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太赫兹量子级联激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王玉然 《电子技术》2009,36(9):70-71
太赫兹技术近年来发展迅速,应用越来越广泛,是当前的热门研究领域。太赫兹量子级联激光器是产生太赫兹辐射的重要器件,对太赫兹量子级联激光器的发展,以及有源区和波导层的设计等进行了详细讨论。  相似文献   

半导体太赫兹量子级联激光器(THz QCL)是一种相干性好线宽窄的太赫兹辐射源,有潜力获得高的输出功率.采用基于非平衡格林函数(NEGF)方法的计算工具设计、生长、制备了基于砷化镓系材料的THz QCL.在10 K温度下,峰值功率达到270 mW,平均功率为2. 4 mW,单位面积的输出功率与已报道的最高值相当.采用NEGF方法对器件的温度变化特性做了详细的分析.  相似文献   

为了获得窄线宽太赫兹光源,制作了基于表面金属光栅的单模太赫兹量子级联激光器。通过优化光栅结构,获得了具有较强耦合效率和较低损耗的光栅结构参数。波导结构采用半绝缘表面等离子体波导以便能获得较高的光输出功率。激光器单模激射波长为95μm。10 K时,器件最高单模输出功率达到了43 m W,单模抑制比为18 d B。单模器件工作温度超过70 K,在70 K时,仍然有5 m W的单模输出功率。这种输出性能良好的激光器有望作为太赫兹接收机的本振源。  相似文献   

量子级联激光器(QCL)是一种基于多量子阱子带间跃迁的单极性半导体激光器,激射频率位于中远红外以及太赫兹(THz)波段。在1~5 THz激射频率范围内,THz QCL是最有效的电泵浦THz辐射源,具有结构紧凑、易集成、输出功率高和转换效率高等优点。本文首先对THz QCL的有源区结构、波导结构以及材料体系进行了简介,然后从有源区方面对极限激射频率、高工作温度、大输出功率等高性能THz QCL进行了梳理,接着从波导结构方面对一维光栅、二维光子结构、超表面结构等THz QCL光子工程研究进展进行了综述。另外对主动稳频THz光频梳、被动稳频THz光频梳、THz双光梳等THz QCL光频梳方面的最新研究成果进行了介绍。  相似文献   

制作了基于锥形波导结构的高输出功率的太赫兹(THz)量子级联激光器。激光器采用单面金属波导结构,并采用锥形波导形状提高光输出功率,且保证了良好的光斑远场发散角。激光器水平方向远场光斑发散角为18.4?,器件输出中心波长为93 μm(3.23 THz),器件最高输出功率达到了185 mW,最高工作温度为95 K。80 K时,器件的最高脉冲输出功率能达到65 mW。基于如此高的输出功率,制作了液氮杜瓦封装的小型便携式太赫兹激光源。  相似文献   

主要研究了THz量子级联激光器注入区结构的隧穿特性。通过量子力学方程设计出透射率最大的注入区结构。模拟结果表明,周期间势垒宽度为4.7 nm时,注入区的透射率最大。对于含有此注入区的QCL结构,模拟了在不同偏压下,电子波函数的空间分布和能级位置,进而模拟出该模型的隧穿点。计算结果表明,当每个周期两端的外加偏压为45 mV时达到THz工作点,同时满足周期间的电子隧穿条件。之后通过器件工艺,把外延片制作成实验样品。电流电压(I-V)测试曲线表明,在周期间偏压为50 mV时发生隧穿,这和理论计算的周期偏压为45 mV十分接近。  相似文献   

太赫兹量子级联激光器(THz QCL)双光梳在光谱检测、测距、成像等领域具有重要应用。双光梳信号严重依赖THz耦合光功率。利用THz QCL激射光为线偏振光的特性,在双光梳光路上插入线偏振片,通过旋转偏振片以达到对THz光强进行调节的作用。系统研究了THz QCL双光梳谱和功率与偏振角度的依赖关系,为实现高稳定THz双光梳光源与应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

针对四阱有源区、一阱注入区及三阱有源设计,采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法研究了共振声子太赫兹量子级联激光器的性能差异。采用傅里叶变换光谱仪及远红外探测器测量了四阱共振声子太赫兹量子级联激光器的低温电光特性。详细讨论了提高太赫兹量子级联激光器发射功率的方案。  相似文献   

太赫兹量子级联激光器(QCL)有源区设计主要包括啁啾超晶格、束缚-连续态跃迁和共振声子等模式。本文利用密度矩阵方法模拟太赫兹QCL光增益谱的基本特征,特别是通过分析太赫兹QCL光增益特性与子带寿命的依赖关系,理解太赫兹QCL对超晶格子带间非辐射跃迁寿命的要求。进而根据这些要求给出一种基于束缚-连续态跃迁和共振声子混合模式的太赫兹QCL有源区设计方案,利用纵光学声子共振帮助缩短束缚-连续态跃迁模式中下辐射态寿命。  相似文献   

In this work, AlGaAs/GaAs superlattice, with layers’ sequence and compositions imitating the active and injector regions of a quantum cascade laser designed for emission in the terahertz spectral range, was investigated. Three independent absorption-like optical spectroscopy techniques were employed in order to study the band structure of the minibands formed within the conduction band. Photoreflectance measurements provided information about interband transitions in the investigated system. Common transmission spectra revealed, in the target range of intraband transitions, mainly a number of lines associated with the phonon-related processes, including two-phonon absorption. In contrast, differential transmittance realized by means of Fourier-transform spectroscopy was utilized to probe the confined states of the conduction band. The obtained energy separation between the second and third confined electron levels, expected to be predominantly contributing to the lasing, was found to be ~9 meV. The optical spectroscopy measurements were supported by numerical calculations performed in the effective mass approximation and XRD measurements for layers’ width verification. The calculated energy spacings are in a good agreement with the experimental values.  相似文献   

