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论述绿色制造及其评价系统 ,并通过实例验证了该评价系统的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

利用基于模糊综合评判的数据包络分析优化分离序列   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种分离序列综合的方法,该方法建立在模糊综合评判的数据包络分析模型基础上。利用相对隶属度函数建立了模糊综合评判模型,在此基础上采用DEA3数据包络分析评价了模糊综合评判模型。通过引入虚拟最优单元,DEA3模型能够对所有决策单元排序。从而,通过DEA3分析就可以得到最优方案。计算也表明,不能忽略系统输入、输出的选择和隶属度函数对DEA方法寻优能力的影响。  相似文献   

绿色制造评价方法及在化肥工业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
绿色制造是实现可持续发展的必由之路。绿色制造评价是保证工业产品制造“绿色程度”的关键技术。本文论述了绿色制造及其评价方法 ,并通过实例验证了该评价方法的可行性和实用性  相似文献   

主要从专利的申请趋势、申请区域、技术分布和主要申请人等方面,对金属粉类点火药、5-氨基四唑类点火药、B-KNO3类点火药、胍燃料点火药、黑火药类点火药和不属于上述类型的其它类点火药等共6类安全气囊用点火药剂的技术发展现状进行了分析,指出它们在汽车、航天、航空等众多领域中具有十分广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

制造业是创造人类财富的支柱产业,但也给人类社会带来了严峻的资源环境问题,实施绿色制造已势在必行。化工设备绿色制造将导致化工设备的绿色设计、制造工艺的一系列变革和创新。  相似文献   

李锁祥 《火炸药》1997,20(4):19-21
对水解甘油用于双基火药生产进行了可行性分析和介绍。通过调研、论证和试验验证,得出可行性分析结论:符合QXB380-2-1标准的水解甘油制得的硝化甘油可以用于双基火药生产。  相似文献   

通过实验研究,提出了一种制备低温感包覆药的新工艺。中止燃烧实验和弹道计算结果表明:利用该工艺和传统的辊筒包覆工艺所制备的包覆药,具有明显的低温感效果,且用新工艺制得的产品质量更均一,是一种值得推广的工艺方法。  相似文献   

传统工艺生产人造纤维带来的严重污染有望解除。武汉大学化学学院张俐娜教授带领的科研团队,经过多年努力,在纤维素新溶剂及新型纤维素丝和膜的研究上取得重大突破,有望解决世界近百年来粘胶丝生产过程中的高污染问题,同时大大缩短生产周期。目前该技术正在江苏一家企业进行工业化试验。  相似文献   

A novel energy evaluation framework of petrochemical industrial processes based on a data envelopment analysis (DEA)‐integrated analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model is proposed. An improved AHP method is brought up based on the differences of data themselves to build fusion matrices among energy consumption data. Then the fractional DEA model is solved by the linear programming method. The integrating evaluation method can overcome the usual shortcomings of the DEA model and is also able to reflect the effectiveness of decision‐making units among different levels. A small number of such units are analyzed using the DEA model, and a multilevel integration of DEA efficiency values is disposed by the improved AHP method. The approach is firstly applied to the energy efficiency analysis of the ethylene production process in petrochemistry to improve energy consumption and efficiency.  相似文献   

