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The influence of N, P and K application through inorganic and organic fertilizers on N recovery in crop plants and its balance in the soil-plant (maize-wheat-cowpea fodder) was studied for the first 22 years of a long-term experiment at Punjab Agricultural University farm, Ludhiana, India. The results showed. that N removal and apparent N recovery by both maize and wheat was directly related to the balanced application of N, P and K fertilizers. Averaged over the years, application of N alone (100% N) resulted in a recovery of 17.1% in maize and 31.7% in wheat. The application of P and K along with N almost doubled (32.8% in maize and 64.7% in wheat) the apparent N recovery in the crops. Increase in soil N concentration which was related to the build-up of soil organic carbon (OC) occurred at a very slow rate with the application of N, P and K fertilizers. Addition of farm yard manure (FYM) resulted in highest N removal in crops and build-up of soil N and OC status. Application of recommended N without P and K fertilizers resulted in relatively large amounts (64–71%) of fertilizer N lost from the surface soil as compared to that (41–49%) with N, P and K applied together. Higher rate of fertilizer application (150% NPK) resulted in comparatively greater N loss (58–62%). It was concluded that balanced and judicious use of N, P and K fertilizers coupled with the addition of any deficient element (e.g. Zn) help in minimizing N losses and environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) cycling was determined in monocultures of Sorghumbicolor (L.) Moench and alley cropped sorghum with Acaciasaligna (Labill.) H. Wendl. in semiarid Northern Kenya. N inputthrough biological N2 fixation of the acacia, N transfer from thelegume to the intercrop and losses of applied N through harvest and leachingwere estimated using 15N enrichment. The biological N2fixation and N transfer estimates clearly demonstrated the limitations of15N enrichment techniques in field experiments showing even highertransfer than actually fixed N. Therefore, N transfer in the hedgerowintercropping system could not be determined by the 15N dilutionmethodology. The 15N balance approach, however, yielded reliableresults even 1.5 years after 15N application. 74 to 88% of theapplied 15N was recovered after three cropping cycles, most of it inthe soil (0–1.2 m). Only about 10% of the15N was taken up by the above-ground vegetation of both monocultureand agroforestry. The trees took up more of the applied 15N(8.4%) than the sorghum (1.3%) in the agroforestry system,indicating nutrient competition between tree and crop. Leaching losses below 1.2m depth were low in this semi-arid environment with 3 and 6%of the applied 15N in the monoculture and agroforestry system,respectively. 15N losses from leaching were 2.5 times higher in thealley than under the tree row. Incorporating the leguminous tree into thesorghum cropping system had no effect on total leaching and total uptake ofapplied 15N in above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in arid-Saharan Morocco to assess the fate of fertilizer N in a wheat (Triticum durum var. Karim)–wheat cropping sequence. Therefore, 85 kg N ha–1 labeled with 9.764 atom % excess 15N was applied in a three-split application. The fertilizer N recovery by the wheat in the first year was 33.1%. At harvest, 64.8% of fertilizer N was found in the 0–80 cm profile as residual fertilizer-derived N. 2.1% of the applied N could not be accounted for in the season 1996/1997. The recovery of the residual labeled fertilizer N by the subsequent wheat crop was 6.4% for the treatment without residue incorporation and 7.4% for the treatment with residue incorporation. The possible reason for this low plant recovery was immobilization of the fertilizer N. The total recovery of fertilizer N over the two growing seasons was 82.3% and 86.1% for the treatment without and with residue incorporation, respectively. The not recovered N after the second cropping season was 15.6% and 11.8% for the treatment without and with residue incorporation, respectively. The loss of labeled N by the soil–plant system was not due to leaching but to denitrification and volatilization. In the treatment (N+*R) with labeled residue incorporation, the percentage of N recovery by plant was 16.2, indicating the mineralisation of the residue applied.  相似文献   

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Negative nitrogen balance represents a major factor causing low potato yield in potato growing areas of Kenya while its excessive surplus poses a significant...  相似文献   

