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Wu Jianping  Wu Qian 《工程研究》2013,5(2):124-134
In recent years, information and communication technology (ICT) has obtained sustained and rapid development in the world, and has become the main driver of economic growth in a global scope. ICT’s development level is closely linked to GDP. Information and communication industry enters the new stage in which integrated innovation promoting integration development, and in which new features are presenting, such as integration, groups and integrated innovation. Information security and information infrastructure security have become an important part of national security. The informatization construction in China still faces many problems and challenges, such as relatively lag-ging behind of our policies for promoting the development of informatization, the lack of original innovation and core technologies. Barriers in the development need be tackled, Cyberspace strategy research needs to be strengthened and national network and information security situation is severe. The rapid development of Internet put more severe challenges on network governance. So the suggestions to these problems are as follows: to pro-mote the next generation Internet as the core of the information infrastructure, continue to promote the depth of integration of information technology and industrialization, increase R & D investment, develop the core technol-ogy of information industry, improve people's quality of informatization, and focus on promoting the construction of education informatization.  相似文献   

Based on the micro-foundation of adverse selection, moral risk and principal-agent models, imperfect information can cause real economic fluctuation through imperfect market, price distortion and/or expectation, especially profoundly impacting microeconomic agents’ expectation, macroeconomic policy making and macroeconomic policy effect through expectation. In international economic relations, imperfect information is exhibited not only in information divide between developed countries and developing countries, but also in developed countries’ comparative advantage in product information. When meeting the needs of information economy and confronting asymmetric structure of international information, China’s macroeconomic management should attach more importance to information infrastructure, and improve formation and conduction mechanism of macroeconomic policies, so as to make full use of information guide to play active role in stabilizing economic fluctuation and preventing possible contagion of international crisis.  相似文献   

The modern warfare is more dependent on the war energy. It is not only focus on the use of high-tech, including information technology and other tools, to increase the efficiency in the use of war energy in the battlefield, but also work on the conversion efficiency and quality from the economy energy to the war energy. In this regard, we shall pay particular attention to military acquisition which is acting as a bridge in the process of transition from economy energy to war energy. The acquisition department will be in close contact with other functionalities, e.g.: logistics, technology support and other services departments to display the supporting function of the military supply chain in future battlefield. The modern information warfare is becoming to be more and more stereoscopic with a high speed pattern which is in depth and excluding the line operation. It is driving the war movement into a multi-dimensional area. The original line-operation model, i.e. working on the front line, did not exist any more. The joint service on war is much more preferred. The recent practice showed that the logistics support is expected to play a very special role in the future war. No matter how advanced the weaponry will come to be, as long as there is no immediate, sufficient and precise support from logistics side, the tactical arrangements/operations as well as the combat effectiveness cannot be commenced smoothly. The information technology as a philosophy, which is influencing and infiltrating the various fields of this era, is maturing itself in a dynamic development. In the field of logistics support, the application of information technology is an enhanced technology to develop the resource space, improve the efficiency of allocation and to ensure an effective materials transportation and resource usage. The main focus and further development of information technology is aiming at achieving the optimal efficiency in military economy by constructively settling the complicated relationship between the military supply chain and external environment which are connected to the other in a systematic way to maintain a smooth and well-ordered operation of supply-chain system. To start with the supply chain construction, firstly we shall be clear that the logistics acquisition is playing a crucial role in the military supply chain. Secondly we shall set up an effective operating mechanism for the cooperation between market and military. At the same time, we shall put our efforts in strengthening the organizational functions of the supply chain and its supporting capabili-ties, and demonstrating the forces constitute, work distribution, command system and operational models in the logistics support. As a consequence, everybody will have the same clear understanding on the requirement of the supply chain construction which will be adaptable to the needs of future battlefield.  相似文献   

