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在太赫兹频段,为解决FP干涉滤光片反射率低、适用频率范围小及角度稳定性差的问题,设计了一种新的太赫兹频率选择表面结构。首先进行了仿真分析,确定了结构的硅片厚度和金属网栅层数,并对参数进行了优化。然后对该结构的传输特性和角度稳定性进行了仿真,该结构在入射倾斜角0°~45°范围内具有较好的稳定性,最后加工出滤光片实物,对仿真结果的准确性进行验证。在太赫兹波垂直入射的情况下,实物测量结果与仿真结果基本吻合,在1.34~2.34 THz频率范围内,反射率和透射率分别为91.0%~98.4%和0.7%~8.0%,满足FP干涉滤光片高反射率、低透射率要求。  相似文献   

讨论了太赫兹波段频率选择表面(FSS)在天文探测、遥感卫星以及航天器辐射计系统中的应用。对太赫兹波段频率选择表面的设计、加工及测试方法进行了研究。介绍了太赫兹波段频率选择表面的设计、分析方法及电磁仿真软件。由仿真及实测结果可知,太赫兹频段的频率选择表面由于受限于物理尺寸,造成了设计、加工及测试上的困难,其性能与其他频段相比更易于受到加工精确度的影响。在实际加工过程中,应尽量采用微纳加工技术进行加工。而在设计频率选择表面时,应当充分考虑器件厚度以及单元形状对加工造成的影响。测试过程中应当尽量避免反射回路造成的多次回波。  相似文献   

李天诚  陈鹤鸣 《红外》2021,42(7):17-25
目前双频带频率选择表面(Frequency Selective Surface,FSS)结构存在的通带选频性能有限。为了提高太赫兹频段通带滤波器件的性能,设计了一种基于频率选择表面的太赫兹双通带滤波器。该器件主要由三层正四边形的同心金属铜环组成,中间加载了介质衬底。金属层与衬底的厚度均为0.04λ,其中λ为低频波段的波长,单元尺寸为0.15λ。根据等效电路法分析了该结构产生双频通带的原因,并对设计的结构优化作了进一步的讨论。通过改变等效电路元件的参数等价地调整了原始结构的几何参数。仿真结果与理论计算基本吻合,优化后的器件可在2.74 THz和8.17 THz两个中心频率处实现通带滤波。低频处的-1 dB通带范围为2.24~3.25 THz,插入损耗为-0.05 dB;高频处的-1 dB通带范围为7.63~8.71 THz,插入损耗为-0.12 dB。滤波特性曲线的陡峭度好且相对带宽均超过10%。该结构尺寸小,频率选择性好,角度稳定性高,可用于太赫兹频段的宽频带滤波,对未来的太赫兹通信具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

目前三通带太赫兹滤波器存在通带带宽差异大的问题。为了提高太赫兹滤波器三通带的带宽均匀性,设计了一款基于频率选择表面的三通带太赫兹滤波器,其结构由三个嵌套式“十”字环金属贴片、“十”字金属贴片和聚酰亚胺衬底三层结构组成。当太赫兹波垂直入射到滤波器表面时,在0.1~0.862 THz范围内形成三个滤波通带,各通带的峰值透射系数约为0.9,具有较好的通带性能,并且通带之间的传输零点的透射系数都在0.07以下,带外抑制良好。各通带的3 dB带宽的最大通带比约为1.29,10 dB带宽的最大通带比约为1.13,具有较好通带均匀性。三个工作通带的矩形系数均大于1.7,通带边沿陡峭,频率选择性良好。该滤波器具有透射系数高、带宽差异小、结构简单和易于加工等特点,其在太赫兹的多信道通信领域具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

太赫兹波调制器是太赫兹通信的一个重要器件。利用介质折射率影响频率选择平面的透射峰,可以实现对太赫兹波强度透过率的调制。利用有限元法对该结构的调制性能进行模拟分析,在3.12 THz附近50 V电压下,实现了50%的强度调制。并进一步分析了该调制结构的调制机理。  相似文献   

研究基于电磁超表面的太赫兹波束极化调控技术,即采用金属-介质-金属的三层结构设计了一种反射式太赫兹波90o线极化转换器,并分别采用数值仿真和实验测试方法表征其极化转换特性。结果表明,该反射式超表面可以在工作频率(0.5 THz)达到高效的线极化转换(高于75%),且具有宽带特性(在0.35~0.65 THz极化转换效率超过50%)。此外,采用的超薄玻璃介质衬底使得超表面极化转换器具有厚度小、质量轻和耐热性好等优异的综合性能。  相似文献   

