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环面蜗杆副疲劳强度的校核   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了采用赫兹公式计算环面蜗杆副接触应力的方法:将蜗轮齿面沿接触线微分成无数细段,在每一段上应用赫兹公式。再对接触线进行积分,即可求出此条接触线上作用力与齿面强度的关系。根据环面蜗杆副的结构特点和空间啮合原理的研究成果,推导出了计算蜗轮齿面接触应力的计算公式。公式中含有蜗轮的齿面特征参数和几何参数,明确地表达了它们与接触应力之间的数学关系。为了解它们之间规律,改善环面蜗杆副的工作条件,提高其使用寿命,提供了科学的依据。并结合工程设计的特点,对计算公式进行了简化,建立了实用的校核环面蜗轮齿面疲劳强度和使用寿命的计算公式,从大量的计算结果中总结出有关系数,使环面蜗杆副的承载能力及使用寿命的计算校核有了一个专用的方法。应用推导出的公式成功地对蜗轮的承载能力进行与圆柱蜗杆副的对比核算。  相似文献   

平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动自七十年代中期由我国首创以来,由于广大科技工作者的不断努力,其类型已由平面一次(二次) 包络环面蜗杆传动发展为柱面包络环面蜗杆传动、滚锥包络环面蜗杆传动、球面包络环面蜗杆传动等多种形式。环面蜗杆传动由于在承载能力、传动效率等方面具有较大的优越性,因而得到越来越广泛的应用。但由于设计计算和加工较复杂,设备专用,价格昂贵,一直难于更广泛地推广。为便于一般机械加工单位生产环面蜗杆传动,本文给出以平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动为例,在滚齿机上加工环面蜗杆副的实践。经反复验证,用滚齿机加工出的环面蜗杆传动运行可靠,效率高,为这种蜗杆传动的推广应用创造了条件。  相似文献   

环面蜗杆齿面的计算机仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在建立柱面包络环面蜗杆传动的数学模型的基础上,运用三维计算图形技术,编制绘出环面蜗杆齿面正等轴测图的计算机程序,并对柱面包络环面蜗杆齿面及修形后的蜗杆齿面进行计算机仿真  相似文献   

新型环面蜗杆副由蜗杆、钢球和蜗轮构成,利用失配共轭技术,提高了其承载能力和适应性.在分析蜗杆廓面结构特征的基础上,给出了蜗杆廓面的准线方程,提出了基于准线的成形法加工方法,着重分析了加工过程中的原理性误差,推导出了廓面法向误差公式.以一组数值参数为例,绘制了齿形误差和齿向误差图,并在OpenGL平台上进行误差可视化处理.结果表明:成形法加工的蜗杆廓面齿形和齿向误差值较小,能够保证获得高精度的传动廓面.  相似文献   

刘鹄然  颜昕 《机械传动》1997,21(1):35-37
滚珠环面蜗杆传动具有传动效率高,承载能力大,寿命长和节省有色金属等优点。本文对这种蜗杆,蜗轮滚刀及蜗轮的加工及精确成型分别作了探讨。  相似文献   

李云堂 《机械》2009,36(6):6-7
介绍了渐开线环面蜗杆副齿廓啮合基本原理,结构特点,建立起TI-120渐开线环面蜗杆副、蜗轮蜗杆的有限元计算模型,分析了蜗杆副在啮合过程中载荷接触线的分布情况。并用有限元理论方法计算出蜗轮蜗杆应力云图和位移云图,为试制TI-120渐开线环面蜗杆减速器提供了可靠的理论依据。  相似文献   

首先介绍环面蜗杆的形成原理,接着指出加工环面蜗杆专用机床必需具备的基本运动。传统加工环面蜗杆的方法,然后说明传统加工环面蜗杆方案中的不足,最后介绍实现环面蜗杆加工专用数控机床时应具有的基本结构。  相似文献   

2.轴移修形蜗杆加工时,中心距保持不变,而改变传动比,并使刀架沿刀杆轴向位移,此时,修形量为式(12)与式(16)之和: ΔS=ΔS_2+ΔS_3  相似文献   

近几年来笔者对环面蜗杆的修形也进行了一些探索,并得到一些收获,现就几个问题提出如下看法。一、环面蜗杆的修形原理由于原始型的直廓环面蜗杆性能不佳,修形是改善环面蜗杆性能的有效措施。所谓修形是使蜗杆的齿厚沿齿长方向按一定的变化规律,修形不但是重要的技术问题,而且是正在深入探讨的理论问题。目前普遍应用的修形曲线公式为:  相似文献   

本公司为武钢设计、制造的a=574mm六头直廓环面蜗杆副是目前国内用于轧机压下传动的最大蜗杆副。本文介绍子它的几何尺寸和强度计算,并对啮合原理作了简要分析。  相似文献   