In organic agriculture, the internal farm nutrient cycle must bequantified to ensure high system productivity accompanied by environmentallysound production processes. In contrast to common farm-gate and field balances,budgeting at the stall level is seldom undertaken. When budgeting mixed farmingsystems, a substantial lack of nutrients can be detected in the forageand straw input – stall – manure output nutrient flow chain.Therefore, stall balances focus on a central component of whole-farm nutrientbudgets for developing efficient nutrient management strategies. At theexperimental farm for organic agriculture at Wiesengut in Hennef, Germany, allsolid mass flows for a suckler herd and a herd of beef bulls were measured.Relative balance values obtained for dry matter and C (45 to 56%), N (16to 36%), P (–7 to 22.5%), K (0 to 13%) and ash(–4 to 7%) varied over a wide range. Balances are very sensitive tovariations in mass flow and nutrient content for components with high nutrientcontents and/or a large contribution to total mass flow (e.g. manure, silage).In developing strategies to minimise N losses, by reducing N surplus in theration, one must consider, that, in contrast to dairy farms, a suckler herd forbeef production integrated in an organic farm has to adapt to crop productiondemands.  相似文献   

The application of nitrogen in a soil under agricultural production is subject to several pathways including de-nitrification, leaching and recovery by an annual crop. This is as well greatly influenced by the management practices, nitrogen source and soil conditions. The main objective of this study was to investigate the loss of nitrogen (N) through nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and mineral N leaching and uptake by annual crop as influenced by the N source. The study was carried out at Kabete in Central Kenya. Measurements were taken during the second season after two seasons of repeated application of N as urea and Tithonia diversifolia (tithonia) leaves. Results obtained indicated that nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions at 4 weeks after planting were as high as 12.3 μg N m −2 h−1 for tithonia treatment and 2.9 μg N m−2 h−1 for urea treatment. Tithonia green biomass treatment was found to emit N2O at relatively higher rate compared to urea treatment. This was only evident during the fourth week after treatment application.Soil mineral N content at the end of the season increased down the profile. This was evident in the three treatments (urea, tithonia and control) investigated in the study. Urea treatment exhibited significantly higher mineral N content down the soil profile (9% of the applied N) compared to tithonia (0.6% of the applied N). This was attributed to the washing down of the nitrate-N from the topsoil accumulating in the lower layers of the soil profile. However, there was no significant difference in N content down the soil profile between tithonia treatment and the control. It could be concluded that there was no nitrate leaching in the tithonia treatment. Nitrogen recovery by the maize crop was higher in the urea treatment (76% of the applied N) as compared to tithonia treatment (55.5% of the applied N). This was also true for the residual mineral N in the soil at the end of the season which was about 7.8% of the applied N in the urea treatment and 5.2% in the tithonia treatment.From this study, it was therefore evident that although there is relatively lower N recovery by maize supplied with tithonia green biomass compared to maize supplied with urea, more nitrogen is being lost (through leaching) from the soil–plant system in the urea applied plots than in tithonia applied plots. However, a greater percentage (37.8%) of the tithonia-applied N could not be accounted for and might have been entrapped in the soil organic matter unlike urea-applied N whose greater percentage (92%) could be accounted for.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply from organic amendments [such as farmyard manure (FYM), slurries or crop residues] to crops is commonly expressed in the amendment’s Nitrogen Fertiliser Replacement Value (NFRV). Values for NFRV can be determined by comparison of crop yield or N uptake in amended plots against mineral fertiliser-only plots. NFRV is then defined as the amount of mineral fertiliser N saved when using organic amendment-N (kg/kg), while attaining the same crop yield. Factors known to affect NFRV are crop type cultivated, soil type, manuring history and method or time of application. We investigated whether long-term NFRV depends on N application rates. Using data from eight long term experiments in Europe, values of NFRV at low total N supply were compared with values of NFRV at high total N supply. Our findings show that FYM has a significant higher NFRV value at high total N supply than at low total N supply (1.12 vs. 0.53, p = 0.04). For the other amendment types investigated, NFRV was also higher at high total N supply than at low total N supply, but sample sizes were too small or variations too large to detect significant differences. Farmers in Europe usually operate at high rates of total N applied. If fertiliser supplements are based on NFRV of the manure estimated at low total N supply, N fertiliser requirements might be overestimated. This might lead to overuse of N, lower N use efficiency and larger losses of N to the environment.  相似文献   

