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Freezing is a very well established food preservation process that produces high-quality nutritious foods that offer the advantage of a long storage life. However, freezing is not suitable for all foods, and freezing does cause physical and chemical changes in many foods that are perceived as reducing the quality of the thawed material. Many innovative freezing processes are currently being researched and developed throughout the world to overcome these problems. One of these is dehydrofreezing. Dehydrofreezing is an adjunct to freezing in which a food is first dehydrated to a desirable moisture content and then frozen. It is particularly suited to fruits and vegetables. Since fresh fruits and vegetables contain more water than meat, and their cellular structure is less elastic, they are prone to more damage during freezing than meat. Removing some of the water prior to freezing theoretically allows the ice crystals to form and expand without damaging the cellular structure. Reducing the water content prior to freezing also has the potential to reduce the freezing time, the initial freezing point, and the amount of ice formed within the product. Despite being often cited as a new, novel or emerging technology, the concept of dehydrofreezing was developed in the 1940s. However, it has remained a niche process being commercially applied to products such as potatoes, carrots, and onions. In recent years there has been renewed interest in dehydrofreezing, and this review looks at the most recent innovations in dehydrofreezing research.  相似文献   

为研究超声波对不同孔隙率水果冻结特性的影响,以苹果、梨、哈密瓜为对象,在相同超声频率下,用不同强度超声波辅助浸渍冷冻,用温度记录仪测定冻结时间,分析冻结过程中的温度变化,并对冻融后样品进行滴水 损失率、质构、色泽、水分分布以及抗坏血酸含量测定.结果表明:苹果、梨、哈密瓜在0.145 W/cm2的超声强度下浸渍冷冻相变阶...  相似文献   

We studied effects of three methods of blanching in conjunction with freezing, on texture of white asparagus as defined by three measures: maximum shear force, cutting energy, and total fiber content. We also assessed shelf life of asparagus kept in frozen storage at -22°C. Methods of blanching were total immersion in hot water, progressive immersion in hot water and steam. An increase in total fiber content was found throughout frozen storage. This increase correlated with lignification of vascular bundles in the basal segment of spears, even during frozen storage. This was reflected in an increase in maximum shear force and cutting energy required. The shelf life of frozen asparagus was 12 mo using total fiber content as a criterion.  相似文献   

采后热空气处理对嘎拉苹果品质及后熟特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵兴锋  屠康  王海  陈育彦  静玮  陈莉 《食品科学》2007,28(6):351-355
研究采后热空气处理(38℃/4d)对嘎拉苹果品质及后熟特性的影响。嘎拉苹果采后立即经38℃、4d的热空气处理,后0℃冷藏6w。冷藏结束后取出,20℃下存放1w模拟货架。贮藏中或货架后测定各品质及后熟指标。研究发现,热空气处理降低了贮藏过程中果实的呼吸强度和乙烯释放量,加速了固酸比的上升和果皮的黄化,延缓了贮藏过程中果实的软化,降低冷藏末期和货架期后的细胞膜透性。货架期后,热处理组嘎拉苹果保持了更好的质地品质,感官评定发现热处理提高了贮藏后嘎拉苹果的硬度和脆度,提高了可接受度。可见,该热处理能较好保持嘎拉苹果贮藏品质,同时延缓其后熟。  相似文献   

为明确不同干燥方式对苹果片微观结构及果胶的影响,探讨干燥苹果片质构与果胶性质的关系,采用热风干燥(hot air drying,AD)、压差闪蒸干燥(instant controlled pressure drop drying,DIC)、真空冷冻干燥(freeze drying,FD)等技术处理原料,分析脱水苹果片硬脆度和微观结构,以及果胶含量、酯化度和中性糖等性质的变化。结果表明:DIC苹果片脆度最大,并有较好的均匀蜂窝状结构;与未处理鲜样相比,干燥处理后的苹果片水溶性果胶(water-solute pectin,WSP)含量和分子的线性度下降,螯合性果胶(CDTA-solute pectin,CSP)含量和分子的线性度上升,且WSP含量和线性度随着热风干燥温度的上升而下降,CSP具有相反的趋势;AD 90 ℃和DIC获得的脱水苹果片的CSP酯化度最小,分别为24.9±1.2%和23.3±0.4%。综合分析,WSP含量影响脱水苹果片硬度和干燥过程中多孔结构的形成,而酯化度则是影响脱水苹果片脆度的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