对颊平面二次包络环面蜗轮传动副的三坐标测量数据采用几种插值方法实测数据的插值,并进行比较分析,确定了适合平面平面二次包络环面蜗轮传动副三维测量数据插值的方法,实现其三维实体的可视化,为平面二次包络环面蜗轮传动副的误差分析及误差控制提供依据。  相似文献   

本文在运用解析几何学的理论基础上,建立环面蜗杆的齿面轨迹方程。在PRO/E环境下,运用混合扫描工具,结合多截面来控制扫描过程中扫描截面的方位,最终完美的实现了环面蜗杆的实体建模。本方法相比于运用纯理论建立蜗杆齿面的方法而言,更具有简洁性和实用性。  相似文献   

简要介绍了AutoCAD2000的三维设计方法,并基于AutoCAD2000平台建立了平面包络环面蜗杆的三维实体模型,进行了虚拟加工仿真,探讨了基于AutoCAD2000的平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动三维实体造型的可行性及应用前景。  相似文献   

The influences of machining and misalignment errors play a very critical role in the performance of the anti-backlash double-roller enveloping hourglass worm gear(ADEHWG).However,a corresponding efficient method for eliminating or reducing these errors on the tooth profile of the ADEHWG is seldom reported.The gear engagement equation and tooth profile equation for considering six different errors that could arise from the machining and gear misalignment are derived from the theories of differential geometry and gear meshing.Also,the tooth contact analysis(TCA) is used to systematically investigate the influence of the machining and misalignment errors on the contact curves and the tooth profile by means of numerical analysis and three-dimensional solid modeling.The research results show that vertical angular misalignment of the worm wheel(Δβ) has the strongest influences while the tooth angle error(Δα) has the weakest influences on the contact curves and the tooth profile.A novel efficient approach is proposed and used to minimize the effect of the errors in manufacturing by changing the radius of the grinding wheel and the approaching point of contact.The results from the TCA and the experiment demonstrate that this tooth profile design modification method can indeed reduce the machining and misalignment errors.This modification design method is helpful in understanding the manufacturing technology of the ADEHWG.  相似文献   

陈燕  王芳  高巧侠  余晓宇 《机械设计》2021,38(4):112-116
分析了变齿厚渐开线齿轮包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合特性,设计制造了传动副减速器样机,搭建了传动精度试验台和电封闭传动性能试验台,进行了减速器样机的传动精度、传动效率及承载能力等性能试验.分析结果表明:减速器样机传动精度的正反转传动误差分别为139.6"和257.2",样机具有较高的传动精度;传动副减速器样机正反转的最大传动效...  相似文献   

Double enveloping worm gearing is expected to have contact over larger number of teeth and higher load carrying capacity compared to single enveloping worm gearing. In this paper, contact in this gearing is analysed by geometrical simulation of worm gear tooth generation using intersection profiles of different axial sections of worm representing the hob tooth profile with transverse plane of worm gear. The analysis reveals that in the engaging zone a straight line contact always exists in the median plane and intermittent contact exists at the extreme end sections of worm. This has lead to the idea of using two fly cutters positioned at the location identical to the extreme end sections of worm to generate full worm gear tooth thereby eliminating the need for hobs of complex geometry. For a given worm, a mating worm gear is machined in a gear hobbing machine using fly tool in two settings and nature of contact with the worm is checked by a blue test.  相似文献   

应用共轭曲面啮合理论,建立了滚柱包络环面蜗杆齿面方程、滚柱曲面与蜗杆齿面的啮合方程。在此基础上,对其接触线、相对速度、滚柱自转速度及压力角等运动学参数进行了深入分析。为该类机构的参数设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

卢红  张仲甫 《机械》2002,29(4):5-6,10
根据国标GB/Tl6445-1996,提出参考性的平面包络环面蜗杆精度评价补充指标,进行平面包络环面蜗杆精度检测项目的完善;以平面包络环面蜗杆为例,实现对平面包络环面蜗杆误差的求解。  相似文献   

Nowadays, the demand for high-quality enveloping surface parts is increasing in machinery, aviation, military, and many other fields. Given the complexity of the surfaces, the enveloping surfaces parts are usually processed by grinding method. This grinding process is low in precision and poor in efficiency for lack of accurate digital CAD model of these parts. In this paper, a new modeling method for the complicated enveloping parts has been developed. The digital CAD model is constructed by using vector representation, transformation matrix, and spatial meshing theory. Next, a better computerized numerical control (CNC) machining code is generated based on the accurate digital CAD model, and a high-quality envelope surface could be machined on the basis of the code in CNC machining center. The normal vector algorithm is adopted to detect and avoid collision and interference during the processing. Finally, the digital CAD models of a planar double-enveloping worm and worm wheel famous at difficulty in modeling and CNC machining have been conducted as an instance. The machining experiment results show that the machining precision of the enveloping surface parts have been increased because the part’s digital CAD model is extraordinarily accurate.  相似文献   

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