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本文分析了钢中非金属夹杂物的形成以及非金属夹杂物的分布状态与材料性能的关系,钢中非金属夹杂物对加工工艺的影响和性能改善的方法,以及在选材时对非金属夹杂物的综合因素分析。  相似文献   

引进的徕卡非金属夹杂物自动分析软件能对夹杂物迅速而准确地进行有统计性意义的测定和数据处理.通过一年多的摸索,对软件的开发应用取得了突破性的进展,填补了笔者单位在夹杂物定量分析这个领域中的空白, 目前已开始应用在生产和科研中.  相似文献   

非金属夹杂物对钢制零件产品质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜对钢制零件中常见的非金属夹杂物的形貌特征进行了观察,并结合生产实际分析了不同类型的非金属夹杂物对钢制零件产品质量的影响。  相似文献   

非金属夹杂物与钢的韧性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20年前已经研究过非金属夹杂物对钢性能的影响。本文较为详细地研究试样中含有硫化物和氮化物两种类型的夹杂物对负韧性的影响。根据一系列试样测定了几种断裂参数,用以验算Krafft和其他学者建立的断裂模型。实验结果得出这样的结论:按照Krafft公式计算的KIC值与通过实验获得的KIC植相一致。  相似文献   

粉末高温合金FGH95是发动机用的优选材料。通过对该合金的疲劳性能试验和扫描电镜微观观察,发现合金中含有由铝、氧、镁、钛、硅和钇等元素组成的夹杂物。无论室温或者高温条件下,合金的疲劳裂纹源均从夹杂物处萌生,并且夹杂物尺寸越大,距离表面越近,所对应的疲劳寿命越低。  相似文献   

非金属夹杂物与钢的韧性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20年前已经研究过非金属夹杂物对钢性能的影响。本文较为详细地研究试样中含有硫化物和氮化物两种类型的夹杂物对钢韧性的影响。根据一系列试样测定了几种断裂参数 ,用以验算 Krafft和其他学者建立的断裂模型。实验结果得出这样结论 :按照 Krafft公式计算的 KIC值与通过实验获得的 KIC值相一致。  相似文献   

以纯镍N6为主要研究对象,借助光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析仪(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)及电解萃取装置等手段分析了非金属夹杂物对纯镍N6焊接接头结构及性能的影响.结果表明:纯镍N6试样断裂与非金属夹杂物尺寸、形貌、数量等因素有直接的关系;非正常断裂试样的断口表现为沿晶断裂,断口上夹杂物主要由Al、Si、Ca、Mg、O、Fe等元素组成;对试样的金相组织与夹杂物进行分析发现非正常断裂试样中夹杂物数量及尺寸均大于正常试样,杂物数量大于50个/mm2且夹杂物尺寸大于10 μm的试样均发生断裂;夹杂物主要为氧化铝类(Al2O3、SiO2)、硅酸盐类、氮化物类(AlN、TiN、Ti(C,N))及复相夹杂物;原位拉伸试验表明,断裂的主要原因是在金属基体中存在的夹杂物诱发裂纹源,在应力的作用下裂纹扩展导致断裂.综合分析表明,纯镍N6焊接接头在生产中的断裂是由脆性夹杂物的存在而引起的.  相似文献   

根据JJF 1059-1999和GB/T 10561-2005,采用光学显微镜及金相图像分析软件对某轧制比大于3的LZ50钢轴坯的非金属夹杂物长度进行了观察和测量,按A法检验,放大100倍观察,对检测非金属夹杂物长度的测量不确定度来源进行了分析,并对每个不确定度分量进行了评定,最终给出了扩展不确定度及测量结果的不确度报告。结果表明:LZ50钢轴坯中的非金属夹杂物主要为C类细系硅酸盐夹杂物;测量结果的不确定度报告为,最严重视场C类非金属夹杂物总长度的测量值为(632±6)μm,k=2。  相似文献   

