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The floral scent composition of 32 European and two Asian Salix L. species (Salicaceae) was analyzed. Intra- and interspecific variation was compared for a subset of 8 species. All Salix species are dioecious and floral scent was collected from both male and female individuals by using a dynamic headspace MicroSPE method, and analyzed by GC-MS. A total of 48 compounds were detected, most of them being isoprenoids and benzenoids. Commonly occurring compounds included trans-β-ocimene, cis-β-ocimene, benzaldehyde, d-limonene, α-pinene, cis-3-hexenyl aceatate, linalool, 1,4-dimethoxybenzene, and β-pinene. Two compounds, 1,4-dimethoxybenzene and trans-β-ocimene, were responsible for most of the interspecific variation. In a subset of eight extensively sampled species, six had a characteristic floral scent composition; half of the pairwise species comparisons confirmed significant differences. In three of these eight species, intraspecific variability could be explained by sex differences. Variation in Salix floral scent may provide specific signals that guide pollinators and thus contribute to the reproductive isolation of compatible and cooccurring species.  相似文献   

Strong Conservation of Floral Scent Composition in Two Allopatric Yuccas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Floral scent has been suggested to play a key role in the obligate pollination mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths. We analyzed floral fragrance compounds of Yucca elata with headspace collection followed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and compared the odor blend with the recently characterized blend of the allopatric Yucca filamentosa. A principal component analysis based on 20 scent compounds revealed that the floral odor bouquets of Y. elata and Y. filamentosa are virtually identical. Although the two plants belong to the same section of capsular-fruited yuccas, they rely on different species of Tegeticula moths for pollination and probably have been allopatric for several million years. Yet, their floral odor blends are very similar, which may indicate that strong selection by obligate pollinators counteracts drift or divergence in this trait.  相似文献   

Most flowers offer nectar and/or pollen as a reward for pollinators. However, some plants are known to produce mostly fatty oil in the flowers, instead of nectar. This oil is exclusively collected by specialized oil-bees, the pollinators of the oil-plants. Little is known about chemical communication in this pollination system, especially how the bees find their hosts. We collected the floral and vegetative scent emitted by oil-producing Lysimachia punctata by dynamic headspace, and identified the compounds by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Thirty-six compounds were detected in the scent samples, several of which were flower-specific. Pentane extracts of flowers and floral oil were tested on Macropis fulvipes in a biotest. Flower and oil extracts attracted the bees, and some of the compounds identified are seldom found in the floral scent of other plants; these may have been responsible for the attraction of the bees.  相似文献   

Trees of the genus Glochidion (Phyllanthaceae) are pollinated by females of Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae) whose larvae consume the seeds of the flowers that they pollinate. Each Epicephala moth species is specific locally to a single host species, although two to four Glochidion hosts often cooccur. To investigate the role of olfactory signals in maintaining the plant−moth specificity, we analyzed floral scent composition of five Glochidion species by using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and conducted Y-tube olfactometer bioassays with Epicephala moths and their host flowers. The GC-MS analysis showed that the floral scents of the five Glochidion species are dominated by (R)-(−)- and (S)-(+)-linalool, and (E)- and (Z)-β-ocimene, and that each species produces 6–20 compounds. Transformation of scent profiles by using chord-normalized expected species shared distances and analysis of the data with nonmetric multidimensional scaling showed that floral volatiles of cooccurring Glochidion species can be distinguished by relative chemical composition, especially that of minor compounds. The bioassay with pollinators of Glochidion lanceolatum and Glochidion ruburm further indicated that Epicephala moths are capable of discriminating their hosts by using floral odor. The results suggest that the floral scent of Glochidion is one of the important key signals that mediate the encounters of the species-specific partners in the GlochidionEpicephala mutualism.  相似文献   