In this work, a particle-based Monte Carlo model is used to quantify the potential of terahertz sources based on the ZnO-based material system relative to existing devices based on GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. Specifically, two otherwise identical quantum cascade structures based on ZnO/MgZnO and GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells are designed, and their non- equilibrium carrier distributions are then computed as a function of temperature. The simulation results show that, because of their larger optical phonon energy, ZnO/MgZnO quantum cascade laser structures exhibit weaker temperature dependence of the population inversion than in the case of similar structures made of GaAs/AlGaAs. In particular, as the temperature is increased from 10 K to 300 K, population inversion is found to decrease by a factor of 4.48 and 1.50 for the AlGaAs and MgZnO structure, respectively. Based on these results, the MgZnO devices are then predicted to be, in principle, capable of laser action without cryogenic cooling.  相似文献   

High resolution terahertz (THz) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical tool for laboratory purposes as well as for remote sensing in astronomy, planetary research, and Earth observation. THz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are promising sources for implementation into THz spectrometers, in particular at frequencies above 3 THz, which is the least explored portion of the THz region. One application of QCLs in THz spectroscopy is in absorption spectrometers, where they can replace less powerful and somewhat cumbersome sources based on frequency mixing with gas lasers. Another one is using a QCL as local oscillator in a heterodyne spectrometer for remote sensing. This article will review the state-of-the art in high resolution THz spectroscopy with QCLs.  相似文献   

Surface-plasmon waveguides based on metallic strips can provide a two-dimensional optical confinement. This concept has been successfully applied to midinfrared quantum cascade lasers, processed as ridge waveguides, to demonstrate that the lateral extension of the optical mode can be influenced solely by the width of the device top contact. In this configuration, the waveguide mode has a reduced interaction with the top metal and the ridge sidewalls. This results in lower propagation losses and higher performances. For devices operating at a wavelength of lambdaap7.5 mum, the room-temperature threshold current density was reduced from 6.3 to 4.4 kA/cm2 with respect to larger devices with full top metallization  相似文献   

A new design of low-loss terahertz waveguide for Si-SiGe quantum-cascade lasers (QCLs) is presented. Periodic surface gratings are used to define waveguides without the requirement of cleaved or etched end facets. As Si cleaves along the (111) planes and not in the vertical direction for standard Si (100) substrates, this significantly aids the fabrication of waveguides. Losses down to 2 cm-1 with modal overlap of 0.4 can be achieved for shallow gratings with etched depths of only 0.56 mum for an active material layer thickness of 8 mum. Such low loss and high modal overlap is key to any Si-SiGe QCL being realized  相似文献   

利用Airy函数代换与传输矩阵方法精确计算了有外加偏压下电子在共振声子太赫兹量子级联激光器有源区单个周期内的透射系数与波函数,得到了不同偏压下的电子波函数分布以及准束缚态能级位置与外加偏压的关系曲线.在仿真计算的基础上设计了一种共振声子太赫兹量子级联激光器的有源区结构.计算结果表明,对于设计的结构,当单个周期两端的外加...  相似文献   

采用有限元分析法解决了太赫兹量子级联激光器(THz QCL)有源区模拟问题。由于InP基差频THz QCL有源区为千层纳米结构,无法拆分实验探索,因此模拟分析显得尤为必要。首先列出有源区量子结构的薛定谔方程,而后采用Galerkin有限元法改写薛定谔方程,再根据连续性和边界条件,得到本征值矩阵方程,最后采用Matlab写出运算程序求解本征值矩阵方程,求出波函数。针对不同有源区量子结构,设定材料、组分、厚度和周期数及外加偏压等参数,即可得到波函数模方、能级、频率和波长等模拟结果。选取InP基差频THz QCL结构进行验证,结果表明此模型切实可行,其拓展应用也可以解决GaAs THz QCL模拟问题。  相似文献   

We review research on the physics of intersubband transitions in the THz range in a sub wavelength microcavity environment. Laser action was achieved at 1.5 THz by inserting quantum cascade gain material between the capacitor plates of a new resonant LC cavity, achieving a normalized mode volume ratio of only $V_{eff}/(\lambda /2n)^{3}=0.12$ of the cavity mode $V_{eff}$ and the normalized optical volume $(\lambda /2n)^{3}$ . By using the same cavity as the constituting meta-atom of a THz metamaterial, strong and ultra strong light matter coupling was observed up to room temperature. Finally, the same metamaterial coupled to parabolic semiconductor quantum wells was investigated in the regime of electrical in-plane pumping, showing THz emission in the ultra strong coupling regime.  相似文献   

The voltage tunability of three types of quantum cascade laser designs is investigated. The tuning coefficients and tuning ranges of electroluminescence and laser emission from all designs are measured and compared with the calculated results. A reduced tunability was observed in all lasers above threshold. This is attributed to the decrease of resistance across the laser active region (AR) as the photon density increases. A resumed tunability high above threshold occurs in all lasers with anticrossed injector ground and upper laser states. Lasers based on the anticrossed diagonal transition are tunable above threshold, with a tuning range of about 30 ${hbox {cm}}^{-1}$ ($sim$ 3% of the laser emission wavenumber), i.e., a tuning rate of 750 ${hbox {cm}}^{-1} hbox{V}^{-1}cdot hbox{period}^{-1}$ of the AR and the injector.   相似文献   

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