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Swept volume generation for the simulation of machining processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To enhance the accuracy of five-axis milling processes, a simulation based NC-path optimization provides an efficient approach. The key to a reliable simulation of cutting processes is the accurate geometric modeling of engagement conditions and the resulting workpiece geometry. The article proposes a novel approach to calculate the cutter profile for modeling swept volume with respect to trajectory of the cutter. In terms of envelope theory, a swept volume is created as a NURBS surface representation. The proposed method is robust and the results can be applied to material removal simulations based on Boolean operation, as well as discrete methods.  相似文献   


In this paper, a new tool positioning strategy for five-axis machining, called the penetration–elimination method (PEM), is introduced. The PEM gains from two innovative techniques that can considerably improve the computational efficiency during the calculation of the optimal tool orientations.The first technique includes developing a quantitative definition for the gouging concept and using this definition in conjunction with powerful numerical root-finder algorithms to determine the optimized tool orientations. The second technique dynamically detects the ineffective grid points and drops them from calculations and consequently takes a great role in reducing the computational burden. The ability of the PEM in removing various types of gouging has been shown via several examples. The computational efficiency of the PEM has been compared with another recently described method named the arc-intersect method (AIM). This comparison shows that although the two methods reach the same solution for the tool orientation, the PEM is averagely 7.5 times faster than the AIM.  相似文献   

Motivated by the excellent performance of three-axis NURBS interpolation, this paper presents a numerically efficient and accuracy controllable five-axis sculptured surface machining method with dual NURBS curve. Unlike the traditional three-axis NURBS interpolation, a dual NURBS format of the five-axis toolpath is developed to accurately and smoothly describe the tool movement in the part coordinate system. Different from the subdivision methods using the Taylor series expansion or inverse function, a piece-wise Bézier curve method is implemented to fast subdivide the NURBS curve within the user-defined tolerance. A generic rotation tool center point management module is also designed to realize the coordinate transformation and adaptive nonlinear error control for major five-axis machine tools. The overall effectiveness of the proposed five-axis NURBS machining scheme is demonstrated by the five-axis machining of an impeller’s flow channel.  相似文献   

Existing orientation strategies in 5-axis sculptured surface machining mostly limit the cutter to incline in one direction and lack an effective approach to assess the orientation. This paper presents the quadric method (QM) that exploits fully the two orientation angles to maximise the machining efficiency at a cutter contact point. The geometric construction assumes that the local shape of a sculptured surface can be suitably approximated by two quadrics. An upper quadric lying above the surface is used to orient the cutter, and a lower quadric lying below the surface is used to evaluate machined strip width. Then, the cutter orientation is optimised with respect to the width and is guaranteed to give no gouging. Both flat-end cutter and fillet-end cutter are considered. Simulated examples demonstrate the improved machining efficiency of the QM over current published methods.  相似文献   

Currently, two major processes are being used to produce prototypes, namely machining and rapid prototyping. Machining is generally more accurate and precise, but it is difficult to produce objects with certain complicated features. In contrast, rapid prototyping can produce objects with complicated features, which allows materials to be used more efficiently. However, due to the uneven shrinkage and residual stresses within rapid prototyping products, their accuracy is usually uncertain. This study attempts to integrate these two manufacturing processes and develop a hybrid rapid prototyping system in order to overcome the disadvantages associated with each process and to develop new applications. Fused deposition modeling (FDM) was used as the rapid prototyping process in this work. A spindle and a low-cost FDM extruder were designed to be placed on each end of a rotary axis in a five-axis machine tool. The proposed design allows the rotation of the axis on the five-axis machine to switch between machining and FDM, thus achieving the advantage of reducing costs for extra actuators without sacrificing working space. The case studies demonstrated that the proposed hybrid system can build FDM objects without using support materials and produce FDM parts with metal embedded to increase the stiffness. The system can also conduct five-axis machining on a completed FDM part or trim the freeform surface fabricated by FDM to achieve more accurate dimensions or better surface finish.  相似文献   

李烨  陈威 《模具工业》2010,36(9):69-72
介绍用NX4软件对轮胎模具基模进行数控加工的过程,阐述了基模模型的建立、加工操作模板父节点的设置、加工参数的设置和基模五轴数控加工的具体步骤。可提高模具加工精度和效率,缩短产品开发周期。  相似文献   

