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Spawning success of males and its correlates were investigated in a natural colony of whitebelly damselfish, A. leucogaster (Pomacentridae), to explore the criteria that females use in choosing mates. The mating success of individual males was variable, with some males acquiring as few as 5000 eggs and others as many as 450 000 eggs during a breeding season. Male spawning success was not correlated with body size, territory size, nest site parameters or parental care behaviour. Egg hatching success was not related to either male size or egg clutch size, and all males were capable of rearing eggs to hatching. The temporal sequence of choices by females indicated non-independent choice by females, such that males chosen by females on the first spawn of the day were also chosen by females that spawned later in the day. Field observations indicated that, in the absence of male courtship, females preferentially visited males that had eggs in their nest site. Males that had recently mated were preferred by females over those males with either late-stage eggs or no eggs in the nest. This female preference did not appear to be related to increased paternal care or egg clutch survival. Given that the mating system is promiscuous and non-resource based, and that there appears to be little difference among males in body size, females may be mating non-independently by mimicking the choice of other females. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

A sexual size dimorphism usually occurs when size-dependent reproductive advantages exist in only one sex. Studies on Japanese medaka, Oryzias latipes, have demonstrated reproductive size advantages in females but not in males, even though males and females are similar in body size. We conducted mate-choice and mate-copying tests in which a female could first associate with, then mate with, either a large (>/=1 sd+X standard length) or a small male (相似文献   

The mating system of the seaweed fly involves a premating struggle. When mounted, females violently try to remove the male. In this study 48% of premating struggles resulted in successful rejection of the male, 46% in copulation and 6% were terminated by the male. Large males had a mating advantage. However, contrary to what would be predicted if this sexual selection occurred as a result of active female mate choice, we found a positive association between the duration of premating struggles and male size. A positive association was also found between the duration of premating struggles and male mating success, suggesting that large males may benefit through their superior ability to withstand female rejection. Large females rejected males more easily than small females, suggesting that the premating struggle has not evolved to allow mate assessment by females. We conclude that sexual selection is occurring as a side-effect of the female rejection response, which has probably evolved in order to avoid costs associated with copulation. Nevertheless, a sexual size dimorphism has evolved with males being larger and much more variable in size than females. (c) 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We studied the consequences of monogamy and polygyny for male and female lapwings at a site in northern England between 1993 and 1995. Males and females differed in breeding behaviour, and thus the pattern of reproductive investment: males contributed less time than females to the care of their offspring and more time to mating behaviour. We argue that this has resulted from sexual selection. Reproductive behaviour was similar in monogamous and polygynous individuals of both sexes. Male mating success was related to territory size, with males on the largest territories gaining more females. Polygynous male lapwings reared on average between 58 and 100% more chicks each year than monogamous males because of fewer complete breeding failures; between-year return rates of males to the area were similar. This would result in a strong advantage in terms of lifetime reproductive success for polygynous male lapwings. The seasonal breeding success of polygynous females was marginally, but not significantly, lower than that of monogamous females. Between-year return rates of monogamous and polygynous females were similar. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of repeated withinpair copulations is not well understood. We analysed the copulatory behaviour of 16 pairs of solitary-nesting American kestrels, Falco sparverius, in southern Quebec (Canada), and the achieved reproductive success (paternity) of 21 kestrel families determined by DNA fingerprinting, in terms of four hypotheses. (1) The paternity assurance hypothesis, which suggests that males copulate frequently to avoid being cuckolded, was rejected because there were few extrapair copulation attempts (<1% of all copulations observed), withinpair copulations were not timed during the fertile period and mate attendance did not increase as the fertile period approached. (2) The immediate material benefits hypothesis, which suggests that females trade copulations for food, was refuted because copulations most often occurred without food transfers, especially outside the fertile period. (3) The female mate guarding of males hypothesis, which suggests that females distract their mates from other mating opportunities by copulating frequently, was rejected because extrapair copulation attempts were infrequent, male and female solicitation frequencies were similar and females did not differ in the timing or frequency of solicitations. (4) The mate assessment hypothesis, which suggests that assessment of mate quality is mediated via copulation, most closely predicted the behaviour observed since withinpair copulations were frequent outside the fertile period and at pair formation, males and females solicited similar numbers of copulations and pairs did not differ significantly in solicitation or copulation frequency. In line with this hypothesis we found that only one brood was extrapair, probably the result of mate replacement.Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Observations of newly mated Drosophila melanogaster females suggest that females control the times at which components of the ejaculate cause behavioural and physiological changes characteristic of fertilized females. Females that were assayed immediately after they mated elicited as much courtship as they did when they were virgins, but were unreceptive to copulation. Within a few minutes of when they disengaged from copulation, most females performed ovipositor extrusion, which has been classified as a rejection behaviour, in response to courting males or males that had previously performed courtship. Most females that were assayed immediately after mating had already ovulated. The females, however, do not begin to lay eggs until 4-6 h after mating, at which time they elicit very little courtship (Scott & Richmond 1985, Anim. Behav., 33, 817-824). Our observations suggest that neither ovipositor extrusion nor male-synthesized pheromones that are transferred to females' cuticles during copulation inhibit males' courtship of newly fertilized females. Thus, males cannot determine that newly fertilized females are unreceptive to copulation. These observations also indicate that the failure of newly fertilized females to mate with males is not a consequence of the females' inability to elicit vigorous courtship. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The bright plumage of male ducks in sexually dichromatic species is thought to have evolved through intense sexual selection. This study examined the relationship between the timing and speed of moult into this bright plumage and subsequent mating success of male harlequin ducks, Histrionicus histrionicus. Males that moulted relatively slowly had a lower chance of establishing a pair bond than others. The timing of moult was unrelated to whether a male obtained a mate. Moult speed and timing were not correlated within individual males, but were significantly repeatable in individual males over 2 years. Moult speed probably reflects the condition of males, whereas timing of moult is more likely to be related to the distance to an individual's breeding area, which determines the timing of arrival to the moulting grounds. In waterfowl species that have been studied, males usually form dominance hierarchies before pairing and females tend to choose dominant males. We suggest that male harlequin ducks that moult slowly are poor-quality individuals, which are relegated to subordinate status and are unlikely to attract a mate the following autumn. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Buff-breasted sandpipers use a variety of mating tactics to acquire mates, including remaining at a single lek for most of the breeding season, attending multiple leks during the season, displaying solitarily or displaying both on leks and solitarily. We found that differences in body size, body condition, fluctuating asymmetry scores, wing coloration, territory location and behaviour (attraction, solicitation and agonistic) did not explain the observed variation in mating tactics used by males. Which males abandoned versus returned to leks was also not related to morphology or behaviour, and there was no tendency for males to join leks that were larger or smaller than the lek they abandoned. These results suggest that male desertion of leks was not dependent on a male's characteristics nor on the size of the lek he was presently attending. Males did join leks with larger males than their previous lek, perhaps to mate with females attracted to these larger 'hotshot' males. Males at both leks and solitary sites successfully mated. Lek tenure did not affect mating success, although lekking males appeared to mate more frequently than solitary males. Courtship disruption and to a lesser extent, female mimicry, were effective at preventing females from mating at leks, and may offer a partial explanation for female mating off leks. Our analysis that combined all males together within a year (regardless of mating tactic) indicated that males that attended leks for longer periods of time and that had fewer wing spots were significantly more likely to mate. Given some evidence that wing spotting declines with age, and that females inspect male underwings during courtship, the latter result suggests that female choice may play some role in determining male success. We suggest that male buff-breasted sandpipers may use alternative mating tactics more readily than males in other 'classic' lek-breeding species because: (1) unpredictable breeding conditions in this species' high arctic breeding range leads to low lek stability, which in turn hinders mate selection mechanisms mediated by male dominance and female choice; and (2) males are not constrained by morphological markings that indicate status or sex. Both characteristics may reduce the reproductive benefits associated with males adopting one mating tactic and result in a sort of scramble competition in which males switch between tactics as local conditions change.Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

