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Composites of TiN/TiB2 were synthesized by a combustion process of BN, Ti in a nitrogen atmosphere. The effect of the BN/Ti ratio and the nitrogen gas pressure on the synthesis of these composites was investigated. Dense TiN/TiB2 composites with relatively high hardness and toughness were fabricated by combustion synthesis from Ti and BN under a nitrogen pressure of 4.0 MPa. The Vickers microhardness of the products obtained from reactants with a BN/Ti mole ratio of 0.11 increased with an increase in nitrogen pressure and had a maximum value of ∼25 GPa. Fracture toughness, K IC, of the products increased from 3.1 to 5.9 MPa·m1/2 as the BN/Ti ratio increased from 0.11 to 0.20. However, products formed under nitrogen pressures higher than 6.0 MPa exhibited circumferential macrocracks due to thermal shock.  相似文献   

Dense composites in the Ti-B-N system have been produced by reactive hot pressing of titanium and BN powders. The effect of the addition of a small amount of nickel (1–3 wt%) on the reaction kinetics and densification of TiN–TiB2 (40 vol%) composite has been studied. Composites of ∼99% of theoretical density have been produced at 1600°C under 40 MPa for 30 min with 1% nickel. The hardness and fracture toughness of these composites are 24.5 ± 0.97 GPa and 6.53 ± 0.27 MPa·m1/2, respectively. The microstructural studies on samples produced at lower temperatures indicate the formation of a transient liquid phase, which enhances the kinetics of the reaction and densification of the composite.  相似文献   

The oxygen storage capacity (OSC) of CeO2–ZrO2 solid solutions that were directly formed as nanocrystals by thermal hydrolysis of acidic aqueous solutions of (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 and ZrOCl2 at 150°C increased from 94 μmol of O2/g for pure CeO2 to >400 μmol of O2/g for compositions of CeO2/ZrO2 with molar ratios (C/Z) from 74.1/25.9 to 41.7/58.3 (maximum value of 431 μmol O2/g was reached at the composition C/Z = 51.7/48.3) and then decreased with increased ZrO2 content in the solid solutions. As compared with pure CeO2, the CeO2–ZrO2 solid solutions that contained <84.8 mol% ZrO2 maintained high specific surface area and large pore volume with nanosized pores (pore size at maximum pore volume) <10 nm in diameter after heat treatment at 700°C.  相似文献   

The simultaneous addition of 0.5 wt% Cr and Fe was found to enhance the densification of TiB2. The densities of specimens that were sintered for 2 h at 1800° and 1900°C were 97.6% and 98.8% of the theoretical value, respectively. The mechanical properties of the specimen sintered at 1800°C, which had a strength of 506 MPa and a fracture toughness of 6.16 MPa·m1/2, were much better than those observed in the specimen sintered at 1900°C.  相似文献   

The formation of solid solutions between tin cations and mullite by calcination at 1400°C of amorphous precursors prepared by pyrolysis of aerosols is reported. The oxidation state of the tin cations and the position that they occupy in the mullite structure have been analyzed using XAS (XANES and EXAFS) spectroscopy, which shows that the tetravalent tin cations are located at the octahedral positions of the Al3+ ions, which induces cell expansion. The limit of tin incorporation under the experimental conditions reported here correspond to a tin/mullite mole ratio of ∼5%, which is within the range previously reported for other tetravalent cations (4%–6%).  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of composite ceramics composed of 0 to 20 vol% of titanium diboride particles dispersed in an α-alumina matrix were investigated. The alumina–titanium diboride composite powder was hot-pressed at 1470°C for 20 min to achieve over 98.8% of the theoretical composite density. The strength and fracture toughness of the twophase, hot-pressed composite were both significantly improved compared to the single-phase alumina. Results from different methods of measuring the stress intensity factor, ( K I c ) are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of hot-pressing temperature on the densification behavior and mechanical properties of titanium diboride (TiB2) was investigated. TiB2 specimens were hot-pressed for 1 h at temperatures in the range of 1500°–1800°C, with an addition of 2.5 wt% of silicon nitride (Si3N4) as a sintering aid. The density increased markedly at temperatures in the range of 1500°–1600°C and remained constant thereafter. The formation of a eutectic liquid at 1550°C was attributed to the steep increase in density. The hot-pressing temperature also improved the mechanical properties, such as the flexural strength, Vickers hardness, and fracture toughness of the specimens. Similar to the density, the mechanical properties improved remarkably at ∼1550°C, so that optimum properties were obtainable at temperatures as low as 1600°C.  相似文献   