Floral color has been shown to influence flower selection by butterflies, but few studies have investigated the role of floral scent. In this study, adults of Heliconius melpomene L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) were tested in two-choice bioassays to investigate their ability to distinguish floral scent of the butterfly pollinated plant Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) from other plant scents. The relative importance of floral scent vs. color was also studied. Butterfly foraging behavior was measured as probing with proboscis. This probing, on floral models varying in scent and color, was timed. When given a choice of floral and vegetative scents of L. camara, newly emerged butterflies preferred floral scent, indicating an innate response to floral scents. When butterflies were conditioned to L. camara floral scent by offering the scent with yellow color and sugar water, yellow color elicited stronger feeding responses than did the floral scent. However, the floral scent of L. camara was preferred to that of the novel species Philadelphus coronarius L. (Hydrangiaceae). The floral scent of L. camara was dominated by tepenoid compounds, while that of P. coronarius by fatty acid derivatives, thus demonstrating totally different compositions. It is concluded that, while H. melpomene butterflies often use visual floral traits when selecting which flowers to visit, floral scents elicit behavioral responses that initiate and maintain foraging on flowers.  相似文献   

Antennal Responses to Floral Scents in the Butterfly Heliconius melpomene   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Floral scent, together with visual floral cues, are important signals to adult butterflies searching for food-rewarding plants. To identify which compounds in a floral scent are more attractive and, thus, of biological importance to foraging butterflies, we applied electrophysiological methods. Antennal responses of male and female adults of the tropical butterfly Heliconius melpomene L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae) to individual compounds of natural floral scents and synthetic floral scent mixtures were investigated using gas chromatography–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD). The natural floral scents included those of two tropical plant species, Lantana camaraL. (Verbenaceae) and Warszewiczia coccinea (Vahl) Kl. (Rubiaceae), and two temperate species, Buddleja davidii Franchet (Loganiaceae) and Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Asteraceae). The two synthetic floral scent mixtures contained many of the compounds found in the natural scents, but all in equal quantities. Compounds both present in relatively high abundance in the floral scents and detected exclusively in the floral parts of the plant, such as linalool, linalool oxide (furanoid) I and II, oxoisophoroneoxide, and phenylacetaldehyde, elicited the strongest antennal responses, suggesting that they may reflect adaptations by the plant to attract butterfly pollinators. However, other compounds also present in high abundance in the floral scent, but detected in the vegetative as well as floral plant parts, either elicited strong antennal responses, such as trans--ocimene and benzaldehyde, or failed to elicit antennal responses, such as the sesquiterpenes -caryophyllene and -humulene from L. camara. The most volatile monoterpene alkenes in the synthetic scent mixtures elicited only low or no responses. Furthermore, the overall antennal responses were stronger in females than in males. The findings suggest that several floral scent volatiles, especially those of exclusively floral origin, are of high biological significance to H. melpomene butterflies. These include compounds of different biosynthetic origins belonging to the benzenoids, monoterpenoids, and irregular terpenoids.  相似文献   

Foragers of many species of stingless bees guide their nestmates to food sources by means of scent trails deposited on solid substrates between the food and the nest. The corresponding trail pheromones are generally believed to be produced in the mandibular glands, although definitive experimental proof has never been provided. We tested the trail following behavior of recruits of Trigona recursa in field experiments with artificial scent trails branching off from natural scent trails of this stingless bee. First-time recruits (newcomers) did not follow these trails when they were laid with pure solvent or mandibular gland extract. However, they did follow trails made with labial gland extract. Chemical analyses of labial gland secretions revealed that hexyl decanoate was the dominant component (72.4 ± 1.9% of all volatiles). Newcomers were significantly attracted to artificial trails made with synthetic hexyl decanoate, demonstrating its key function in eliciting scent-following behavior. According to our experiments with T. recursa, the trail pheromone is produced in the labial glands and not in the mandibular glands. Hexyl decanoate is the first component of a trail pheromone identified and proved to be behaviorally active in stingless bees.  相似文献   