In insects and spiders, the pattern of sperm priority is often attributed to the shape of the spermathecae and should entail marked consequences for mating behaviour. Since last-male priority is assumed to occur in haplogyne spiders such as the cellar spider, females of this species are predicted to be more attractive to males shortly before, than shortly after, egg laying and males may guard females after copulation until oviposition. To test these predictions, I individually marked spiders of a natural population and recorded their position and the distance between potential mating partners twice a day over 100 days. The distance between female and male was taken as a measure of the female's attractiveness. The behaviour of cellar spider males was not in accordance with the predictions; females were visited throughout the observation period with no significant increase in attractiveness before egg laying and there was no evidence for mate guarding. However, female attractiveness was correlated with female size, which was correlated with the number of eggs laid. Behaviour and genital morphology suggest sperm mixing occurs in this species. This is discussed in the light of conflicting data on sperm priority. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We investigated the amount of variation in mating behaviour between and within individual male and female American toads, because both sources of trait variation can influence the course of sexual selection. Males varied in all four call parameters investigated (dominant call frequency, pulse rate, call rate and call duration). Individual males lowered the dominant frequency of their call when they interacted vocally with nearby males. Dominant call frequency was more highly correlated with body size in vocally interacting males than in non-interacting males. Pulse rate of calls primarily varied with water temperature. Call rate and call duration showed the most variation of the four call properties, but this variation was unrelated to male morphology or social interactions. Females varied in three aspects of mating behaviour: two measures of pair formation and their preference for dominant frequency of male calls. The body size of paired males varied between females both in pairings initiated by either sex and in pairings initiated only by females. Males chosen by females were usually larger than average, although age and prior breeding experience of females did not affect mate choice. Playback experiments indicated that female preference for calls of low dominant frequency depended on the temporal patterning of alternative calls presented. Each of the four male vocal properties showed significant repeatability, but only one of the three aspects of female mating behaviour was repeatable. We discuss how different degrees of repeatability in sexual traits of males and females may influence the action and detection of sexual selection in this and other species. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The crustacean Gammarus duebeni exhibits precopula mate guarding and size-assortative pairing, in which larger males tend to pair with larger females. Size-assortative pairing may result from sexual selection or natural selection (mechanical or loading constraints limiting the size of female that can be carried by the male). If loading constraints are important, large females should have lower pairing success than females of intermediate size as they will be less likely to encounter sufficiently large males capable of carrying them in precopula. We tested this hypothesis in a laboratory study. Female pairing success was dependent on size; however, the relationship was curvilinear: pairing success increased with size up to a point, but larger females suffered decreased pairing success. This supports the hypothesis that loading constraints play a part in structuring size-assortative pairing in this species. We found no evidence for size-related female resistance in structuring the pattern of pairing. We considered size-related pairing success with regard to environmental sex determination and parasitic sex-ratio distortion in G. duebeni1997 The Association for the Study of Animal BehaviourCopyright 1997 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour1997The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Variation in female behaviour has only recently received attention in studies of sexual selection. It has been suggested that females may invest differentially in their offspring in relation to the quality of their mate. This may lead to females that mate with high-quality and/or attractive males laying larger clutches. Females may also differ in their ability to choose between males. For example, females in good physical condition may make better choices. If physical condition and clutch size are positively correlated, this hypothesis could also produce a relationship between male attractiveness and female clutch size. We found, in lekking black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, that females mated to the highest ranked males laid the largest clutches. Furthermore we found, regardless of female age, a positive relationship between a measure of female condition and male rank but not between female condition and her clutch size. In addition, females in good condition visited a larger number of different male territories, and old females produced the largest clutches. Our results suggest two mechanisms to explain our findings. First, females in good physical condition tend to mate with the top males, suggesting an assortative mating pattern. Second, females mating with the highest ranked males lay larger clutches as a consequence of their choice. In general, our result calls for caution in evaluating studies that look at the consequences of mate choice. It may be that differences in female quality produce effects that may be wrongly interpreted as male quality effects. (c) 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We examined mate switching between mated pairs of monogamous convict cichlids