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Optical properties of Zn-doped CuInS2 thin films grown by double source thermal evaporation method have been studied. The amount of the Zn source was determined to be 0%-4% molecular weight compared with CuInS2 source. After that, samples were annealed in vacuum at the temperature of 450 °C in quartz tube. The optical constants of the deposited films were obtained from the analysis of the experimental recorded transmission and reflexion spectral data over the wavelength range 300-1800 nm. It is observed that there is an increase in optical band gap with increasing Zn % molecular weight. It has been found that the refractive index and extinction coefficient are dependent on Zn incorporation. The complex dielectric constants of Zn-doped CuInS2 films have been calculated in the investigated wavelength range. It was found that the refractive index dispersion data obeyed the single oscillator of the Wemple-DiDomenico model, from which the dispersion parameters and the high-frequency dielectric constant were determined. The electric free carrier susceptibility and the carrier concentration on the effective mass ratio were estimated according to the model of Spitzer and Fan. 相似文献
We synthesized polycrystalline Bi2 + xTe3 − x (− 0.2< x <0.2) thin films by electrodeposition in acidic medium. Since Bi2Te3-like structure may be uniaxially anisotropic due to its rhombohedral crystallographic system, we investigated their optical behavior using ex and in situ Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry in the wavelength range of 470 to 830 nm (1.5-2.6 eV). We found that room-temperature electroplated polycrystalline appears optically isotropic and that no depolarization effect occurs from the first steps of growth until several micrometers thick films. Additional ex situ measurements permit to obtain their optical constants from far-ultraviolet to near-infrared (190-2100 nm). 相似文献
Thin films of AgInSe2 are grown onto glass substrates by flash evaporation technique at temperatures ranging from 30 to 300°C and their electrical resistivity is studied. It is observed that the films deposited at 200°C have minimum resistivity. The variation of resistivity is explained in terms of the compositional variation in the films, which was carried out by EDAX (energy dispersive analysis of X-rays). The activation energies of the compound films grown at different substrate temperatures are determined. The implications are discussed. 相似文献
利用放电等离子烧结技术制备了三元半导体CuGaTe2。XRD分析结果表明,该半导体为单相化合物CuGaTe2,带隙宽度(Eg)约为1.0eV,与Ga2Te3(1.65eV)的带隙相比明显变窄。在701K时电导率达到1.6×104/(Ω.m)。电导率的显著提高与带隙变窄密切相关。晶格热导率占总热导率(κ)的主要部分,κ值由室温时的3.64W/(m.K)降低到701K时的1.1W/(m.K),并基本符合∞T-1关系,即声子散射基本受Umklapp过程控制。在701K时该三元化合物的最大热电优值ZT为0.49,而Ga2Te3在860K时的最大ZT值为0.16。 相似文献
Daniel Franta Ivan OhlídalDavid Ne?as František Vi?d'aOnd?ej Caha Martin HasoňPavel Pokorný 《Thin solid films》2011,519(18):6085-6091
Hafnia films prepared onto silicon wafers at three substrate temperatures of 40, 160 and 280 °C are optically characterized utilizing the multi-sample method. The characterization uses the combination of variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectroscopic reflectometry within the spectral region 1.24-6.5 eV (190-1000 nm). The structural model of the HfO2 films includes boundary nanometric roughness, thickness non-uniformity and refractive index profile. Spectral dependences of the film optical constants are expressed using a recently developed parametrized joint density of states model describing the dielectric response of both interband transitions and excitations of localized states below the band gap. It is shown that the observed weak absorption below the band gap does not correspond to the Urbach tail. 相似文献
The reverse resistance switching is observed in polycrystalline Nb2O5 film, which is one of promising candidates for nonvolatile resistance random access memory (ReRAM) devices. This reverse switching is compared with the usual behavior, in which the switching voltage VLH from low resistance (LR) to high resistance (HR) states is lower than VHL from HR to LR states. Based on these experiments, we propose a phenomenological mechanism for the resistance switching, which assumes the coexistence of LR and HR phases and the percolation transition. 相似文献
Niobate films have been prepared by the radiofrequency sputtering of NbO2 targets. Polycrystalline films have been deposited onto silicon substrates maintained at temperatures exceeding 620°C during preparation. Characterisation by X-ray diffraction indicates that the argon environment during sputtering must be doped with approximately 500 to 1000 ppm of hydrogen for the growth of films of niobium dioxide. 相似文献