Floral scent compounds of Ligustrum japonicum that affect the foraging behavior of Pieris rapae adults were examined by means of chemical analyses, electroantennogram (EAG) responses, and behavioral bioassays; the behavioral biossays consisted of two tests: reflex extension of proboscis (REP) in response to odor, and attraction to scented and unscented artificial flowers. More than 30 compounds, including 2-phenylethanol, benzyl alcohol, and methyl phenylacetate as the major components were identified from L. japonicum flowers. Of these, 22 compounds were tested for their effect on foraging behavior. Phenylacetaldehyde (PA), 2-phenylethanol (PE), and 6-methylhept-5-en-2-one (MHO) elicited the highest REP responses, and benzaldehyde (BA) and methyl phenylacetate (MPA) evoked intermediate REP responses. EAG responses were not necessarily correlated with REP activities; the three high-REP compounds gave only moderate EAG responses, whereas two other compounds (ethyl phenylacetate and 2-phenylethyl acetate) that released high EAG responses showed low REP activities. In two-choice behavioral bioassays, flower models scented with any one of these high-REP compounds attracted significantly more adults, while compounds with low REP activities exhibited weak or no appreciable attractiveness. This suggests that the REP responsiveness closely reflects the attractiveness of a compound and could be an effective measure in elucidating which chemical attractants are involved in flower-visiting. A synthetic blend of five floral chemicals (PA, PE, MHO, BA, and MPA) displayed an attractiveness that was comparable to that of the floral extract and was more effective in attractiveness than the compounds tested singly. Consequently, it is highly likely that the flower-visiting by P. rapae to L. japonicum is mediated largely by floral scent chemicals and that a synergistic effect of the five floral components would be most responsible for attraction of the butterfly to this flower. The present results also strongly suggest that specific floral volatiles may facilitate close-range flower location by P. rapae, could serve in part as a cue for recognizing food sources, and also be profoundly implicated in flower preference.  相似文献   

Analysis of sex pheromone gland extract of the citrus flower moth, Prays nephelomima (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) by coupled gas chromatography–electroantennogram detection, revealed one electrophysiologically active compound. Structural analysis using gas chromatography, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and dimethyldisulfide derivatization identified this as the monounsaturated aldehyde (Z)-7-tetradecenal. Field trials in commercial citrus orchards on the North Island of New Zealand showed that (Z)-7-tetradecenal was highly attractive to male P. nephelomima. Phenology data, collected over 19 months in three commercial orchards, from traps baited with the sex pheromone at a lure loading of 300 μg on a red rubber septum, indicated that male moths may be present throughout the year, with numbers peaking in late summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analyses of the scent gland secretions of Siro duricorius and S. exilis (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Sironidae) revealed a set of 24 components, comprising a series of saturated and unsaturated methyl ketones (C11–C15) and four naphthoquinones. Whereas the scent gland secretions of S. duricorius, collected in Austria, and S. exilis from USA were qualitatively nearly indistinguishable (with the exception of acetophenone that was specific to S. duricorius), they distinctly differed in their relative quantitative compositions: major components of the secretion of S. duricorius were 7-tridecen-2-one, tridecan-2-one, undecan-2-one, 1,4-naphthoquinone, 6-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (tentatively identified only), and 4-chloro-1,2-naphthoquinone. In contrast, in S. exilis a compound tentatively identified as 6-methyl-4-chloro-1,2-naphthoquinone was present in large amounts (in S. duricorius a trace component), whereas undecan-2-one only occurred in minor quantities. Secretion profiles of juveniles and adults (both sexes) of each species showed high correspondence.This is the first report on the chemistry of scent gland secretions of the opilionid suborder Cyphophthalmi. 4-Chloro-1,2-naphthoquinone was identified as a new exocrine product of arthropods, whereas 1,4-naphthoquinone and the tentatively identified 6-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone are known constituents of exocrine secretions from one species of palpatorid opilionids, Phalangium opilio. In contrast, all ketones identified were new for opilionid scent glands, although similar ketones are characteristic of scent gland secretions of palpatorid genera Leiobunum and Hadrobunus. With regard to the near-basic position of Cyphophthalmi in currently proposed phylogenetic trees of Opiliones, naphthoquinones and ketones from Siro may represent the condition ancestral to the (derived) naphthoquinone- and ketone-rich secretions in phalangid Palpatores.  相似文献   