as a function of mate quality (size). A mated pair was established in each half of a 284-litre aquarium, an opaque partition separating the two pairs. When the partition was removed, mis-assorted pairs (large males with small females competing with small males with large females) re-sorted themselves such that the larger male and the larger female paired with each other 46% of the time. In contrast, when we exposed initially assorted pairs to each other, large pairs remained intact most of the time and dominated smaller pairs. The pair containing the large male, whether re-sorted or intact, dominated over the other pair and was the only one seen to spawn. Re-sortment resulted both from a preference of males for larger females and of females for larger males, and from the ability of larger individuals to displace their smaller consexual. Small females, however, when paired with a large male, often dominated large females and prevented the large female from mating with the large male. Re-sortment was also influenced by the compatibility of large individuals in their initial pairing situation. Large individuals that had been more compatible with their initial mates were less likely to switch mates. Our results support both the better-option and the incompatibility hypotheses of mate-switching. The availability of more than one breeding site in the aquarium had no effect on the frequency of re-sortment. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Female colour polymorphism is a perplexing characteristic of many damselfly species. In Ischnura elegans three female phenotypes occur, one of which has the same blue coloration as the male (androchromes) whilst the others are inconspicuous brown gynochromes (infuscans and infuscans-obsoleta morphs). By marking a natural population near Rome, Italy, we found that all female phenotypes have similar survivorship, but they differ in mating frequency. Androchromes represented 55% of females but were involved in 43% of matings, whereas infuscans females represented 27% of females and 40% of matings and the infuscans-obsoleta phenotype 18% of females and 17% of matings. Old androchromes stored significantly less sperm in their spermatheca than old gynochromes, suggesting that they had mated less often. The majority of mature androchromes were observed alone (54%) when the majority of gynochromes (82-84%) were mating. When live tethered conspecifics were presented to males, blue models (male and androchrome female) were less attractive than brown models (gynochrome females). In contrast, all female colour morphs and males were equally (highly) attractive to males when the models were dead. Androchromes were significantly larger than gynochromes. Our results indicate that androchrome females mate less often than gynochromes, which could be a means of avoiding unnecessary and costly matings, but some androchrome females failed to reproduce (mate or oviposit) probably because they were unable to mate at all. The different explanations for the maintenance of this polymorphism in I. elegans are discussed. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The evolution of leks (aggregations of males displaying to females) cannot be explained solely by an increasing average gain in matings for each male as group size increases. This is because the mating skew, that is, the inequality among males in mating success, is often high and may vary with lek size. Here, we show that the common observation that matings become more evenly divided as lek size increases is also insufficient to explain by itself the benefits of aggregating. The benefits to individual males are highly sensitive to the exact relationship between mating skew and lek size, and very similar relationships can lead to opposite predictions concerning individual benefits. With data on published mating success for 18 species (71 leks), we show that different species have very similar skew versus lek size relationships. With current sample sizes, however, there is insufficient statistical power to distinguish between completely different alternatives concerning individual optima of males. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

The courtship song of Drosophila is thought to be involved in sexual selection and species recognition. Because of the mating system of flies, however, directly demonstrating that song influences female preference is difficult. The majority of previous studies have used an experimental design that potentially confounds male and female reactions to song. In D. montana, correlational evidence has suggested that males that produce short sound pulses consisting of a high number of sound cycles (i.e. a high carrier frequency) have a higher mating success than other males. In this study, we played synthetic song that varied in pulse length and carrier frequency to individual females in the laboratory, both alone and in the presence of mute males. We scored female preference via an acceptance posture, 'wing spreading', which the females of this species usually display prior to mounting by a male. Females responded to synthetic song in the absence of males. The presence of mute males significantly increased their overall responsiveness, but the relative effectiveness of the songs did not change, eliminating male reaction to song as a possible confounding factor in the results. The interaction between pulse length and carrier frequency determined the discrimination between song types, with females responding most readily to song consisting of short pulses with a high carrier frequency. Thus, direct examination of female preferences supports the previous studies of male mating success, and confirms female song preference as a likely determinant of male mating success. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Mate-choice copying has recently been demonstrated in several species. Two, not mutually exclusive, explanations for copying have been proposed: it reduces sampling costs and/or error of mate choice. In guppies, Poecilia reticulata, and black grouse, Tetrao tetrix, young females seem most likely to copy. Therefore, copying may teach inexperienced females what attractive males look like. I developed a 2-year dynamic model, to investigate under which conditions a mate-copying strategy might first evolve. An original population of pure choosers was assumed, which was invaded by a mutant female, able to copy during her first mating season, thereby instantly improving her ability to assess male quality. Alternatively, she could either wait and learn by observing males, just as non-copiers may do, but incurring some time costs, or choose, relying on her own abilities. The degree to which copying occurred among these mutant, young, inexperienced females increased with an increasing proportion of old, experienced females in the population, and with decreasing time left until the end of the season. The model demonstrates that mate-choice copying may evolve, when young females are poor at discrimination and need to learn what high-quality males look like. Male quality proved to be unimportant for copying to evolve, as long as there are sufficient differences in quality for mate choice to be meaningful. As with previous models, time constraints are an important assumption for copying to be advantageous over non-copying. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Several adaptive explanations regarding the function of lengthy copulations in insects have been proposed. They may represent a form of mate guarding, where the male physically prevents the female from copulating with rival males. Alternatively, they may function to ensure full insemination of the male's sperm when copulation duration covaries with the amount of sperm transferred and male fertilization success. Finally, lengthy copulations may serve to allow males to assess female quality in terms of mating status and body weight. In this study I examine these hypotheses for the function of lengthy copulations in the Australian bushcricket Coptaspis sp. 2 (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Unlike most other bushcrickets, males of this species do not produce a large spermatophylax that the female feeds on during insemination, but remain attached to the female's genitals up to 6 h after spermatophore attachment. Experimental manipulation of the duration of spermatophore attachment showed it to be related to the amount of sperm transferred. This suggests that the main function of copulation duration is to ensure complete transfer of the male's ejaculate. Males also discriminated between females, and provided mated females with more sperm which resulted in longer copulations than with virgin females. It is possible that possession of a large spermatophylax has been lost evolutionarily in this species, with males themselves acting as a sperm protection device during insemination.Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

Male pigeons, Columba livia, employ intense mate guarding and frequent copulation apparently as strategies to ensure their paternity. The aim of this study was to investigate the benefits to females of mate guarding by males and frequent copulation. Field observations showed that females initiated the majority of copulations and females that solicited copulations more frequently were guarded more closely by their partner. Experimental removal of guarding male partners showed that: (1) unguarded, fertile females suffered increased harassment from extrapair males which reduced their foraging efficiency; and (2) unguarded, fertile females did not seek copulations with extrapair males. Various explanations for frequent pair copulation initiated by females are discussed and we conclude that female pigeons trade pair copulations for protection (mate guarding) against sexual harassment from other males. Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Blue crabs mate immediately after the female's final moult. We tested the influence of female moult stage, sex ratio and male size on the pre-mating behaviour of both sexes, and the ability of males to pair with females and aggressively compete for access to females. We observed crabs in field enclosures and surveyed pre-copulatory mate-guarding patterns in the field. Female behaviour changed as they progressed through the final moult cycle, such that early moult-stage females avoided males, but late moult-stage females initiated pair formation. The changes in female behaviour influenced both the behaviour and pairing capability of males. Males courted and paired with late moult-stage females on their first attempt, but pursued early moult-stage females because their first attempts to pair often failed. In the field, early moult-stage females were paired less often than late moult-stage females. The pre-mating behaviour of both sexes also varied with sex ratio; when males were abundant, males traded courtship for forced capture and females courted less. Large males were more successful at take-overs, but did not pair more often with late moult-stage females, suggesting that large males do not consistently guard for less time than small males. The changes in female behaviour are consistent with the female's need to avoid the costs of guarding and suggest that females influence how pre-copulatory mate guarding occurs in this species.Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour Copyright 1998 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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