介绍了制取多层陶瓷用的材料和方法 ,讨论了一些因素对材料性能的影响 ,并给出了几种复合材料的组成  相似文献   

A W2C-nanoparticle-reinforced Si3N4-matrix composite was fabricated by sintering porous Si3N4 that had been infiltrated with a tungsten solution. During the sintering procedure, nanometer-sized W2C particles grew in situ from the reaction between the tungsten and carbon sources considered to originate mainly from residual binder. The W2C particles resided in the grain-boundary junctions of the Si3N4, had an average diameter of ∼60 nm, and were polyhedral in shape. Because the residual carbon, which normally would obstruct sintering, reacted with the tungsten to form W2C particles in the composite, the sinterability of the Si3N4 was improved, and a W2C–Si3N4 composite with almost full density was obtained. The flexural strength of the W2C–Si3N4 composite was 1212 MPa, ∼34% higher than that of standard sintered Si3N4.  相似文献   

A modified processing method for lead nickel niobate–lead zirconate titanate (Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3–Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, PNN–PZT) solid solutions is presented. This method is based on the high-temperature synthesis of a precursor that contains all the B-site cations (Ti, Zr, Ni, and Nb). This synthesis yields a diphasic mixture that contains a ZrTiO4-like phase and a rutile-like phase. Both phases exhibit a cationic valence of 4; thus, it is concluded that the mixing of Ni and Nb cations is adequate for the preparation of PNN–PZT solid solutions. Indeed, a pure perovskite phase has been obtained after calcination with lead oxide for compositions that contain 40 and 50 mol% PNN. Moreover, their electromechanical properties have been shown to be superior to values reported for standard columbite routes. This conclusion has been interpreted in terms of enhanced chemical homogeneity.  相似文献   

Two Ti(C,N)–WC powder mixtures, one containing 0.88 wt% Co and the other 6.2 wt% Ni + 2.9 wt% Co, were fabricated by different routes: pressureless and gas-pressure sintering in argon and nitrogen, and hot-pressing under vacuum. The microstructures of all the sintered samples consisted of grains with a core/rim structure, the core being Ti(C,N) and the rim (Ti,W)(C,N). An inner rim also was present at the core/rim interface. The more highly doped materials also had an intergranular Ni-Co-Ti-W binder phase. The compositions and cell parameters of the hard phases, as well as of the binder, were analyzed. The nitrogen partial pressure in the sintering furnace was the main factor that influenced grain growth and phase composition. In fact, sintering under argon enhanced grain growth and was accompanied by a lower tungsten content in the rim. The influence of the microstructure on some mechanical properties (hardness, flexural strength, toughness, and Young's modulus) also was investigated. Flexural-strength values up to 1550 MPa at room temperature and 1200 MPa at 800°C, and fracture-toughness values up to 8 MPa·m1/2 were measured, depending on the starting composition and processing conditions.  相似文献   

Vanadium-containing ZrSiO4-gel precursors with nominal compositions V x -ZrSiO4 with x = 0.0, 0.002, 0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.1, and 0.2 were prepared using a previously reported procedure and thermally treated over a range of temperature up to the formation of the V4+-ZrSiO4 solid solution. The structural evolution and the V4+ location and its homogenous distribution were followed using powder X-ray diffractometry and electron spin resonance spectroscopy (ESR). Our experiments showed that a tetragonal form of V4+-ZrO2 was the first crystalline phase obtained on heating the gels. On further heating, a phase transformation to the monoclinic form of V4+-ZrO2 took place. Finally, the monoclinic form reacted with amorphous SiO2 to form the V4+-ZrSiO4 solid solution. A semiquantitative determination of the vanadium solubility in the ZrSiO4 phase using ESR confirmed previously reported results obtained by lattice parameter variation over the solid-solution series.  相似文献   

研究了硫酸钛催化下乙酸酯(乙酸正丁酯)的合成,考察了加热温度、原料配比、催化剂用量和反应时间对反应的影响,发现在加热温度为190℃,醇酸摩尔比为1.2:1,催化剂用量为0.015mol/mol乙酸时,反应90min乙酸转化率可达99.1%。该催化剂对伯醇和仲醇酯化的催化效果都比较理想。加入一定量惰性固体可以改善催化剂的使用效果和寿命。  相似文献   

