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本文用一种新的简单方法制备了不同半径的尖缺口,用单边切口梁试件测试了不同缺口半么氧化铝陶瓷的断裂韧性,地七咱不同测试方法测得的,同一种材料的断裂韧性进行了对比,讨论陶瓷材料断裂韧性的最佳测试方法和测试中对缺口半径的要求。 相似文献
T. ANDO X. LI S. NAKAO T. KASAI H. TANAKA M. SHIKIDA K. SATO 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2005,28(8):687-694
The fracture toughness of single‐crystal silicon thin films oriented to (100) and (110) was investigated by tensile testing under both 〈100〉 and 〈110〉 loading conditions. The specimen was fabricated from a p‐type Czochralski (CZ)‐grown wafer and passed through a thermal process during the fabrication of the test device. The measured fracture toughness is dependent on the loading direction in the tensile test and independent of the specimen surface orientation. The test results were 1.94 MPa√m in the 〈100〉 direction and 1.17 MPa√m in the 〈110〉. In these tests, no longitudinal size effect on the fracture stress or fracture toughness was observed. The SEM photographs obtained from the fracture specimens after the tensile test show that the crack initiated from the notch tip and propagated straight in the across‐the‐width direction on the (110) or (111) cleavage plane. 相似文献
Francois Barthelat Ahmad Khayer Dastjerdi Reza Rabiei 《Journal of the Royal Society Interface》2013,10(79)
High-performance biological materials such as nacre, spider silk or bone have evolved a staggered microstructure consisting of stiff and strong elongated inclusions aligned with the direction of loading. This structure leads to useful combinations of stiffness, strength and toughness, and it is therefore increasingly mimicked in bio-inspired composites. The performance of staggered composites can be tuned; for example, their mechanical properties increase when the overlap between the inclusions is increased. However, larger overlaps may lead to excessive tensile stress and fracture of the inclusions themselves, a highly detrimental failure mode. Fracture of the inclusions has so far only been predicted using highly simplified models, which hinder our ability to properly design and optimize engineered staggered composites. In this work, we develop a new failure criterion that takes into account the complex stress field within the inclusions as well as initial defects. The model leads to an ‘optimum criterion’ for cases where the shear tractions on the inclusions is uniform, and a ‘conservative’ criterion for which the tractions are modelled as point forces at the ends of the overlap regions. The criterion can therefore be applied for a wide array of material behaviour at the interface, even if the details of the shear load transfer is not known. The new criterion is validated with experiments on staggered structures made of millimetre-thick alumina tablets, and by comparison with data on nacre. Formulated in a non-dimensional form, our new criterion can be applied on a wide variety of engineered staggered composites at any length scale. It also reveals new design guidelines, for example high aspect ratio inclusions with weak interfaces are preferable over inclusions with low aspect ratio and stronger interfaces. Together with existing models, this new criterion will lead to optimal designs that harness the full potential of bio-inspired staggered composites. 相似文献
Fracture characterization under mode I loading of a cement‐based material using the single‐edge‐notched beam loaded in tree‐point‐bending was performed. A new method based on beam theory and crack equivalent concept is proposed to evaluate the Resistance‐curve, which is essential to determine fracture toughness with accuracy. The method considers the existence of a stress relief region in the vicinity of the crack, dispensing crack length monitoring during experiments. A numerical validation was performed by finite element analysis considering a bilinear cohesive damage model. Experimental tests were performed in order to validate the numerical procedure. Digital image correlation technique was used to measure the specimen displacement with accuracy and without interference. Excellent agreement between numerical and experimental load–displacement curves was obtained, which validates the procedure. 相似文献
Guoliang CHEN Yandong WANG Wangyue YANG Zhuqing SUN Runrong REN Dept.of Materials Science Engineering Beijing University of Science Technology Beijing ChinaShijie ZHU Suhua AI Lab.of Fatigue Fracture for Materials 《材料科学技术学报》1993,9(3):219-222
The effect of strain rate on the bend ductility and notch fracture toughness of Ti-24Al-11 Nb wasstudied,it was found that the strain rate with a range of 1.17×10~(-5)~1.17 ×10~(-3) at 20℃ had nega-tive influence on both properties based on different microstructures. 相似文献
Modern methods of determining fracture resistance are analyzed. The necessity of developing a crucially new method based on edge chipping of a brittle material is shown. The results of experimental studies are presented. The applicability of the method to the comparative fracture resistance evaluation of ceramics is substantiated. 相似文献
Yanwei Dai Luca Susmel Fei Qin 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2021,44(1):28-42
Different from Neuber's rule or Glinka's energy method which are always adopted to characterize the notch tip field under elastoplastic condition, in this paper, the strain energy rate density (SERD) rule is used for viscoplastic materials. In particular, based on the definition of generalized notch stress intensity factor (G‐NSIF) for sharp V‐notch in viscoplastic solids, the concept of SERD for sharp V‐notch in viscoplastic solids is presented. Subsequently, by taking as a starting point the SERD, the averaged strain energy density (SED) for sharp V‐notch in viscoplastic solids is derived with integration of time. The fracture toughness relation between sharp V‐notch specimens and crack specimen in viscoplastic materials is given based on the transformation of SERD. A numerical approach is presented to compute the SERD and SED based on finite element method. Some crucial comments on the G‐NSIF have been discussed. Some typical solutions for SERD and SED for sharp V‐notched specimens are investigated. 相似文献