This paper looks into the irregular machined surface textures appearing in the process of avoiding five-axis singularities using the C-space based tool orientation translation method. At first, the mechanism for the appearances of the irregular surface textures is analyzed. A cutting simulation in VERICUT reveals that irregular surface textures are actually caused by lacking control of the tool orientation angles in the orientation modification process. Realizing that, a modified particle swarm optimization (PSO) is intergraded into the previous tool orientation translation method. In the PSO, the particle evolving equations are redefined and a mutation operation is added. The objective of the PSO is to find an optimal translating vector in the C-space so that the changed tool orientation angles can reach minimum values. In this way, the surface textures can be controlled. Three comparative cutting experiments with fillet endmills are carried out to verify the effect of the proposed method. The experimental results show that: (1) with the tool orientation translation method, the five-axis singular problem can be well avoided; and (2) with the optimal translating vector found by the PSO, the machined surface textures can be greatly improved.  相似文献   

等螺旋角锥度刀具简易数控加工法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章提出了一种在经济型数控机床上实现等螺旋角圆锥螺旋线的加工方法,其原理是用等导程螺旋线去逼近此种曲线.这个方法计算简单,结果精确,并可保证整段曲线上误差相等,而且其大小也可控制.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computation scheme that generates optimized tool path for five-axis flank milling of ruled surface. Tool path planning is transformed into a matching problem between two point sets in 3D space, sampled from the boundary curves of the machined surface. Each connection in the matching corresponds to a possible tool position. Dynamic programming techniques are applied to obtain the optimal combination of tool positions with the objective function as machining error. The error estimation considers both the deviation induced by the cutter at discrete positions and the one between them. The path planning problem is thus solved in a systematic manner by formulizing it as a mathematical programming task. In addition, the scheme incorporates several optimization parameters that allow generating new patterns of tool motion. Implementation results obtained from simulation and experiment indicate that our method produces better machining quality. This work provides a concise but effective approach for machining error control in five-axis flank milling.  相似文献   

数控加工中自由曲面干涉区域求解算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
质量和效率是自由曲面零件数控加工所追求的一对相对矛盾的目标,本文就解决这一问题的自由曲面零件分片加工方法中的关键问题-自由曲面的干涉区域求取,提出了利用自由曲面的几何信息通过优化和迭代方法进行干涉区域快速跟踪求取的算法,保证了求取的快速,可靠,并通过具体的计算实例验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

介绍了在SolidWorks平台上,运用Visual Basic编程语言开发数控加工过程仿真系统,重点论述了仿真系统的编程模块和仿真模块。经使用表明,数控加工过程仿真系统完全满足实际生产现场要求,具有高可靠性、低成本、易扩展等优点。  相似文献   

文章主要对数控加工中的工艺处理问题进行了探讨,阐述了数控加工中工艺处理的若干原则和方法.  相似文献   

文章介绍了在数控机床上加工型面联结体的方法.先把型面曲线按等误差的要求离散成微小直线段,求出节点坐标,按直线插补原理编程就可以加工出这种非圆轮廓曲线.方法与现有文献比较,计算特别简单,而且结果也足够精确.  相似文献   

以实际模具零件加工为例,分析了五轴加工技术在模具零件加工中的应用,与三轴加工技术相比较,五轴加工技术提高了零件质量和加工效率,减少了电极数量,缩短了模具生产周期,在模具制造业中有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

根据数控线切割加工粉末冶金模具的加工工艺方法,利用Pro/E系统的Pro/NC模块,研究了粉末冶金齿轮成形模具型腔的数控线切割加工仿真,并自动生成了数控加工程序,从而将产品的计算机辅助设计(CAD)与计算机辅助制造(CAM)实现了无缝结合,大大提高了粉末,台金制品的制造精度,实现了加工自动化,缩短了开发周期,降低了制造成本。  相似文献   

五坐标数控加工后置处理算法的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了五坐标数控机床的后置处理原理,以cincinnati MilacronH5—800卧式加工中心为例,给出了针对转动坐标分别由回转工作台和主轴摆动实现的五坐标后置处理算法,并在该加工中心上得到验证。  相似文献   

CAXA制造工程师在模具表面精加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CAXA制造工程师2006对模具表面精加工提供了多种加工方式,虽对同一零件用几种加工方式都能实现,但是加工后的零件表面质量和加工效率却存在一定的差异,以变半径简单曲面加工、多曲面形成的凸模和凹模加工以及模具的两轴半加工为例,对适合不同形状的模具零件的加工方式进行了比较和研究。  相似文献   

玻壳屏凸模型面数控加工刀具运动轨迹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数控加工刀具运动轨迹是确定数控加工工艺的重要环节,刀具运动轨迹设计质量的好坏,直接影响零件的加工质量及加工成本。为此,进行了基于切削力波动控制的球头刀铣削刀具路径优选实验研究,提出了针对玻壳屏凸模表面及其相似形状特征的模具型面编程策略。  相似文献   

虚拟数控加工过程的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用虚拟加工技术,设计了双刀架数控车床的虚拟数控加工系统,介绍了一种三维动画仿真技术及其特点。  相似文献   

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