The major fruit fly attractant component in the floral fragrance of Bulbophyllum cheiri (fruit fly orchid) is methyl eugenol (ME). In the lowland rain forest of Malaysia, the solitary and nonresupinate flowers of the fruit fly orchid attract only males of the ME-sensitive fruit fly species (Bactrocera carambolae, B. papayae, and B. umbrosa. During the morning, the fruit fly orchid flower is visited by many fruit flies, which can sometimes cover the whole flower. The number of visitors dwindles in the afternoon. Headspace analysis of the flower shows a high ME peak in the morning, a small one between 12:00 and 14:00 hr, and no detectable ME peak after 14:00 hr. The process of pollination in the wild is initiated by attraction of fruit flies to floral ME. The flower, with the aid of its specialized hinged see-saw lip (labellum), temporarily traps (<1 min) a fruit fly pollinator between its lip and column. Just prior to this, the fly is rewarded by the opportunity to feed on the floral attractant found on surfaces of petals, sepals, and lip. The pollinaria borne by two wild B. papayae males (caught on and near the fruit fly orchid flower) are identical in morphology and structure with those obtained from the flower. Many of the B. papayae males (17 of 22 analyzed) attracted to the fruit fly orchid already possessed both ME metabolites, trans-coniferyl alcohol and 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol, in their rectal glands, indicating that they had previously consumed ME. In this orchid–fruit fly association, both organisms gain direct reproductive benefits: the orchid flower gets pollinated without having to offer nectar, while the fruit fly boosts its pheromone and defense system, as well as its sexual competitiveness by feeding on the ME produced by the flower.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of some volatile (2-heptanol) and nonvolatile constituents (a homologous 9-alkene/alkane series) of Mormolyca ringens flowers and Scaptotrigona sp. queen waxes (homologous 9-alkene/alkane series) and cephalic extracts (homologous series of 2-alkanols, including 2-heptanol) involved with the pseudocopulation or sexual mimicry in Orchidaceae pollination is compared. The similarity in chemical composition of flowers and insects is assigned to the chemically induced copulatory activity in Scaptotrigona males.  相似文献   

Volatiles from Ips duplicatus male hindgut extracts and aeration samples of spruce logs colonized by the virgin males were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), coupled gas chromatography–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD), and field trapping bioassays in Inner Mongolia, China. GC-MS analyses showed that males from nuptial chambers (for reproduction) produced hindgut volatile profiles similar to those of maturation feeding males from the nonreproductive galleries. The known aggregation pheromone components, ipsdienol (Id) and E-myrcenol (EM) are the major constituents of this blend, followed by several minor bark beetle-related compounds: 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol, ipsenol, cis-verbenol, verbenone, 2-phenylethanol, myrtenol, and trans-myrtanol. The enantiomeric composition of the Id from the male hindgut extracts was determined to be a racemic mixture (50/50) by enantioselective GC. GC-EAD experiments indicated that I. duplicatus antennae from both sexes responded strongly not only to the known aggregation pheromone components, Id and EM, but also to the other minor conspecific-produced compounds. The strongest antennal response was elicited by the major pheromone component, Id, which was ca. 2–3 times higher than that elicited by the second component, EM. Electroantennogram dose-responses indicated that antennal response threshold to Id was approximately 100 times lower than that of EM. No synergistic effects between these occurred at peripheral level. A strong and repeatable EAD response was found to a trace compound (flame ionization detection undetectable) from both hindgut and aeration samples. The compound was identified as amitinol (At) based on the retention time and a further EAD analysis of a synthetic mixture. In the field trapping experiments, At increased the attraction of I. duplicatus to the traps baited with a binary blend of EM/Id (1:1) in a synergistic manner when tested at a low release rate (1:1:0.1) but had no effect on catches at the high release rate (1:1:1). This result suggests that At might be a part of the Chinese I. duplicatus aggregation pheromone system. The production ratios of EM/Id from the Inner Mongolian population (EM/Id ≈ 1:2.0–4) were twice as high as those reported from Europe (EM/Id ≈ 1:9), corresponding well with the differences in the optimal response ratios.  相似文献   

