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Using Raman spectroscopy, we demonstrate that low levels of beta-carotene, lycopene, and xanthophyll give rise to resonance enhanced bands in blood plasma. These results explain the significance of previously unidentified spectral maxima which have been related to the state of health of the blood donor.  相似文献   

The mesolimbic dopaminergic system (MDS) has been shown to be implicated in feeding behaviors. The present experiment was conducted to examine the effects of the sensory properties of food ingested on MDS activity. Microdialysis coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection was employed to measure the extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) and its main metabolites (DOPAC and HVA) in the nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats. During microdialysis sessions rats had access or not to powdered foods varying in palatability: short cakes as highly palatable (HP) food and regular chow as low palatable (LP) food. In the absence of food, there were no alterations in extracellular levels of DA, DOPAC, and HVA. During feeding, DA rose significantly with a greater rise for the HP than the LP food. Levels of DOPAC and HVA only reached significance with the HP food. The results indicate that the MDS is activated on ingestion of food, and suggest that MDS activity is related to the rewarding properties of foods.  相似文献   

Intact human erythrocytes can be readily loaded with calcium by incubation in hypersomotic media at alkaline pH. Erythrocyte calcium content increases from 15-20 to 120-150 nmol/g hemoglobin after incubation for 2 h at 20 degree C in a 400 mosmol/kg, pH 7.8 solution containing 100 mM sodium chloride, 90 mM tetramethylammonium chloride, 1 mM potassium chloride, and 10 mM calcium chloride. Calcium uptake is a time-dependent process that is associated with an augmented efflux of potassium. The ATP content in these cells remains at more than 60% of normal and is not affected by calcium. Calcium uptake is influenced by the cationic composition of the external media. The response to potassium is diphasic. With increasing potassium concentrations, the net accumulation of calcium initially increases, becoming maximal at 1 mM potassium, then diminishes, falling below basal levels at concentrations above 3 mM potassium. Ouabain inhibits the stimulatory effect of low concentrations of potassium. The inhibitory effects of higher concentrations of potassium are ouabain insensitive and independent of the external calcium concentration. Sodium also inhibits calcium uptake but this inhibition can be modified by altering the external concentration of calcium. The effux of calcium from loaded erythrocytes is not significantly altered by changes in osmolality, medium ion composition, or ouabain. It is concluded that hypertonicity increases the net uptake of calcium by increasing the influx of calcium and that some part of the sodium potassium transport system is involved in this influx process.  相似文献   