通过分析我国智能交通系统建设现状和存在问题,结合目前道路交通管理信息采集与服务需求,设计了基于物联网技术的道路交通信息采集与服务框架,以公安交通指挥平台为核心,集成各类交通信息采集与服务系统,实现交通路况信息全天候采集和智能分析、交通信息服务和出行诱导,以及区域交通流协调组织等功能。基于该框架体系,分别从交通流信息采集、交通信息发布与诱导服务、交通信号协调控制、公交优先等方面,对比分析了基于ITS技术的传统应用与基于物联网技术的新型应用的优缺点。结论:物联网技术应用将有利于突破现有ITS应用模式的弊端,提高交通信息采集精度,提升公众出行服务水平。  相似文献   

Informatization is the process of information revolution and its impact on economy and society. During the process, traditional labor force, labor tools, labor subject as well as the production mode and structure are changed. Informatization appeared under the background of the Second Industry Revolution and the Third Industry Revolution, when computer, Internet and artificial intelligence technology was introduced. China is undergoing tremendous economic and social transformation. Informatization will influence Chinese economy by transforming its economic mode, boosting long-term economic development, changing economic structure and reforming economic institution. Meanwhile, it will also affect Chinese society by pushing social progress, changing social structure, transforming social development mode and reforming social institution.  相似文献   

The process of Informatization will have great impact on both macro economy and finance. In the respect of macro economy, informatization influences short-term economic fluctuation, the growth of total economic scale and economic structure in China. Firstly, it will influence short-term economic fluctuation by affecting labor market, pricing fluctuation, short-term investment and consumption, as well as the implementation of macroeconomic policy. Meanwhile, it will boost long-term economic growth by providing new production factors, upgrading production efficiency and pushing technology innovation. In addition, it will change economic structure by impacting industry structure, demand structure and regional structure. On the perspective of finance, informa-tization has changed the monetary form and function, which is the technological foundation of virtual currency and electronic payment. It exerts an extensive and far-reaching impact on the financial institutions, financial mar-ket, financial supervision and regulation through two ways: decreasing the transaction costs and alleviating the asymmetric information problems.  相似文献   

张志会 《工程研究》2010,2(3):217-227
At present, the study of “public understanding of engineering” in China has just started, and it can be said that there is adequate research space. Making the public understanding of dams in China as a starting point, this paper analyzes the importance and the present situation of “public understanding of engineering”, and makes some analysis and recommendations on how to promote and facilitate the public understanding of engineering.  相似文献   

郭佳  ;尚智丛  ; 《工程研究》2013,5(4):374-379
在互联网时代,伴随着网络传输数据量的激增,流量给网络带宽带来越来越大的压力,用户越来越关注自己的网络体验情况,并对高带宽网络的需求越来越迫切.但如何反映并且度量用户体验仍是一个难题.本文对网络带宽使用现状(是否流畅)进行合理分析,利用网络流畅度反映用户体验,从宏观和微观两个层面分别建立网络流畅度模型,并利用上述模型对中国科技网进行评价,对其现状和产生此现状的原因进行了深入的分析.本文的方法能够为现有网络是否进行带宽扩容及如何合理地配置带宽提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

徐照兴 《工程研究》2014,(4):383-391
为了扩大销售范围、降低销售成本、更好地保护客户隐私、增进与客户的交流、促进药品销售的可靠性与便捷性、快速进行销售统计,提出构建基于B2C 的网上药品销售管理系统.系统采用Visual Studio2012 为开发平台,应用ASP.NET(C#)+SQL Server2008 等技术.按照软件工程思想,首先对系统进行了需求分析和总体设计;然后设计了公共类、系统主要流程设计和系统数据库设计等;接着阐述了系统前台购物车页面等主要模块的实现,提出了Session+Hashtable 技术实现的购物车;最后阐述了系统后台订单管理等主要功能模块的设计与实现,提出了把订单状态分为是否确认、是否发货及是否归档三类,并且三者顺序不可逆转.经实际运行表明,该系统功能实用、安全性高、性能良好、易操作、易维护,可以很好地运用在中小型企业中,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

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