以质地存在差异的“蜜脆”、“嘎拉”、“倭锦”、“鸡冠”4 个品种的苹果为材料,分析了果实发育过程中硬度、脆度和单果质量的变化,以及细胞壁中果胶、纤维素、半纤维素的含量和多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(polygalacronase,PG)、果胶甲酯酶(pectinmethylesterase,PME)、纤维素酶(carboxymethycellulase,Cx)、β-半乳糖苷酶(β-galactosidase,β-Gal)活性的变化,以期找到品种间质地差异的主要因素。结果表明:果实发育过程中果实硬度降低、脆度变小、感官脆度增大,细胞壁各个组分的含量在4 个品种中均呈下降趋势;在成熟果实中,脆性较好的品种果实中纤维素含量较低,水溶性果胶(water soluble pectin,WSP)含量较高,硬度低的品种果实中离子结合果胶(ionic soluble pectin,ISP)含量较高;PG、β-Gal在高脆品种“蜜脆”、“嘎拉”中活性较高,而Cx、PME活力在各品种间无明显差异。认为WSP、ISP和纤维素含量的差异以及PG和β-Gal活性的差异是形成苹果果实质地差异的关键因素。  相似文献   

热烫处理苹果片真空冻结特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vacuum freezing properties of blanched apple slices were investigated by comparing with traditional refrigerator freezing. Results showed that after 40 min vacuum freezing, a mass loss of 27.5% and the lowest frozen temperature of -27.6 ℃ were achieved in apple slices pretreated by blanching, while a mass loss of 22.9% and the lowest frozen temperature of -26.5 ℃ were obtained in non-blanched apple slices. The total process of vacuum freezing was divided into low pressure flash evaporation stage, ice crystal formation stage and deep freezing stage. Vacuum freezing caused less microstructural changes and less significant cell disruption and contributed to smaller thawing loss and weaker relative electrical conductivity in frozen-thawed apple slices in contrast to refrigerator freezing. Blanching pretreatment before freezing caused more severe damage to cell microstructure in apple slices than non-blanching pretreatment, resulting in a significant increase in thawing loss and relative electrical conductivity in frozen-thawed apple slices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of calcium pretreatment, vacuum level, and apple variety on the texture of apple chips, processed using a combination of air drying and vacuum microwave dehydration (VMD), were determined. Pretreatment of apple slices by immersion in 1-5% aqueous CaCl2 significantly increased crispness of chips as determined by instrumental and sensory analysis; however above 1%, chips were perceived as bitter. Higher vacuum applied during VMD significantly lowered density and increased crispness of chips. This effect was mediated by the vaporization of water in the interior of the chip, which caused expansion of the tissue. Chips made from Fuji apples had higher calcium contents, and were crisper than Red and Golden Delicious apple chips. Microstructure of the chips evaluated by scanning electron microscopy indicated that chips with thicker cell walls and large internal voids were crisper.  相似文献   

质构仪在果实品质测定方面的研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
因其测定结果的高度灵敏性和客观性,质构仪越来越频繁的应用到食品的物性研究及检测当中。目前在果蔬测定中只局限于单一的质构参数的测定与研究,通过对质构仪在当前水果方面应用概况的了解及分析,提出了质构仪测定方法今后在果蔬测定方面的应用,并对其今后的发展方向进行了预测和展望。  相似文献   

果胶是高等植物细胞壁的重要组成成分,对于维持细胞结构起着重要作用。果胶与果实成熟软化过程中质地变化密切相关。本文综述了果胶的一般化学结构、结构模型、采后果实果胶的含量与组分变化、中性糖组成与多聚物纳米结构的变化,总结了采后不同质地变化类型果实的果胶降解模式,为深入认识果胶代谢在不同质地变化类型果实中的作用提供参考。  相似文献   

Structural and Compositional Profiles in Osmotically Dehydrated Apple   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concentration profiles in apple tissue during osmotic dehydration were studied and compared with simultaneous structural changes. Experiments were conducted in apple slices (20 and 30 mm thick) at 20, 30, 40 and 50°C. After treatments, water and solutes were analyzed in serial slices 1.5 mm thick. The occurrence of an “Advancing Disturbance Front,” (ADF) was proposed to describe the mass transfer. The ADF is located at a distance df to the interface, where the reduced driving force (Y) was 0.99. At distances d>df (undisturbed zone) neither compositional nor structural changes were observed. Advancing constant rates for the ADF were determined, showing slight temperature dependence. A generalized equation Y=f(d/df) described and fitted all the experimental data.  相似文献   

Raw and blanched carrots (3 min, boiling water) were frozen at ?2°C, ?3°C, ?4°C or ?5°C/min (final ?20°C or ?50°C) then thawed at 20°C or 100°C. Firmness of thawed raw carrots was: ?5°C > ?4°C > ?3°C > ?2°C/min. Effect of freezing rate on blanched carrots was less than that on raw carrots, but firmness of thawed carrots was not affected by final temperature of freezing. When raw carrots were thawed at 20°C, high methoxyl pectin decreased. Pectin decrease in blanched carrots caused by freezing was greater than that in frozen raw carrots. Effects of slow-freezing, programmed-freezing (slow + quick + slow) and quick-freezing showed quick freezing (—5°C/min) best for texture. As freezing rate decreased, drip increased. A wide difference among experimental samples in fine structure was revealed by cryo-scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