To analyze the human red, green, and red-green hybrid cone pigments in vivo, we studied 41 male dichromats, each of whose X chromosome carries only a single visual pigment gene (single-gene dichromats). This simplified arrangement avoids the difficulties of complex opsin gene arrays and overlapping cone spectral sensitivities present in trichromats and of multiple genes encoding identical or nearly identical cone pigments in many dichromats. It thus allows for a straightforward correlation between each observer's spectral sensitivity measured at the cornea and the amino acid sequence of his visual pigment. For each of the 41 single-gene dichromats we determined the amino acid sequences of the X-linked cone pigment as deduced from its gene sequence. To correlate these sequences with spectral sensitivities in vivo, we determined the Rayleigh matches to different red/green ratios for 29 single-gene dichromats and measured psychophysically the spectral sensitivity of the remaining green (middle wavelength) or red (long wavelength) cones in 37 single-gene dichromats. Cone spectral sensitivity maxima obtained from subjects with identical visual pigment amino acid sequences show up to a approximately 3 nm variation from subject to subject, presumably because of a combination of inexact (or no) corrections for variation in preretinal absorption, variation in photopigment optical density, optical effects within the photoreceptor, and measurement error. This variation implies that spectral sensitivities must be averaged over multiple subjects with the same genotype to obtain representative values for a given pigment. The principal results of this study are that (1) approximately 54% of the single-gene protanopes (and approximately 19% of all protanopes) possess any one of several 5'red-3'green hybrid genes that encode anomalous pigments and that would be predicted to produce protanomaly if present in anomalous trichromats; (2) the alanine/serine polymorphism at position 180 in the red pigment gene produces a spectral shift of approximately 2.7 nm; (3) for each exon the set of amino acids normally associated with the red pigment produces spectral shifts to longer wavelengths, and the set of amino acids normally associated with the green pigment produces spectral shifts to shorter wavelengths; and (4) changes in exons 2, 3, 4, and 5 from green to red are associated with average spectral shifts to long wavelengths of approximately 1 nm (range, -0.5 to 2.5 nm), approximately 3.3 nm (range, -0.5 to 7 nm), approximately 2.8 nm (range, -0.5 to 6 nm), and approximately 24.9 nm (range, 22.2-27.6 nm).  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase has been established as an important source of oxygen free radicals in ischemia-reperfusion injury. It has been localized in many different tissues such as heart and intestine, but it has not yet been localized in the eye. Xanthine oxidase was detected using immunohistochemistry on paraformaldehyde/glutaraldehyde fixed cryosections. Antibodies used included rabbit antibovine xanthine oxidase antibody and rabbit antihuman xanthine oxidase antibody. Xanthine oxidase was detected in the capillary endothelium cells of blood vessels in the retina of bovine and post mortem human eyes. Whole mount preparation of human retinas showed xanthine oxidase present throughout the small capillary network. Furthermore, whole mounts showed that xanthine oxidase was present in cones. This was confirmed by using mouse anticalbindin antibody for co-labelling. It is possible that xanthine oxidase can be a source of oxidative damage in the retina following ischemia-reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Facial asymmetry (facedness) of selected academic faculty members was studied in relation to brain asymmetry and cognitive specialization. Comparisons of facedness were made among humanities faculty (H), faculty members of mathematics and physics (M-P), psychologists (P), and a group of randomly selected individuals (R). Facedness was defined in terms of the relative sizes (in square centimeters) of the two hemifaces. It was predicted that the four groups would show differences in facedness, namely, H, right face bias; M-P, left face bias; P, no bias; and R, no bias. The predictions were confirmed, and the results interpreted in terms of known differences in hemispheric specialization of cognitive functions as they relate to the dominant cognitive activity of each of the different groups. In view of the contralateral control of the two hemifaces (below the eyes) by the two hemispheres of the brain, the two sides of the face undergo differential muscular development, thus creating facial asymmetry. Other factors, such as gender, also may affect facial asymmetry. Suggestions for further research on facedness are discussed.  相似文献   