After 3 years of different crop rotations in an organic farming experiment on a sandy soil in northwest Germany, spring triticale was cultivated on all plots in the fourth year to investigate residual effects on yield, nitrogen (N) leaching and nutrient status in the soil. Previous crop rotations differed in the way N was supplied, either by farmyard manure (FYM, 100 and 200 kg N ha−1 year−1) or by arable legumes like grass-red clover and field beans, or as a control with no N. Other crops in the rotations were maize, winter triticale and spring barley. Additional plots had a 3-year grass-clover ley, that was ploughed-in for spring triticale in the fourth year. Yields of spring triticale were moderate and largest for ploughed-in grassland leys and grass-red clover and plots that had previously received farmyard manure. The former crop rotation, including grassland break-up, had a significant effect on most yield and environmental parameters like residual soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) and N leaching and on the level of available K in the soil. The single crop harvested in the year before spring triticale had a significant effect on yield parameters of spring triticale, less so on SMN and N leaching in the fourth year and no effect on available nutrients (P, K, Mg) and pH in the soil. We conclude that the effects of arable legumes were rather short lived while ploughing of 3-year grassland leys had a profound influence on mineralization processes and subsequently on yield and N losses.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were conducted in a rice–fallow–rice cropping sequence during consecutive dry and wet seasons of 1997 on a Fluvic Tropaquept to determine the fate and efficiency of broadcast urea in combination with three residue management practices (no residue, burned residue and untreated rice crop residue). Ammonia volatilization losses from urea (70 kg N ha–1) broadcast into floodwater shortly after transplanting for 11 d were 7, 12 and 8% of the applied N from no residue, burned residue and residue treated plots, respectively. During that time, the cumulative percent of N2 + N2O emission due to urea addition corresponded to 10, 4.3 and nil, respectively. The 15N balance study showed that at maturity of the dry season crop, fertilizer N recovery by the grain was low, only 9 to 11% of the N applied. Fifty to 53% of the applied 15N remained in the soil after rice harvest, mainly in the upper 0–5 cm layer. The unaccounted for 15N ranged from 27 to 33% of the applied N and was unaffected by residue treatments. Only 4 to 5% of the initial 15N-labeled urea applied to the dry season rice crop was taken up by the succeeding rice crop, to which no additional N fertilizer was applied. Grain yield and N uptake were significantly increased (P=0.05) by N application in the dry season, but not significantly affected by residue treatments in either season.  相似文献   

A strategic investment plan to establish renewable energy source (RES) systems plays an important role in various decision-making processes, from a stakeholder in business purposes to a policy maker for public benefits. In this study, we have developed a new optimization model to establish efficient investment strategies to design and operate a biomass to hydrogen (B2H2) system, which includes the features of RES (e.g., intermittent availability) and RES technologies (e.g., low conversion efficiency) along with various external factors on energy economy (energy price fluctuation and demand uncertainty). As a result, we identified the optimal long-term plan of investment strategy including timing, utilized amount, and capacity of facilities. In addition, we performed an economic sensitivity analysis for major parameters and evaluated a sustainability of the B2H2 system using additional metrics such as energy security and environmental protection.  相似文献   

