被多传感器簇构成的传感器网所观测.所得理想量测被传送到远程分布式处理网,并伴随服从一阶马尔可夫过程的随机延迟.在此基础上,本文提出了分布式高斯信息滤波(distributed Gaussian-information filter,DGIF),来实现估计精度与计算时间的折中.在单处理节点/单元中,以估计误差协方差最小化为准则,设计了相应的高斯递推滤波,并实现了延迟概率的在线递推估计.进一步地,在分布式处理网中,基于非线性量测方程的统计线性回归,结合一致性算法,给出了一种分布式信息滤波形式,有效实现了分布式融合.分别在单处理单元和分布式处理网中仿真验证了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

在假设测量没有丢包的情况下, 研究了带有随机测量时滞的网络控制系统的最优估计问题. 利用已知的时 滞分布概率, 建立新的模型来描述随机时滞测量. 进一步将带有时滞的测量等价成每个通道是单时滞的多通道测 量, 从而利用新息重组方法, 通过求解黎卡提方程求解最优估计器. 最后给出仿真实例验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文考虑具有随机观测时滞系统的后退时域估计问题.首先,针对随机时滞网络控制系统,运用观测重组技术,将带有时滞的观测方程转化为无时滞观测方程,得到一组新的无时滞观测序列.在此基础上,运用线性最小方差无偏估计理论,推导出后退时域估计器的批形式公式和迭代形式公式,并给出稳定性分析.通过具体的仿真实例,对比现有卡尔曼滤波器,验证了所提出的后退时域估计器具有更好的跟踪能力.  相似文献   

经典高斯滤波算法存在量测信息实时获取,以及过程噪声和量测噪声相互独立的假设条件.然而,在工程实际应用中该假设条件有时难以满足.本文针对一类具有随机量测时滞和同步相关噪声的高斯系统的状态估计问题,设计了一种高斯滤波框架形式的最优估计算法,并给出了所设计算法的三阶球径容积法则的次优实现形式-考虑随机量测时滞和同步相关噪声的容积卡尔曼滤波器(CKF–RDSCN).其借助Bernoulli随机序列,来描述系统中可能存在的量测时滞现象,并利用高斯条件分布性质来解决噪声相关问题,在此基础上构建所提出的最优估计算法.仿真结果表明,相比于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF),无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)以及容积卡尔曼滤波(CKF),在含有随机量测时滞和噪声同步相关的状态估计问题中,CKF–RDSCN具有更高的精度和更好的数值稳定性.  相似文献   

对带有限步相关噪声、乘性噪声、多步随机观测滞后和丢失的复杂网络化控制系统,根据相关噪声的步数,分析了噪声和状态、噪声和观测、噪声和新息、观测和新息、状态和新息之间的相关性,给出了相关阵的递推计算公式.利用射影理论,提出了线性最小方差最优线性估值器,包括滤波器、预报器和平滑器.一个网络监测环境下的三容器水箱系统的实例仿真,验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于Kalman滤波和白噪声估值器, 对带非零均值相关噪声系统提出了渐近稳定的统一的和通用的Wiener状态估值器. 它们可统一处理滤波、平滑和预报问题, 且避免了计算最优初始状态估值. 它们揭示了Kalman滤波器和Wiener滤波器之间的关系.一个仿真例子说明其有效性.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the recursive filtering problem for a class of discrete-time nonlinear stochastic systems with random parameter matrices, multiple fading measurements and correlated noises. The phenomenon of measurement fading occurs in a random way and the fading probability for each sensor is governed by an individual random variable obeying a certain probability distribution over the known interval [βk,γk][βk,γk]. Such a probability distribution could be any commonly used discrete distribution over the interval [βk,γk][βk,γk] that covers the Bernoulli distribution as a special case. The process noise and the measurement noise are one-step autocorrelated, respectively. The process noise and the measurement noise are two-step cross-correlated. The purpose of the addressed filtering problem is to design an unbiased and recursive filter for the random parameter matrices, stochastic nonlinearity, and multiple fading measurements as well as correlated noises. Intensive stochastic analysis is carried out to obtain the filter gain characterized by the solution to a recursive matrix equation. The proposed scheme is of a form suitable for recursive computation in online applications. A simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed filter design scheme.  相似文献   

刘巍 《控制与决策》2015,30(9):1667-1673

研究受乘性过程噪声干扰的离散马氏跳线性系统状态估计问题. 系统可得到的观测包括两部分: 模式观测和输出观测, 其中模式观测受到固定时滞的影响. 利用贝叶斯定理及所得到的一些结果, 提出一种新颖的最小均方误差意义下次优状态估计算法. 该次优算法是回归的, 并且不随着时间增加而加重计算存储负荷. 通过计算机仿真来评估所提出次优算法的性能, 仿真结果验证了该算法的优越性.