The term, 'retinitis pigmentosa', refers to a heterogeneous group of inherited diseases that cause degeneration of rod and cone photoreceptors in the human retina. Loss of photoreceptor cells is usually followed by alterations in the retinal pigment epithelium and retinal glia. Ultimately, degenerative changes occur in the inner retinal neurons, blood vessels, and optic nerve head. This chapter provides background information on the genetics of retinitis pigmentosa and a summary of the histopathologic alterations in human retinas caused by this disease. Detailed information is provided on the effects of the primary disease process on the rod photoreceptors and changes in the other retinal components, all of which are important considerations for understanding and developing therapies for retinitis pigmentosa.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to evaluate the cosmetic use of botulinum toxin type A (Botox), which blocks the release of acetylcholine at the presynaptic neuromuscular junction leading to an irreversible, but temporary chemical denervation muscular paralysis and weakness. This produces a significant cosmetic improvement of wrinkling in the upper face due to hyperfunctional animation. METHOD: A prospective clinical study representing our experience with this new technique is presented. Patient selection and evaluation, classification of animation lines, techniques, results and complications are discussed. In a 15-month period, 23 patients with seven anatomic sites were injected. Twenty-three patients had the lateral aspect and the inferior aspect of their squint lines injected, and 26 patients had their glabellar frownlines injected. RESULTS: Significant improvement occurred to the average depth and length of the glabellar frownlines. The subjective improvement by the patients was also significant. Regarding the crow's feet, the lateral canthal lines showed more improvement than the inferior lateral canthal lines because the latter has a greater component of zygomaticus major and minor muscle, which contributes to the inferior lateral squint line. CONCLUSION: Botox is a safe, easy-to-use, effective modality for the temporary elimination of hyperfunctioning upper-facial muscles.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated changes to horizontal cells in human retinae affected by glaucoma. Glaucoma is characterized by raised intraocular pressure and is responsible for retinal ganglion cell and, possibly, photoreceptor degeneration. It was therefore assumed that horizontal cells might also be affected. The carbocyanine dye DiI was placed at discrete points on fixed, whole-mounted retinae obtained from normal and glaucomatous patients. After allowing 6-24 weeks for intramembranous diffusion within the lipid layers of the nerve cells and, therefore, fluorescent labeling, we measured horizontal cell soma and dendritic field sizes. Selected cells were then embedded in Araldite and cut at 4 microns. Horizontal cells in glaucomatous eyes appeared larger and had a granulated outline as compared with cells from normal retinae. Analysis of the mean cell soma size indicated that cells were 26% larger in the glaucomatous retinae and that this increase was significantly different from that seen in normal retinae (P < 0.05). The dendritic field size was unaffected (P > 0.05). As seen in cross section there was a clear loss of photoreceptor outer segments, and shrunken silhouettes of photoreceptor inner segments with pyknotic nuclei were observed. It is proposed that the increase in some size is indicative of horizontal cell responses that are likely to culminate in degeneration as a result of heightened intraocular pressure. In addition, this paper provides further evidence that photoreceptors are affected by advanced glaucoma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the distribution and relative levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the nondiabetic and preproliferative diabetic human retina and choroid. METHODS: Immunohistochemical localization was performed on frozen sections from cryopreserved postmortem human tissue using a polyclonal antibody against VEGF and a streptavidin peroxidase system. Eyes from 5 subjects without diabetes and 8 subjects with diabetes were examined and analyzed using a 7-point immunohistochemical grading system. RESULTS: In subjects without diabetes, weak or no VEGF immunoreactivity was associated with retinal blood vessels. In subjects with diabetes, we found significantly increased immunoreactivity in the retinal vascular endothelium and blood vessel walls. Vascular endothelial growth factor immunoreactivity was also associated with intravascular leukocytes in subjects with and without diabetes. In the choroid of subjects without diabetes, immunoreactivity was almost exclusively associated with intravascular leukocytes, whereas in diabetic subjects, immunoreactivity was localized within choriocapillaris endothelium, choroidal neovascular endothelium, and migrating retinal pigment epithelium cells. CONCLUSIONS: The observed increase in VEGF immunoreactivity in the diabetic retina and choroid suggests that VEGF may contribute to 2 well-documented events during retinopathy: increased vascular permeability and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Excitotoxicity is defined as a mode of neural cell death triggered by overactivation of receptors for the amino acid transmitter glutamate. There is considerable evidence that excitotoxicity is responsible for cell death in several neuropathological states, including some retinal diseases. The isolated retina, particularly from chick embryos, has been used extensively as an experimental system to characterize this process. This paper summarizes the use of isolated retina as a model system for studies of excitotoxicity from a theoretical and methodological point of view, and reviews results obtained from studies utilizing this system.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy has been employed to examine the nature of the metal ions and radicals present in intact root nodules of soybean plants grown in the absence of nitrate. The spectra obtained from nodules of different ages using this non-invasive technique show dramatic differences, suggesting that there are both qualitative and quantitative changes in the metal ion and radical species present. A major component of the spectra obtained from young nodules is assigned to a complex (Lb-NO) of nitric oxide (NO.) with the heme protein leghemoglobin (Lb). This Lb-NO species, which has not been previously detected in intact root nodules of plants grown in the absence of nitrate, is thought to be formed by reaction of nitric oxide with iron(II) leghemoglobin. The nitric oxide may be generated from arginine via a nitric oxide synthase-like activity present in the nodules of the soybean plants, in a manner analogous to that recently described for Lupinus albus. This Lb-NO complex is present at lower concentrations in older nodules, and is almost completely absent from senescent nodules. Exposure of young and mature nodules to oxidant stress, in the form of hydrogen peroxide, results in changes in the EPR spectra, with the loss of the signals from the Lb-NO complex and appearance of absorptions similar to those from untreated senescent nodules. These results suggest that there are characteristic changes in both the metal ion complexes and radicals present in intact root nodules of different ages, and support the theory that nitric oxide and other radicals play a significant role in determining the nitrogen fixing activity of root nodules; the modulatory activity of NO. may involve regulation of gene activity.  相似文献   

