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Oxidation of hydrate ReO2, 2H2O is studied by electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. It yields to ReO3. Evidence is given of existence of a structure Me2O5 as intermediary compound. The microstructure of single crystals prepared by sublimation under reduced pressure of oxygen, shows planar defects in agreement with the transformation Re2O5 → ReO3.  相似文献   

The present work is concerned with the ionic conductivity of pure trisodium orthophosphate Na3PO4, devoid of any trace of hydroxide NaOH. At the allotropic transition (330°C), we observe a jump of the ionic conductivity and a slight decrease in the activation energy (ΔE = 0,70 ± 0,02 eV for the quadratic variety and ΔE = 0,60 ± 0,04 eV for cubic γ-Na3PO4). Na3PO4 can be considered to be an electrolytic solid with medium conductivity (σ = 1.10?4 Ω?1cm?1 at 370°C).  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility, DTA, X-ray diffraction and EPR of CuxV1?xO2 samples have been studied. A new Q-phase stable at low temperature is reported. Analogies with MIIIxV1?xO2 phases (MIII = Al, Cr, Fe) are discussed.  相似文献   

The Mn0.23Ga1.85S3 phase belongs to the solid solution ф0, stable at low temperature in the Ga2S3MnS system. It is hexagonal superstructure of the wurtzite, with the Ga2S3α′ type (a = 6.397 A?; c = 18.027 A?Z = 6; space groupe P61 or P65). Its crystal structure has been refined by the least squares method to a final R = 0.06 with 323 independant reflections. This structure is closely related to Ga2S3 α described by Hahn and Frank, and differs only by the partial occupation of the vacant metal site of Ga2S3 by Mn atoms in statistical disorder.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of potassium tantalum oxide fluoride K2Ta4O9F4 has been previously determined by X ray-diffraction, but this technique is unable to distinguish in the lattice between oxygen and fluorine atoms. From NMR measurements on 19F it is possible by a Van Vleck second moment approach to locate the F? ions at the corners of the octahedra, forming infinite Ta-F-Ta … chains along the c axis.  相似文献   

Three forms of nickel pyrophosphate are already known. A new form was prepared and structure determined by Patterson method. σ Ni2P2O7 is monoclinic with a = 5.212(3), b = 9.913(5), c = 4.475(3) A?, β = 97°46(10). The space group is P21a. The structure was refined until a R value of 0.041 for 1374 independent reflexions. Framework is built with P2O7 groups and NiO6 octaedra. The P-O-P bonding is linear. σ Ni2P2O7 is isotypic with the pyrosilicate Er2Si2O7.  相似文献   

Crystals of (H3O)2[(UO2)2(SeO4)3(H2O)2](H2O)3.5 were prepared from aqueous solutions by evaporation. The crystal structure [monoclinic system, space group P21/m, a = 11.9402(11), b = 13.6452(14), c = 13.7271(12) Å, β = 109.436(7)°, V = 2109.1(3) Å3] was solved by the direct method and refined to R 1 = 0. 048 (wR 2 = 0. 082) for 3677 reflections with |F hkl |F hkl |. The structure consists of [(UO2)2(SeO4)3(H2O)2]2− layers arranged parallel to the (010) plane. The layers are formed by uranium and selenium coordination polyhedra sharing common vertices and are linked with each other by hydrogen bonds through the H2O and H3O+ groups arranged between the layers. __________ Translated from Radiokhimiya, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2005, pp. 412–414. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2005 by Krivovichev, Kahlenberg.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Mn0, 4Er4, 6S7 (a = 12,573 (4) A?, b = 11,390 (4) A?, c = 3,777 (4) A?, γ = 105,45°, space group B2/m, Z = 2) has been refined by a least square method to a final R = 0,045, with 1431 independant reflections. The octahedral positions are occupied either by Er and Mn atoms or by Er atoms only and the prismatic sites by Er atoms.  相似文献   

Te(OH)6.Rb2HPO4.RbH2PO4 is monoclinic with°: a = 12.26(1) b = 7.059(3) c = 8.225(3) A β = 90.32(5)° and Z = 2. The space group is P21a. Crystal structure has been solved by using 1093 independant reflexions with a final R value 0.051. As already observed in the first crystal structures of phospho-tellurates the main feature of this atomic arrangement is the coexistence of two different types of anions in the unit cell (PO4 and Te(OH)6 groups).  相似文献   

A new compound with composition Cu0.75 VS2 has been prepared. Its preparation, X-Ray structure, electrical and magnetic properties are reported. The structure is related to the CdI2-type, as in the case of the previously described CuxTiS2 (1); in Cu0.75 VS2, Cu atoms are ordered in tetrahedral sites between the CdI2-type subunits, whereas in CuxTiS2 Cu atoms are disordered in two independent sites. The vanadium atoms are shifted with respect to the titanium sites which leads a monoclinic distortion of the hexagonal cell. The relation between the CdI2 unit cell and the true monoclinic cell of Cu0.75 VS2 is:
amono = 2ahex3 ; bmono = 43a2hex + c2hex9 ; cmono = 2ahex
In Cu0.75 VS2, vanadium atoms occupy two independent sites, three vanadium atoms forming a triangular cluster (V2—V3 distances are 2.91 Å and V3—V3 are 2.92 Å) while one vanadium atom is isolated (V1?V2 = 3.36 A? and V1?V3 = 3.37 A?. The physical properties exhibit a transition at 50°K approximately, the magnetic susceptibility being temperature-independent above and temperature dependent below the transition (Curie-Weiss behavior). Resistivity and Hall measurements confirm the metallic nature of the compound and show the existence of the low temperature transition. The observed properties could be interpreted as a result of the low temperature localisation of the 3d electron of V1.  相似文献   