This paper is concerned with the event-triggered distributed state estimation problem for a class of uncertain stochastic systems with state-dependent noises and randomly occurring uncertainties over sensor networks. An event-triggered communication scheme is proposed in order to determine whether the measurements on each sensor should be transmitted to the estimators or not. The norm-bounded uncertainty enters into the system in a random way. Through available output measurements from not only the individual sensor but also its neighbouring sensors, a sufficient condition is established for the desired distributed estimator to ensure that the estimation error dynamics are exponentially mean-square stable. These conditions are characterized in terms of the feasibility of a set of linear matrix inequalities, and then the explicit expression is given for the distributed estimator gains. Finally, a simulation example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed event-triggered distributed state estimation scheme.  相似文献   

In this paper, the state estimation problem for discrete-time Markov jump linear systems affected by multiplicative noises is considered. The available measurements for the system under consideration have two components: the first is the model measurement and the second is the output measurement, where the model measurement is affected by a fixed amount of delay. Using Bayes' rule and some results obtained in this paper, a novel suboptimal state estimation algorithm is proposed in the sense of minimum mean-square error under a lot of Gaussian hypotheses. The proposed algorithm is recursive and does not increase computational and storage load with time. Computer simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the distributed filtering problem for a class of discrete-time stochastic systems over a sensor network with a given topology. The system presents the following main features: (i) random parameter matrices in both the state and observation equations are considered; and (ii) the process and measurement noises are one-step autocorrelated and two-step cross-correlated. The state estimation is performed in two stages. At the first stage, through an innovation approach, intermediate distributed least-squares linear filtering estimators are obtained at each sensor node by processing available output measurements not only from the sensor itself but also from its neighboring sensors according to the network topology. At the second stage, noting that at each sampling time not only the measurement but also an intermediate estimator is available at each sensor, attention is focused on the design of distributed filtering estimators as the least-squares matrix-weighted linear combination of the intermediate estimators within its neighborhood. The accuracy of both intermediate and distributed estimators, which is measured by the error covariance matrices, is examined by a numerical simulation example where a four-sensor network is considered. The example illustrates the applicability of the proposed results to a linear networked system with state-dependent multiplicative noise and different network-induced stochastic uncertainties in the measurements; more specifically, sensor gain degradation, missing measurements and multiplicative observation noises are considered as particular cases of the proposed observation model.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the design of robust weighted fusion Kalman estimators for a class of uncertain multisensor systems with linearly correlated white noises. The uncertainties of the systems include the same multiplicative noises perturbations both on the systems state and measurement output and the uncertain noise variances. The measurement noises and process noise are linearly correlated. By introducing two fictitious noises, the system under consideration is converted into one with only uncertain noise variances. According to the minimax robust estimation principle, based on the worst‐case systems with the conservative upper bounds of the noise variances, the four robust weighted fusion time‐varying Kalman estimators are presented in a unified framework, which include three robust weighted state fusion estimators with matrix weights, diagonal matrix weights, scalar weights, and a modified robust covariance intersection fusion estimator. The robustness of the designed fusion estimators is proved by using the Lyapunov equation approach such that their actual estimation error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds for all admissible uncertainties. The accuracy relations among the robust local and fused time‐varying Kalman estimators are proved. The corresponding robust local and fused steady‐state Kalman estimators are also presented, a simulation example with application to signal processing to show the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new algorithms of adaptive Gaussian filters for nonlinear state estimation with maximum one-step randomly delayed measurements. The unknown random delay is modeled as a Bernoulli random variable with the latency probability known a priori. However, a contingent situation has been considered in this work when the measurement noise statistics remain partially unknown. Due to unavailability of the complete knowledge of measurement noise statistics, the unknown measurement noise covariance matrix is estimated along with states following: (i) variational Bayesian approach, (ii) maximum likelihood estimation. The adaptation algorithms are mathematically derived following both of the above approaches. Subsequently, a general framework for adaptive Gaussian filter is presented with which variants of adaptive nonlinear filters can be formulated using different rules of numerical approximation for Gaussian integrals. This paper presents a few of such filters, viz., adaptive cubature Kalman filter, adaptive cubature quadrature Kalman filter with their higher degree variants, adaptive unscented Kalman filter, and adaptive Gauss–Hermite filter, and demonstrates the comparative performance analysis with the help of a nontrivial Bearing only tracking problem in simulation. Additionally, the paper carries out relative performance comparison between maximum likelihood estimation and variational Bayesian approaches for adaptation using Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed algorithms are also validated with the help of an off-line harmonics estimation problem with real data.  相似文献   