甲酯化修饰发生在果胶主链的自由羧基,与果实质地变化密切相关。近年来,基于模式植物的研究揭示:果胶甲酯化修饰在植物生长发育和抗逆等生物学途径中具有关键调控作用,然而,果胶甲酯化修饰在果实领域的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文从果胶甲酯化修饰的概况、研究方法、生物学功能,与果实质地变化的关系及调控机制5个方面综述果胶甲酯化修饰与果实质地变化的研究进展,旨在为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Pecan texture was measured by texture profile analysis (TPA) at 80% compression before and after being frozen at 6 controlled rates, to 3 minimum temperatures and thawed at 2 rates. Freezing and thawing rates had more influence than storage temperature on pecan texture. Certain TPA parameters (i.e., hardness, area 1, fracturability and slope of linear segment of force vs. deformation curve) were more affected than others by freezing and thawing rates. Freezing and thawing at high rates had the least effect on pecan texture.  相似文献   

Phenolic Profiles and Antioxidant Properties of Apple Skin Extracts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT:  Lipid oxidation, especially the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, is a significant issue in the food industry impacting both food quality and health of consumers. Apple skin was investigated as a source of natural antioxidants. The phenolic compound composition and antioxidant properties of 21 selected apple genotypes were evaluated. The lipid stabilizing ability of the apple skin extracts was examined using an aqueous emulsion system of methyl linolenate. The total phenolic concentrations determined by high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry of methanolic extracts of skins of the apple genotypes varied from 150 to 700 mg/100 g DW. The antioxidant capacity measured by Folin–Ciocalteu (16.2 to 34.1 mg GAE/100 g DW), ferric reducing antioxidant power (1.3 to 3.3 g TE/100 g DW), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (5.2 to 14.2 g TE/100 g DW), and percent inhibition of oxidation of methyl linolenate (73.8% to 97.2%) varied among the apple genotypes. The apple skin extracts, specifically the crab apple varieties such as "Dolgo," were revealed to be effective inhibitors of oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acid in a model system and thus can be considered as a potential source of natural food antioxidants.  相似文献   

The modulus and breaking strength of the skins of different apples were measured: McIntosh, Red Delicious, and Empire stored under controlled atmosphere; McIntosh stored at 1.7°C without atmospheric control, and Honey Crisp and Crimson Gala grown under light and heavy crop conditions. The moduli of the skins of Honey Crisp and Crimson Gala were lower (P < 0.05), than those of Empire, McIntosh, and Red Delicious. Peak puncture force values of McIntosh, Red Delicious, and Empire were lower (P < 0.05) than those of Crimson Gala and Honey Crisp; the contribution of the skin of the Honey Crisp apples to the peak force was least among all the studied apples.  相似文献   

杨玲  张彩霞  丛佩华  程云  王强 《食品科学》2014,35(21):57-62
为了细致研究"华红"苹果贮藏期间果肉质地变化和不同苹果品种质构特性差异,本实验以套袋和未套袋"华红"苹果为试材,应用质地多面分析法定期测定贮藏期间果肉质地参数;以及以不同熟期"华红"、"华苹"、"寒富"、"红星"、"嘎拉"、"津轻"为试材,比较不同苹果品种果肉质地品质差异,同时分析各质地参数之间相关性。"华红"套袋和未套袋果肉质地参数在常温贮藏过程中变化趋势基本一致,且未套袋果肉的各项质地参数稍高于套袋的。硬度呈下降趋势,在黏附性、内聚性、弹性、咀嚼性、回复性方面,贮藏0 d的果实与48 d相比稍有升高。"华红"果肉贮藏期间质地参数变化相关性和6个苹果品种之间质地参数相关性有相似处,内聚性与弹性、回复性、咀嚼性都呈正相关,弹性与回复性、咀嚼性都呈较好地正相关,回复性与咀嚼性呈较好的正相关。不同的是,"华红"果肉硬度与黏附性、内聚性呈负相关,而不同品种之间果肉硬度与内聚性、弹性、回复性、咀嚼性呈高度正相关。不同品种之间各质地参数也进行了量化比较。综上说明本实验选用的P5探头测定的果肉内聚性、弹性、回复性、咀嚼性能反映"华红"果肉质地变化规律,适用于苹果果肉质地品质的客观评价。硬度、内聚性、弹性、回复性、咀嚼性质地参数中的一项或多项可以作为评价"华红"果肉质地和比较这6个苹果品种果肉质地差异性的重要参数。  相似文献   

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