The microfilament-associated protein vinculin is a major constituent of muscle tissue localized in costameres and Z-discs of the sarcomeric apparatus, where it is thought to play a pivotal role in the alignment of sarcomeric myofibrils and the transduction of mechanical force between the internal contractile machinery and the extracellular environment. In order to investigate whether anti-vinculin antibodies are helpful in confirming the commitment of rhabdomyosarcomas to the myogenic pathway, we studied immunohistochemically the expression pattern of vinculin in a series of 7 human rhabdomyosarcomas including those of embryonal, botryoid, and pleomorphic subtypes. Using monoclonal antibody from clone hVIN-1 by APAAP techniques on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, all but one tumor, which was a primitive embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, demonstrated a significant positive vinculin staining. Vinculin expression was most prominent in differentiated tumors with a focal staining pattern showing a high degree of correlation with rhabdomyoblasts, whereas a diffuse staining was observed in areas in which small, poorly differentiated tumor cells alone were present. Since vinculin immunoreactivity could also be demonstrated in cases of leiomyosarcoma, the positive immunohistochemical detection of vinculin was not exclusively restricted to mesenchymal tumors derived from sarcomeric muscle tissue. Immunodetectable amounts of nebulin could be revealed only in two embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas. Our results suggested that the positive identification of rhabdomyosarcoma achieved by using antibodies against vinculin in addition to other known myogenic markers may be particularly useful in the differential diagnosis of anaplastic, poorly differentiated sarcomas.  相似文献   

Laser Raman spectra of human immunoglobulin G in neutral solution, as well as in the lyophilized and alkaline-denatured states are presented. In the spectrum of the native protein, the amide III band appears at 1240 cm-1 and is assigned to the presence of beta-sheet structure. From its intensity, using a procedure described in this paper, we evaluate the beta-structure content to 37 +/- 4%. This result is supported by the strong amide I' band at 1667 cm-1 and by the presence in the spectra of two bands at 991 and 1078 cm-1, respectively assigned to the C-C and C-N skeletal stretching modes. The differences between the spectrum of the lyophilized powder and that of the solution show that the lyophilization process induces conformational changes that perturb the local environment of some of the tryptophan residues and alter the secondary structure of immunoglobulin G. The beta-structure appears to be more uniform and more abundant in solution. When the protein is denatured at pH 11, the amide III and amide I'bands, which become weaker and broader, shift in frequency from 1240 to 1248 cm-1 and from 1667 to 1656 cm-1 respectively. These changes indicate a decrease in the amount of beta-structure and a transition toward a much more disordered conformation. During the denaturation, the intensities of many bands of the aromatic chromophores change, notably the tryptophan peaks at 879, 1359 and 1573 cm-1.  相似文献   

为了提高拉曼光谱快速定量检测PVC塑料中邻苯二甲酸二乙基己基酯(DEHP)塑化剂的准确性和可靠性,研究了样品厚度、激光波长、激光功率、测试时间、降噪方式、光漂白时间及信号叠加次数等实验条件对PVC基体中DEHP拉曼光谱信号强度的影响规律.获得了拉曼光谱最佳的测试参数,包括:样品的厚度不小于5 mm;入射激光波长785 ...  相似文献   

Auramine, a dye previously found to be a liver carcinogen in both mice and rats, was evaluated for its DNA-damaging and clastogenic activities in primary cultures of rats and human hepatocytes and for the induction of DNA single-strand breaks in the liver and urinary bladder mucosa of intact rats. A similar dose-dependent frequency of DNA fragmentation was revealed by the alkaline elution technique in metabolically competent primary cultures of both rat and human hepatocytes exposed for 20 h to subtoxic concentrations ranging from 10 to 32 microM. In contrast, neither rat nor human hepatocytes displayed an increased frequency of micronuclei after a 48-h exposure to the same auramine concentrations. In rats given a single oral dose of 125, 250 or 500 mg kg-1 auramine, the Comet assay revealed a significant increase in the frequency of DNA lesions in the liver and in the urinary bladder mucosa, the effect being slightly more marked in the liver. Taken as a whole and compared with previous findings, these results suggest that auramine is biotransformed into reactive species in target organs of both rats and humans, and that this dye might play by itself the main role in the increased incidence of bladder cancer which has been judged as causally related to its manufacture.  相似文献   