In the south-eastern region of Brazil there are millions of hectares of deforested, almost-treeless hillsides with sparse ground-cover of grasses of African origin. For the establishment of more productive pastures in these areas, silvopastoral systems (SPSs) have been recommended, and the objective of this study was to quantify the N fluxes in the soil/plant/animal systems as a means compare the sustainability of a SPS planted with legume trees (Acacia mangium and Mimosa artemisiana) and eucalyptus, compared to that of a grass-alone Brachiaria decumbens (BDH) pasture. The annual live weight gain of Zebu × Friesian heifers, assessed 5 years after pasture establishment, was significantly higher on the SPS than on the grass-alone pasture, at 205 and 177 kg head?1 year?1 respectively. The N deposited as animal excreta (38–49 kg ha?1 for BDH and SPS, respectively), especially urine, is considered to be much more susceptible to loss than N derived from decomposing plant litter, and was found to be much less than the N recycled though the grass litter (107 and 114 kg ha?1, respectively) in both systems. The extra N recycled in tree-leaf and grass litter increased this by 34 kg N ha?1 in the SPS and we conclude that this would contribute to sustain forage productivity. The added advantage of trees in the provision of shade for the animals and protection from soil erosion should further contribute to the long term sustainable productivity of this SPS.  相似文献   

A mathematical model similar to the one suggested by Probert [3] is used to calculate effective phosphorus in two rice crops followed by green gram. The effective phosphorus values are then related to dry matter yield, grain yield and phosphorus uptake in the three crops using linear and Mitscherlich equations.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycles are closely linked in organic farming systems. Use of residues for biogas digestion may reduce N-losses and lead to higher farmland productivity. However, digestion is connected to large losses of organic C. It is the purpose of this paper (1) to compare farming systems based on liquid slurry and solid farmyard manure regarding the N, C and organic dry matter (ODM) inputs and flows, (2) to analyse the effect of digestion on soil N, C and ODM inputs and flows within the cropping system, (3) to assess the effects of organic manure management on biological N2 fixation (BNF), and (4) to assess the effect of biogas digestion on the sustainability of the cropping systems in terms of N and C budgets. The BNF by clover/grass-leys was the most important single N input, followed by the BNF supplied by legume cover cropping. Growth of crops in organic farming systems is very often N limited, and not limited by the soil C inputs. However, balances of N inputs showed that the implemented organic farming systems have the potential to supply high amounts of N to meet crop N demand. The level of plant available N to non-legume main crops was much lower, in comparison to the total N inputs. Reasons were the non-synchronized timing of N mineralization and crop N demand, the high unproductive gaseous N losses and an unfocussed allocation in space and time of the circulating N within the crop rotation (e.g. allocation of immobile manures to legumes or of mobile manures to cover crops). Simultaneously, organic cropping systems very often showed large C surpluses, which may be potentially increased the N shortage due to the immobilization of N. Soil organic matter supply and soil humus balance (a balance sheet calculated from factors describing the cultivation effects on humus increasing and humus depleting crops, and organic manure application) were higher in cropping systems based on liquid slurry than in those based on solid farmyard manure (+19%). Simultaneously, soil N surplus was higher due to lower gaseous N losses (+14%). Biogas digestion of slurry had only a very slight effect on both the soil N and the soil C budget. The effect on the N budget was also slight if the liquid slurry was stored in closed repositories. Digestion of residues like slurry, crop residues and cover crops reduced in a mixed farming system the soil C supply unilaterally (approximately −33%), and increased the amounts of readily available N (approximately +70–75%). The long-term challenge for organic farming systems is to find instruments that reduce N losses to a minimum, to keep the most limiting fraction of N (ammonia-N) within the system, and to enhance the direct manuring effect of the available manures to non-legume main crops.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis of Euphorbia rigida and sesame stalk biomass samples with two selected commercial catalyst, namely DHC-32 and HC-K 1.3Q, have been conducted in a fixed-bed reactor. The effect of different catalysts and their ratio (5, 10 and 20% w/w) and pyrolysis temperature (500 and 750 °C) on the pyrolysis product yields were investigated and the obtained results were compared with similar experiments without catalyst. Bio-oil yield was increased comparing with non-catalytic experiments, at final pyrolysis temperature of 500 °C for both biomass samples and catalysts. In the catalytic experiments; when the temperature reached to 750 °C, although bio-oil product yield was reduced, the gas product yield was increased comparing with non-catalytic experiments.The pyrolysis oils were examined using spectroscopic and chromatographic analyses and then fractioned by column chromatography. Although the aliphatic and aromatic fractions were decreased and polar fraction was increased with catalytic pyrolysis of E. rigida; an opposite trend was observed in the sesame stalk pyrolysis oil, comparing with non-catalytic results.Obtained results were compared with petroleum fractions and determined the possibility of being a potential source of renewable fuels.  相似文献   

