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《Science》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


The rapid diversification of communities in Ontario has necessitated the provincial government to reevaluate public school curriculums and policies to make schools more inclusive and reflective of its diverse population. This article critically analyzes the content of the latest revised science curricula for Grades 1 to 10 and assesses the degree to which multiculturalism, including antiracism, principles found in provincial equity and inclusive policies are implemented. Though small progress has been made to support multicultural science education in the current compulsory science curricula, very little changes were observed in curriculum expectations, knowledge that students are required to acquire.  相似文献   

2009年11月1日是中国科学院建院60周年的庆典,本周的看点是“中国科学院院庆六十周年”。我们以翔实的史实,论证了“中国科学院是中国互联网的诞生地”的结论。  相似文献   

制作试卷是教师日常教学工作的重要组成部分,通过具体操作过程教你如何巧制试卷,提高教师必备的专业技能。  相似文献   

科学研究的信息化:e—Science   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文译自ETS提供的最新的计算机专业考试大纲,供国内有志出国深造的人员在学习以及备考时参考,它指出了GRE C29考试所涵盖的范围.一、软件系统和方法(35%)1.数据组织①数据的类型②数据结构及其实现技术③文件的组织(例如,顺序文件、索引文件、多级文件)2.程序控制  相似文献   

Science Word这款国产软件是一款由中国软件行业协会推荐的优秀软件。使用该软件服务我的教学,可以很轻松地实现公式、图形、曲线、符号和文字的混合编排,快速制作出适合课堂教学的电子教案。使用此软件可以大幅提高教学效能。在应用本软件教学的过程中,  相似文献   

Science word这款国产软件是一款由中国软件行业协会推荐的优秀软件.使用该软件服务我的教学,可以很轻松地实现公式、图形、曲线、符号和文字的混合编排,快速制作出适合课堂教学的电子教案.  相似文献   

笔者采用理论与实例相结合的方式,针对如何利用WOS数据库科学、高效检索信息,介绍了Webof Science数据库检索中常用的布尔逻辑算符、双引号和通配符等三种检索符号的使用方式,分析了Web of Science数据库中基本检索、被引参考文献检索和高级检索等三种检索功能的使用方法与技巧,以期为科研工作者高效利用WOS数据库的检索方法和技巧提供参考。  相似文献   

高水平论文是优秀科技人才的标志性成果之一。聚焦“Web Of Science(WOS)”热点研究学科,在构建学术论文语义Neo4j网络图和挖掘出活跃科研社区基础上,利用PageRank人才挖掘算法实现对科研社区中优秀科研人才的挖掘。首先,对现有的人才挖掘算法进行详细研究和分析;其次,结合WOS论文数据对PageRank人才挖掘算法进行了优化设计和实现,加入了论文发表的时间因子、作者署名排序递减模型、周围作者节点对当前节点的影响、论文被引用量等多维度考量因素。最后,基于热点学科计算机科学某社区近五年的论文数据进行了实验和验证。结果表明,基于社区的挖掘更具有针对性,能够快速定位各学科代表性优秀和潜在人才,且改进后的算法对人才的发现更加客观有效。  相似文献   

Hsinchu Science Park has a strong development track record, and has its place at the core of Taiwan's .economy. But its technology industry is facing growing challenges.[第一段]  相似文献   

An incubator is an organization that supports new ventures to grow and survive during the early stages. Mainly dedicated to information technology, life science may appear to be the next hot spot for incubators. Are there stabilized good practices? Are the business models in information technology and in life science comparable when it goes to start-ups' incubation? Leveraging our experience as practitioner in this field and using an inductive methodology, this paper tends to propose simple principles to help build robust incubators in life science, and to contribute to disseminate an entrepreneurial approach through an industry still dominated by blue chips.  相似文献   

Citizen science broadly describes citizen involvement in science. Citizen science has gained significant momentum in recent years, brought about by widespread availability of smartphones and other Internet and communications technologies (ICT) used for collecting and sharing data. Not only are more projects being launched and more members of the public participating, but more human–computer interaction (HCI) researchers are focusing on the design, development, and use of these tools. Together, citizen science and HCI researchers can leverage each other’s skills to speed up science, accelerate learning, and amplify society’s well-being globally as well as locally. The focus of this article is on HCI and biodiversity citizen science as seen primarily through the lens of research in the author’s laboratory. The article is framed around five topics: community, data, technology, design, and a call to save all species, including ourselves. The article ends with a research agenda that focuses on these areas and identifies productive ways for HCI specialists, science researchers, and citizens to collaborate. In a nutshell, while species are disappearing at an alarming rate, citizen scientists who document species’ distributions help to support conservation and educate the public. HCI researchers can empower citizen scientists to dramatically increase what they do and how they do it.  相似文献   

特色全接触 该扫描仪采用CCD传感技术,为黑白扫描仪,光学分辨率为400dpi,经过差值计算后的最高分辨率可以达到600dpi。对于文件扫描来说,400dpi已经绰绰有余了,使用比这更高的分辨率除了提高产品成本外,并不能明显提高扫描文字的能力。而黑白扫描更进一步明确了该扫描仪只针对文字处理的应用场合,对于照片扫描等图像扫描任务则基本不予考虑。  相似文献   

In the very beginning, the Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge was founded to provide computing service for different disciplines across the university. As computer science developed as a discipline in its own right, boundaries necessarily arose between it and other disciplines, in a way that is now often detrimental to progress. Therefore, it is necessary to reinvigorate the relationship between computer science and other academic disciplines and celebrate exploration and creativ...  相似文献   

John Searle believes that computational properties are purely formal and that consequently, computational properties are not intrinsic, empirically discoverable, nor causal; and therefore, that an entity’s having certain computational properties could not be sufficient for its having certain mental properties. To make his case, Searle’s employs an argument that had been used before him by Max Newman, against Russell’s structuralism; one that Russell himself considered fatal to his own position. This paper formulates a not-so-explored version of Searle’s problem with computational cognitive science, and refutes it by suggesting how our understanding of computation is far from implying the structuralism Searle vitally attributes to it. On the way, I formulate and argue for a thesis that strengthens Newman’s case against Russell’s structuralism, and thus raises the apparent risk for computational cognitive science too.
Ricardo Restrepo EchavarriaEmail:


The curriculum for two science units in each of Grades 6 and 7 was analyzed to determine the cognitive levels of the outcomes and their cognitive alignment with the assessments that corresponded with these outcomes. This was done for British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Atlantic Canada. The outcomes and assessments included a variety of higher and lower thinking skills, with several jurisdictions having distinctly fewer higher than lower order outcomes and assessments. The cognitive alignment between outcomes and assessments ranged from 42 to 71%. Strong alignment between outcomes and classroom assessment increases students’ opportunity to learn and become good thinkers.  相似文献   

针对数据维度与规模的不断增加,高维空间下异常检测愈发困难的问题,以Web of Science核心合集数据库为样本数据,通过可视化软件CiteSpace生成可视化图谱进行文献计量。结果表明:高维数据异常检测领域自1999年起,整体呈稳定上升趋势,中国发文数量最多但成果质量不如英国和日本。随着机器学习和深度学习等新兴智能技术的革新发展,将优化后的算法技术应用到具体场景,将会是该领域的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

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