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The paper contains a complete annotated list of freshwater ichthyofauna of the Middle Ob River basin. The list is based on an analysis of publications and on the results of the authors’ research, and it includes 43 species in two classes, 9 orders, 12 families, and 30 genera. Ten of all listed species are introduced and only seven are naturalized. For each species, taxonomic comments are provided where necessary and conservation status, distribution within the Middle Ob River basin, abundance and commercial value are indicated. Latin and English names are given.  相似文献   

Assessment and management of risk to wildlife from cadmium   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cadmium, a nonessential heavy metal that comes from natural and anthropogenic sources, is a teratogen, carcinogen, and a possible mutagen. Assessment of potential risk from cadmium requires understanding environmental exposure, mainly from ingestion, although there is some local exposure through inhalation. Chronic exposure is more problematic than acute exposure for wildlife. There is evidence for bioaccumulation, particularly in freshwater organisms, but evidence for biomagnification up the food chain is inconsistent; in some bird studies, cadmium levels were higher in species that are higher on the food chain than those that are lower. Some freshwater and marine invertebrates are more adversely affected by cadmium exposure than are birds and mammals. There is very little experimental laboratory research on the effects of cadmium in amphibians, birds and reptiles, and almost no data from studies of wildlife in nature. Managing the risk from cadmium to wildlife involves assessment (including ecological risk assessment), biomonitoring, setting benchmarks of effects, regulations and enforcement, and source reduction.  相似文献   

Lake Mundshtuchnoye is located in the basin of the Middle Ob, upstream from the influx of its big right-bank tributary, the Tym river. The lake is located within the boundaries of the Tomsk region and is a specially protected natural area of regional importance. Genetic and morphological characteristics of the lake allow us to consider it as a natural monument. It is an important point for conducting scientific research and organizing long-term environmental monitoring. The depth of Lake Mundshtuchnoye reaches 55 m, which is a unique phenomenon for the lowland part of the Ob basin. The shape of the lake basin is also unusual, sectionally resembling a crater. Structural-tectonic features of the area of the lake location allow to link its origin and development to the penetration of reservoir fluids. The lake water is very different from the lake waters of the Ob basin water logged catchment areas. Lake Mundshtuchnoye has low salinity (the amount of basic ions is 7.3 mg/dm3), and a significant concentration of silver. The lake water is clear, and thus very different from the dark-coloured water found in most regional lakes because of inflow from bogs and mires.  相似文献   

Wetland landscapes are widely spread in the Western Siberia taiga zone. Wetlands serve climatic and hydrological global functions, as well as many others. They also form the habitats for many species of animals. Dynamic development of Western Siberia wetlands and human influence on them demand the investigation of the wetlands’ bird population. This study aims to determine the wetland avifauna species diversity and to evaluate bird abundance and current state of rare species listed in Red Data Book. The study was carried out in the southern and middle taiga zones and in subtaiga. The study is based on the surveys that authors made in 2007–2013 in Tomsk oblast and also on the data gathered by the scientists in the Western Siberia forest zone. Counts were made according to Y.S. Ravkin’s methods. Counts of bird density are based on mean discovery distance on the routes. A total of 600?km walking and 150 water counting routes (by boats) were covered. It was found that 225 bird species inhabit Western Siberia wetland landscapes (196 – Tomsk oblast). Near 80% of birds inhabiting wetlands nest here.  相似文献   

Oil contamination of bodies of water in the Russian Federation is one of the most widespread impacts on ecosystems. The Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district-Yugra, the main oil extraction area in Russia, is one of the most oil-contaminated regions. The article summarises data from hydrochemical research on the level of petroleum hydrocarbons in water and bottom sediments of water bodies located in the basin of the river Ob.  相似文献   