A method involving only normal reflectance measurements was developed to determine the optical properties of thin transparent layers formed on opaque substrates over a wavelength range including the visible spectrum. The spectral refractive index of Nb2O5 anodically grown on niobium samples up to 215 nm thick was obtained by this method and also the spectral phase change on reflection at the oxide-metal interface. Index determinations, however, require separate measurements of the layer thickness using, for instance, grazing incidence X-rays. 相似文献
Thin films of nanocrystalline SnS2 on glass substrates were prepared from solution by dip coating and then sulfurized in H2S (H2S:Ar = 1:10) atmosphere. The films had an average thickness of 60 nm and were characterized by X-ray diffraction studies, scanning electron microscopy, EDAX, transmission electron microscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The influence of annealing temperature (150-300 °C) on the crystallinity and particle size was studied. The effect of CTAB as a capping agent has been tested. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the polycrystalline nature of the films with a preferential orientation along the c-axis. Optical transmission spectra indicated a marked blue shift of the absorption edge due to quantum confinement and optical band gap was found to vary from 3.5 to 3.0 eV with annealing temperature. Raman studies indicated a prominent broad peak at ∼314 cm−1, which confirmed the presence of nanocrystalline SnS2 phase. 相似文献
The optical absorption coefficients of highly oriented laser-evaporated thin films were determined from the measured reflectance R(λ) and transmittance T(λ) in the wavelength range 400–1700 nm. The optical absorption spectrum of CuInSe2 thin films shows three energy gaps, which are associated with the fundamental edge and valence band splitting by the tetragonal crystal-field and spin-orbit effects, and four optical transitions from the copper d levels to the conduction bands. 相似文献
Low temperature photoluminescence of CuGaTe2 was studied using number of different samples. Totally 11 photoluminescence bands were detected in the edge emission region. It is shown that at least 6 bands have peak positions at higher energy than the lowest optical bandgap of CuGaTe2. These bands were explained by using a model of resonant acceptor states (Fano-type resonances) in the valence band of CuGaTe2. Thus, the electron from the conduction band or from the donor level recombines with holes from acceptor levels related to the different valence bands. The energetic distance between these valence bands is found to be 84 meV. 相似文献
As part of a study of low work function coatings for enhanced electron thermionic and field emission, very thin films of ThO2 (~ 40 nm thick) grown by physical vapor deposition on polycrystalline Ir have been characterized by Auger electron spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy. Following resistive heating to > 1750 K strong morphological heterogeneity was observed in the ThO2 film suggesting significant sensitivity to local surface variations in the polycrystalline Ir substrate. Observed growth paradigms include: step-flow, quasi-laminar and triangular hillocks; pyramidal structures on large terrace regions; highly anisotropic growth and coalescence of pyramids; and overlapping regions where multiple growth modes exist. Despite the variety of morphological structures, XRD confirmed a preferred (111) orientation for the ThO2 fluorite crystallites, which is in good agreement with theoretical predictions and previous work on ThO2 films. Further, analogous behavior of calcium fluorite thin films, where similar morphological features were observed, has been reported. Among the morphologies in the ThO2/Ir system, quasi-laminar growth suggests the possibility of improving the efficacy of very thin films of ThO2 for enhanced electron thermionic and field emission. 相似文献
Mixed films of ZnSMgF2 were prepared by co-evaporation from a single source. The dispersion of the optical constants was obtained from the reflectance and transmittance data of the films for various compositions in the spectral range 2000–7000 Å. The values of the optical constants of the mixed films at any wavelength lie between the values of the optical constants of pure ZnS and MgF2 films. The refractive index of the mixed films closely obeys the Lorentz-Lorenz relation at wavelengths at which the absorption is small. The fundamental absorption edge of the mixed films shifts from that of MgF2 to that of ZnS continuously but non-linearly on increasing the concentration of ZnS in MgF2. Thus it is possible to use these films as variable frequency cut-off filters. The fundamental absorption edge of the mixed films follows the (hv-Eg)2 relation, indicating an indirect optical transition, in sharp contrast to the direct optical transition observed in bulk ZnS. 相似文献
Optical properties of In2O3 films prepared by spray pyrolysis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. Prathap Y.P.V. Subbaiah M. Devika K.T. Ramakrishna Reddy 《Materials Chemistry and Physics》2006,100(2-3):375-379