This paper studies the distributed fusion estimation problem from multisensor measured outputs perturbed by correlated noises and uncertainties modelled by random parameter matrices. Each sensor transmits its outputs to a local processor over a packet-erasure channel and, consequently, random losses may occur during transmission. Different white sequences of Bernoulli variables are introduced to model the transmission losses. For the estimation, each lost output is replaced by its estimator based on the information received previously, and only the covariances of the processes involved are used, without requiring the signal evolution model. First, a recursive algorithm for the local least-squares filters is derived by using an innovation approach. Then, the cross-correlation matrices between any two local filters is obtained. Finally, the distributed fusion filter weighted by matrices is obtained from the local filters by applying the least-squares criterion. The performance of the estimators and the influence of both sensor uncertainties and transmission losses on the estimation accuracy are analysed in a numerical example.  相似文献   

This paper deals with state estimation problem for linear uncertain systems with correlated noises and incomplete measurements. Multiplicative noises enter into state and measurement equations to account for the stochastic uncertainties. And one-step autocorrelated and cross-correlated process noises and measurement noises are taken into consideration. Using the latest received measurement to compensate lost packets, the modified multi-step random delays and packet dropout model is adopted in the present paper. By augmenting system states, measurements and new defined variables, the original system is transformed into the stochastic parameter one. On this basis, the optimal linear estimators in the minimum variance sense are designed via projection theory. They depend on the variances of multiplicative noises, the one-step correlation coefficient matrices together with the probabilities of delays and packet losses. The sufficient condition on the existence of steady-state estimators is then given. Finally, simulation results illustrate the performance of the developed algorithms.  相似文献   

The least-squares linear centralized estimation problem is addressed for discrete-time signals from measured outputs whose disturbances are modeled by random parameter matrices and correlated noises. These measurements, coming from different sensors, are sent to a processing center to obtain the estimators and, due to random transmission failures, some of the data packet processed for the estimation may either contain only noise (uncertain observations), be delayed (sensor delays) or even be definitely lost (packet dropouts). Different sequences of Bernoulli random variables with known probabilities are employed to describe the multiple random transmission uncertainties of the different sensors. Using the last observation that successfully arrived when a packet is lost, the optimal linear centralized fusion estimators, including filter, multi-step predictors and fixed-point smoothers, are obtained via an innovation approach; this approach is a general and useful tool to find easily implementable recursive algorithms for the optimal linear estimators under the least-squares optimality criterion. The proposed algorithms are obtained without requiring the evolution model of the signal process, but using only the first and second-order moments of the processes involved in the measurement model.  相似文献   

By using the Grünwald‐Letnikov (G‐L) difference method and the Tustin generating function method, this study presents extended Kalman filters to achieve satisfactory state estimation for fractional‐order nonlinear continuous‐time systems that containing some unknown parameters with the correlated fractional‐order colored noises. Based on the G‐L difference method and the Tustin generating function method, the difference equations corresponding to fractional‐order nonlinear continuous‐time systems are constructed respectively. The first‐order Taylor expansion is used to linearize the nonlinear functions in the estimated system, which provides the system model for extended Kalman filters. Using the augmented vector method, the unknown parameters are regarded as new state vectors, and the augmented difference equation is constructed. Based on the augmented difference equation, extended Kalman filters are designed to estimate the state of fractional‐order nonlinear systems with process noise as fractional‐order colored noise or measurement noise as fractional‐order colored noise. Meanwhile, the extended Kalman filters proposed in this paper can also estimate the unknown parameters effectively. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed extended Kalman filters is validated in simulation with two examples.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the optimal linear estimation problem for discrete time-varying networked systems with communication constraints. The communication constraint considered is that only one network node is allowed to gain access to a shared communication channel, then the various network nodes of the networked systems are scheduled to transmit data according to a specified media access control protocol, and a remote estimator performs the estimation task with only partially available measurements. The channel accessing processes of those network nodes are modeled by Bernoulli processes, and optimal linear filters are designed by using the orthogonal projection principle and the innovation analysis approach. It is shown that the optimal estimation performances critically depend on the channel accessing probabilities of the network nodes and the packet loss probability, and the optimal filters can be obtained by solving recursive Lyapunov and Riccati equations. An illustrative example is finally given to show the effectiveness of the proposed filters.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the optimal linear estimation problem for linear discrete-time stochastic systems with possible multiple random measurement delays and packet dropouts, where the largest random delay is limited within a known bound and packet dropouts can be infinite. A new model is constructed to describe the phenomena of multiple random delays and packet dropouts by employing some random variables of Bernoulli distribution. By state augmentation, the system with random delays and packet dropouts is transferred to a system with random parameters. Based on the new model, the least mean square optimal linear estimators including filter, predictor and smoother are easily obtained via an innovation analysis approach. The estimators are recursively computed in terms of the solutions of a Riccati difference equation and a Lyapunov difference equation. A sufficient condition for the existence of the steady-state estimators is given. An example shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

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