太赫兹光电子学的兴起推动了太赫兹波产生、传输和探测3方面理论和器件的快速发展。通过调控亚波长金属结构与太赫兹波相互作用的特异光学响应,太赫兹超材料和超表面器件已在太赫兹光束整形、导波和调制方面显示了巨大的潜力和优势,并可能推动太赫兹光源和探测器的发展。进一步发展和丰富太赫兹超材料和超表面器件,也将对太赫兹波在传感、通信和雷达等应用方面产生有益影响。本文综述了首都师范大学超材料与器件课题组近年来在太赫兹波段开展的基于超材料和超表面材料的光谱调制器件、光场调制衍射光学元件和主动光学元件的工作,介绍了超材料与器件的基本物理理论以及相应的实验研究成果,希望能够推动超材料与超表面太赫兹调制器件的发展与应用。  相似文献   

太赫兹超材料响应频率及频带的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
自然界中很多材料在太赫兹(THz)频段没有电磁响应,THz超材料的出现为太赫兹技术的发展和应用带来了新的机遇.但目前超材料太赫兹响应的调节方式比较繁琐,影响了理论与应用研究的开展.作者提出一种调制太赫兹超材料响应的简易新方法,即将超材料的结构单元整体按比例地放大和缩小.仿真结果表明,已满足阻抗匹配条件的超材料结构经整体比例变化之后,仍然满足阻抗匹配条件;而且,调整后超材料的吸收频率与尺寸变化的倍数成反比;令人惊奇的是,超材料的响应频带也随着单元尺寸的整体缩小而变宽.通过这种简易的尺寸变化方式,我们可以利用普通的超材料结构,得到一定范围内对任意入射频率具有完美吸收(吸收峰值大于98%)的太赫兹超材料.这种调制方式使超材料的设计变得更加简化,为超材料的理论与应用(特别是在器件中的应用)研究提供了更广阔的空间.  相似文献   

该文对信息超材料,包括数字超材料、编码超材料、以及可编程超材料的研究进展及其在太赫兹领域的应用进行了综述,从原理分析、数值仿真、样品制备、实际应用等多个角度介绍了信息超材料对电磁波全面而灵活的调控能力,着重探讨了编码超材料在太赫兹领域的发展以及应用,最后阐述了现场可编程超材料的原理及其在构建新型成像系统、新概念雷达中的应用。信息超材料与超表面对太赫兹波束的灵活调控可用于制作波束分离、低雷达散射截面等多种功能器件,为太赫兹频段电磁波的实时调控开辟了新的途径。   相似文献   

结构的手性在自然界中普遍存在,通常表现为不能通过平移或旋转与其镜像结构重合的现象。因为光谱探测技术能够反映光和物质相互作用产生的丰富信息,所以利用光学方法检测手性特征成为了探测和鉴别手性物质的常用手段。手性超表面能够通过人工设计达到极大的圆二色性(CD),是物质检测和传感领域的研究热点。设计了一种可动态调控CD响应,同时实现高传感性能的太赫兹手性超表面。该超表面以柔性材料为基底,前后表面为四重旋转对称的J型金属结构。仿真结果表明:该手性超表面在0.760 THz处能够产生高达0.805的强CD值;通过二维方向等比例拉伸,CD峰从0.760 THz红移至0.650 THz附近,且能保持很高的CD信号;同时,其传感灵敏度高达327 GHz/RIU,且在相对拉伸形变量高达20%的拉伸过程中仍能较好地保持手性响应和传感性能。所设计的手性超表面在动态多功能器件、可穿戴传感器领域具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

PEDOT:PSS coated Te (PCTe) nanorod/PEDOT:PSS composite films were prepared by a drop-casting technique. H2SO4 treatment was employed to enhance thermoelectric (TE) properties of the composite films. The addition of PCTe nanorods increased both the electrical conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient of the composite films. An optimized power factor of 141.9 μW/mK2 was obtained for the film containing 90 wt% PCTe nanorods treated with 12 M H2SO4 at room temperature, which was 2.75 times as high as that of the untreated composite film, corresponding to the electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient of 204.6 S/cm and 83.27 μV/K, respectively. XPS and GIWAXS analysis revealed the removal of insulating PSS units and the rearrangement of PEDOT chains after the H2SO4 treatment. Finally, a 9-leg TE generator prototype was fabricated using the optimized composite film. The maximum output power and area output power density produced from the prototype were 47.7 nW and 57.2 μW/cm2, respectively, at the temperature difference of 40 K.  相似文献   