Males of the chestnut tiger butterfly, Parantica sita, secrete danaidone as a major component from the alar androconial organ (sex brand). Since danaidone has been postulated to be derived from various pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which males ingest as adults from PA-containing plants, we conducted oral administration tests of several PAs to examine their availability for danaidone production by P. sita males. Males fed with a mixture of intermedine (80%) and lycopsamine (20%) produced danaidone at an average of 25.7 g per individual, which was comparable to that found in field-caught males. In contrast, a smaller amount of danaidone (5.7 to 7.0 g/male) was formed when males ingested retronecine or heliotrine, and those fed with an HCl salt of monocrotaline or retrorsine produced only traces of danaidone (< 0.5 g/male). In addition, males showed a strong feeding response to intermedine/lycopsamine, whereas the other PAs elicited no positive feeding behavior. These results indicate that, unlike the arctiid moths, P. sita males can only successfully convert limited chemical types of PAs into danaidone, and further suggest that in the field, males selectively ingest particular PAs that are readily transformable into danaidone.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of Agrotis ipsilon had been previously identified as a blend of (Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate (Z7–12:Ac) and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9–14:Ac). A synthetic blend of Z7–12:Ac and Z9–14:Ac (30 g:10 g) is effective in attracting males in the field. In several countries, addition of (Z)-11-hexadecenyl acetate (Z11–16:Ac) to the previously identified blend increases male captures, but this had not been demonstrated in North America. We found Z11–16:Ac, in addition to Z7–12:Ac and Z9–14:Ac, from pheromone gland extracts of females from North America. The mean ratio of Z7–12:Ac, Z9–14:Ac, and Z11–16:Ac produced by individual females was 70.5:14.2:15.3, respectively. In Kentucky, addition of Z11–16:Ac (60 g) to a two-component blend of Z7–12:Ac and Z9–14:Ac significantly increased the trap capture rate in the field. Traps baited with this three-component blend were 3.3 times (1995) and 4.6 times (1996) more effective in capturing male A. ipsilon than the two-component blend. This improved effectiveness resulted in detection of A. ipsilon in 60% more of the sampling periods in the two years. In the wind tunnel, males flew upwind and contacted a rubber septum loaded with a three-component blend including Z11–16:Ac significantly more frequently than they did to any two-component blend. These results demonstrate that Z11–16:Ac is a pheromone component in this North American population of A. ipsilon.  相似文献   

In previous studies, we reported the existence of a high concentration of free glycine in the digestive juice of several Lepidoptera larvae, particularly in the digestive juice of species that feed on the privet tree, Ligustrum oblusifolium. The water extract of privet leaves showed very strong protein-denaturing activity and lysine-decreasing activity, which closely resembled activity of oxidized polyphenolics. Addition of 1% glycine to the extract could completely inhibit these activities. Free glycine may be secreted into the digestive juice by larvae as an adaptive mechanism for chemical defense against its host plants. The protein-denaturing compound in privet leaves is present in the cytosol or in the vacuoles of the leaf cells. The compound does not show protein-denaturing activity without oxidation, but when mixed with intact organelles under low osmotic conditions to give an osmotic shock, a very high protein-denaturing activity is produced. Our results suggest that the privet tree is endowed with a defense mechanism in which a stable compound in the cytosol or in the vacuoles is activated into a chemically active denaturant by an enzyme present in the organelles (including chloroplasts) after the leaves are eaten by insects and the organelles are broken by osmotic shock or by digestive mechanisms. Based upon HPLC and NMR data, we conclude that the denaturing compound is oleuropein, an o-dihydroxyphenolic compound. This compound makes up 3% of the wet weight of privet leaves. The protein-denaturing activity of purified oleuropein activated by the leaf enzyme is high enough to account for all the denaturing activity in a water extract of privet leaves. The denaturing reaction is completely inhibited by free glycine. Our results suggest that the protein-denaturing activity and lysine-decreasing activity of privet leaves are caused by oxidized polyphenolics, and that some insects secrete free glycine to counter the denaturing activity of oxidized phenolics. The chemical mechanism of counteraction by glycine is also considered. Free glycine in the midgut of insects probably protects proteins from denaturation by competing with proteins for oxidized phenolics.  相似文献   

Neanthes acuminata Ehlers (1868) is a monogamous coastal polychaete with male parental care and a high level of sexual selection. We measured the level of prezygotic isolation among allopatric populations of N. acuminata; from the East and West Coast of the USA, a population from Hawaii, and a laboratory culture originating from Los Angeles, CA. All populations were found to preferably mate with members of their own population. Individuals from populations from Atlantic vs. Pacific Ocean failed to pair and to mate, either during the 10 min or 48 hr experiments. Instead, individuals showed high levels of aggressive behavior. Experiments measuring the levels of interpopulation aggression, established that individuals can recognize and discriminate among different populations of N. acuminata on the basis of olfactory cues. Aggressive behavior was induced by exposure of animals to seawater “conditioned” by individuals from the other populations, thus demonstrating the role of olfaction in the detection of “home” populations. The aggressive display was stronger upon exposure to seawater conditioned with “unrelated” populations and especially between Pacific and Atlantic populations.  相似文献   

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