Crystals of (H3O)6[(UO2)5(SeO4)8(H2O)5](H2O)5 were prepared from aqueous solutions by evaporation. The crystal structure [monoclinic system, space group P21/m, a = 13.835(2), b = 13.4374(16), c = 14.310(3) Å, β = 108.004(14)°, V = 2530.1(7) Å 3] was solved by the direct method and refined to R 1 = 0.090 for 4409 reflections with |F hkl ≥ 4σ|F hkl |. The structure is based on [(UO2)5(SeO4)8(H2O)5]6− layers arranged parallel to the (101) plane; these layers have a unique topological structure. The U(1)O6(H2O) and U(3)O6(H2O) linked through selenate groups form chains running along [ [`1]\bar 1 01] direction. The chains are combined in layers by U(2)O6(H2O) bipyramids. The layers are linked with each other by hydrogen bonds through the H2O and H3O+ groups located between the layers.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of CdEr2S4 is solved from single crystal determinations. The R factor is 0.06 for 120 independent reflections. It is normal spinel, with regular occupancy of the sites. Interatomic distances are : 2.67 Å for ErS, and 2.57 Å for CdS.  相似文献   

The preparation, crystal structure, and electrical and magnetic properties of the compound CuxTiS2 (0,7 < x < 1) are reported. This compound is a member of the family of layer compounds ABX2 (A = Cu, Ag; B = Cr, V, Ti; X = S, Se, Te) with atoms X forming a cubic closed-packed array, atoms B occupying the octahedral holes between alternate X sheets and atoms A located in the tetrahedral holes in the remaining vacant layers. A three-dimensional X-Ray structure determination was performed on a single crystal of composition Cu0.70TiS2 with the final discrepancy indices R = 0.037, wR = 0.043. The structure is related to CdI2 with the unit cell derived from 3 CdI2 cells that are translated by |13, 13, 1| and with Cu atoms disordered in two independent tetrahedral sites between the CdI2-type subunits. The magnetic susceptibility exhibits Pauli-paramagnetic behaviour and the results of Hall measurements confirm the metallic nature of the compound.  相似文献   

The cell is orthorhombic, a = 8.051(3); b = 8.169(3); c = 21,24(1)A?; Z = 8; space groupe Pnam, dcalc = 7.2; dobs = 7.1; μ = 897 cm?1. R = 0.065 for 1636 reflections.The anion Sn2Se4?3 is formed by two SnSe4 tetrahedra, which have a common edge. Two kinds of thallium atoms are observed, with different coordinations.  相似文献   

A second form of compounds CuxVS2 is described here. As in Cu0.75VS2 (1) the structure of Cu0.65VS2 is related to the CdI2-type. In Cu0.75VS2, Cu atoms are ordered in tetrahedral sites between the CdI2-type subunits, whereas in the Cu0.65VS2, Cu atoms are partially disordered and occupy 4 different sites. Both structures differ from one another in vanadium atoms arrangements: In Cu0.75VS2, V-atoms form triangular clusters while in Cu0.65VS2 they form zigzag chains perpendicular to the hexagonal axis. The physical properties show a metallic type behaviour. Resistivity decreases with temperature with low 300 K/4.2 K ratio according to a disordered nature of the compound. Magnetic susceptibility shows a Pauli paramagnetism with an additionnal Curie-Weiss term due to a relatively large amount of paramagnetic impureties (0,9 % V3+ atoms). The observed low temperature localisation of the 3d electrons in Cu0.75VS2 disappears in the case of Cu0.65VS2.  相似文献   

During the study of polymorphic transformation from monoclinic to orthorhombic ReO2, particular crystal growth of monoclinic oxide has been observed. Electronic microscopy results lead up to conclude that this phenomenon is spiral growth. Original electron diffraction patterns are obtained which show two kinds of polygonal spirals.  相似文献   

Single crystals of europium oxide Eu2O3 with monoclinic B structure were prepared by the Verneuil process. The magnetic properties of these crystals have been studied. Paramagnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed for various orientations of the crystal with respect to the magnetic field at constant temperatures (5,77 and 300 K) as well as at increasing temperatures (5 – 1000 K). They show an anisotropy. An interpretation of this phenomenon is proposed.  相似文献   

AgCoPO4 is a new type of ABPO4 framework with a twofold oxygen coordination for silver atoms and a five fold coordination for cobalt atoms. Crystal structure has been solved using both Patterson and direct methods with a final R value of 0.038 for 2097 independent reflexions. The symmetry is triclinic P1 with a unit cell: a = 9.516(2), b = 5.574(1), c = 6.572(2) A, α = 102°20(10), β = 106°16(10), γ = 80°08(10) and Z = 4.  相似文献   

Non cristalline pentoxide V2O5 obtained from molten V2O5 using quenching method contains a few amount of water. Thermogravimetry, thermal analysis, mass spectrometer, aqueous dissolution demonstrate that it exists a relation between non cristalline structure and water bond. At 190°C, the oxide crystallises at the same time that the water is eliminated.  相似文献   

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