A thin, low-cost, double-layer frequency-selective surface (FSS) bandpass filter has been designed, fabricated, and measured for operation in the terahertz band. The present FSS structure is composed of double-layer tin foil with a hexagonal lattice array of circular holes. A flat passband is observed with a 3-dB bandwidth of 0.20 THz from 0.81 to 1.01 THz, which is about 22% relative to the center frequency. This bandpass filter based on double-layer FSS structures achieved average insertion loss of 0.7-dB and 106.31-dB/THz band-edge steepness. We have found good agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental results.  相似文献   

We present a fast spectrometer working in the 0.7–4.8 THz range. Broadband radiation from a blackbody source is focused first on a rotating silicon wafer, whose surface was patterned with 18 metal band-pass filters, then on the sample under test and finally is detected by a superconducting microbolometer with microsecond time constant. The bolometer sensor is coupled to a spiral antenna whose frequency band matches the spectral range of the filters. The spectral resolution is set by the filters quality factor of about 3. A dynamic range of 100 and a S/N ratio of 20 are achieved by integrating for less than 10 second. The detector can operate up to 6 K in a closed-cycle cooler, hence making the present apparatus suitable for building up a simple terahertz video-rate spectrometer.  相似文献   

用旋涂技术在PET衬底室温沉积透明导电PEDOT:PSS/Ag NW/PEDOT:PSS复合膜。用紫外-可见分光光度计、霍尔效应测量系统、X射线衍射仪和场发射扫描电子显微镜对透明导电复合膜的光学透过率、面电阻、结晶性和表面形貌进行了表征。复合膜XRD衍射图呈现Ag (111) 和 Ag (200)特征衍射峰,Ag纳米线网络具有Ag (111)择优取向的多晶结构。复合膜3-PEDOT:PSS/5-Ag NW/3-PEDOT:PSS在550nm波长的透过率高达83.95%,面电阻低至21.98 ?/sq。  相似文献   

We studied the effect of Au nanoparticles (NPs) on optical properties of composite films of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) mixed with Au NPs of 20, 40 and 60 nm in diameter by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy. The excitation wavelength of SPR redshifts with increasing the concentration of Au NPs in the Au/PEDOT:PSS composite films. The SPR spectra were simulated by using transfer matrix method (TMM) and effective medium approximation (EMA). The SPR wavelength redshift was ascribed to the film thickness increase of Au/PEDOT:PSS composites rather than effective permittivity variation of the composite films induced with Au NPs inclusion.  相似文献   

In this article, we have demonstrated solar cell performance of the inkjet-printed PEDOT:PSS layer and the roles of additives in device efficiency. The newly proposed PEDOT:PSS inks with additives of glycerol and surfactant show the improved surface morphology and high conductivity resulting in the enhanced photovoltaic performance. Using the optimized ink formulation of PEDOT:PSS, we have demonstrated a 3.16% efficient solar cell with an inkjet printing.  相似文献   

We report the successful use of the high-work-function, high-conductivity transparent conducting polymer PEDOT:PSS as the Schottky contact to form the Schottky junction (and thus Schottky diode) with the n-type semiconductor a-IGZO. The Schottky didoes exhibited a low apparent turn-on voltage, a high rectification ratio of >105 at ±1 V, and a decent ideality factor of ∼1.5–1.6. Detailed junction properties were systematically analyzed from J-V and C-V characteristics of the diodes. We also demonstrated the applications of PEDOT:PSS/a-IGZO Schottky junctions to various types of Schottky diodes, including the flexible, the transparent, and the flexible transparent PEDOT:PSS/a-IGZO Schottky diodes, by using different substrates and different counter electrodes.  相似文献   

PEDOT:PSS is a conductive polymer blend which is widely used as a thin functional film in the fabrication of electronic devices. Modification of PEDOT:PSS properties is usually required to enhance their performance which demands further research to gain a complete understanding. This paper is concerned with the optimization of PEDOT:PSS thin films produced by inkjet printing which is deemed as a very promising fabrication technology. Both thermal and solvent annealing were utilized to optimize the ink-jetted PEDOT:PSS thin films. It has been found that thermal annealing is relatively ineffective for the improvement of conductivity and transparency of the thin films. However, solvent annealing is introduced for inkjet printing combined with subsequent thermal annealing has induced a further increase of conductivity in the thin film.  相似文献   

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