The choice of scale (both grain and extent) of a research project can directly affect the results of the project itself, and the comparability of those results to similar research. This paper reviews 149 self-described landscape studies published between 1987 and 2001. From each paper, data for several variables were gathered that we proposed may influence the choice of scale. These variables included the taxa the research considered, the characteristics of the landscape of interest, the species response variables measured, the type of methodology employed by the study, the habitat type(s) surveyed, and the technique(s) used to create habitat maps. Our results demonstrated that only 61% of the papers identified both the grain and extent at which the research was conducted. Taxonomic group, landscape characteristics, and study type all appeared to influence both the choice of grain and extent for the study. Wide variation (standard deviation) in grain and extent among studies suggests that researchers either used some factor not considered here to select scale, or made decisions of the scale on pragmatic grounds, rather than on the appropriateness of the scale to the variables. Finally, 24 of the 149 studies reviewed researched the same combination of categories of the six variables that we considered, yet only for one combination was the grain and extent used within the same order of magnitude. This review highlights the need for more structured choice of scale in landscape studies, and in particular the need for more standardized size of grain and extent for greater comparability among studies.  相似文献   

The paper reports the landscape-ecological characteristics of one geomorphological type of Siberian mountain mires – slope mires. The dynamics of vegetation dependent on the mire massif development stage is described.  相似文献   

近年,随着人们对两栖爬行动物的关注和动物园饲养管理水平的提高,全国各地动物园新建和改造两爬馆的需要不断增多。两爬馆环境设计是一项交叉学科领域的复杂工程。结合北京动物园两栖爬行馆改造项目的实践,分别从动物展示、游客游览和操作后台3个方面阐述了两爬馆环境设计的特点。探讨了运用动物生理学和行为学特征营造饲养展箱尺度与展箱环境的方法。进而探讨了运用人体工程学常规数据营造参观尺度、展面空间序列与操作尺度的方法。提出了适应室内人体活动和动物活动的声环境、热环境、光环境、色彩环境的最佳参数。  相似文献   


Ursus arctos is a large carnivore and a common species for Western Siberia. The earliest traces of it date back to the Middle Pleistocene. During the Holocene, its population grew and its range significantly extended northwards. The modern West Siberian habitat lies between 55° and 67°N, and its dynamics are being affected by human activity and climate change. The beginning of the twenty-first century has been marked by the growth of the population of the brown bear and its occurrence in unusual habitats. Earlier studies of the population genetic structure prove the existence of a Pleistocene refugium on this territory. The body size of the West Siberian brown bear is the largest for U. arctos subscpecies within its range.  相似文献   

The article reviews the lichen diversity in the low land of the Ob basin based on the data published by the author and other specialists. So far, species diversity has reached 430 taxonomic units from 102 genera and 42 families. There are data about the distribution of certain lichen species for the main types of habitat and substrates with in cenosis. The largest variety is shown in communities of dark coniferous forests and mixed forests with declining aspens in the tree layer (215 species), of forested fens (161 species), and inundated forest cenosis (100 species). The least variety is found in ground slope communities (13 species) and phytocenoses of transition moors (12 species).  相似文献   

This paper describes the data on lichen biota of the major forest and wetland ecosystems in northern, central and southern taiga and sub-taiga in Western Siberia. It shows the results of floristic and comparative analysis of certain lichen biota basing on family and genus composition, cluster analysis (Sorensen-Chekanovsky, Simpson indices), a taxon’s presence or absence on the species list or the weight characteristics of species.  相似文献   


This article presents the species composition of aquatic oligochaetes (Oligochaeta) in the various regions of Western Siberia. The history of the study of aquatic oligochaetes of Western Siberia is briefly reviewed. The importance of oligochaetes in water bodies is also evaluated.  相似文献   

Western Siberia is the largest wetland area on the planet with considerable variety of wetland sites situated in mid-latitudes. This variety makes the region important for the conservation of species, habitats and landscapes. Extensive wetland areas in this region are in a relatively undamaged condition, with little man-caused impact. Accordingly, the most essential wetland sites can be included in conservation activities to achieve maximum effect at regional, national and international levels. Western Siberia’s wetlands are included in international conservation activities through Ramsar Sites. The case of planning a UNESCO World Heritage Site to protect unique watershed peatlands in the southern part of the West Siberian Plain deserves special attention. There should be UNESCO biosphere reserves in the region to monitor long-term changes of the wetlands because of human activities and spontaneous development.  相似文献   