M. R. Ayatollahi A. R. Torabi A. S. Rahimi 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2016,39(3):267-291
Brittle fracture of notched components has been widely investigated in recent decades both experimentally and theoretically. This is because of designers' concern about catastrophic failure in notched engineering components made of brittle or quasi‐brittle materials. Up to now, extensive studies have been performed on brittle fracture analysis of engineering components weakened by notches of various features under mode I, mode II, mode III and mixed mode loading conditions. In the present paper, the attempt is made to review the research articles published in the open literature on brittle fracture assessment of notched components by means of notch fracture mechanics concepts. The main focus of this paper is on the stress‐based fracture criteria, which are the basis of authors' experience in recent years. 相似文献
G. LEVESQUE N. K. ARAKERE J. J. MECHOLSKY K. GOPALAKRISHNAN 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2010,33(8):490-503
Engineering applications of ceramics can often involve mixed‐mode conditions involving both tensile and shear loading. Mixed‐mode fracture toughness parameters are evaluated for applicability to ceramics using the Brazilian disc test on silicon nitride. Semi‐elliptical centrally located surface flaws are induced on the disc specimens using Vickers indentation and compression loaded to fracture with varying levels of mode mixity. The disc specimens are modelled via 3D finite element analysis and all three modes of stress intensity factors computed along the crack front, at failure load. We present a numerical and experimental investigation of four widely used mixed‐mode fracture criteria and conclude that the critical strain energy release rate criterion is simple to implement and effective for silicon nitride under mixed‐mode conditions. 相似文献
To describe fracture toughness diagrams of notched bodies, a model of the cohesion zone near the notch root and an averaging
criterion of stresses in this zone were employed. The geometric stress concentration factor and biaxiality coefficient affect
greatly the shape of fracture toughness diagram. The notch root critical stress intensity factor is a decreasing function
of geometric stress concentration factor.
Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 142–148, September–October, 2006.
Report on International Conference “Dynamics, Strength, and Life of Machines and Structures” (1–4 November 2006, Kiev, Ukraine). 相似文献
Muhammad Treifi S. Olutunde Oyadiji Derek K. L. Tsang 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2009,77(4):558-580
The fractal‐like finite element method (FFEM) is an accurate and efficient method to compute the stress intensity factors (SIFs) of different crack configurations. In the FFEM, the cracked/notched body is divided into singular and regular regions; both regions are modelled using conventional finite elements. A self‐similar fractal mesh of an ‘infinite’ number of conventional finite elements is used to model the singular region. The corresponding large number of local variables in the singular region around the crack tip is transformed to a small set of global co‐ordinates after performing a global transformation by using global interpolation functions. In this paper, we extend this method to analyse the singularity problems of sharp notched plates. The exact stress and displacement fields of a plate with a notch of general angle are derived for plane‐stress/strain conditions. These exact analytical solutions which are eigenfunction expansion series are used to perform the global transformation and to determine the SIFs. The use of the global interpolation functions reduces the computational cost significantly and neither post‐processing technique to extract SIFs nor special singular elements to model the singular region are needed. The numerical examples demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the FFEM for sharp notched problems. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
G. Qian W.‐S. Lei L. Peng Z. Yu M. Niffenegger 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2018,41(5):1120-1131
The work is an initial effort on adopting a statistical approach to correlate the fracture behavior between a notched and a fracture mechanics specimen. The random nature of cleavage fracture process determines that both the microscopic fracture stress and the macroscopic properties including fracture load, fracture toughness, and the ductile to brittle transition temperature are all stochastic parameters. This understanding leads to the proposal of statistical assessment of cleavage induced notch brittleness of ferritic steels according to a recently proposed local approach model of cleavage fracture. The temperature independence of the 2 Weibull parameters in the new model induces a master curve to correlate the fracture load at different temperatures. A normalized stress combining the 2 Weibull parameters and the yield stress is proposed as the deterministic index to measure notch toughness. This proposed index is applied to compare the notch toughness of a ferritic steel with 2 different microstructures. 相似文献
This study employed a numerical model combining molecular dynamics and micromechanics to study the low temperature fracture of tungsten. In the simulations a pre-crack was introduced on the (110) planes and cleavage was observed along the (121) planes. Cleavage along (121) planes has also been observed in experiments. Simulations were performed with three sizes of molecular dynamic regions at 77 K, and it was found that the results were independent of the size. Brittle fracture processes were simulated at temperatures between 77 K and 225 K with the combined model. The fracture toughness obtained in the simulations showed clear temperature dependency, although the values showed poor agreement with experimental results. A brittle fracture process at 77 K was discussed considering driving forces for dislocation emissions and cleavage in an atomic scale region of the crack tip. The driving force for dislocation emissions was saturated after the first dislocation emission, whilst the driving force for cleavage gradually increased with the loading K-field. The increased driving force caused cleavage when it reached a critical value. The critical values of driving force, which were close to the theoretical strength of the materials, were not influenced by temperature. This indicates that the temperature dependency of fracture toughness is not caused by the temperature dependency of dislocation emissions, but by that of dislocation mobility. 相似文献