The effects of continuous exposure of cultured cells expressing the human norepinephrine transporter (hNET) to the hNET inhibitor desipramine on hNET expression and function were studied. Exposure of HEK-293 cells transfected stably with the hNET cDNA (293-hNET cells) to desipramine for 3 days reduced the specific binding of [3H]nisoxetine in membrane homogenates in a concentration-dependent manner. The magnitude of the reductions in [3H]nisoxetine binding to hNET was dependent on the length of time of the exposure to desipramine, reaching 77% after a 21-day exposure. The reduction of [3H]nisoxetine binding returned to control levels within 72 h after a 3-day exposure to desipramine. Reductions in [3H]nisoxetine binding to hNET were accompanied by time-dependent and exposure concentration-dependent reductions in hNET protein levels as determined by western blotting. Similar to binding, hNET protein levels returned to control levels 72 h after cessation of desipramine exposure. Northern blotting indicated that exposure of 293-hNET cells to desipramine did not significantly alter hNET mRNA levels. Uptake of [3H]norepinephrine by 293-hNET cells was markedly reduced after a 3-day exposure to desipramine. However, desipramine exposure had no effect on uptake of [3H]glutamate or [3H]alanine. The present findings imply that down-regulation of the hNET in 293-hNET cells induced by desipramine results from a selective reduction in hNET protein levels, presumably a consequence of either a reduction in the translation of hNET mRNA or from an enhanced degradation of hNET protein.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-1 (AQP1) is the prototype integral membrane protein water channel. Although the three-dimensional structure and water transport function of the molecule have been described, the physical interactions between AQP1 and other membrane components have not been characterized. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate-anti-Co3 (FITC-anti-Co3), a reagent specific for an extracellular epitope on AQP1, the fluorescence photobleaching recovery (FPR) and fluorescence imaged microdeformation (FIMD) techniques were performed on intact human red cells. By FPR, the fractional mobility of fluorescently labeled AQP1 (F-alphaAQP1) in the undeformed red cell membrane is 66 +/- 10% and the average lateral diffusion coefficient is (3.1 +/- 0.5) x 10(-11) cm2/s. F-alphaAQP1 fractional mobility is not significantly affected by antibody-induced immobilization of the major integral proteins band 3 or glycophorin A, indicating that AQP1 does not exist as a complex with these proteins. FIMD uses pipette aspiration of individual red cells to create a constant but reversible skeletal density gradient. F-alphaAQP1 distribution, like that of lipid-anchored proteins, is not at equilibrium after microdeformation. Over time, approximately 50% of the aspirated F-alphaAQP1 molecules migrate toward the membrane portion that had been maximally dilated, the aspirated cap. Based on the kinetics of migration, the F-alphaAQP1 lateral diffusion coefficient in the membrane projection is estimated to be 6 x 10(-10) cm2/s. These results suggest that AQP1 lateral mobility is regulated in the unperturbed membrane by passive steric hindrance imposed by the spectrin-based membrane skeleton and/or by skeleton-linked membrane components, and that release of these constraints by dilatation of the skeleton allows AQP1 to diffuse much more rapidly in the plane of the membrane.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of fluorescein on human fetal neural retina and adult rat retina; and to use fluorescein to map the area of subretinal transplantation. METHODS: In vitro: Human fetal neural retina (8 to 14 weeks gestational age) was incubated in 0.03% fluorescein in Dulbecco's Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) or DMEM alone for 30 min. Viability was determined using the trypan blue exclusion test, and results were compared. Effects of the fluorescein on cell morphology were assessed by observation of primary cultures for 1 week. In vivo: Human fetal neural retina was mechanically dissociated in 0.03% fluorescein in DMEM and transplanted to the subretinal space of immunosuppressed rats. To control for the effect of fluorescein on the grafted tissue, transplants were also performed in DMEM only. After transplantation, indirect ophthalmoscopy and true color fundus photography were performed to document the area covered by the transplant. One month after transplantation, the appearance of grafts exposed to fluorescein was compared to those that were not, at the light microscopic level. RESULTS: In vitro: Exposure of human fetal neural retina to fluorescein had no effect on viability. Similarly, in tissue culture, the fluorescein-exposed cells exhibited the same phenotype as the controls. In vivo: Immediately after transplantation the graft site was clearly outlined within the subretinal area and fluoresced intensely. There were no traces of the dye 2 h after transplantation. Cells that were transplanted with fluorescein survived transplantation, and one month after transplantation could be seen forming subretinal grafts. No differences were noted between these and control grafts. CONCLUSIONS: Fluorescein is an effective dye for immediate and transient localization of trans-scleral transplants to the subretinal space. It allows mapping of the area covered by the injection without interfering with the viability and differentiation of the transplanted cells. It allows unequivocal photo- and video-documentation in both the albino and pigmented fundi. It is already FDA approved for many other extra- and intraocular studies and now has directly been shown to be non-toxic to both human fetal neural retina and adult rodent retina.  相似文献   

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