Organic material inputs for increased crop yields are insufficient in the Sahelian West Africa. There is a need for diversifying organic amendment sources for improved nutrient supply in low-input cropping system. The 2-year study aimed to (1) explore the rates of mass losses and nutrient release dynamics from Acacia tumida prunings (AT) and millet straw (MS) under field conditions, (2) assess termite’s contribution to the decomposition of AT and MS, and (3) ascertain the mulching-effect of these organic materials on pearl millet yields. The study was conducted in Niger using field experiment and litterbag methodology and the data modelled using single exponential decay equations. Under field conditions, mulching with AT and MS increased millet grain yield by 35 and 33%, respectively compared to control. The harvest index (HI) in 2014 increased by 21% compared to that obtained in 2013 with the highest HI being recorded for the AT mulched treatment. The results from litterbag experiment indicated a greater dry mass losses from MS decomposition in 2013 whereas relatively higher mass losses were recorded from AT decomposition in 2014. The differences in mass losses among the organic materials could be related to the interaction of soil moisture dynamics and termites’ population which are positively correlated with mass losses. The contribution of termites to the decomposition was estimated to be 36% for MS and 8% for AT. In 2013, at 126 days after litterbags placement, the amounts of N, P, and K released from MS were 16, 1, and 25 kg ha?1 of initial nutrient applied, respectively compared with the 22, 1, and 23 kg ha?1 recorded from AT treatment. During the same period in 2014, the total amounts of N, P and K released from MS were 15, 0.6, and 29 kg ha?1, respectively compared to the 32 kg ha?1 of N, 1 kg ha?1 of P, and 29 kg ha?1 of K released from the AT treatment. The intrinsic organic material quality could explain markedly the variation in nutrient released among the organic material. These results indicate that Acacia tumida prunings have a potential to provide nutrient through mineralization for enhanced crop yield in the Sahel.  相似文献   

A 3-year field trial of sugarcane, comprising 11 treatment combinations of different organic manures with and without Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus (Gd), NPK and an absolute control, on an inceptisol was conducted to assess the effect of these treatments on sugarcane total and economic yield, the benefit:cost ratio, nutrient balance and soil quality in a sugarcane plant–ratoon system. The highest cane yield (78.6 t ha−1) was recorded in the plant crop given vermicompost + Gd, whereas ratoon yields (first and second) were highest (80.8 and 74.9 t/ha−1, respectively) with sulphitation press mud cake (SPMC) + Gd. In both plant and ratoon crops, a number of different organic manures produced the highest cane yield that was also statistically similar to those obtained with using the recommended NPK levels (76.1, 78.2 and 71.7 t/ha for plant crop and subsequent two ratoons, respectively). The highest benefit:cost (B:C) ratio in the plant and two ratoon crops (1.28, 2.36, 2.03 respectively) were obtained with the addition of SPMC + Gd. The nutrient balance for NPK in the soil was highest in the SPMC + Gd treatment. The highest increase in organic C (94%) and total N (87%), in comparison to the initial level, and soil microbial biomass C (113%) and soil microbial biomass N (229%), in comparison to the control treatment, was recorded with the addition of SPMC + Gd. The maximum decrease in soil bulk density (BD) (12%) with an increase in soil aggregate (17%) and water infiltration rate (35%) was obtained with the addition of SPMC. Overall, the sugarcane crop responded well to different organic manures in a multiple ratooning system with a better economic output and improved soil quality. Strategic planning in terms of an integrated application of these manures with inorganic chemicals will not only sustain our soils but will also be beneficial for our farmers in terms of reducing their dependence and expenditure on chemical fertilizers.  相似文献   