In2O3 thin films have been deposited on glass substrates by spray pyrolysis. InCl4 was used as the solute to prepare the starting solution with a concentration of 0.1 M. The films were grown at different substrate temperatures ranging from 300 to 400 °C. The as-grown layers were optically characterized in order to evaluate the absorption coefficient, optical band gap, refractive index, extinction coefficient and other optical parameters. The influence of substrate temperature on these parameters was reported and discussed. 相似文献
J. Eberhardt K. Schulz J. Cieslak U. Reislöhner F. Hudert W. Witthuhn 《Thin solid films》2007,515(15):6147-6150
Epitaxial and polycrystalline thin CuInS2 (CIS) layers were grown by means of molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on single crystalline silicon substrates of 4 inch diameter. Photoluminescence (PL) studies were performed to investigate the opto-electronic properties of these layers. For the epitaxial CIS, low-energy-hydrogen implantation leads to the passivation of deep defects and several donor-acceptor (DA) pair recombinations (from 1.034 eV to 1.439 eV) and two free-to-bound (FB) transitions (at 1.436 eV and 1.485 eV) become observable at low temperatures (5 to 100 K). Excitonic luminescence is completely absent for all investigated epitaxial CIS layers. This contrasts sharply with the PL of the polycrystalline films which is dominated by excitonic luminescence (1.527 eV). Also a donor-to-valence band transition at 1.465 eV (BF-1) and one donor-acceptor recombination at 1.435 eV (DA-1) were observed, while luminescence from deep levels is not present at all. Based on these data, a refined defect model for CuInS2 with two donor and two acceptor states is presented. Under comparable growth conditions, the electronic quality of polycrystalline CIS is superior to epitaxially grown material. 相似文献
Ion-beam assisted deposition of polycrystalline Y2O3 films using e-beam evaporation was investigated. For growth on non-crystalline substrates, low temperature growth yields randomly oriented polycrystalline material. At elevated temperature, surface energy anisotropy yields a (111) uniaxial texture. For film deposition with irradiation from an Ar ion beam, the out-of-plane texture remained (111) in orientation. The incident Ar ion beam induces an in-plane alignment of the Y2O3 films that is relatively broad. A six-fold symmetry in the out-of-plane X-ray diffraction phi-scans was observed for the (111) textured Y2O3 films, indicating a multi-variant in-plane texture and suggesting anisotropic damage along both the (110) and (100) projections. The lack of a sharp, single variant in-plane texture with ion beam irradiation is consistent with the relatively weak bond strength in Y2O3. 相似文献
Measurements of the electrical conductivity of polycrystalline Fe2 (MoO4)3 in the temperature range 370 to 900 K and in the oxygen partial pressure region 10?4 to 1 atm are presented. Fe2(MoO4)3 is found to be a semiconductor. Differing conduction mechanisms operate, depending on the crystallographic form of Fe2(MoO4)3 and the oxygen partial pressure, and their nature is discussed. 相似文献
Metal plasma ion implantation has being successfully developed for improving the electronic and optical properties of semiconductor materials. Prior to deposition, a TiO2 colloidal suspension was synthesized by microwave-induced thermal hydrolysis of the titanium tetrachloride aqueous solution. The TiO2 thin film was optimized to obtain a high-purity crystalline anatase phase by calcinations at 550 °C. The TiO2 coating was uniform without aggregation, which provided good photo conversion efficiency. Ag ion implantation into the as-calcined TiO2 thin films was conducted with 1 × 1015 ~ 1 × 1016 ions/cm2 at 40 keV. The peak position and intensity of the photoluminescence and UV-Vis absorption spectra are quite sensitive to Ag doping. The optical characterization showed a shift in optical absorption wavelength towards infrared ray side, which was correlated with the structure variation of the Ag+ implanted TiO2. Due to the strong capability of forming compounds between the energetic silver ions and TiO2, the photoluminescence emission and UV-Vis absorption efficiencies were improved. 相似文献
We performed spectroscopic ellipsometric measurement to characterize BaSm2Ti4O12 (BST) thin films grown on Pt/Ti/SiO2/c-Si substrate by rf magnetron sputtering. The six BST films were prepared at various deposition temperatures and thermal annealing times. The resulting refractive indices and extinction coefficients of the BST films show only slight change by the deposition temperature but a significant change after thermal annealing, implying the importance of the post annealing process. The increase of the refractive index can be understood by the higher density of the BST films caused by the crystallization after annealing process. 相似文献