MLA是一种基于扫描电镜和能谱分析仪的工艺矿物学参数自动分析系统,主要应用在工艺矿物学领域。应用MLA系统对不锈钢中夹杂物的化学成分及粒径分布情况进行了研究,结果表明该系统可高效且同步实现不锈钢中夹杂物尺寸、种类、含量的自动识别与统计。  相似文献   

The S – N curve obtained from cantilever-type rotary bending fatigue tests using hour-glass-shaped specimens of high carbon-chromium bearing steel clearly distinguished the fracture modes into two groups each having a different crack origin. One was governed by crystal slip on the specimen surface, which occurred in the region of short fatigue life and a high stress amplitude level. The other was governed by a non-metallic inclusion at a subsurface level which occurred in the region of long fatigue life and low stress amplitude. The inclusion developed a fish-eye fracture mode that was distributed over a wide range of stress amplitude not only below the fatigue limit defined as the threshold for fracture due to the surface slip mode but also above the fatigue limit. This remarkable shape of the S – N curve was different from the step-wise one reported in previous literature and is characterized as a duplex S – N curve composed of two different S – N curves corresponding to the respective fracture modes. From detailed observations of the fracture surface and the fatigue crack origin, the mechanisms for the internal fracture mode and the characteristics of the S – N curve are discussed.  相似文献   

Fatigue fracture of high-strength steels often occurs from small defect on the surface of a material or from non-metallic inclusion in the subsurface zone of a material. Under rotating bending loading, the S-N curve of high-strength steels consists of two curves corresponding to surface defect-induced fracture and internal inclusion-induced fracture. The surface defect-induced fracture occurs at high stress amplitude levels and low cycles. However, the subsurface inclusion-induced fracture occurs at low stress amplitude levels and high-cycle region of more than 106 cycles (giga-cycle fatigue life). There is a definite stress range in the S-N curve obtained from the rotating bending, where the crack initiation site changes from surface to subsurface, giving a stepwise S-N curve or a duplex S-N curve. On the other hand, under cyclic axial loading, the S-N curve of high-strength steels displays a continuous decline and surface defect-induced or internal inclusion-induced fracture occur in the whole range of amplitudes. In this paper, influence factors on S-N curve characteristics of high-strength steels, including size of inclusions and the stress gradient of bending fatigue, were investigated for rotating bending and cyclic axial loading in the giga-cycle fatigue regime. Then, based on the estimated subsurface crack growth rate from the S-N data, effect of inclusion size on the dispersion of fatigue life was explained, and it was clarified that the shape of S-N curve for subsurface inclusion-induced fracture depends on the inclusion size.  相似文献   

The cyclic fatigue life of stable austenitic 20Cr-16Ni-6Mn-0.14N steel in two melts, obtained by different techniques, was studied in a wide range of stress amplitudes, in vacuum, at 293 and 11 K. The influence of grain size on the cyclic yield stress was formulated at both temperatures. The effects of a vacuum and low temperatures on the fatigue characteristics and the crack growth micromechanism were also investigated.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the effects of non-metallic inclusion on the fatigue strength of high-strength steels, in 1963 W.E. Duckworth and E. Ineson conducted fatigue tests using specimens that contained artificially added spherical and angular alumina particles of various controlled sizes. Although the fatigue tests were carried out under the same nominal stresses in rotating-bending and tension-compression tests the fatigue lives of specimens showed a large scatter. They reported in some detail typical complicated aspects of the effects of non-metallic inclusions on the fatigue strength.

