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潍坊市按照国家和山东省的有关要求积极探索,依托全市电子政务平台,创新技术和理念,建设了“应急联动与社会综合服务系统”,在利用信息化技术提升政府应急管理和社会服务能力方面进行了有益探索,为建设“和谐潍坊”、“数字潍坊”发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

平杰 《长江信息通信》2021,34(4):161-163
在新的历史时期,消防事业发展步入新的阶段,建设一支现代化的消防应急救援队伍,对应急通信保障能力建设有了更高要求。应急通信保障是消防救援的核心工作之一,是构建高效应急救援的重要基础。通过建立完善的应急通信保障系统,成为消防事业信息化建设的重要组成部分。文章立足消防应急通信特征,从完善应急通信保障系统、加快人才队伍建设、强化信息技术优化改进等方面,阐述了提升与建设消防应急通信保障能力的措施,为消防应急通信保障提升与建设,提供一定的参考资料。  相似文献   

当前,我国现代化建设进入新的阶段,影响国家安全和社会稳定的因素复杂众多,各类突发公共事件时有发生,这就给应急通信保障工作提出了新的更高的要求。作为通信部门,我们必须站在深入学习实践科学发展观、构建社会主义和谐社会的高度看待此项工作,将其作为事关国家安全和经济社会发展全局的任务抓紧抓好,不断提升应急通信保障能力。  相似文献   

1关于应急通信 应急通信,顾名思义,就是在原有通信系统遭到严重破坏或发生紧急情况时,为保障通信联络,采用已有的机动通信设备进行的通信.应急通信的主要任务是战时配合现有通信网为党政领导机关实施指挥提供通信保障,平时为抢险救灾、应付突发事件和重大国务活动、大型集会提供应急通信手段;为通信网的改造、延伸等提供临时替代、支撑和补充;为国家经济建设及社会各界提供通信服务,创造社会效益和经济效益.应急通信在战备、抗洪、抢险救灾中做出了不可磨灭的贡献,今后面对重大机动通信任务它仍是不可缺少的.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show the effect of the presence of specific management functions within a network that offers quality of service (QoS). The objective is not privileging a particular technology but to highlight the importance to know which control functions a solution may use, which performance limits the functions have and what can be a realistic user expectation. The paper focuses on the meaning of QoS and on the applications requiring quality, then describes QoS solutions including transport technologies, QoS‐oriented technologies, parameters and management functions. In more detail, the effect on QoS provision of the following issues is investigated and discussed concerning the possibility (or not) to aggregate and differentiate traffic, the implementation of call admission control and of traffic filtering to limit flows to their committed rates. Again, the conclusions should not be considered a merit mark about technology, but only an investigation about: what users and customers should expect by the technologies using specific control functions evidencing that the real limitations are not imposed by a specific technology, whose features may be changed and extended, but by the application of control functions that can guarantee requirements' matching. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

汕头市既设公众移动通信基站(以下简称基站)1294个,这些基站分布在全市各个地方,十分分散,如何管理好这些基站,保障通信的正常进行,是摆在我们无线电管理部门的一大课题.几年来,我们把加强基站管理,服务通信发展作为无线电管理的一项重要工作来抓,统一认识,真抓实干,在基站管理和服务上,探索出一条路子,积累了一些经验,主要做法有下面三个方面.  相似文献   

With the advent of 3G and LTE networks, bundled packages that contain free minutes, unlimited text messaging, Internet flat rates and the like became prevalent among telecommunication companies. The paper examines user’s perception of the utility of mobile service bundles. Based on a conjoint analysis of 116 respondents (out of a total of 355 surveyed), findings are reported and the structure of customers’ willingness-to-pay is analyzed. The rank order of relative importance of the presented attributes reveals the pricing aspect as the most important criterion. Nevertheless, minutes included and Internet access also play a vital role in the consumers’ evaluation of mobile telecommunication offers. In contrast, text messaging is displayed as the least important attribute. Further, changes in the predictive validity of the conjoint analysis are investigated. The results show that changing the price parameter from linear to curve fitting for more fine-grained analysis does not thoroughly improve the measurement of consumers’ willingness-to-pay. Overall, results support the recent product bundling strategies followed by the main players in the German mobile market regarding voice calling, Internet access and text messaging. The paper helps marketing managers to create optimal bundles of mobile telecommunication services based on willingness-to-pay data retrieved from conjoint analysis.  相似文献   

Telecommunication management network (TMN) systems represent diverse telecommunication domains with wide-ranging functionality which frequently employ different technologies and produce isolated solutions. Yet as telecommunications become more sophisticated, there is a growing need for telecommunication management integration and interoperability. The authors present a general TMN computing-platform architecture which is flexible and powerful enough to support contrasting TMN management applications while facilitating integration. To validate the architecture, three diverse management applications were profiled based on components of the TMN platform architecture. Core infrastructure components, required by a broad range of TMN applications, are identified and examined and TMN-specific technology is highlighted  相似文献   

增值电信业务是指利用公共网络基础设施提供附加的电信与信息服务业务,其实现的价值使原有基础网路的经济效益或功能价值增高.从业务分类上,它对应于基础电信业务.增值电信业务的主要特征是面向社会提供信息服务.……  相似文献   

邓剑锋  张凌  周杰 《通信学报》2013,34(Z2):35-190
针对企业网络的情况,提出了一种企业级视频会议系统的服务质量保证机制。该机制根据视频会议的传输模式,将视频会议的保障转化成对一组具有时间尺度数据流的保障,通过对网络中优先级带宽的管理来为数据流提供预约带宽,在网络的边缘对每个优先级数据流进行认证、标记和整形,在网络核心使用区分服务保障视频流的优先转发,以实现预约带宽的合法使用。实验结果表明该机制能够在网络拥塞的情况下为媒体流提供所需的带宽,能有效地保证视频会议的服务质量。  相似文献   

从汶川大地震应急通信的缺失,分析我国目前应急通信建设现状及存在问题,提出要发挥无线电管理部门的优势,阐述了建设国家无线电短波应急通信网和专用无线电应急通信互通网的必要性和方案设想。  相似文献   

文章从网管系统开发与测试需要出发,分析了影响网络属性的主要因素及其逻辑关系,提出了对通信网的动态、静态描述及软件分层模型,具体讨论了仿真软件可视模型、数据库模型、应用模型和服务模型的创建方法.仿真模型用于指导开发系统测试和演示使用的仿真程序,可以为总体上规划、设计软件产品功能提供参照.  相似文献   

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