Direct precipitation of nanometer-sized particles of ceria–zirconia (CeO2–ZrO2) solid solutions with cubic and tetragonal structures was successfully attained from acidic aqueous solutions of cerium(III) nitrate (Ce(NO3)3) and zirconium oxychloride (ZrOCl2) through the addition of ammonium peroxodisulfate ((NH4)2S2O8), because of promotion of the hydrolysis via the oxidation of Ce3+ ions, together with the simultaneous hydrolysis of ZrOCl2 under hydrothermal conditions. Ultrafine CeO2 particles also could be formed from relatively concentrated aqueous solutions of the same trivalent cerium salt in the presence of (NH4)2S2O8 via hydrolysis. The crystallite size and lattice strain of as-precipitated solid solutions varied, depending on the composition within the CeO2–ZrO2 system. Creation of a solid solution of ZrO2 into a fluorite-type CeO2 lattice clearly introduced lattice strain, as a consequence of the decreasing crystallite size. Both the direct precipitation process and the effectiveness of the presence of (NH4)2S2O8 for the synthesis of CeO2–ZrO2 solid solutions were discussed.  相似文献   

AlN–SiC solid solutions were synthesized via a combustion nitridation process. Reactions between powder mixtures of aluminum, silicon, and carbon or aluminum with β-SiC and gaseous nitrogen under pressures of 0.1–8.0 MPa are self-sustaining once they have been initiated. Investigations were made with reactant ratios of Al:Si:C = 7:3:3, 6:4:4, and 5:5:5 and Al:SiC = 7:3, 6:4, and 5:5. For the Al-Si-C system (molar ratio of 6:4:4), the maximum combustion temperature was dependent on the nitrogen pressure, increasing from 2300°C to 2480°C with an increase in pressure, from 0.1 MPa to 6.0 MPa. In all cases, the product contained the solid solution as the primary phase, with minor amounts of silicon. The amount of unreacted silicon decreased as the nitrogen pressure increased; the presence and dependence of unreacted silicon on pressure has been explained in terms of the volatilization of aluminum. The full width at half maximum for the (110) peak of the AlN–SiC solid solution decreased as the nitrogen pressure increased, which indicated the formation of a more homogeneous product.  相似文献   

Hexagonal tungsten nitrides were synthesized by the metathesis reaction between WCl6 and NaN3 under high pressure and temperature. As well as tungsten mononitride (WN), which is isostructural with hexagonal tungsten carbide (WC), a nitrogen‐rich hexagonal compound was also confirmed in the product. The ratio of nitrogen to tungsten was determined to be 1.34 by the quantitative combustion method. The composition was estimated to be W2.25N3 by considering the crystal structure that is best explained by the X‐ray diffraction profile. Volume compression measurements under hydrostatic pressure revealed that the WC‐type WN has a higher bulk modulus (K0 = 342 ± 1 GPa) than that of hexagonal W2.25N3 (K0 = 291 ± 2 GPa).  相似文献   

Solid solutions of TiB2–WB2 were densified and annealed simultaneously to cause the decomposition into the phases (Ti,W)B2 and (W,Ti)B2. Ni and Co were added to solid solutions formed by induction field activated combustion synthesis. The presence of these metals as additives markedly enhanced the kinetics of the subsequent decomposition process. With these additives, decomposition to the two phases occurred within minutes (360 s) in contrast to hours when the solutions did not include the additives. The phases resulting from decomposition, (Ti,W)B2 and (W,Ti)B2, were identified by X-ray to have the hexagonal AlB2 and W2B5 structures, respectively. The precipitated phase, (W,Ti)B2, occurred as elongated grains with aspect ratios of as high as about 10 in samples containing Ni as the additive.  相似文献   

A series of Bi2O3-rich solid solutions with a fluorite-like crystal structure have been synthesized and analyzed with respect to their dielectric properties as functions of temperature and frequency. The existence of several common dielectric characteristics indicates a strong influence of the fluorite prototype cell on the frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric properties. These characteristics, common to Bi2O3 solid solutions with the face-centered cubic δ structure, the tetragonal β structure, and the rhombohedral anti-α-AgI crystal structure, are (i) a frequency-dispersive increase in permittivity and dielectric losses because of a space-charge polarization, (ii) a frequency-independent permittivity and a linear temperature dependence of permittivity with a positive trend in the low-temperature range where the space-charge polarization is insignificant, and (iii) two frequency-dispersive relaxations above room temperature.  相似文献   

Titanium substrates were oxidized in oxygen or air at temperatures of 600°–800°C, then immersed in solutions of 2.0m M – 20.7m M CaCl2 and 1.2m M –12.4m M KH2PO4 for aging periods of 0.5–10 d. The titanium surface was successfully coated with hydroxyapatite (HAP) when the substrates were oxidized in oxygen gas at 610°C for 1 h and then aged in a solution of 2.00m M Ca2+ and 1.20m M PO43−. The Ca/P ratio of the surface coating increased toward its stoichiometric HAP value (return 10/6) as the aging time increased; the Ca/P ratio attained a value of 1.66 after 10 d.  相似文献   

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