综述了绿色制造及绿色涂装的现状与发展趋势,通过对工程机械结构件涂装过程中各种能耗工序及“三废”排放来源的分析,指出了实现工程机械绿色涂装的几种路径,并根据这些路径提出了底面合一及先刮腻子后喷漆的工艺,简化喷漆工艺流程,减少涂膜喷涂及烘烤次数,降低污染物排放及能源消耗.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is widely used within the manufacturing of cell and gene therapies to measure and characterise cells. Conventional manual data analysis relies heavily on operator judgement, presenting a major source of variation that can adversely impact the quality and predictive potential of therapies given to patients. Computational tools have the capacity to minimise operator variation and bias in flow cytometry data analysis; however, in many cases, confidence in these technologies has yet to be fully established mirrored by aspects of regulatory concern. Here, we employed synthetic flow cytometry datasets containing controlled population characteristics of separation, and normal/skew distributions to investigate the accuracy and reproducibility of six cell population identification tools, each of which implement different unsupervised clustering algorithms: Flock2, flowMeans, FlowSOM, PhenoGraph, SPADE3 and SWIFT (density-based, k-means, self-organising map, k-nearest neighbour, deterministic k-means, and model-based clustering, respectively). We found that outputs from software analysing the same reference synthetic dataset vary considerably and accuracy deteriorates as the cluster separation index falls below zero. Consequently, as clusters begin to merge, the flowMeans and Flock2 software platforms struggle to identify target clusters more than other platforms. Moreover, the presence of skewed cell populations resulted in poor performance from SWIFT, though FlowSOM, PhenoGraph and SPADE3 were relatively unaffected in comparison. These findings illustrate how novel flow cytometry synthetic datasets can be utilised to validate a range of automated cell identification methods, leading to enhanced confidence in the data quality of automated cell characterisations and enumerations.  相似文献   

绿色指数法——一种环境影响量化评价新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在环境影响评价制定原则的基础上,提出了一种新的环境影响量化评价方法——绿色指数法。该方法采用层次分析法确定每一物质的环境影响类型,并且用关联式的方法代替了常用的等级评分法,因而可以与经济效益结合起来,用于化工过程系统的优化中。  相似文献   

绿色过程系统合成与设计的研究与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
过程工业的高速发展导致环境污染不断加剧,对传统工业的改造和实现清洁生产离不开绿色过程系统合成的理论和方法. 本工作对绿色过程合成的相关研究进展进行了综述. 首先对现有的环境影响评价体系进行了分类、归纳和总结,评述了其各自的特点和作用,以及具体应用;其次对绿色过程合成的模型化和算法的研究进展进行了详细论述,介绍了其在废物(水)最小化、分离系统集成等方面的应用;论述了绿色过程合成在化工过程绿色设计中的应用和发展趋势. 将绿色化学原理和系统集成的普适性理论相结合,提出了绿色度的理论和方法,阐明了其研究内容和拟解决的关键科学问题,提出量化物质、能量、过程和系统的绿色度的原则方法,通过多目标优化实现不同层次系统的生态、经济和社会效益的全局最优.  相似文献   

李珊 《广州化工》2011,(24):113-115
以某机械公司新建项目为例,介绍了金属结构制造行业所涉及的主要工艺,如焊接、喷漆等。分析出各个工艺过程可能产生的环境污染,对项目中可能产生的"三废"及噪声污染,进行预测和评估,并制定相应的污染治理措施。为该行业其他项目的污染源分析及环保措施提供参考依据。同时,也为环保部门的管理及治理措施的采取提供了依据。  相似文献   

介绍胶粉制造方法的新进展,详细论述了挤出粉碎法和空气制冷低温粉碎法。  相似文献   

Powder bed fusion (PBF) suitable polyethylene particles are targeted by means of a direct synthesis, using a bisimino pyridine iron catalyst (BIP FeCl2) supported on microsized silica particles. An active support is generated by treating spray dried silica microparticles with a methyl aluminoxane activated BIP FeCl2 catalyst in toluene. Semibatch ethylene polymerization is mapped with respect to pressure, temperature, and reaction time to find optimal reaction parameters. The optimized synthesis leads to round polyethylene particles with a median size of ≈50 µm which have a sinter window of 8–15 °C and an unconfined yield stress (ffc) of 1.5 in a ring shear tester. The Young modulus of injection molded samples is in the range of 150–250 Pa with an elongation at break of about 30%. The powder flowability is improved by coating with nanosilica powder to an ffc of 3.8. Additivitation with carbon black allows to laser sinter the powder to solid parts in a small scale adapted setup for selective laser sintering (PBF/laser beam (LB)/P). Severe caking is preventing the preparation of CAD model conform parts. Commercial HDPE powder for PBF is additivated the same way to give substantially solid built parts, but with similar caking.  相似文献   

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