A field experiment and farm survey were conducted to test nitrogen (N) inputs, 15N-labelled fertilizer balance and mineral N dynamics of a rice–wheat rotation in southwest China. Total N input in one rice–wheat cycle averaged about 448 kg N ha−1, of which inorganic fertilizer accounted for 63% of the total. The effects of good N management strategies on N cycling were clear: an optimized N treatment with a 27% reduction in total N fertilizer input over the rotation decreased apparent N loss by 52% and increased production (sum of grain yield of rice and wheat) compared with farmers’ traditional practice. In the 15N-labelled fertilizer experiment, an optimized N treatment led to significantly lower 15N losses than farmers’ traditional practice; N loss mainly occurred in the rice growing season, which accounted for 82% and 67% of the total loss from the rotation in farmers’ fields and the optimized N treatment, respectively. After the wheat harvest, accumulated soil mineral N ranged from 42 to 115 kg ha−1 in farmers’ fields, of which the extractable soil NO3 –N accounted for 63%. However, flooding soil for rice production significantly reduced accumulated mineral N after the wheat harvest: in the 15N experiment, farmers’ practice led to considerable accumulation of mineral N after the wheat harvest (125 kg ha−1), of which 69% was subsequently lost after 13 days of flooding. Results from this study indicate the importance of N management in the wheat-growing season, which affects N dynamics and N losses significantly in the following rice season. Integrated N management should be adopted for rice–wheat rotations in order to achieve a better N recovery efficiency and lower N loss.  相似文献   

Long-term integrated crop-livestock system enables constant and more efficient nutrient cycling because animal, pasture and crop residues release nutrients at different rates. Therefore, appropriate management of these systems is needed to maximize benefits from nutrient cycling. The objective of this study was to evaluate how grazing intensity affected the release rates of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in pasture, dung and soybean residues in a no-till long-term integrated crop-livestock system. The experiment was established in 2001 on a clayey Oxisol after soybean harvest. Treatments consisted of pasture with sward heights maintained at 1020, 30 and 40 cm by different cattle stocking rates and a non-grazed (NG) treatment. Decomposition and release rates of nutrients in the pasture and dung were determined using litter bags, which were installed at soybean seeding and pasture seeding during two pasture-crop cycles (2009–2011). Lighter grazing intensities resulted in greater P release rate from pasture and dung residues. Pasture and dung residues released K at a very high rate and were not influenced by grazing intensity. The P and K released from soybean residue were not affected by grazing intensity; however, decomposition of soybean leaves was greater than of stems. Greatest rates of total P and K released were from pasture and dung residues under lighter grazing intensities and in the NG areas. Large amounts of P (~25 kg ha?1) and K (~130–180 kg ha?1) were cycled in a complete soybean-beef cattle integrated system and must be considered in the fertilization management.  相似文献   

Hierarchical porous nickel cobaltite (NiCo2O4) nanomaterials were synthesized via a hard-templating route. The obtained materials consist of nanostructured cubic NiCo2O4 spinels and a spot of cubic NiO nanoparticles, and the materials display a typical hierarchical porous structure. The NiCo2O4 electrode displays quasireversible dynamics characteristics, mainly Faradaic capacitance behavior and capacitance relaxation feature. The NiCo2O4 electrode exhibits an excellent long cycling behavior with no capacitance decays during 5,000 cycles at a current density of 2?A?g?1 in 1?M KOH electrolytes, and the NiCo2O4 electrode exhibits both high power and energy performances even after 5,000 cycles with respective value of 1,758?W?kg?1 and 8.3?W?h?kg?1 in 1?M KOH electrolytes, indicating that the NiCo2O4 nanomaterials are promising candidates for electrochemical capacitors.  相似文献   

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