In the present study the authors have reanalysed these complicated fatigue data using the prediction equation that was proposed by Murakami et al for the quantitative evaluation of the effects of small defects on fatigue strength. The geometrical parameter that controls the scatter of the fatigue strength is the square root of the projection area √ area and not the shape of the inclusions, whether they are spherical or angular. It is shown from the data from the failed specimens that the fatigue strength of materials containing inclusions larger than a critical size can be predicted by the Vickers hardness (Hv) of the matrix and √ area of the inclusion regardless of the shape.  相似文献   

韩爽  杜海生 《功能材料》2007,38(A08):3084-3088
对高马赫数导弹天线罩材料的性能要求进行了评述,综述了国外天线罩材料的研究进展,特别是重点介绍了美国等军事强国近年来研制的天线罩材料的温度、强度、介电特性以及工艺性能。分析了我国在该领域的研究现状,并提出了今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

南京长江第四大桥钢桥面铺装疲劳性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合南京长江第四大桥钢桥面铺装实体工程,开展铺装层混合料20℃疲劳性能试验。为了使试验结果能够更真实地反映主桥铺装的实际情况,直接采用主桥铺装使用的混合料成型试件,其中,带钢板复合梁试件为施工现场摊铺、碾压成型。室内试验对铺装结构单层采用劈裂疲劳试验,选择0.2、0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6这5个等级的应力水平,对组合结构采用带钢板复合梁疲劳试验,荷载水平为6 kN、7 kN、8 kN,并通过回归分析得到疲劳方程。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on improving the thermal fatigue resistance on the surface of vermicular cast iron coupling with inserted H13 steel blocks that had different cross sections, by cast-in processing. The microstructure of bionic units was examined by scanning electron microscope. Micro-hardness and thermal fatigue resistance of bionic samples with varied cross sections and spacings were investigated, respectively. Results show that a marked metallurgical bonding zone was produced at interface between the inserted H13 steel block and the parent material – a unique feature of the bionic structure in the vermicular cast iron samples. The micro-hardness of the bionic samples has been significantly improved. Thermal resistance of the samples with the circular cross section was the highest and the bionics sample with spacing of 2 mm spacing had a much longer thermal fatigue life, thus resulting in the improvement for the thermal fatigue life of the bionic samples, due to the efficient preclusion for the generation and propagation of crack at the interface of H13 block and the matrix.  相似文献   

微观组织对贝氏体钢疲劳裂纹扩展行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究组织对疲劳裂纹扩展行为的影响,对3种不同贝氏体组织钢进行了疲劳裂纹扩展实验,并采用SEM和EBSD等方法对裂纹进行了分析.结果表明,板条贝氏体组织在近门槛区和稳定扩展区阻碍裂纹扩展的能力最强,具有最小的裂纹扩展速率.板条贝氏体组织中的大角度晶界使裂纹更容易发生偏折,导致断口表面粗糙度增加,裂纹扩展受到较强的粗糙度诱导裂纹闭合效应的作用.随着ΔK的增大,塑性诱导裂纹闭合效应取代粗糙度诱导裂纹闭合效应开始占据主导作用,是板条贝氏体组织中裂纹扩展速率对ΔK的变化较敏感的原因.  相似文献   

以湘潭四大桥桁架拱为工程背景,进行了三种规格的K型钢管混凝土节点的疲劳试验,基于热点应力计算了K型钢管混凝土节点的疲劳荷载幅值,表明热点应力法能够较好地评估钢管混凝土节点的疲劳寿命;试验表明K型钢管混凝土节点的疲劳性能明显优于K型钢管节点。在此基础上初步提出了K型钢管混凝土节点的S—N曲线,对建立K型钢管混凝土节点疲劳寿命设计准则具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

通过滚动接触疲劳试验方法,研究了两种渗碳齿轮钢的接触疲劳性能.结果发现,渗碳齿轮钢接触疲劳试样失效方式主要为渗碳层的点蚀和剥落.氧含量较低的Nb微合金化齿轮钢(含0.04%的Nb)中氧化物夹杂数量少、尺寸小,接触疲劳裂纹起裂较难;同时,Nb微合金化齿轮钢渗碳层晶粒尺寸小、硬度高,提高了疲劳裂纹萌生及扩展阻力,导致Nb微合金化后,齿轮钢的接触疲劳寿命大幅度提高.  相似文献   

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