The study represents an interdisciplinary analysis of the material and symbolic nature of the trees in the culture of Siberian indigenous people. The work is based on the archaeological, ethnographic and linguistic materials related to one of the Siberian aboriginal peoples, the Selkups. The results of the linguistic study of mythology, ethnographic research and archaeological excavations of the burial sites (16th–17th) allowed us to build up a model of the Selkup attitude to the most important elements of nature, in their view, the tree. To make a comparative analysis, the work considers the materials related to the neighbouring ethnic groups that were similar in their culture and the worldview. The study discusses the problem of continuing of the tradition in the period of 16th–20th centuries. Based on the structural analysis of the gathered materials, the authors came to the conclusion that the Selkup traditional perception of the trees remained unchanged within the discussed period. The continuation of the tradition allowed the Selkups to preserve the metaphysical perception of nature and their place in it. The close connection of man and nature became the basis for keeping the ecological balance and, as a result, protecting the society.  相似文献   

The paper presents the history and major results of research into resources, regime and quality of the surface water in the Ob basin, concentrated in such water bodies as glaciers, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and wetlands. Studies have long been carried out by such government agencies as the Hydrometeorological Service (Hydromet), the Ministry of Energy and others, engineering organizations, scientific research institutes of the academy of sciences and universities. The studies included large complex tasks aimed at economic development of the basin territory. By the 1980s, an expanded network of stationary hydrological observations existed, and basic information about the factors of resources formation, regime and surface water quality, as well as long-term dynamics of hydrological characteristics had been obtained. Today, a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the hydrological cycle and geo-run-off at the global and regional scales is related to the changes in climate and the environment in general.  相似文献   

The reservoirs of the Ob basin change from a river bed to an additional reservoir and further to flood plain lakes of various flood stages. This process is accompanied by changes in the composition and quantitative development of plankton and benthos communities. In terms of species composition and productivity flood plain lakes at the minor flood stage are the most diverse ones. These reservoirs along with the flood plain inundated during the flood are of fundamental importance for the processes of fattening and reproduction of freshwater fish, which makes up the bulk of fishery. Long-term investigations have revealed certain peculiarities of the dynamics of the state of aquatic community caused by natural factors. Using multivariate statistical analysis methods researchers have discovered that flood plain lakes at the minor flood stage display the repeating pattern of the long-term dynamics of invertebrates’ communities. This is determined by the dynamic combination of the two main limiting factors (hydrologic and temperature behaviour). The analysis shows the influence of these factors on the population dynamics of the fry of the fish spawning in the inundated flood plain and the further formation of the resources.  相似文献   

The article considers hydrological hazards and risks, the dynamics of which are connected to climate change and anthropogenic influence on water bodies and their watershed areas. The hydrological consequences of climate change in Western Siberia are characterized by a high level of spatial and temporal heterogeneity and wide diversity. The authors determine the most dangerous hydrological phenomena with potentially high-risk levels, the causes of such dynamics and characteristic spreading areas. They reach the conclusion that both likelihood and scale of negative effects of certain hydrological phenomena and processes increase with the development of climate change and increase of anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   

The study continues the attempt to summarise the information on the cult sculpture made of tree stumps. As a main resource for the study we use the materials collected during the field research by Y.I. Ozheredov in 1988 at the sacral places of the Selkups on the Tym River. We also consider the studies of the spiritual life of neighbouring ethnic groups to provide a deeper analysis of the matter. The belief in the power of the spirits fully controlled the daily life of the Siberian peoples. Rituals involving the idols served as the means to maintain a balance between objective and subjective worlds. The work gives preliminary classification of the stump idols and their ethnographic interpretation. The stump idols may have a Samoyedic origin.  相似文献   

The paper presents results of research into the upper ecosystems and convex forms of peat mires of moss (oligotrophic) type in the Ob basin area. We have determined four types of upper mire ecosystems, and have described their morphometric, botanical and hydro-chemical properties. These studies allow us to evaluate the structure and functioning of the upper mire ecosystems.  相似文献   

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