X. LI T. KASAI S. NAKAO T. ANDO M. SHIKIDA K. SATO 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2007,30(12):1172-1181
The influence of notches on the fracture of single crystal silicon thin films was investigated. The tests were conducted on notched and smooth tensile specimens micromachined on a silicon wafer. The specimen geometry was 100 μm long, 50 μm wide and 5 μm thick. For the notched specimen, a V‐shaped sub‐micrometer notch was introduced on one edge of it by using a focused ion beam (FIB) process. The notch lengths ranged from 0.07 to 1.3 μm. Four types of specimens with different surfaces and tensile orientations were tested. The smooth specimens showed scattered fracture strengths and ‘collapsed’ fractures. For the restrictive‐shaped notches, the critical length was 0.5 μm. The short‐notched (<0.5 μm) specimens also showed ‘collapsed’ fractures, and the stress concentrations on notch tips decreased their fracture strengths. For the long‐notched (>0.5 μm) specimens, the notch was equivalent to a crack in the Griffith model and the crack mainly propagated on {111} cleaved planes. 相似文献
The present study focuses on a developed crack density-based model for evaluating the material properties of an orthotropic composite ply containing a specified matrix-cracking density. Furthermore, more complementary details of this model, including a closed form solution for evaluating the stress fields as well as stiffness degradation of a damaged ply, will be presented. The derived relations will be applied for evaluating the master plot curve, which is applicable for obtaining the finite fracture toughness (Gmc) of laminated composites. The obtained results will be compared with the available experimental results. 相似文献
Mahmoud M. Farag Ramy M. El‐Kady Mohammad M.I. Hammouda 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2020,43(6):1226-1238
A fracture mechanics numerical model is developed to simulate the collective behavior of growing short fatigue cracks originating from the surface of unnotched round specimens made of a two‐phase alloy. The specimen surface roughness is considered resembling microcracks of different sizes and locations along the minimum specimen circumference. Material grains of different phases, sizes, and strengths are randomly distributed over that circumference. Variations in mechanical and microstructural features of grains are randomly distributed. Possible activities of surface cracks are predicted against loading cycles till either fracture occurs or all existing cracks become nonpropagating. The material's S‐N curve and fatigue limit can, thus, be assessed. Published experimental data on ferritic‐pearlitic steel specimens in push‐pull constant amplitude loading (CAL) were utilized. Different specimens were randomly configured and virtually tested. Comparison of experimental results and corresponding predictions validates the model, which, further, recognizes the effect of surface roughness, specimen size, and mean stress on lives. 相似文献
M.‐D. Wei F. Dai Y. Liu N.‐W. Xu T. Zhao 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2018,41(5):1002-1018
The cracked chevron notched Brazilian disc (CCNBD) specimen, suggested by the International Society for Rock Mechanics for testing mode I fracture toughness of rocks, usually yields rather conservative toughness measurements, and the reasons have not been fully explored. In this study, the CCNBD method is compared with the cracked chevron notched semicircular bending (CCNSCB) method in the fracture process zone (FPZ) and its influence on the fracture toughness measurement. Theoretical analysis reveals that the FPZ is longer in the CCNBD specimen than in the CCNSCB specimen using a relatively large support span, the toughness measurement using the former is affected more seriously by the presence of FPZ, and thus the CCNBD method is usually, more or less, conservative compared with the CCNSCB method. These inferences are further validated by experimental results, which indicate that the CCNBD test indeed produces much lower fracture toughness values and even the results of 75‐mm radius CCNBD specimens are still lower than those of 25‐mm radius CCNSCB specimens. Consequently, due to smaller FPZ, the CCNSCB specimen with a relatively large span is more likely to produce comparably accurate or representative toughness value, and it may be more suitable than the CCNBD specimen for the engineering applications that require more representative or less conservative fracture toughness. 相似文献
G. A. Gogotsi V. I. Galenko B. I. Ozerskii T. A. Khristevich 《Strength of Materials》2005,37(5):499-505
Fracture resistance of macrohomogeneous linear elastic yttria, scandia, alumina, zirconia, and silicon nitride ceramics was
studied upon flaking of the edges of rectangular specimens with the Rockwell indenter. The correlation between the obtained
estimates and fracture toughness test results gained by the single-edge V-notched beam method was demonstrated. Loads giving
rise to the flaking of a part of the edge and distances from this edge to the chip scar on the specimen surface were measured.
The ratio of those values was considered as a flaking toughness characteristic. The data obtained were statististically reliable
(based on more than a hundred determinations). This procedure termed the edge fracture method can be used along with other
known fracture toughness test methods for ceramics, its application is especially advantageous when ceramic item sizes are
comparable with those of the standard specimens or when expensive materials (e.g., nanoceramics) are tested.
Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 5, pp. 84 – 92, September – October, 2005. 相似文献